A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie.

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A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie.
Harding, Thomas, 1516-1572.
Lovanii :: Apud Ioannem Foulerum,
Anno 1568.

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Jewel, John, 1522-1571. -- Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande.
Catholic Church -- Apologetic works.
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"A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A02637.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


Iewel. Pag. 102. &. 103.

M. Harding saithe farther: For asmuche as Christe is ascended into Heauen, and is novv no more conuersant emongest vs in visible Fourme, as he vvas before, it behoued some one man to be put in com∣mission for bearing the charge, and taking care for the vvhole Churche. Therefore he said vnto Peter, Feede my flocke: Confirme thy Bre∣thren. First vvhat auncient learned Father euer thus scanned the vvordes of the popes commission? Or vvhy doth M. Harding auouche so great a matter of him selfe onely, vvithout farther Authoritite? &c.

Harding. Feede my Sheepe, are wordes of Peters commission to gouerne the Churche, and the same is proued by the Fathers.

You tel my tale in suche wise, as you maie best make the matter seeme weake, and sclender. First I thinke good here to set before the reader (who is now made iudge of this controuersie) myne owne wordes, as I vt∣tered them my selfe. Then I shal the better frame my Answer to that you obiecte. Thus I saie.

Where these Defenders, as others the Aduersaries of this vnitie saie, that Christe is this one shepheard, this one

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Head who is so, we denie not, Shepeheard of his flock, Head of his body, Bridegrome of his spouse, Prince of hi kingdome, as it is before declared: yet saie they therein nothing to the disproufe of the catholique doctrine tou∣ching vnitie of the Head, which is in steed, and ministerie of Christ. For whereas the Father hath geuen to Christ al power in heauē and earth, so as he only is the King, Head, ruler, Iudge of al, the Pastour and Bishop of our soules: and therefore they whiche we acknowledge to be Kinges, Headdes, Rulers, iudges, Pastours, and Bishoppes in earth, be his Vicares, Lieuetenantes, Vicegerentes, and Ministers: al this power, by what name so euer it be cal∣led, being suche as is exercised and administred by his worde: neede it is, that for asmuche as Christe now dwelleth not with vs in visible presence, his Churche haue one man to doo his steede of outwarde ruling in earth, by his worde to administer al that is behooful, and to performe the duetie of the head in respecte of the bodie.

Now that Christe is not conuersant with vs visibly, as he was with his Disciples before his passion, and preacheth no more vnto vs with his owne mouth sen∣sibly: to atteine the vnderstanding of his wil, we maie not looke to haue God appeare vnto vs, as he did vnto the Fathers of the olde Testament, to speake to vs, as he did to Moyses face to face, mouth to mouth, as the Scripture saith, to sende vs his Angel, as he did to the Virgine Marie, to instruct vs with visions from Heauen, as he instructed Peter, to take vs vp into the thirde heauen, as he tooke Paule, there to heare the secretes of his wil: but it behoueth vs to be content for

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the working of that whiche remaineth to be done tou∣ching our Saluation, with suche order, as hath pleased him. For it is manifest, that Christe perfiteth al the Sa¦cramentes of the Churche. He it is, that baptizeth, he it is, that forgeueth sinnes, he is the true priest, that hath offered him selfe on the Crosse, and by whose power his body is daily consecrated, and offered on the Aulter. Yet bicause he would not remaine in visible presence with al beleeuers, he chose menne to be his Ministers, by whom the forsaid thinges should be done, and ministred to them. By like reason, forasmuch as he would take frō the Chur∣che his corporal and visible presence, it behoued some one man to be put in Commissiō for bearing the charge, and taking care of the Churche in lieu, and steede of him selfe. For this purpose before his Ascensiō he said to Peter, whose loue he had tried, and found to be most feruent a∣boue al others, feede my shepe, and before his Passion, Thou being againe cōuerted, strengthen thy brethren, And to him specially he said by promise, To thee wil I geue the keies of the kingdome of heauen, thereby to shewe, that the power of the keies should be deriued to others by him for the better keping of the vnitie of the Churche.

Now let it be iudged, with what substantial learning you haue cōfuted this doctrine. If it had not ben sounde, and such as clearely openeth, what we meane, when we cal the Pope the chiefe Pastour, and supreme Gouernour of Christes Flocke: doubtelesse you would not haue leafte it out of your booke. For you (making a shewe, as though you had printed my whole booke againe, and so confuted it) take onely that pleaseth you, and leaue out what seemeth to hard for you to answere, mangling, dis∣ordering,

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and confounding my whole treatie, to thin•••••••• it may beare the lesse face of learning, and of good prouf of the thinges I intreate of, which is a foule practise n∣uer vsed by any lerned man hitherto. And yet you would men to beleeue, you deale truly, and plainely in laying foorth my Confutation. Yet here hauing nothing to saie elles, least you should seeme to geue ouer, you de∣maund of me, what auncient Father euer thus skanned the woordes of the Popes Commission, or why I haue auouched so great a matter of my selfe, without farther authoritie.

Thus when I bring Fathers, you cal for Scripture, when I allege Scripture, you aske what auncient Father euer vnderstode it so, or why I dare so handle the Scripture: so ye wil be sure not to lacke mater of wrangling, what so euer I saie. Yet thus I answer. It is no hard peece of worke to proue by sufficient authoritie, that these wor∣des, Pasce oues meas, feede my sheepe, spoken to Peter, and in him to his successours, gaue Peter and his successours, Authoritie gneral to gouerne the whole Churche. S. Chysostome treating vpon these wordes, saith, as it is be∣fore alleged, that the charge to rule the whole worlde was geuen to Peter, and cōsequently to his successours. S. Gre∣gorie saith the same, as is before rehersed. Pascere, is not a word that signifieth to feede only, as you know, but also to rule and gouerne, and therefore Homere calleth King Agamemnon, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, the Pastor, that is to say, the ruler of the people.

And that it may appeare, that I auouche not this matter, and applie the place of S. Iohns Gospel to it of my selfe onely without farder Authoritie, as you say:

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it may please you to heare S. Ambrose teaching the same, and in manner with the same woordes, that I vsed, wri∣ting vpon the .24. Chapter of S. Luke, thus he saieth.

Dominus interrogabat, non vt disceret, sed vt doceret, quem eleuandus in coelum amoris sui nobis velut Vicarium relinquebat. Sic enim habes: Simon Ioannis diligis me? vtique tu scis Domine, quia amo te. Dicit ei Iesus, pasce agnos meos. Bene conscius sui, non ad tempus assumptum, sed iam dudum Deo cognitum Petrus testificatur affectum. Quis est enim alius, qui de se hoc facilè profiteri possit? Et ideo quia solus profitetur ex omnibus, omnibus antefertur. Our Lorde asked (that question of Peter, whether he loued him) not to learne, but to teache him, whom being to be lifted vp into heauen he leaft vnto vs, as the Vicare of his loue (that is to saie in plainer termes, such a one, as should be in steede of Christe in those thinges, that for his tender loue towardes vs he would vs to haue.) For euen so thou hast (in the Ghospel) Si∣mon the sonne of Iohn louest me? Yea verely thou knowest Lorde, that I loue thee. Iesus saieth vnto him: Feede my lambes. Peter here knowing right wel the secretes of his owne conscience, professeth that his good affection (whiche he bare to Christe) was not nowe entred into him for the present time, but that God knew it long before. For who is the man elles, that may soone professe this much of him selfe? And therefore in asmuch as he onely of al professeth it, he is preferred before al.

Lo M. Iewel, by this you maie see, I spake not of this matter altogether of myne owne head, and without far∣ther autoritie. S. Ambrose saith in effect so much as I said,

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That Christ, for so much as he should ascende into hea¦uen, and withdrawe his visible presence from vs, lea•••• behinde, him for our behoofe S. Peter, as Vicare of his loue. Nowe of this I may conclude, for so muche as Christe, who died for our loue, and redemed vs with his bloude, ceasseth not to loue vs: that he leafte not onely Peter, to be the Vicare of his loue for his owne life only, but also Peters Successours for euer, that is to saie, the Popes, for other Peters Successours we knowe not.

Arnobius likewise vnderstādeth this supreme charge, and auctoritie to be geuen vnto Peter, and therefore consequently vnto Peters Successours, applying the same texte of Scripture to that purpose. These be his wordes. Nullus Apostolorum nomen Pastoris accepit. So∣lus enim Dominus Iesus Christus dicebat, ego sum Pastor b∣nus: & iterum, me, inquit, sequunturoues meae. Hoc ergo no∣men sanctum, & ipsius nominis potestatem post resurrectio∣nem suam Petropoenitenti concessit, & ter negatus, nega∣tori suo hanc, quam solus habuit, tribuit potestatem. None of the Apostles hath receiued the name of Pastor (or shepeheard.) For our Lorde Iesus Christe alone said, I am a good Shepeheard. And againe, my shepe (saith he) folow me. So then this holy name, and the power of the name, our Lorde after his resurrection gaue to Pe∣ter being repentant, and being thrise denied, he gaue the auctoritie, whiche he had alone, vnto his denier.

S. Ambrose according to the worde of cōmission spo∣kē to Peter thrise repeted, feede, feede, feede, noteth three degrees of authoritie to be exercised in feeding. Iam non agnos, vt primò, quodam lacte vescendos, nec oniculas, vt se∣cundò, sed oues pascere iubetur, perfectiores vt perfectior gu∣bernaret.

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Now (that is to say, when Christe said at the thirde time, Feede) Peter is not commaunded to feede lambes, that are to be fed with a certaine milke, as at the first time: nor is he commaunded to feede the litle sheepe, as at the second time: but the Sheepe he is commaunded to feede, that the perfiter should gouerne them, that are of the perfiter sorte.

That learned Father S. Leo saith, Cùm Petro prae caete∣ris soluendi & ligandisit tradita potestas, pascendarum ta∣men ouium cura specialius mandata est. Whereas the power to loose, and binde was deliuered vnto Peter aboue the reste, yet the charge of feeding the Shepe, is committed to him more specially. The same S. Leo saith of Peter in an other place, Non solùm Romanae sedis, sed & omnium Episcoporum nouerunt esse primatem. As for Peter, they knowe him not onely to be chiefe ruler of the See of Rome, but also the Primate of al Bishops.

What shal I allege S. Gregorie, whose woordes be most manifest? He acknowlegeth S. Peter, and there∣fore euery Bishop of Rome his Successour, to haue the charge of the whole Churche by cōmission of Christ, al∣leging to that purpose the wordes, for alleging of whiche you blame me, as though I did it of mine owne selfe with∣out farther authoritie. Thus he saith. Cunctis Euangelium scientibus liquet, &c. It is euident to al that knowe the Gospel, that the cure and charge of the whole Church, hath ben com∣mitted by the word of our Lorde, to the holy Apostle Peter prince of al the Apostles: For to him it is said. Peter, louest thou me? feede my shepe: to him it is said, Beholde Sathan hath desired to sifte you, as it were wheate, and I haue praied for thee Peter, that thy faith faile not. And thou being once

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conuerted, strengthen thy brethren. To him it is said. Thou 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Peter, and vpon this rocke I wil builde my Churche, and the gates of Hel shal not preuaile against it. And vnto thee I wil geue the keies of the kingdome of Heauen: And what∣soeuer thou bindest vpon earth, shalbe bound also in hea∣uen, and what so euer thou lowsest on earthe, shalbe lowsed also in heauen. Beholde he receiueth the keies of the hea∣uenly kingdome: the power of binding and lowsing is geuen to him: the charge of the whole Churche, and principalli∣tie is committed to him. And here I wil adde that folow∣eth in S. Gregorie, & tamen vniuersalis Apostolus non vocatur, and yet he is not called the vniuersal Apostle, least M. Iewel finde great faulte with me, as he doth in his Replie, for leauing it out, and least once againe he feine, that I haue the Chinecoughe, and that I set S. Gregorie to schoole, and keepe him in awe, and suffer him not to tel more then I wil geue him leaue, and many suche gaie good morowes, that needed not at al. The same S. Gregorie writeth in much like sorte to Eulogius Bisshop of Alexandria.

Leauing al other Fathers, that might here to this pur∣pose be alleged, for breuities sake I wil ende with S. Bernarde, who writeth thus to Eugenius. Other pa∣stours haue their flockes assigned vnto them, eche man one. Al are committed to thee, the one whole flocke to one. Neither art thou onely the Pastour of al the sheepe, but also the onely Pastour of al the Pastours. Demaundest thou of me, howe I prooue it? Forsooth out of the woorde of God. For I praie you to whom (I wil not saie of the Bis∣shoppes) but also of the Apostles, were al the sheepe so absolutely, and indeterminately committed? If thou loue

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me Peter, feede my sheepe: whiche sheepe? The people of this, or of that citie, of this, or of that countrie, or king∣dome? My sheepe, quod he. Who now doth not euidently see that Christe did not appointe him certaine, but assigned him al? Where no distinction is made, there nothing is ex∣cepted. Thus you see, how litle cause you had to saie, why doth M. Harding auouche so great a matter of him selfe onely without farther authoritie.


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