Middle English Dictionary Entry

translāciǒun n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A movement from one place to another; the transplanting of a sapling; a transmigration of a soul; (b) the transfer of a bishop to a different see; also, the relocation of a see; (c) the disinterment of the body or relics of a saint and the removal of such to another grave, reliquary, etc.; also, the similarly ceremonial relocation of the Ark of the Covenant [quot. 1429]; also, the feast day on which the translation of a particular saint is celebrated.
(a) A transference of dominion from one people or person to another; the surrender or loss of rulership; (b) law a settlement involving a negotiated transfer of property, etc.
(a) The miraculous conveying of Enoch or Elijah to heaven or paradise; also, rapture into another world [last quot.]; (b) a glorious transformation; also, a radical alteration in a state or condition.
The replacement of the old law or its priests by the new, supersedure.
(a) A translation of a text from one language into another; also, the body of an author's works existing in translation; a compilation of translated materials; (b) the act of translating from one language into another; also, the act of recounting an event or events by translating a variety of source material.