The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East-India and Arabia Deserta in which, the several countries, together with the customs, manners, traffique, and rites both religious and civil, of those Oriental princes and nations, are faithfully described : in familiar letters to his friend Signior Mario Schipano : whereunto is added a relation of Sir Thomas Roe's Voyage into the East-Indies.
- Title
- The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East-India and Arabia Deserta in which, the several countries, together with the customs, manners, traffique, and rites both religious and civil, of those Oriental princes and nations, are faithfully described : in familiar letters to his friend Signior Mario Schipano : whereunto is added a relation of Sir Thomas Roe's Voyage into the East-Indies.
- Author
- Della Valle, Pietro, 1586-1652.
- Publication
- London :: Printed by J. Macock for Henry Herringman ...,
- 1665.
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"The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East-India and Arabia Deserta in which, the several countries, together with the customs, manners, traffique, and rites both religious and civil, of those Oriental princes and nations, are faithfully described : in familiar letters to his friend Signior Mario Schipano : whereunto is added a relation of Sir Thomas Roe's Voyage into the East-Indies." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 8, 2024.
- imprimatur
- title page
ORRERY, &c. -
P. Scipionis Sgambati è Societate Jesu,
PETRO àVALLE PATRICIO Romano, Ob cineres Conjugis exASIA revectos. - THE TRAVELS OF Peter Della Valle, Sirnamed The Traveller.
A VOYAGE TO East-India. WITH A Description of the large Territories under the subjection of the Great
MOGOL. - SECTION I. Of the several Provinces, the chief Cities, the Prin∣cipal Rivers, the extent of this vast Empire.
SECTION II. Of the Soyl there, what it is, and what it produceth,
&c. - SECTION III. What the chief Merchandizes, and most Staple, and other Commodities are, which are brought into this Empire.
- SECTION IV. Of the Discommodities, Inconveniences, and Annoyances, that are to be found or met withall in this Empire.
SECTION V. Of the Inhabitants of
East-India, who they are; Of their most excellent Ingenuity expressed by their curious Ma∣nufactures, their Markets at Home to buy and sell in, and their Trade abroad - SECTION VI. Of the care and skill of this people in keeping and mana∣ging their excellent good Horses; Of their Elephants and their ordering and managing them; And how the people ride and are carried up and down from place to place.
- SECTION VII. Of their numerous Armies; Their Ammunition for war; How they lade themselves with weapons; How terribly they appear; yet how pusillanimous, and low-spirited they are.
SECTION VIII. Of our safe and secure living amongst the Natives there, if we do not provoke them. Of their faithfulness unto those that entertain them as Servants: For how little they serve, and yet how diligent they are,
&c. -
SECTION IX. Of their buildings in Villages, Towns, and Cities; How their Houses are furnished; Of their
Sarra's or Houses for the entertainment of Passengers; Of their Tents, Wells, and of their places of pleasure,&c. -
SECTION X. Of their Diet, their Cookery in dressing it,
&c. - SECTION XI. Of the Civilities of this People; Of their Complements, and of their Habits.
SECTION XII. Of their Language, their Books, their Learning,
&c. -
SECTION XIII. Of their Physitians, Diseases, Cures; When they begin their year; How they measure their time,
&c. - SECTION XIV. Of the most excellent Moralities which are to be observed amongst the People of those Nations.
SECTION XV. Of their Religion, their Priests, their Devotion, their Churches,
&c. -
SECTION XVI. Of their Votaries; where, of the voluntary and sharp Pe∣nances, that people undergo. Of their Lent; and of their Fasts, and Feasts,
&c. -
SECTION XVII. Of the Marriages of the
Mahometans, and of their Po∣lygamy,&c. - SECTION XVIII. Of their Burials, of their mourning for their Dead, and of their stately Sepulchres and Monuments.
SECTION XIX. Of the Hindoo's, or Heathens, which inhabite that Em∣pire,
&c. -
SECTION XX. Of the tenderness of that people in preserving the lives of all other inferiour Creatures,
&c. - SECTION XXI. Of other strange and groundless, and very gross Opinions, proceeding from the blackness and darkness of Ignorance in that people.
SECTION XXII. Of their King the great
Mogol, his discent,&c. -
Mogol's Policy in his Government, exercised by himself and Substitutes. -
Mogol, shewing himself three times publickly unto his people every day, and in what state and glory he doth oftentimes appear. -
SECTION XXV. Of his Pastimes at home and abroad,
&c. where, something of his Quality, and Disposition. -
SECTION XXVI. Of the exceeding great Pensions the
Mogol gives unto his Subjects, how they are raised, and how long they are con∣tinued, &c. -
Mogols Leskar, or Camp Royal,&c. -
Mogols Wives and Women; [where somthing of his Children,&c. ] - SECTION XXIX. Of the manner of the style or writing of that Court.
SECTION XXX. Of the Jesuits, sent thither by their Superiours to convert People unto Christianity,