A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie.

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A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie.
Harding, Thomas, 1516-1572.
Lovanii :: Apud Ioannem Foulerum,
Anno 1568.

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Subject terms
Jewel, John, 1522-1571. -- Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande.
Catholic Church -- Apologetic works.
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"A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A02637.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


Item in the place aforesaid. Iewel.

That he is alvvaies vndoubtedly possessed of Gods holy Spirit. Confut. Fol. 285. a.


Not alwaies M. Iewel. I saie it not. I know, and denie not, but it maie wel be proued, that some Popes haue in sundrie their Actes and Deedes, lacked the direction of the Spirite of God, as Mēne, but not in Publique Decrees touching the necessarie doctrine of Faith. In the place noted by your Cotation thus I saie.

Gods wisedom (as the scripture faith) disposeth al thinges sweetly, and in one instant forseeth the ende, and meanes that be necessary to the ende.

If he promise any man life euerlasting withal he geueth him grace also to doo good deedes, whereby to obteine the same. Whom he hath glorified (saith S. Paule) them he hath iustified, and cal∣led. So whereas he hath by force of his praier made to the Father promised to Peter, and for the saftie of the Church, to euery Peters Successour, that his faith shal not faile, and therefore hath willed him to confirme his bre∣thren, that is, to remoue al doubtes, and errours frō them: we are assured, he wil geue him such witte, diligence,

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learning, and vnderstanding, as this Firmnesse, and Infal∣libilitie of Faith, and Confirming of Brethren requireth.
See further Reader, what I saie in that place.

To this and to the rest said in that place, M. Iewel maketh answer in his pretensed Defence after his com∣mon manner, with these graue and learned notes. Sadly, and Sagely, and muche to the purpose. Item, Vntruthe fonde, and childish, &c. Item, O worthy graue reasons.

Neither answereth he the matter only by such margi∣nal notes, but also otherwise at ful, where he furnisheth vs out two long leaues ful of trumperies pretended to be piked out of obscure, and late writers, Alphonsus de Castro, Beatus Rhenanus, Legenda aurea, Fasciculus rerum scienda∣rum, Iohannes Stella, Hulderikes forged Epistle, Erasmus Annotations, the disallowed Councel of Basil, the Appen∣dix or lable of the Councel of Constance, whiche he fowly falsifieth, reporting that of Iohn. 22. whiche was said of Iohn. 23. the vsurper, also out of Vesellus, the Glose vpon Gratian, one Iohn of Paris, Heruaeus, Gerson, Hostien∣sis the Canoniste, Aeneas Syluius in that booke, whiche he him selfe reuoked, and recanted, Petrarkes Rymes, Lyra, aldas Paina, Iouerius Hermannus Gigas, Iohannes Camo∣ensis alleged by Cornelius Agrippa, Iohn of Sarisburie, Hermannus Rid an Heretique, Cornelius Agrippa litle bet∣ter in his booke of vanitie, and of such litle worth late petie Doctours.

When he cōmeth to answer the pointe it selfe, which standeth in the force of Christes praier made vnto the Father for the Firmnesse of S. Peters, and his successours Faith: thus he frameth his answer, ful sadly, I warrant you, and like a godly Minister. If the Pope should erre,

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(saith he) r be in heresie, he might 〈…〉〈…〉 in an Acti∣on of Couenant, and require him to performe his promise. Suche Flowtes, and Scoffes becomme the Ennemies of Christes Churche, and thereof this felowe serueth him selfe, when learning faileth. One great aduantage he hath ouer me, he wil be sure to make moe lyes, then I shall haue liste, or thinke it labour worth, to answere. God be thanked, he can not shewe any Pope, that euer lacked the spirite of God, in setting foorth any publike Decree, touching any pointe of Faith, to be holden of Christian people.


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