Middle English Dictionary Entry

wẹ̄r(e n.(5)
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. awer(e n.
(a) A feeling or personal condition of doubt or uncertainty; also, hesitancy, indecision; double ~, a state of doubt or indecision between two alternatives; in (a) ~, in a state of doubt or hesitancy; (b) a state of error or confusion; stonden upon a ~, ?to be subject to error; (c) a state of anxiety, apprehension, or fear.
(a) An objective state of doubt, unverifiability or unpredictability; ben (dependen, stonden) in a ~, lien in ~, to be unreliable or uncertain; holden in ~, consider (sth.) to be uncertain; (b) bouten (oute of) ~, withouten (ani) ~, without doubt, certainly;—used as rime tag, often with diminished force; this (is) no ~, this is no matter for doubt.
(a) Jeopardy, danger; in ~ forto walten, in danger of falling; (b) misfortune, tribulation; also, woe, sorrow.
A matter of doubt, a doubtful thing; ?also, a matter to cause anxiety or involving danger or misfortune [2nd quot.].