Middle English Dictionary Entry

entenciǒun n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. entente.
(a) Purpose, intention, or design; aim or object; final entencioun, ultimate purpose or goal; (b) of entencioun, on purpose, intentionally; of on entencioun, with fixed purpose; unanimously.
(a) Will, wish, desire; emotions or feelings [quot.: (a1398)]; (b) naturel entencioun, entencioun of kind, natural or innate urge, inclination, trend, or tendency.
Heart, mind, understanding; taken to entencioun, take to heart; kepen in ~, keep in mind, watch; clene ~, pure heart; clere ~, clear understanding; just ~, impartial or fair mind, fairness; with hol ~, wholeheartedly.
(a) Opinion or view (concerning a situation); (b) significance or import (of a situation or doctrine); meaning (of a statement or word).
setten entencioun, give attention; taken ~, render devotion, pray.
Law The substance or provisions (of a document).
Med. and surg. (a) An end or objective (in the treatment of an injury or a disease); also, a plan or method of attaining such an objective; (b) a general principle of medicine or surgery, a teaching or doctrine.