A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie.
- Title
- A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie.
- Author
- Harding, Thomas, 1516-1572.
- Publication
- Lovanii :: Apud Ioannem Foulerum,
- Anno 1568.
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- Subject terms
- Jewel, John, 1522-1571. -- Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande.
- Catholic Church -- Apologetic works.
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"A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A02637.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 10, 2024.
- title page
- license
- The Preface to the Reader.
A DETECTION OF ƲN∣TRVTHES IN M. IEWELSEPISTLE TO THE QVENE. THE FIRST BOOKE.- How vntruly and how slaunderously M. Iewel hath charged his Aduersarie with certaine hateful crimes, in his Epi∣stle to the Quenes Maiestie set before his pre∣tensed Defence of the Apologie. The First Chapter.
How vniustly M. Iewel obiecteth sharpe speache, and vn∣courteous wordes vnto his Aduersarie, and how iuste cause there was, that suche order of speache should be vsed. The .2. Chapter.
- Brentius the first author of this new deuise, of laying the Aduersaries sharpe wordes together in one heape, practized by M. Iewel.
- Sundrie wordes founde in the holy Scripture of more Sharpenes, then they are, which M. Iewel reproueth in mee.
- Sharpe, and bitter wordes vttered in the new Testament.
- That the vse of sharpe speache is conuenient according to the desert of M. Iewel, and of his felowes.
- Dissensions among the Pro∣testantes.
- Whether the chiefe Deuisers of this new Gospel might not iustly be called Loose Apostates.
- That it was no great offence to cal M. Iewel him selfe a Lyer, a Falsifier, a Boaster, a Scoffer.
- For what cause in writing my Confutation of the Apologie, I vsed suche verdure of stile, as might seme not ouer flatte, but tempred with conuenient sharpenesse.
- Harding.
- Harding.
M. Iewel countercharged with the like sharpenesse, and discourtesie of wordes, as he reproueth in his Aduersarie. The 3. Chapter.
- A few principal flowers of M. Iewelles modest, quiet, and charitable speache, vttered against the Catholikes, taken, as they came to sight, out of his preten∣sed Defence, founde, partely in the Apo∣logie, partely in the texte of the said Defence, some few also in the Margent.
- Scoffes, and Scornes against God, his Churche, and his Sainctes.
- Sacramentarie Scoffes.
- Scoffes against the Pope, Bishoppes and Priestes.
- Scoffes particular, and general.
- M. Iewelles sober and modeste Marginal Notes vpon the Confutation.
- M. Iewelles Outcries, bitter, and scoffinge Oos.
Answere to M. Iewelles View of Vntruthes, that is to sale, he pretensed Defence of suche Vntruthes, as he thought him selfe best hable to
ustifie, with whiche he is truly charged, and of whiche he hath not yet discharged him selfe. The 4. Chapter. -
M. Ievvel the apologie. Pa
. cap. 4. Diuis. 2. - To this M. Iewel maketh his Replie in this wise.
M. Ievvel. Apologie. part.
2. cap.12. - To this M. Iewel replieth and saith.
That Anaclet
Decree touching the necessitie of Communion to be receiued perteineth on∣ y to the Clergie. -
M. Ievvel. The Apologie. Parte.
2. cap.8. Diuis.2. -
M. Ievvel. The Apologie. Parte.
6. cap.5. Diuis.2. - That Pope Liberius was no fauourer of the Arians.
M. Ievvel. The Apologie. parte.
6. Cap.5. Diuis.2. -
M. Ievvel. Apologie. parte.
6. Cap.5. Diuis.2. - What was the propre errour of Pope Iohn. 22. touching the Soules departed.
- M. Iew. Vntruly attributeth that to Pope Iohn. 22. whiche was written of Iohn. 23.
M. Ievvel. The Apologie. Parte. 6. cap. 6. Diuis.
1. -
M. Ievvel. The Apologie. Parte.
6. cap.6. Diuis.1. -
M. Ievvel. The Apologie. Parte. 4. Cap.
1. Diuis.1. - Fornication pounished in the Clergie.
M. Ievvel. The Apologie parte.
6. cap.14. Diuis.1. - That Dioscorus onely vvas condemned in the Councel of Chalcedon, and that not by the Ciuile Magistrate, but by the Bisshoppes.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- section
- How iustly M. Iewel excuseth him selfe, and accuseth me, for leauing out this worde, Quo∣dammodo.
M. Ievvel the apologie. Pa
The Seconde Booke conteineth a Detection of certaine Lies, Cauilles, Sclaunders, and of suche other vntrue matter, vttered by M. Iewel in the first parte of the Defence.-
The first Chapter.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding. That Wiclef mainteined sundrie hainous Heresies.
- Harding. That the Professours of this new Gospel haue stirred the people to Rebellions.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding. S. Peter by this saying teacheth vs not to rebel against the Prince for maintenance of Religion.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding. Goddes promise being infallible, the Churche neuer erreth.
- Harding. That we haue not striken of the first fiue hundred yeres, as M. Iewel cauilleth.
- Harding.
- Harding. That the Sacramentaries haue ben persecuted by the Princes of Germanie, and by their Do∣ctours, and by the free Cities,
- Harding.
- Harding. M. Iewel attributeth the glorious conuersion of the Indians not to the power of the Gospel, but to the leading of natural reason.
- Harding. M. Iewel proppeth vp his weake cause with a forged write.
- Harding. The Councel of Basile, and that of Trent neuer yeelded to He∣retiques.
- Harding. That in Councelles Bishoppes onely haue sentence definitiue, the obiections of Pius 2. and Gerson answered.
son impudently be lyed, and falsified by M. Iewel. - Harding. Proued by their owne wordes, that Luther was the first publissher of the Gospel.
- Harding. That these Heretiques be of M. Iewelles side.
- Harding.
- Harding. Our doctrine is the doctrine of the Fathers; not of our selues, neither is the same forsaken.
- Harding. What difference there is betwen these holy Fathers and those pestilent Heretiques.
- Harding. The causes examined, for which M. Iewel allow∣eth not the Councelles of these last. 500. yeres.
- Harding. How litle this place of S. Augustine serueth M. Iewels purpose, and how falsly by him it is alleged.
- In what credite, and estimation S. Augustine had General Councelles.
- Truth draue M. Iewel to iustifie al our Doctrine, wherein he dissenteth from vs.
The first Chapter.
The Thirde Booke conteineth a Detection of certaine Lies, Cauilles, Sclaunders, &c. vtte∣red by M. Iewel in the second parte of his pretensed Defence.- part
The Apologie parte.
2. Cap.1. Diuision.2. Pag.90. - Confutation.
- Harding. That M. Iewel is not able to proue by Scripture certaine truthes, whiche with the Catho∣liques he teacheth touching the holy Ghoste.
- Harding. The Protestantes claime by the great visible Churche, and by the litle inuisible Churche, as it ser∣ueth best their turne.
- Harding. That by no such secrete Confession I haue graun∣ted them the first fiue hundred yeres, &c.
- Harding. That the Catholique Churche standeth in a mul∣titude of personnes, which M. Iewel denieth.
The Apologie parte.
- The Confutation of the Apologie. The seconde parte, the 2. Chapter.
- Testimonies auouching the Pope to be head of the Churche.
- part
The Apologie. Cap. 3. Diuis. 2. Pag. 98.
- Harding.
- Harding. The iustification of this Argument.
- Harding. M. Iewel alloweth no one man to be ruler, except he may liue for euer, and continue in one minde, which is fonde.
- Harding.
- Harding. Answere to the contrarities in certaine Popes repre∣hended by M. Iewel, and to the violating of Pope Formosus dead Carkasse. &c.
- Harding. Vnitie is best mainteined by the gouerment of one general Head.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding. Of Angelles, to what purpose Osee was alleged, of the Head inuisible, and visible.
- Harding. Answer to the former Comparison.
- Harding.
- Harding. M. Iewel in reasoning suppresseth that, wherein the proufe resteth: so his argumentes must be weake and vaine.
- Harding. Feede my Sheepe, are wordes of Peters commission to gouerne the Churche, and the same is proued by the Fathers.
- Harding. The Pope feedeth, and why Christe appointed him to be his Vicare.
- Harding.
- Harding. What rule is like to be, if the Scripture be made ruler and gouernour.
- Harding.
- Harding. The gouernment of the whole Churche exerci∣sed by the Popes actually.
- Harding.
- Harding. M. Iewel allegeth this and other places to his owne confusion.
- Harding.
- Harding. Peter felow Disciple with the rest, and yet Head of al, by S. Augustine.
- Harding. Difference betwen learning, and conferring together.
The Apologie. Part.
2. Cap,3. Diui.4. pag.107. - Confutation,
- Harding. M. Iewel is tolde where he maie finde his demaundes answered, and are also here answered in parte.
- Harding.
- Harding. M. Iewel fouly falsifieth the worde of Christ him selfe.
- Harding. This place of the Scripture, and two other of S. Chrysostom answered, by whiche M. Iewel would proue, that Peter had no preminence in gouernment aboue the other Apostles.
- Harding.
- Harding.
The Apologie. Cap. 3. Diuis. 5. pag. 108.
- Confutation.
- Harding.
- Harding. Erasmus answered. Difference founde betwen Deacon and Priest in Order, and betwen Bisshop and Bisshop in power of gouernment.
- Harding. The Pope maie be iudge in the cause of the Churche.
- Harding. The Aphrican Councel vntruly re∣ported by M. Iewel.
- Harding. Bonifacius 2. Fowly be lyed.
- Harding. What a man this Hilarie was and how vnworthy to be called S. Hilarie.
- Harding. These Phrases of Leo defended, and iustified.
- Harding.
- Harding. The Pope lawfully called the Prince of Pastours.
- Harding. The origen of vnitie beginneth of one, who is Peter, by S. Cyprian. The popes preeminence proued by S. Basil.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
The Apologie. Cap.
3. Diuis.7. - Harding. The Pope, or any other Bisshop is Bisshop, though he be negligent in doing his duetie.
- Harding. Hus mistaken for Wicklefe: a Canon of the Councel of Valentia truly expounded.
- Harding. The name of Vniuersal Bishop is not a proude name in the Pope, bicause he hath it of right.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- M. Iewels Forgerie concerning the name of Vniuersal Bisshop.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
The fourth Booke conteineth a ful refutation of al that M. Iewel hath laid together in his pre∣tensed Defence touching the Succession of Bi∣shops in the Churche from the Apostles time, vnto this present age: Item a proufe of the necessitie of Con∣fession.- part
- The Apologie parte. 2. Cap. 5. Diuis. 1. in the De∣fence. Pag. 125.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
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- Harding.
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- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Of Auricular, or Sacramental Confession.
The fifth booke conteineth a Detection of M. Iewelles errours, lies, sclaunders, &c. touching the Marriages of Priestes and Votaries, the Canoni∣cal Scriptures, the Sacramentes, and other pointes of Doctrine.- The wordes of the Apolagie. In the Defence 2. parte. ca. 8. Diuision. 1. Pag. 163.
That Priestes, and Votaries maie not marrie. The first Chapter.
- Harding.
- M. Iewels second, Principle for defence of Vow-breakers marriages, answered, which is, that Bisshoppes and Priestes were married in olde time.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- section
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- Harding.
- The Confutation. fol. 76. a.
- Harding.
- M. Iewels Vntruthes, and flatte Lies concer∣ning the Marriage of Priestes, and Votaries.
- Of the Canonical Scriptures, the Worde of God, Traditions, &c. The second Chapter.
- Of the Sacramentes of the Churche. The thirde Chapter.
- Of the power of Baptisme in infantes, and of Concu∣piscence. The 4. Chapter.
Of the Real presence of Christes Bodie in the Sacra∣ment of the Aulter. The
5. Chapter. - That in olde time many faithful at the celebration of the holy Mysteries stoode by, who receiued not the Communion. The 6. Chapter.
Of Communion in one, or both kindes. The
7. Chapter. - Of Transubstantiation, and M. Iewels falsehod in that matter. The 8. Chapter.
- Of applying the merites of Christes Death to others in the Masse. The 9. Chapter.
Of the Intercession made to Saintes to praie for vs. The
10. Chapter. - Of the possibilitie of keeping the commaunde∣mentes of God. The 11. Chapter.
- Of Faith without Workes, and of the Merite of good workes. The 12. Chapter.
- Of the Resurrection of the flesh attributed to the worthy receiuing of the blessed Sacrament. The 13. Chapter.
- That matters of faithe, and ecclesiastical causes are not to be iudged by the Ciuile Magistrate. The. 14. Chapter.
- That the Canonistes are wrongfully charged by the Apo∣logie, with teaching the people, that Simple For∣nication is no sinne. The 15 Chapter.
- A Comparison of Errours, with whiche M. Iewel chargeth me, and I on the other side, charge him. The 16. Chapter.
- A Note of certaine places of the texte of my Confutation, leafte out by M. Iewel in his Defence.
A Table of the chiefe matters
treated of in this Booke. - Faultes escaped in the printing.
- license