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1. anlē̆t n.

11 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) Face; (b) forehead; (c) appearance, looks; image.

2. dweomerlāk n.

5 quotations in 1 sense
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Magic art, witchcraft.

3. gī̆ld(e n.

Additional spellings: gilde
58 quotations in 3 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) An association of dues-paying members, organized for charitable, religious, or political purposes; a fraternity, guild; (b) an association of craftsmen or tradesmen, a craft guild.

4. grei adj. & n.

119 quotations in 4 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) Ash-colored, flint-colored, dull, gray; of cloth: gray, drab; of a man: gray-haired; grei hered, grei hore, grei hored, gray-haired, hoary; grei her, an old man; grei tauier, one who taws pelts…

5. hei n.

78 quotations in 2 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) Grass cut or mowed and cured (usually as feed for livestock), hay; also, growing grass; (b) a crop or cutting of hay; (c) a tithe of hay; tithe of hei; (d) a wisp of hay used for wiping oneself.

6. hēr n.(1)

193 quotations in 5 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) An individual hair of the human head; pl. hairs, the hair; heres of hed, the hair of (one's) head; (b) the hair of the head coll.; her of hed; in their her, ?with flowing hair; (c) to)drauen her,

7. ketel n.

33 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) A pot for cooking, a kettle, a caldron; also fig.; (b) as surname; (c) in place names [see Smith PNElem. 1.91; 2.3].

8. mark(e n.(1)

Additional spellings: marke
222 quotations in 12 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) The boundary or limit of a field, mountain, forest, etc.; a border between countries or regions; the shore or bank of a sea or river; mark wei [OE mearc-weg], a road that serves as a boundary…

9. mēd(e n.(1)

Additional spellings: mede
36 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
Mead; also, drink in general; also fig.; med maker, one who makes mead; med and mete, med ne milk (must), med or win, milk and med, etc.;?med eglintin, mead flavored with brier rose.

10. mēl n.(2)

92 quotations in 5 senses
Sense / Definition
A fixed time, period of time; an occasion; at everi (ilk a) mel, on every occasion, continually; at on mel, ?at once, at one time; god (a sori) mel, ?a fortuitous (untoward, grim) occasion; kepen mel

11. shẹ̄le n.

16 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) A hut, hovel, usu. temporary; (b) in place names; (c) in surnames.

12. skẹ̄ling(e n.

Additional spellings: skelinge
4 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
An outbuilding; a shed, lean-to.

13. thong n.

69 quotations in 3 senses
Sense / Definition
A strip cut from a piece of leather; also, a thong cut from human skin; also in proverbs and prov. sayings.