The whole book of Psalms collected into English metre by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others ; conferred with the Hebrew ; set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches ...
- Title
- The whole book of Psalms collected into English metre by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others ; conferred with the Hebrew ; set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches ...
- Author
- Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.
- Publication
- [Cambridge, England] :: Printed by John Field ...,
- 1666.
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- Subject terms
- Bible. -- O.T. -- Psalms -- Paraphrases, English.
- Psalters.
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"The whole book of Psalms collected into English metre by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others ; conferred with the Hebrew ; set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
- title page
- Veni Creator.
The humble suit of a sinner.
M. -
Venite exultemus. Psal. xcv. - Gloria Patri.
The song of S.
Ambrose, calledTe Deum. - The Song of the three Children.
The song of
Zacharias, called Benedictus. -
The Song of blessed
Mary, calledMagnificat. -
The song of
Simeon, calledNunc dimittis. -
The Symbol or Creed of
Athanasius, calledQuicunque vult. - The Lamentation of a sinner.
The Lords Prayer, or
Pater noster. -
The X Commandments. Audi Israel.
Exod. 20. - The complaint of a Sinner.
PSALMS ofDAVID in metre.- Beatus vir. Psal. i.
- Quare fremuerunt. Psal. ii.
- Domine, quid. Psal. iii.
- Cum invocarem. Psal. iv.
Verba m
a auribus. Psal. v. - Domine, ne in furore. Psal. vi.
- Domine Deus meus, Psal. vii.
- Domine Deus noster. Psal. viii.
- Confitebor tibi, Domine. Psal. ix.
- Ʋt quid, Domine. Psal. x.
- In Domino consido. Psal. xi.
- Salvum me fas. Psal. xii.
- Ʋsquequo, Domine. Psal. xiii.
- Dixit insipiens. Psal. xiiii.
- Domine, quis. Psal. xv.
- Conserva me. Psal. xvi.
- Exaudi Domine. Psal. xvii.
- Diligam te, Dom. Psal. xviii.
- Coeli enarrant. Psal. xix.
- Exaudiat te Dominus. Psal. xx.
- Domine, in virtute. Psal. xxi.
- Deus, Deus meus. Psal. xxii.
- Dominus regit me. Psal. xxiii.
- Another of the same,
- Domini est terra. Psal. xxiv.
- Ad te, Domine. Psal. xxv.
- Judica me, Domine. Psal. xxvi.
- Dominus illuminatio. Psal. xxvii.
Ad te, Dom.
lamabo. Psal. xxviii. - Afferte Domino. Psal. xxix.
- Exaltabo te, Domine. Psal. xxx.
- In te, Domine. Psal. xxxi.
- Beati quorum. Psal. xxxii.
- Exultate justi. Psal. xxxiii.
- Benedicam Dom. Psal. xxxiv.
- Judica me, Domine. Psal. xxxv.
- Dixit injustus. Psal. xxxvi.
- Noli amulari. Psal. xxxvii.
- Domine, ne. Psal. xxxviii.
- Dixi. Custodiam. Psal. xxxix.
- Expectant expectavi. Psal. xl.
- Beatus qui intelligit. Psal. xli.
- Quomadmodum. Psal. xlii.
- Judica me, Domine. Psal. xliii.
- Deus auribus. Psal. xliv.
- Eructavit. Psal. xlv.
- Deus noster. Psal. xlvi.
- Omnes gentes. Psal. xlvii.
- Magnus Dominus. Psal. xlviii.
- Audite bee omnes. Psal. xlix.
- Deus deorum. Psal. l.
- Another of the same,
- Miserere mei. Psal. li.
- Another of the same,
- Quid gloriaris. Psal. lii.
- Dixit insipiens. Psal. liii.
- Deus, in nomine. Psal. liv.
- Exaudi, Deus. Psal. lv.
- Miserere mei. Psal. lvi.
- Miserere mei. Psal. lvii.
- Si vere, utique. Psal. lviii.
- Eripe me. Psal. lix.
- Deus, repulisti. Psal. lx.
- Exaudi, Deus. Psal. lxi.
- Nonne Deo. Psal. lxii.
- Deus, Deus meus. Psal. lxiii.
- Exaudi, Deus. Psal. lxiv.
- Te decet hymnus. Psal. lxv.
- Jubilate Deo. Psal. lxvi.
- Deus miscreatur. Psal. lxvii.
- Exurgat Deus. Psal. lxviii.
- Salvum me fac. Psal. lxix.
- Deus in adjutorium. Psal. lxx.
- In te, Domine. Psal, lxxi.
- Deus, judicium. Psal. lxxii.
- Quam bonus Deus. Psal. lxxiii.
- Ʋtquid, Deus. Psal. lxxiv.
- Confitebimur tibi. Psal. lxxv.
- In Judea. Psal. lxxvi.
- Voce mea, Psal. lxxvii.
- Attendite populi. Psal. lxxviii.
- Deus, venerunt. Psal. lxxix.
- Qui regis Israel. Psal. lxxx.
- Deo exultate. Psal. lxxxi.
- Deus stetit. Psal. lxxxii.
- Deus quid. Psal. lxxxiii.
- Quam dilecta. Psal. lxxxiv.
- Benedixisti. Psal. lxxxv.
- Inclina, Domine. Psal. lxxxvi.
- Fundamenta. Psal. lxxxvii.
Deus. Psal. lxxxviii. - Misericordias. Psal. lxxxix.
- Domine, refugium. Psal. xc.
- Qui habitat. Psal. xci.
- Bonumest. Psal. xcii.
- Dominus regnavit. Psal. xciii.
- Deus ultionum. Psal. xciv.
- Venite exultemus. Psal. xcv.
- Contate Domino. Psal. xcvi.
- Dominus regnavit. Psal. xcvii.
- Cantate Domino. Psal. xcviii.
- Dominus regnavit. Psal. xcix.
- Jubilate Deo. Psal. c.
- Another of the same,
- Misericordiam. Psal. ci.
- Domine, exaudi. Psal. cii.
- Benedic anima. Psal. ciii.
- Benedic, anima mea. Psal. civ.
- Confitemini Dom. Psal. cv.
- Confitemini Domino. Psal. cvi.
- Confitemini Dom. Psal. cvii.
- Paratum cor. Psal. cviii.
- Deus, laudem tuam. Psal. cix.
- Dixit Dominus. Psal. cx.
- Confitebor tibi. Psal. cxi.
- Featus vir. Psal. cxii.
- Laudate pueri. Psal. cxiii.
- Inexitu Israel. Psal. cxiv.
- Non nobis, Domine. Psal. cxv.
- Dilexi quoniam. Psal. cxvi.
- Laudate Dominum. Psal. cxvii.
- Confitemini. Psal. cxviii.
Beati immaculati. Psal. cxix.
- part - א
- BETH. The second part.
- GIMEL. The third part.
- DALETH. The fourth part.
- HE. The fifth part.
- VAƲ. The sixth part.
- ZAIN. The seventh part.
- HETH. The eighth part.
- TETH. The ninth part.
- JOD. The tenth part.
- CAPH. The eleventh part.
- LAMED. The twelfth part.
- MEM. The thirteenth part.
- NƲN. The fourteenth part.
- SAMECH. The fifteenth part.
- AIN. The sixteenth part.
- PE. The seventeenth part.
- ZADE. The eighteenth part.
- KOPH. The nineteenth part.
- RESH. The twentieth part.
- SCHIN. The one and twentieth part.
- TAƲ. The two and twentieth part.
- Ad Dominum. Psal. cxx.
- Levavi oculos. Psal. cxxi.
- Letatus sum. Psal. cxxii.
- Ad te levavi Psal. cxxiii.
- Nisi quia Dom. Psal. cxxiv.
- Qui confidunt. Psal. cxxv.
- Another of the same,
- In convertendo. Psal. cxxvi.
- Nisi Dom. Psal. cxxvii.
- Beati omnes. Psal. cxxviii.
- Sape expugnaverunt. Psal. cxxix.
- De profundis. Psal. cxxx.
- Domine, non est. Psal. cxxxi.
- Memento, Dom. Psal. cxxxii.
- Ecce quam. Psal. cxxxiii.
- Ecce nunc. Psal. cxxxiv.
- Laudate nomen. Psal. cxxxv.
- Confitemini Dom. Psal. cxxxvi.
- Another of the same,
- Super fumina. Psal. cxxxvii.
- Confitebor tibi. Psal. cxxxviii.
- Domine, probasti. Psal. cxxxix.
- Eripe me. Psal. cxl.
- Domine, clamavi. Psal. cxli.
- Voce mea. Psal. cxlii.
- Domine, exaudi. Psal. cxliii.
- Benedictus Dom. Psal. cxliv.
- Exaltabo te. Psal. cxlv.
- Lauda, anima. Psal. cxlvi.
- Laudate Dominum. Psal. cxlvii.
- Laudate Dominum. Psal. cxlviii.
- Cantate Domino. Psal. cxlix.
- Laudate dominum. Psal. cl.
hymns and prayers
- A song to be sung before morn∣ing prayer.
- A song to be sung before evening prayer.
- The ten Commandments of God. Exod. 20.
- A Prayer.
- The Lords Prayer.
- The twelve Articles of the Christian Faith.
- A prayer to the holy Ghost, to be sung before the Sermon.
- Da pacem, Domine.
- The Lamentation.
- A Thanksgiving after the receiving of the Lords Supper.
- sung prayer
PRAYERS. A form of prayer to be used in private houses every morning and evening. - index of Psalms