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1. I wyl ye know also, As ierom & damascen do testifye, The custome of scriputre not vsyth..Of wymmen to wryte the genealogye.

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2. Henden damask til burgt oba, Abram hem folwede and wrogte woa.

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wo n.

3. [I]n feld damaske adam was mad, And ðeðen fer on londe sad.

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sheden v.

4. [I]n feld damaske adam was mad.

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Associated headword
feld n.

5. Henden damask til burgt oba Abram hem folwede, and wrogte woa.

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Associated headword
til prep.

6. At damaske is ðe ðridde stede, Quer abram is bigging dede.

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Associated headword
damask n.

7. An oðer alter abram seli Made..At damaske is ðe ðridde stede, Quer abram is bigging dede.

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Associated headword
bigginge ger.

8. Lo Adam, in the feeld of Damyssene, With goddes owene fynger wroght was he.

Associated headword
damascene adj. as n.

9. [1 yard of narrow] damaske [ribbon].

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damask n.

10. The hed of Sirie Damasch, and the hed of Damasch Rasyn.

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hed n.(1)

11. Loo damasch shal cese to ben a cite..þer shal ben laft in it as þe braunch of a cluster, & as þe shaking out [WB(2): schakyng doun; L excussio] of þe oile berie os of two or of þre olyues in þe cop of þe braunche.

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12. To alle þat dwelten in Cicilie & damasch & Lyban…nabugodonosor…sente messageres, þe whiche alle with o wil wiþseiden, & þei senten hem aȝeen voide & withoute wrshipe casten awei.

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13. Damasch shal cesen to ben a cite, and it shal be as an hypil [L acervus] of stones in falling.

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hipel n.

14. King Achas offrede to þe goddis of damasc, slayn sacrifises to his smijteres [L percussoribus].

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15. Whanne he hadde seen the auter of Damasc, kyng Achaz sente to Vrias, the prest, the exsaumpler of it, and the licnesse.

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16. He cam doun in to þe feldis of damasch in þe daȝes of rep [WB(2): ripe corn; vr. corn, that is, in haruest].

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ripe n.(1)

17. Cyre damascen cam ouer þat he ȝeeue helpe to Adadeser, king of Soba.

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yeven v.

18. Þe remnaunt forsoþe of þe woordis of he restorede damasc..wheþer not þese ben writen in þe booc.

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19. Losid atwynne is Damasch, turned is in to fliȝt.

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flight n.(1)

20. The tour of Liban that beholdith [L respicit] aȝen Damasch.

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21. nyȝ to the princes of prestis and axide of him epistlis into Damaske, to synagogis.

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22. Saul..confoundide the Jewis that dwelliden at Damask.

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23. The cite of Damascenys [L civitatem Damascenorum].

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Associated headword
damascene adj. as n.

24. I..wente to Damask, that I schulde brynge fro thennis bounden into Jerusalem, that thei schulden ben peyned [L punirentur].

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Associated headword
peinen v.

25. And whanne he made iourney [L iter faceret], it befel that he cam nyȝ to Damaske.

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journei n.

26. Paule..wente into Arabia and tornede þennes aȝe in to Damascus, and made [Higd.(2): makenge; L fecit] þre yeres.

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maken v.(1)

27. Damascus is to menynge schedynge [L fundens] blood, for þere Caym slowh Abel.

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28. Benette þe tenþe, pope after Gregory..was deposed..and Clement þe secounde i-ordeyned, þe whiche of oo ȝere in dede succedid..Damasus þe secounde, and he was two monþes, whiche in dede succedid Leo þe nynþe.

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29. Damasus..ordeyned..þat..psalmes schulde be seide in queor, so þat þe oon vers schulde be i-seide in þe oon side and þe oþer vers in þe oþer side, and þat Gloria patri schulde be i-seide at þe psalmes ende.

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iseien v.

30. Damasus..wroot vers uppon tombes þat he fonde of holy seyntes.

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31. Rasyn, kyng of Damascus, helpe awey þe tenþe lynage [L decem tribubus] of Israel aȝenst the kyng [vr. kynges] of Iuda.

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32. Tres albe cum duabus stolis et tribus manipulis de nobili panno aureo de damask.

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damask n.

33. Amorwe þei..come to a Forest with floures ful feire, þat was called Argos, þat þe kyng ouȝte in þe lond of damas.

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forest n.

34. In þe lond of damas, þe cuntre was dere.

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dere adj.(1)

35. Þer weore growyng so grene Þe Date wiþ þe Damesene.

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damascene adj. as n.

36. Pur j paire de poynettes enbroudes de hoppes et pur j bende de hoppes a le goune verd de damask.

Associated headword
hoppe n.(2)

37. [A red] pilche ribbonet [with] damask.

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Associated headword
ribaned ppl.

38. Alabastre is a white stoone wiþ strakes of diuers colours; of suche stone þe oynement boxe þat þe gospel speikeþ of was ymade;..and þat stone þat bredeþ aboute thebe and Damascus is more white þan oþer, but þe beste comeþ oute of is y seyde þat þis stone helpeth to wynne victorie and maystrye.

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39. Damascenus spekiþ oþirwise of stupor and seiþ þat stupor is wondringe of a newe þinge, et cetera.

Associated headword

40. Auctours spekiþ diuersliche of liȝt..wheþir it be in substaunce oþir accident..damascen seiþ þat liȝt haþ no substance of his owne.

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41. Liȝt is no body nouþer stremynge [L defluxum] out of a body, and damascen seiþ þat liȝt haþ no substance of his owne.

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streminge ger.

42. By þe cours and passyng [of rivers]…þe gardyns of damask beeþ y-wattered and ymoystede and y-made plenteuouse.

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watren v.

43. Alabastre is a white stoon wiþ strakes of divers colours…and þat stone þat bredeþ aboute thebe and Damascus is more white þan oþer.

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whit adj.

44. Damascenus seiþ þat aungelis beþ liȝtes intellectual, hauynge liȝt of þe firste liȝt.

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45. Oonliche of þis tree [the Damascus plum] droppeth and comeþ glewe and fast gomme [L gummi glutinosum et compactum].

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gleu n.

46. John Damas comprehendiþ al þese distinctiouns vndir on general discripcioun & seiþ þat a soule is a substaunce lyuynge symple & bodiles in his oune kinde.

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47. Plum tree hatte Prunus..and of þat tre is many maner of kynde; but the damacene is þe beste, þat comeþ out of Damask.

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Associated headword
damascene adj. as n.

48. Other ryuers..renneþ and passeth by damask, and by þe cours and passyng oþer of [?read: þer of] þe gardyns of damask beeþ y-wattered.

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49. and gleymy..and sowdeþ and byndeþ and gleweþ [L consolidandi et constingendi et conglutinandi], and refreyneþ & stynteþ mightiliche by vertue of þe gomme þer of teres and rennynge humours þat renneþ dounward fro þe heede.

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Associated headword
gleuen v.(2)

50. Other ryuers..renneþ and passeth by [L fluentes iuxta] damask.

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passen v.

51. With raysons corance & prunes damysyns.

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damascene adj. as n.

52. Take xx damascenes & xij figis & vj datis, sene [L sene].

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sene n.(1)

53. Ich haue ybe..In ermanie [vr. armonye], in alisaundre, and in damascle.

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Armenie n.

54. Drie prunis of damascenes.

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damascene adj. as n.

55. Take a potel of water..juiube..drie prunis of damascenes..& þanne lete him drynke.

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prune n.

56. He blenked for na blame In damask to spel of goddis name.

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Associated headword
spellen v.(1)

57. He ne blenked for na blam Damask [Göt: In damask] to spell vr lauerd nam.

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Associated headword
spellen v.(1)

58. So many prelates..of..damaske.

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Associated headword
damask n.

59. I pray ȝow that ȝe wole..byȝe a cloth of damask..of the lyȝtest pris.

Associated headword
light adj.(2)

60. I pray ȝow that ȝe wole go and byȝe a cloth of damask..of the lyȝtest pris.

Associated headword
pris n.(1)

61. A cloth of damask..of Grene oþer red oþer bleik.

Associated headword
damask n.

62. A cloth of damask..of Grene oþer red oþer bleik.

Associated headword
bleik adj.

63. Þat Elizabeth my wief have..aube, amice, fanon, and stole longyng þerto, þe crosse þerof riban and damaske.

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cros n.

64. Vnum integrum vestimentum de blodio damask, orphreyed de motteley veluet.

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orfreied adj.

65. i couple damask' cremesyn' continent' xxii vergas; xv couples damask' diversorum colorum continent' xlix pecias.

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couple n.

66. Pro uno vestimento de nigro panno de baudekyn, viz. j casula, deakyn et subdeakyn, cum una uno vestimento albo de damask, continente j casulam, deakyn et subdeakyn.

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deken n.

67. Item, l petite Cote de rouge Damask, saunz furr', les manches overtez, pris x s.

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68. Wevers also of wolne & of lyne, Of cloth of gold, damaske, and satyn, Of welwet, cendel, & double samyt eke.

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69. Eche be hym silfe werke at liberte: Gold-smythes first & riche Iowellers…Wevers also of wolne & of lyne Of cloth of gold, damaske, and satyn.

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wollen n.

70. Founded Eleazar of Damasc..þe citee, called Damasc after his surename.

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surname n.

71. The kyngdom of Surrye of the whiche the cytee of Damasc was chief.

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chef adj.

72. Whanne kyng Achaz hadde seyn the auter of Damask, he sent to Vrie, the preest, the saumpler and licnesse therof.

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73. Poule myche þo more he encresched, ande confunded þo Iewes þat dwelden atte Damaske.

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74. Fra þeine may men wende to Damasc on three days.

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on prep.

75. Helizeus Damascus…was ȝoman [F vadlet] & despenser of Abraham.

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yeman n.

76. Take ootmele [vrr. dates, damasines] and pike out the stones and grynde hem smale.

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ston n.

77. And v myle þeine es þe citee of Sydon..And xviii myle fra Sydon es..Beruch..And fyue myle þeine es þe citee of Damasc.

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thine adv.

78. Take xxti damacyns.

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damascene adj. as n.

79. As I…neghed vnto Damaske, ymiddes þo, sodenly vmschone [L circumfulsit] me grete lighte fro heuen.

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80. Helizeus Damascus..was ȝoman & despenser of Abraham.

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81. Of damasc, þe preuost [WB(1): prouost or kepere] of þe folc, of arathe þe kyng, he kepte þe cyte of damasc.

Associated headword
provost n.

82. By þe left way men gase by Damasc..By þe riȝt way men gase by Maryn and by þe land of Flagramy.

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right adj.

83. Whoso wil go fro the lond of Galilee of þat þat I haue spoke for to come aȝen on this half, men comen aȝen be Damasce.

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Associated headword
that particle

84. Put aboue..collirium album in which is not opium..þe fourme of taken of þe booke of damascenez.

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taken v.

85. Whoso wil go fro the lond of Galilee of þat þat I haue spoke for to come aȝen on this half, men comen aȝen be Damasce.

Associated headword
that rel. pron.

86. This Damask, sone of Elieser, the procuratour of myn hous, schal be myn eir.

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87. Wevers also of wolne & of lyne, Of cloth of gold, damaske, and satyn.

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damask n.

88. Noman shulde were no cloþe þat was woruȝt oute of Engelond as cloþe of gold, of silk, damaske.

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damask n.

89. Noman shulde were no cloþe þat was woruȝt oute of Engelond, as..damaske, vellewet, saton, baudekyn.

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baudekin n.(1)

90. The birthun [WB(1): charge] of Damask, Lo! Damask schal faile to be a citee.

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birthen n.

91. Also iiij stavis of red clothid with damaske.

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red n.(3)

92. Also iiij stavis of red, clothid with damaske.

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clothen v.

93. Also iiij stavis of red clothid with damaske.

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staf n.

94. Damysyns, which with here taste delyte, Full grete plente both off blak and white.

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damascene adj. as n.

95. A kyrtyl of blak velvet benethe and damaske above.

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96. Item, delivred to Guillemyn David a manntel [?read: mauntel] of damaske, fourred with ermynes.

Associated headword
mantel n.

97. A gowne of damaske fourred with ermines.

Associated headword
ermin n.

98. Delivred to Guillemette de Rewe, the fourrure of sables that was withynne the said gowne of damaske.

Associated headword
sable n.

99. The fourrure of grey that was in the manntel of damaske abovesaid, the whiche fourrure was putted in a lytil gowne of cloth.

Associated headword
furrure n.

100. A kyrtyl of blak velvet benethe and damaske above.