Middle English Dictionary Entry

fō̆rme n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) The physical shape of something, contour, outline; the figure or shape (of a person), body; also fig.; (b) ~ and shape, shape or ~, ~ and shafte, etc.
(a) Outward appearance, likeness; esp., an assumed or false appearance; taken or maken ~, to assume a shape or appearance; (b) something seen, an apparition, a vision.
(a) Semblance, image, likeness; godes ~; (b) a representation in art, a statue, a painting, etc.; (c) the imprint of an object; (d) ~ of cros (rod), sign of the cross.
(a) An instrument for shaping; a mould; souteres ~, a cobbler's last; (b) a framework; the frame of a bed, window, wheel, etc.; fourneis or lede in ~, a cauldron set in a frame; (c) a backless seat, a bench.
Hunt. The burrow or retreat (of a hare, etc.).
(a) The way in which something is done or made; manner, mode, fashion; (b) ~ and maner, maner and ~.
(a) Style of writing; (b) literary device or idea; (c) literary type or genre; (d) the exact wording of a text, formulation.
(a) Disposition, attitude; ~ of kind (humanite), natural disposition; (b) condition, state.
(a) The correct or appropriate way of doing something: established process or procedure; customary or traditional usage; prescribed ritual; formal etiquette; (b) in (after) ~, in due (right) ~, in accordance with prescribed usage, properly, correctly; in ~ of lawe, according to legal procedure.
A fixed or prescribed course of study; don ~, rede for ~, to study for a degree.
Med. Formula for preparation of a drug, prescription.
(a) Model of life or conduct, example to be imitated; (b) pattern of a manufactured object; fashion in clothing, style, cut; also fig.; after ~ of, following the pattern of, after the fashion of.
?Beauty [rendering L forma in this sense].
Law (a) A legal agreement; treaty, contract, bargain; the terms or conditions of an agreement; (b) in ~ that, on condition that; in this (such) ~, on these (such) terms; in (under) ~, upon condition, under terms, according to terms; (c) a legal document; ~ of skil, decision, the document containing a decision; ~ of yift, a writ used in claiming entailed property, formedon; ~ of trespas, an action of trespass, the document embodying such an action; (d) ~ and effect, ~ and tenour, ~ tenour and effect, ~ tenour and purport, ~ tenour contenu and effect, etc., the essence of a legal document, the general sense or significance.
Phil. & Theol. (a) The archetype of a thing, or class of things, as it exists in the mind of God; the Platonistic 'idea', which serves as the pattern for a created thing; (b) an idea, conception, or mental picture of a thing.
(a) The essence of a thing, the formative principle, that which causes a thing to be what it is; (b) the essence of the thing (as contrasted with the matter of which it is composed); mater and ~, etc.; (c) accidental ~, that which gives to a thing some secondary mode of existence or some external characteristic perceivable by the senses; bodili (corporal) ~, that which causes a thing to have a body(either a spiritual or a material body); element (elementlich) ~, form as pertaining to the four elements, material form; essencial ~, the essence or nature of a thing, that which it is, that without which even substance of the thing cannot exist; hevenli (spiritual) ~, form as pertaining to spirit, spiritual shape or body (as opposed to material or physical); substancial ~, that which differentiates one thing, or class of things, from another; that which makes a man, a man, and a stone a stone.
(a) The classification to which a thing belongs, or which it enters; type of thing; species. [This sense is closely related to sense 1, and it is frequently difficult to distinguish the philosophical from the popular usage.] (b) in ~ of bred, under bredes ~, having assumed the accidental form and outward appearance of bread.