Middle English Dictionary Entry

mēl n.(2)
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

A fixed time, period of time; an occasion; at everi (ilk a) ~, on every occasion, continually; at on ~, ?at once, at one time; god (a sori) ~, ?a fortuitous (untoward, grim) occasion; kepen ~, ?to employ (one's) time [see kepen 19. (c)].
(a) The appointed time for eating, mealtime; time of ~, mid dai ~; (b) ~ tide (time), mealtime.
(a) A meal, feast; also, feeding of an infant [quot.: a1500(?c1425)]; (b) ~ of mete, a meal; fasten to on ~, to skip one meal daily; meles mete, food for one meal, a daily meal; (c) food, sustenance; something to eat; also fig. inspiration; spiritual nourishment; bredes ~, bread; mete and ~, mete at ~; faren wel at mete and (at) ~, to have plenty to eat, prosper; senden..~, provide (sb.) with food, sustain (sb.); haven neither to mete ne to ~, be without food, go hungry; medeme ~, moderate eating; (d) ~ dai, a fasting day, during which only one meal is taken; ~ setle, a seat at a banquet; twi ~ dai, q.v.
A written figure of the cross (entered in a document to validate a solemn declaration); on (mid) Cristes ~.
?In place names [see Smith PNElem. 2.33, 37].