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1. scǒmen v.

29 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) To skim impurities or fat from (a liquid); -- also without obj.; clarify (butter, honey); skim the surface of (the white of an egg); (b) ppl. scomed, skimmed; of butter, honey: clarified; (c)…

2. shel(le n.

Additional spellings: shelle
105 quotations in 8 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) In general, the protective calcareous or chitinous outer covering of an invertebrate, a shell; (b) the shell of a mollusk, crustacean, or an echinoderm; also fig.; also in proverb; (c) shel fish […

3. shǒut(e n.(2)

Additional spellings: shoute
17 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) A flat-bottomed boat, barge; (b) shout man, the master of a shoute; also, a sailor on a shoute; also as surname.

4. skipper(e n.(1)

Additional spellings: skippere
8 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) The captain or master of a ship; (b) as surname [some quots. may belong to skipper(e n.(2)(c)].

5. sperling(e n.

Additional spellings: sperlinge
17 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) A fish of the family Clupeidae, esp. the sprat Clupea sprattus; ?also, a shoal of sprats [quot. ?a1500, 1st]; also, the pilchard Sardinia pilchardus; also, any small fish of the genus Merlangus

6. squil(le n.(1)

Additional spellings: squille
5 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) A woven basket; ?also, a bucket; (b) a hollow stem or cane.

7. strop(pe n.(2)

Additional spellings: stroppe
2 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
Law Destruction or spoliation of an inheritance.

8. sw- consonant clust.

1 quotation in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
For all words beginning with sw- from here to the end of this volume [of the print MED], the practice of the MED is to record all variant forms except those beginning with su-; forms with su- are…

9. tīle n.(2)

124 quotations in 8 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A brick; a masonry tile;—also coll.; brenned tile; clei tile; (b) in related cpds., combs., & phrases: tile of flaundres, flaundres (flaundrish) tile, bricks or tile made in Flanders; tile ston

10. voice n.

270 quotations in 8 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) The voice of a human being, centaur, etc.; a voice; also, vocal sound; a vocal sound or a sound made in speaking; in (with) o voice, in unison; in voice, aloud; soun (of) voice (b) the voice of…

11. wambais n.

2 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
= gaumbisoun n.

12. wē̆ld(e n.

Additional spellings: welde
22 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) A flowering plant variously to be identified with weld (Reseda luteola) or woad (Isatis tinctoria) [the latter esp. when glossing L sandix or gaisdo];—sometimes used medicinally or to make dye…

13. wẹ̄r(e n.(5)

Additional spellings: were
67 quotations in 4 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A feeling or personal condition of doubt or uncertainty; also, hesitancy, indecision; double wer, a state of doubt or indecision between two alternatives; in (a) wer, in a state of doubt or…

14. wer(re n.

Additional spellings: werre
268 quotations in 9 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) Large-scale military conflict between countries, peoples, rulers, etc. or between factions or forces within a single country, war, warfare;—also pl.; wer faringe, q.v.; open (pleine) wer, open…

15. wimble n.

21 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) An auger used in woodworking, a gimlet, wimble; also person.; axel-man wimble, a wheelwright’s wimble; frensh wimble, ?a specially adapted variety of wimble associated with French designs or…