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1. cedūle n.

16 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) A piece of paper or parchment containing writing; a written document, letter, etc.; (b) a brief document attached to a roll or enclosed in a letter, and usually containing a list of names or bill…

2. champartīe n.

17 quotations in 3 senses
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Law The practice of aiding a litigant for a share of the matter in dispute, champerty.

3. endōsen v.

14 quotations in 3 senses
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Law (a) To confirm or approve (a charter, bill, agreement, etc.), [orig. by writing on the back of the document];--also fig.; (b) to approve a reply to (a petition), to grant (a petition) under seal…

4. frank(e)lein, -in, -en n.

Additional spellings: frankelein, franklin, franklen
22 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A landowner and member of the gentry ranking immediately below the nobility; a freeman, a gentleman; franklein of toun, a free citizen, an owner of property in a town, a burgess; (b) as a personal…

5. panāde n.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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A long knife or dagger.

6. prīse n.(1)

19 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The taking of something; an exaction, taxation, requisition; (b) something or somebody captured, booty, prey; (c) something requisitioned for the king; (d) the king's customs; also, something…

7. quishin n.

52 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) A cushion, bolster, or pillow; a cushion for the arm or for sitting or kneeling on; also, a hassock or footstool; (b) quishin(es cloth, a case or cover for a cushion.

8. rāsen v.(1)

112 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) To scrape (sth.); also, shave (sb., somebody's crown); (b) to make erasures; erase (writing, a passage of writing, etc.); scrape (a page, book) clean; emend (a document) by erasure; rasen awei

9. raspīse n.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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A sweet wine; also, rose-colored wine.

10. relẹ̄f(e n.

Additional spellings: relefe
99 quotations in 6 senses
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(a) That which is left over or left behind, remains, remnants, residue; -- often pl.; also, a legacy, charitable bequest; also, dregs; relef of brucus, what the bruchus leaves; (b) rabble, ruins; (c)…

11. rescǒuen v.

55 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) To rescue or deliver (sb.) from captivity, fire, death, hell, abduction, etc.; keep (sb. from hell, death); also, raise (sb.) from the dead; (b) to aid (sb. in battle or under siege), relieve…

12. residence n.

19 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The condition of dwelling somewhere; dwelling place; also, eccl. of a clergyman: the fact of being in residence where his duties are performed; holden (kepen) residence, to dwell, reside, live…

13. rewarden v.

100 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) To give a reward; reward (sb.); (b) hunt. to reward (a hound or hawk), esp. with a part of the game; (c) to reward (affection, good deeds, etc.); -- also without obj.; (d) to pay (sb.) for goods…

14. riban n.

32 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Ribbon, edging material, riban frenge; (b) a ribbon; an ornamental band or border, trimming; an ornament, a necklace; ?a bracelet, an anklet; (c) = filaterie n.(d).

15. rīs n.(2)

36 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The edible seed or grain of the grass Oriza sativa, rice; (b) ris flour, flour (of) ris, rice flour; ris mele, mele of ris, rice meal; poudre of ris, powdered rice; (c) cook. a dish made of rice…

16. rō̆che n.(2)

87 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) A large rock formation; a cliff, rocky height, crag; a rocky area; also fig.; roche wal; (b) a rock in the sea or a river; a reef, rocky island; also, a cliff by the sea; (c) a cave, tunnel, or…

17. rok(ke n.(1)

Additional spellings: rokke
42 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Rock; a rock, stone, esp. a large rock or rocky outcropping; (b) a large rock or crag along the seacoast or in the sea; (c) a rocky outcropping on a mountain, cliff, precipice; rok side; (d) a…

18. rolle n.

96 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) A scroll; a scroll with its contained text; a roll of prayers [quot.: 1454]; (b) a roll used in the game of rage-man [see rage-man n.3.(b)]; rage-man rolle; (c) rolle of wacche, a scroll on which…

19. rō̆sī̆n(e n.

Additional spellings: rosine
25 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A distillate of turpentine, rosin; also, resin; (b) rosin clene (coiled, pured), god (clene) rosin, high-grade rosin or resin; red rosin, whit (drie) rosin.

20. rǒuel n.(2)

31 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A small wheel with radial points forming the extremity of a spur, a rowel; riden on rouel, to ride spurring; (b) a small wheel; a circular frame; also, the representation of a wheel or disk; rouel