Middle English Dictionary Entry

enǧīn n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. gin.
(a) Innate ability or intelligence, talent; skill, ingenuity, cleverness; also, a skill or craft; (b) deceitfulness, trickery; evil intention or design; a trick, a snare, a machination; fals ~; --freq. pl.; (c) law withouten fraude or ~, withouten gile or ivel ~, without fraud or deception; unfailingly; malengine, q.v.
(a) A mode or manner of construction; design; god ~, good design or construction; (b) a contrivance or mechanism (for performing work); (c) a machine (for torturing).
(a) A machine or structure used in assaulting fortifications, such as the belfry, the Ludgar of Sterling, the mangonel, the musculus, the ram, the Robinet, the sow, the tower; (b) a machine for casting stones or other matter against or over walls; (c) any other (mechanical) device used in warfare;--also coll.; a weapon of personal combat; also fig.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: New form--added to (1405) quot. in sense 1.(c) to be added to form section: Also..(error) egyne.
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section may be incomplete and / or may need revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED. Provisional revised form section: Also engi(n)ne, ingine & (error) egyne; pl. engins, etc. & ingines & (error) ingendis.--notes per MLL