A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie.

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A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie.
Harding, Thomas, 1516-1572.
Lovanii :: Apud Ioannem Foulerum,
Anno 1568.

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Jewel, John, 1522-1571. -- Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande.
Catholic Church -- Apologetic works.
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"A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A02637.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.



Cōpare the vse of our Churches M. Harding, vvith the Primitiue Church

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of God, and ye shal easily see the right of our Succession.


If I should compare your Churches with the Primi∣tiue Churche of God so narrowely, as I might, from the beginning to the ending, we should finde scant any sha∣dowe in your Churches of the Primitiue Church. There no man preached, but he that was lawfully sent, as S. Paule saith. And sent he was, either of Christ visibly, and sensi∣bly speaking vnto him, as when he said to the Apostles, as my Father sent me, I send you: or els by the Apostles, as when S. Paule sent Titus, and Timotheus, and S. Peter sent S. Clemēt, and so S. Clemēt afterward sent others, and so frō man to man. Now tel vs, who sendeth you to preach? Not the Bishops, which are the Successours of the Apo∣stles, whom ye despise. Who then? Forsooth one is sent of the common Weale, which neuer had power to send him: an other of the Ciuil Magistrate, who also had no such power: An other runneth before he be sent, and therefore commeth of him selfe, and is an Antichriste.

Moreouer the Apostles, and their scholars preached that, which they had heard preached, whether it were written, or no, as S. Irenaeus witnesseth. But you wil haue nothing preached, except it be written: and ne∣uerthelesse yee preache that, which is neither written, nor deliuered you by Apostolike Tradition, but as euery vaine, light, and idle braine imagineth of it selfe. They mingled water with wine, so doo not you. They taught the Supper of our Lorde to be the new oblation of the new Testamēt, as saith S. Irenaeus. You saie, there is no external Oblation of the new Testament, beside Christes death.

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In the Primitiue Churche, he that had ben twise maried, could not be Priest, according to S. Paules doctrine. You teache it to be lawful to make him Priest, that hath ben ten times married: and onlesse euery Priest, and Minister among you be married, ye iudge not wel of him. S. Paule speaketh of olde Widowes, who might marrie no more: you haue none such.

But what ende shall there be of wordes? If I would go thorough an hundred articles together, it should ap∣peare, that ye haue nothing like the Apostles, or like the Primitiue Churche. There, were Exorcismes, Insuffla∣tions, holy Oile, holy Chrisme, Incense, Altares, as we read in S. Dionysius: of al whiche ye haue not one, and condemne the hauing of them. They fasted a certaine number of daies, as they who keeping the example of Christe, fasted the forty daies, whiche we cal the Lenten Faste. They prayed, watched, gaue away al their goodes, and vowed so to doo: they vowed chastitie, and most exactly perfourmed the same, they commended the Dead to God with praiers, almose, and Sacrifices: whiche thinges ye for the most parte despise, and accompt super∣stitious.


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