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1. ac(c)ūsāciǒun, -tiọ̄n n.

Additional spellings: accusacioun, acusation, accusation
16 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) The act of charging someone with an offence or misconduct; (b) law formal accusation, indictment; (c) self-accusation, confession.

2. actǒur n.

6 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A doer, a maker; (b) actour of curing, that which brings about a cure; (c) a guardian, a steward; (d) law one who brings suit at law, the plaintiff.

3. addiciǒun n.

31 quotations in 2 senses
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Math. The act of adding numbers together; the arithmetical process of addition.

4. ālienāciǒun n.

18 quotations in 3 senses
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Law The transfer of one's title to property or rights; alienation or sale (of property); surrender or loss (of a right); also, alteration (of a will) [quot. 1458].

5. allē̆gāciǒun n.

7 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Law Formal declaration in court, presentation of evidence; maken allegacioun, declare; (b) an argument or reason proffered as evidence or proof.

6. ap(p)araunce, -ence n.

Additional spellings: apparaunce, aparence, apparence
44 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) Visible form, figure; (b) sight.

7. auctǒur n.

49 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) One who makes or creates a person or thing, one who founds an institution, one who brings about an action or a condition; creator, maker, originator, founder; perpetrator; first auctour, God; (b)…

8. benefī̆ce n.

61 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) A deed of friendship, benevolent act, a favor, a kindness; (b) an act of piety, a good deed.

9. calumnīe n.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) False accusation, slander; (b) law a false challenge, legal objection raised in bad faith.

10. cā̆s n.

263 quotations in 11 senses
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(a) State of affairs, circumstances, situation; predicament; hard cas; the fortunes (of a person), lot, destiny; (b) senden cas, yeven cas, to grant fortune, rule destiny; grant (a certain kind of)…

11. cauciǒun n.

11 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Something offered as security, such as a pledge, a bond, a pawn, or bail; finden, laien, yeven caucioun, give a pledge, furnish security; caucioun marchant, ?security in goods; (b) law an…

12. chalenǧe n.

44 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) A false or malicious accusation or charge; also, any charge; wrong chalenge, an accusation of having done wrong; (b) wrong chalenge, wrongdoing, injury inflicted upon others.

13. collūsiǒun n.

24 quotations in 2 senses
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Law (a) A secret understanding or agreement between persons to circumvent the law or to achieve a purpose by unfair or fraudulent means; collusion; (b) a fraudulent act, a subterfuge.

14. condiciǒun n.

104 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) A situation or state; circumstances of life or existence; condicioun of poverte, prosperite; childes condicioun, childhood; (b) status or station in a society; free condicioun, high condicioun,

15. contract n.

19 quotations in 4 senses
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Eccl. A solemn agreement to enter into matrimony, marriage vow or contract; contract of matrimonie (weddinge); also, a breach of this vow [quot.: 1395].

16. dette n.

92 quotations in 8 senses
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(a) Whatever one owes another in goods, money, tribute, rent, dues, or the like; a debt; paien (quiten, yelden) dette, to pay a debt; borwen dette, incur a debt; axen dette, demand payment of a debt…

17. effect n.

115 quotations in 12 senses
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(a) Execution or completion (of an act); attainment or consummation (of a desire, an aim); fulfillment or realization (of a wish, a prayer, a dream); (b) comen to effect, achieve or attain to; produce…

18. enǧīn n.

73 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Innate ability or intelligence, talent; skill, ingenuity, cleverness; also, a skill or craft; (b) deceitfulness, trickery; evil intention or design; a trick, a snare, a machination; fals engin

19. entenciǒun n.

66 quotations in 7 senses
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(a) Purpose, intention, or design; aim or object; final entencioun, ultimate purpose or goal; (b) of entencioun, on purpose, intentionally; of on entencioun, with fixed purpose; unanimously.

20. errǒur n.(1)

46 quotations in 4 senses
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The state of believing or practicing what is false or heretical; false opinion or belief; a false opinion, a heresy; fallen in(to) errour.

21. examināciǒun n.

19 quotations in 3 senses
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Inspection, investigation; consideration, deliberation, critical appraisal; first examination, primary concern.

22. excepciǒun n.

25 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Exception to a rule or general condition; also, an instance of it; (b) a reservation or exemption (provided in a treaty or statute); without(en excepcioun, without reservation, unreservedly…

23. figūre n.

127 quotations in 12 senses
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Shape, form, appearance: (a) visible or tangible shape or form; general appearance; bodili figure, figure of this world; of the face: expression; (b) of a living being: bodily form, appearance (often…

24. fīn n.(2)

93 quotations in 11 senses
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(a) Ending, end, conclusion, finish; termination, completion; bringen to fine, bring to an end, complete; (b) terminus; the bottom (of a well); (c) the latter part; the part near the end or close; the…

25. fō̆rme n.

249 quotations in 17 senses
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(a) The physical shape of something, contour, outline; the figure or shape (of a person), body; also fig.; (b) forme and shape, shape or forme, forme and shafte, etc.

26. fraude n.

52 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) The quality of deceitfulness, dishonesty, treachery; (b) a dishonest purpose, fraudulent intention; (c) ?a dishonest or deceitful person, a fraud; ?a dishonest act.

27. mā̆tē̆r(e n.

Additional spellings: matere
317 quotations in 12 senses
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(a) Physical substance, matter; material; mater subget, the matter or substance of which a thing consists; bodilich (ertheli) mater, corporeality; ?also, element [quots.: a1393 & c1400]; (b) prime…

28. mōciǒun n.

69 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) The process of moving from place to place; an instance of the act of moving; movement of heavenly bodies, waters, bodily humors, etc.; ?ability to move [2nd quot.]; (b) agitation, violent motion…

29. nōte n.(3)

94 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) A song, melody; also, tune, the setting of a song; kinges note [see king 1b. (h)]; (b) music; vocal or instrumental music, singing or playing; (c) the song of a bird, bird song; the characteristic…

30. obligāciǒun n.

52 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A binding pledge; commitment to fulfill a promise or meet the conditions of an agreement; also, something which restrains or confines someone [quot.: c1475]; maken obligacioun, to make a verbal or…

31. persǒun(e n.(1)

Additional spellings: persoune
202 quotations in 6 senses
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(a) An individual, a person; -- also with reference to Christ; coll. persons, people; (b) a persoun, per person; persoun or persounes, no persoun ne persounes; a persoun of eighte-tene, eighteen…

32. pit n.

200 quotations in 6 senses
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(a) A natural or man-made depression in the ground, hole, pit, ditch; cave; also fig.; also, an open excavation from which some mineral product is obtained or in which some industrial process is…

33. possessiǒun n.

91 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Ownership, possession; the fact of holding, occupying, or owning; having; bok of the possessioun, a written record of a purchase; haven possessioun, to have ownership or occupancy; taken

34. prē̆cept(e n.

Additional spellings: precepte
43 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) A commandment regulating human conduct, precept; esp. a divine command or injunction; one of the Ten Commandments; a precept as distinguished from a counsel [cp. counseil 5. (e)]; a rule of…

35. prē̆jūdice n.

48 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) A preconceived opinion, bias; withouten prejudice, without bias, impartially; (b) an expressed disfavor toward someone; disparagement, detraction; (c) despite, contempt; in prejudice of, in…

36. prē̆sence n.

90 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) The fact or state of being present; the fact of being together with someone or something; manere of presence, condition, present state; (b) with possessive pron. or of-phrase denoting the person…

37. prō̆ces n.

190 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) A sequence, succession, right order; progression; (b) bi (in) proces, in order, in turn; (c) a sequence of events, course of action, activity; an action, event; proceden bi proces, to continue on…

38. prohibiciǒun n.

11 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) An order forbidding or prohibiting certain actions; a forbidding; also, the condemnation of a practice [quot.: ?a1475]; (b) the action of restraining blood from a wound; also, the action of…

39. prōtecciǒun n.

61 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Protection, shelter, defense; keeping, guardianship; (b) the protection or maintenance which a lord or a patron provides a servant or retainer; patronage, sponsorship; -- also pl.; (c) law putten

40. prō̆testāciǒun n.

31 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Avowal, declaration; an avowal, allegation; maken (a, this) protestacioun, to avow, declare, acknowledge; (b) a condition, reservation; under protestacioun, upon the condition, with the…

41. prō̆vocāciǒun n.

12 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Incitement, urging; (b) prayer for forgiveness, supplication; (c) med. & surg. the inducing of a bodily function; stimulation of the hemorrhoidal veins; (d) law an appeal, esp. to a higher court…

42. purgāciǒun n.

56 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) Cleansing; also, the scouring or refinement of metal; also, the purification of the philosopher's stone; (b) a disposal site, a garbage dump; (c) maken a purgacioun of, to dispose of (filth)…

43. redempciǒun n.

48 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Theol. Salvation, redemption; maken redempcioun, to effect redemption (of sb.); (b) moral reformation; (c) liberation from captivity or hell; also fig.; (d) deliverance from captivity or restraint…

44. remissiǒun n.

41 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) Release from duty or obligation; freeing of captives; Bibl. dai of remissioun, a holiday from work; yer of remissioun, a Jubilee year; also, a Sabbatical year; don (maken) remissioun, to grant…

45. replicāciǒun n.

23 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Answering, an answer, a verbal response, rejoinder; an argument, a protest; an argumentative statement in a debate; maken (a) replicacioun, to answer, argue; (b) law an answer to a suit; a reply…

46. reversiǒun n.

23 quotations in 4 senses
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Law: (a) The return of an estate to the grantor or his heir upon the expiration of the grant; interesse (right, etc.) of reversioun; (b) an estate created by reversion, a reversionary interest; also…

47. sē̆quē̆l(e n.

Additional spellings: sequele
13 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Coll. & pl. Offspring, issue, descendants; heirs; ?also, followers [last quot.]; also, law the issue of villeins viewed as a property right; (b) a consequence; a corollary; also, something that…

48. stāt n.

346 quotations in 21 senses
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(a) A moral or spiritual state or condition; stat of dampnacioun (grace, right, etc.); stat of penaunce (teres), a state of repentance; (b) a mental state, frame of mind; (c) the physical state or…

49. submissiǒun n.

16 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Obedience, humility, submissiveness; also, self-abasement [quot. c1449]; (b) chiefly law submitting to the authority of another in providing a ruling; also, an agreement to abide by the ruling of…

50. suǧǧestiǒun n.

45 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) The action of prompting or urging; incitement; also, a proposal, suggestion; also [quot. c1390], a reason, motive; -- with prob. allusion to the phrase fals suggestioun in sense 2.(a); maken

51. tenǒur n.

50 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) The main point, focus, etc. of a document; the intent of a law or legal agreement; also, the tone of a letter [quot. c1400(?a1300)]; also in fig. contexts; (b) law the true and essential meaning…

52. transacciọ̄̆n n.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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Law Settlement of differences by mutual consent, compromise; also, a negotiated agreement.

53. transgressiǒun n.

28 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Disobedience to God's law, sin; wickedness, sinfulness; a breach of divine precepts, a sin; also, Adam's sin, the Fall; also, a straying [quots. a1475(?a1430); cp. sense (d)]; (b) disobedience to…

54. translāciǒun n.

52 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) A movement from one place to another; the transplanting of a sapling; a transmigration of a soul; (b) the transfer of a bishop to a different see; also, the relocation of a see; (c) the…

55. ūse n.(1)

193 quotations in 11 senses
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(a) The act of using or employing something; the fact of being used or employed; use, employment; also, the right to the use (of sth.) [last quot.]; the capacity for use (of reason) [quot. ?a1475]…

56. valǒur n.

43 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) Worthiness in terms of the chivalric virtues, nobility of character or breeding; also, spiritual worth [quot. ?a1475]; also, courtliness, refinement [quot. a1500(?a1400)]; of valour (b) bravery,…

57. vexāciǒun n.

28 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Physical suffering or affliction; also, a disturbance in a part of the body [1st quot.] (b) the act of inflicting trouble on others; trouble, tribulation; ?also, weariness [quot. a1500(?a1450)];…

58. vigǒur n.

26 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Vitality, energy, strength; also, vital essence (b) physical strength; energy in an activity; also, military force; martial prowess; energy or zeal in battle;—also pl.; (c) determination,…