Middle English Dictionary Entry
yēven v.
Entry Info
Forms | yēven v. Also yeve, yevene, yewen, yef(e, yeffe, yeave, yive(n, yif(e, yiffe, yove, yofe, yven(e, yf, ȝeve(n, ȝewe, ȝef(e(n, ȝeffe, ȝeif, ȝive(n(e, ȝif(e(n, ȝiffe, ȝe(n, geve(n, gef(e, geffe, geife, give(n, giwe, gif(e(n(e, giffe, gief, gen, gin, eve(n, ive, h)if & ? yẹ̄ve, ȝẹ̄ve, (N) gẹ̄ve & (chiefly early) ȝieve(n(e, ȝief(e(n, (early) ȝevan, ȝefve, ȝifven, ȝifæ(n, gifan, gievan, hyef, (early SWM) ȝeove(n(e, (early infl.) givende & (?errors) ȝon, ȝuue, ju, (errors) ȝeem, ȝyuer; sg.1 yeve, etc. & (?error) ȝivis, (errors) ȝeuen, ȝiuen, ȝifuen; sg.2 yevest, etc. & yefst, ȝefste, ȝifst, ges; sg.3 yeveth, etc. & yewet, yefth, yifth, ȝevit, ȝevid, ȝefth(e, ȝeft, ȝifth, gifves, gith, (N) ges, gis(e & (early) ȝived, ȝifæð, ȝiefð, gifð & (?error) ȝif, (error) geuees; pl. (incl. impv.) yeveth, etc. & yevet, ȝevi(ȝ)t, ȝeftis, githe, gis, (16th cent.) giffon, ges, (early) yeft & (error) ȝeuyf; p.sg. yef, yeave, yeaf, yave, yaf(e, yaffe, yove, yf, ȝeve, ȝef, ȝave, ȝaf(e, ȝaffe, ȝahf, ȝaufe, ȝove, ȝof, geve, gef(e, gav(e, gaf(e, gaffe, gove, gof, af, (N) gaif, (early) ȝeave, ȝeaf, ȝæf(e, ȝaif, ȝiaf, geaf, gæf, giaf, iæf, iaf & ȝevede, ȝevid, giwid, (early) gived; pl. yeve, yave(n, yaf(e, yove(n, ȝeve(n, ȝefen, ȝeif, ȝave(n, ȝavun, ȝaf(e, ȝove, ȝovin, ȝofen, geven, gefe, gave(n, gaf(e, gafin, gaffe, gove(n & (early) geaven, geafen, geafon, iæfen, iaven, iafen, (SWM) ȝefven, ȝeoven, (Orm.) ȝæfenn, gæfenn; ppl. yeve(n, yevine, yevone, yewe, yef(en, yeffin, yeaven, yeoven, yive(n, yif, yove(n(e, yowe, yowin, yofe, yoeven, ȝeve(n, ȝevun, ȝewin, ȝef(un, ȝeffe, ȝeife, ȝive(n, ȝif(e(n, ȝiffen, ȝove(n, ȝovun(e, ȝovn, ȝowin, ȝofen, ȝoffe, ȝon, geve(n, gevon, gewin, gef(en, geffe, geffin(ne, give(n, givine, givon, giwe, giwin, gif(e(n(e, gifun, giffen(e, gifhen, gove(n, gowine, gofe, gen(e, (N) gifein, gin(e, gien, (NEM) gein, (16th cent.) yffen, gon, (early) ȝefve & yeft, yoved & (?error) ȝeifi, (errors) govym, yolvyne. Contractions: yemme, ȝemme (= yeve me); gevet (= yeve hit); ȝifstow (= yevest thou); gafs (= yef us); yovenet (= yeven hit); giffner (= yeven hire). |
Etymology | From two sources: (1) OE gifan, giefan, gefan, gyfan; p. geaf, gæf, gaf; pl. gēafon, gēfon; ppl. gifen, gyfen & (2) ON: cp. OI gefa, OSwed. gifa, ODan. givæ. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. ayeven v., foryeven v., iyeven v. (entry in preparation), & unyeven v.
(a) To give alms, gifts, etc., give something voluntarily, make a gift; give generously (to sb.); give alms, gifts, etc. (to sb.) in response to a request; also, in partitive construction: ~ of, give of (one’s means, goods, etc. to sb.);
(b) to give (sth. material) gratuitously and unconditionally, transfer ownership or possession of (an object, property, etc.) without recompense, give (alms, a gift, etc.), bestow;—usu. with indirect obj.; also iron.; ~ awei, give (sth.) away;
(c) to convey ownership of (sth. material to sb.) in response to a request or plea, grant; give (sb. a requested gift);
(d) to convey ownership of (sth. material) for the accomplishment of a specified purpose or cause, contribute; donate (money, a gift, etc. to a religious house, God, etc.);
(e) to convey ownership of (sth. material, sth. to sb.) in accord with or in violation of a bequest; distribute (an estate); also, alienate (property from the heirs or possessor);
(f) to assign future ownership or disposition of (goods, property, etc.) by testament; bequeath (sth. to sb.); also, promise (sb. sth.) [1st & 2nd quots.]; also in fig. context [quot. a1500(?a1450)];
(g) to reward (an inferior) with (sth., a woman), give (sb. sth.) in response to some service or good deed, in the hope of cultivating fame, etc.; also used iron.; also, reward (sb.) for services rendered (as distinct from rendering payment owed) [quot. c1300(c1250)]; ~ mede (reward);
(h) to supply (sth.) as a dowry; dower (sb.) with (sth.);
(i) to give (sb. sth. as an award or a prize), award (sb. a prize);
(j) in proverbs and prov. expressions.
Associated quotations
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)12190 : Þe deofell…nass hiss mahhte nohht o þa To ȝifenn ne to sellenn.
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)9 : Gief þe nedfulle.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)11/29 : We sculen bliðeliche ȝiuen…alle ðe…us for his luue besecheð of ðan ilche gode.
- a1325(c1280) SLeg.Pass.(Pep 2344)567 : Ȝiueþ vs of ȝoure oyle ffor oure lampes beoþ oute.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)198/2-4 : Ne þe ilke ne heþ herte to yeuene: þet ne yefþ er me acsi, þe ilke deþ wel þet yefþ to þe poure þet acseþ, ac he deþ bet þet yefþ wyþoute aksinge.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Deeds 20.35 : It is more blessid for to ȝyue, more than for to receyue.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.225 : Vn to a poure ordre for to yiue Is signe that a man is wel yshryue.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.487 : Ful looth were hym to cursen for his tithes But rather wolde he yeuen…Vn to his poure parisshens aboute Of his offrynge and eek of his substaunce.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.810 : The speces of misericorde ben as for to lene and for to yeue and to foryeuen and relesse.
- c1400 St.Anne(1) (Min-U Z.822.N.81)176 : Off my gudes I sall gar gyffe…To poure men.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)1157 : Not auarice, the foule caytyf, Was half to gripe so ententyf As largesse is to yeue and spende.
- c1440(?a1375) Abbey HG (Thrn)56/34 : Mercy hir syster sall be ambynowre, þat gyffes to alle, and noghte kane kepe to hir-selfe.
- a1450(?1404) As þe see (Dgb 102)25 : Tak fro þi foo and ȝeue þi frende.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)1486 : Whanne any pore man gan to me craue, I gafe hym nowt.
- c1475 Bk.Physiog.(Cmb Ll.4.14)221 : Sol makyth a man…ffayre spekynge, and without boste, gladeliche purchasinge and curteysliche ȝevenge.
- a1475 Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)9888 : And he þat bileueþ not in God…None almesdede do he ne may, Þogh he ȝeue þe pore alday.
- a1500 St.Alex.(5) (Tit A.26)41/182 : Myne owne men…hate gewyn me of theyre cheryte.
- a1121 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.656 : Ic Wulfere gife to dæi Sancte Petre & þone abbode Saxulf & þa munecas of þe mynstre þas landes & þas wateres & meres & fennes & weres & ealle þa landes þa þær abuton liggeð.
- a1126 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1125 : He wæs underfangen mid wurðscipe & ealle hine iæfen micele gife.
- a1131 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1128 : Þær he wæs underfangen of ealle gode men, & ealle him geauen gersume.
- a1150(OE) Vsp.D.Hom.(Vsp D.14)112/8 : He gelefde þæt æighwylc þe him ænige geofe geafen [OE sealde] bereowsunge on his life dyde.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)9293 : Whasumm…hafeþþ tweȝȝenn kirrtless, Gife he þatt an summ oþerr mann Þatt iss wiþþutenn kirrtell.
- a1225(?c1175) PMor.(Lamb 487)56 : Þe þet echte wile habben wel hwile þe he muȝe es welden, Giue [Trin-C: ȝieue; Eg(1): ȝiue; Jes-O: yeue] hies for godes luue.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)127/31 : Se þe benimð ðe þine kiertel, ȝif him þine mantel.
- a1200 PMor.(Trin-C B.14.52)191 : We ȝieueð uneaðe for his luue a steche of ure breade.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)196/13 : Þah ich ȝeue poure al þet ich hefde, ȝef ich nefde luue þerwið…al were ispillet.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)8491 : He him wolde ȝifuen lond.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)8856 : Gingiuere & licoriz he hom lefliche ȝef.
- a1300 Leuedi sainte (Add 27909)26 : Hord þat ich telle is almesse-dede, ȝieue þe hungrie mete.
- c1300 SLeg.(LdMisc 108)420/8 : Manie of-hongrede, and beden also þat men sum guod heom eue.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)812 : Min children þat ich ȝef mi god beþ min meste fon.
- c1330 Body & S.(5) (Auch)p.28 : Hem þou ȝeue [Add: gafe] ȝiftes grete…For to glewe þe.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)46/9 : Þe ilke þet wynþ, he…ssel hit yue uor godes loue.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1467 : Grete ȝiftes were give of gold and of selver.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.1441 : Theseus…made hym a squier And gaf hym gold to mayntene his degree.
- c1400 St.Anne(1) (Min-U Z.822.N.81)378 : To poure folke gayf scho yt ay.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)6569 : They wonnen all her sustenaunce…And the remenaunt yaf awey To other pore folkis.
- a1425 Dial.Reason & A.(Cmb Ii.6.39)29/10 : Lent þing is not ȝeuen.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)159/35 : A frend ȝeueþ a present to anoþir.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)537 : Ȝeve, or ȝevyn [Win: Ȝon or ȝevyn]: Do confero, tribuo, dono, prebeo.
- c1440(a1400) Eglam.(Thrn)260 : I sall ȝow gyffe twa gud grewhundis.
- c1440(?a1400) Perceval (Thrn)1983 : Þou hase giffen thi part of bothe away.
- a1450 Mandev.(3) (BodeMus 116)77/31 : God hath youe it [Holy Land] vs into oure hond for youre synnys and not for oure strenthe.
- (1460) Plea & Mem.R.Lond.Gildh.12 : He seith pleynely for verray trouth…þat he in no maner…neither ffurnisshed, stuffed, sold, yeaf, purveyed, nor delivered any harneys or Armure to þe saide Erl.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)17/24 : They were come to gyve hym yeftes with hard swerdys betwixt the neck and the sholders.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)37/19 : Lette hit be geffyn frendly unto thes two kyngis.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)37/27-8 : They gaff the godis as frely to theire knyghtes as hit was gevyn to them.
- ?1472 Let.Coldingham in Sur.Soc.12 ()225 : Andreas…is mor glad her off and a man had gifeyn hym a c ducatez.
- (a1475) Fortescue Gov.E.(LdMisc 593)110 : A kynge…wolde take from thaim thair lande and gyf it to his servantes.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)184/32 : If I ȝeue an almes in money or if I fast, with ful avisement for þis eende þat god loue me…þis avisosnes is not þe dede of fasting, neiþir is þe almes ȝeuing.
- c1450(a1400) Chev.Assigne (Clg A.2)271 : Mony was þe ryche ȝyfte þat þey ȝafe hym.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.311 : Ȝif nout awey…to oþer men þi good & þi catel.
- a1500 Bod.EMisc.Lapid.(BodEMisc e.558)24/32 : His [diamond’s] vertu is gretter whenne he is yeven frely thenne whenne hit is bought.
- a1500 Lond.BPrayer (Hrl 335)p.224* : Pray for tham whiche gythe…un to this chirche any ornamente.
- a1500 Partenay (Trin-C R.3.17)652 : Euery bewepte hys deth mornyngly, Thys Erle beried ryght ful solempnely, Ful nobley wele the almes yef and do.
- a1500 SLeg.Pass.(Vsp A.3)959/118 : Him was not geue so mikel plas, War-on he miȝt dee fayre, Ne a turf of herd erth.
- a1525(?1474) Cov.Leet Bk.391 : Cam oure lorde prince Edward…to Couentre, and the Meire and his brethern…metyng oure seid lord Prince…yevyng hym there a c mark in a gilt Coppe.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)11978 : Þat trew…myche good hase þe gyffen of his gold red.
- c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch)1830 : What þou askest me Ȝiue y schal þe.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (Bod 416)195/12 : What she wol aske Heroud wol ȝeue to hure.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)35/4 : That wolle I not yeave you.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)38/15 : Woll ye geff me a gyffte?
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)13553 : For goddes loue, ges me som part.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)536 : To God here I gif a gift.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Par.29.7 : Þei ȝifen in to þe wercis of þe hous of þe lord fyue thousend talentis of gold.
- (1415) EEWills23/12 : Þat other half be ȝeifi to the maryage of yonge pore wommen.
- (1423) Doc.Brewer in Bk.Lond.E.148/251 : Þoo persones…deyeden yn þese ij ȝeris, for þe wheche was ȝoven diuerse sommes of monye to þe craffte and Fraternite.
- (1429) Reg.Langley in Sur.Soc.16979 : To the reparacion of those tenementes…I have gyven to the…Mesondieu…xl l.
- c1450 Royal SSecr.(Roy 18.A.7)7/5 : God…his ricchesse enlargisshith and habundauntly yefith vnto lijf of wys men.
- (1466) in Cox Churches Derb.4.85 : A grene sute of Vestementes…Mr Mydylton of london gaffe.
- (?1474) Stonor1.146 : j tabulle of alebasture…Mastres Jane Stonor has yeft unto þe chapelle of Stonor.
- a1500(c1465) SEChron.(Lamb 306:Everett)62 : London yave to the werrys Ml. li.
- a1500 St.Anne(3) (Tan 407)83 : On parte they ȝouyn to god…to the meyntonawnse of holy chyrche and goddes servyse.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)11469 : He shuld…spir…what godes þai wold gyffe to the gret harmes.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)365 : He was hosled and shriuen, His quiste maked and for him gyuen.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)28325 : Ic seketur…Ne folud noght…þe testament…Bot gafe i it gain dedis will.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)10.312 : Litel had lordes to done to ȝyue londe fram her heires.
- (1430) EEWills87/9 : I will þat þat money be yefen in Almys for my sowle.
- (1444) Will Daubeney in Som.RS 19340 : Y wol ther be a blak sywete of vestementes yeffyn and all to serve at the auter of our lady.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)2964 : Syn þou art ded…He hath ȝoue me al þat was þyne.
- a1500(?c1414) ?Brampton PPs.(1) (Sln 1853)p.16 : That I have getyn with sore travayle, Men ben a boutyn to ȝyve fro me.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Glo 42)727/6 : He wolde fulfylle his faderes wylle, and gyfe it to þe moste fole þat he cowlde fynde.
- -?-(1471) Will in Som.RS 16221 : I wil that myne executours yeve to 5 poore men 5 gownes.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)3350 : He to lond canaan Comen, ðat god hem giuen gan.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)2 Par.6.25 : Þou schalt…bryng hem aȝeen in to þe lond þat þou ȝeeue to hem.
- (1420) EEWills45/6 : I ȝewe to Iohn Forster my godsonne a becure of seluer y-keueryd.
- (1431) EEWills90/9 : The remenaunt of my good I giffe and bequethe to William Estfeld.
- (1459) Lin.DDoc.118/11 : The Residew of all my other goodis…I yeff and beqweth to Alys my wyff.
- (1463) Will Bury in Camd.4923 : I yeve here…the clothes…that longe to ye bedde that she hath loyen in.
- (1463) Will Bury in Camd.4931 : The howsyng, rente, and othir londs…is gove and grawntyd to helpe to the seid yeerly charges be syde.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Hrl 7333)25 : Þe only douȝter…is þe soule of man…to whom god hath ȝevin and bequeþon…paradise.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)241 : My fader hath yoven his londe…to Bandemagn, his nevew, after his discesse.
- -?-(1459) Will in Som.RS 16193 : Where my lord my fader…bequeathed in his testament to my sonnes…700 marke, I have yeve to him to manors of Flyntfeld and Felcham.
- a1150(OE) Vsp.D.Hom.(Vsp D.14)89/4 : Gyf þu mihtest ænige bote me finden of minen yfele, ic þe wolde gyfen gold & seolfer, swa mycel swa þin scip heonne ferigen wolde.
- a1250 Cristes milde moder (Nero A.14)34 : Alle þine ureondes þu makest riche kinges, þu ham ȝiuest kinescrud, beies, & gold ringes.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)15529 : Ȝif þu miht under Criste þis forward me ileste, ich þe ȝeuen [?read: ȝeue] to hure al Deuene-scire.
- c1300(c1250) Floris (Cmb Gg.4.27)71 : Þe mariner[s] he ȝaf largeliche þat broȝte him ouer bluþeliche.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)3941 : Ðog balaac king me goue hold His hus ful of siluer…Ne mai ic wenden her bi-neðen.
- a1325(?c1300) NPass.(Cmb Gg.1.1)153 : Wol iye yeue me mede And to Iesu ich wol you lede?
- c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch)1851 : Ȝifstow glewemen þi quen?
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)5355 : No tong miȝt telle…þe mede to menstrales þat mene time was ȝeve, of robes wiþ riche pane and oþer richesse grete.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)2 Kings 18.11 : I schulde han ȝife to þee ten cicles of seluer.
- c1390 PPl.A(1) (Vrn)3.203 : Hit bicomeþ For a kyng…To ȝiue meede to men þat mekeliche him seruen.
- c1440 PLAlex.(Thrn)59/3 : Swore þou noȝte till vs…þat þou solde giff vs a worthi reward?
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)1662 : He…Geues þam garsons of gold.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)272/23 : What tresoure that there is in this castel, I yeff hit you for a rewarde for your grevaunces.
- a1500(a1400) Ipom.(1) (Chet 8009)6868 : He had gyffner to them bothe.
- c1450(a1400) Libeaus (Clg A.2)2034 : For þou sauyst my lyf, Casteles ten and fyf J ȝeue þe wyth-outen ende.
- a1500 Parton.(1) (Add 35288)3321 : Hys bonde kyndrede y made fre…And yff hym [UC: Gaffe hem] castell and cetye.
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)652 : Gyff them ther reward þat they were gone!
- 1530(c1450) Mirror Our Lady (Fawkes)18 : The prynces of the worlde gyueth worldly rewarde to her praysers.
- ?a1425(?a1350) Castleford Chron.Lear (Göt Hist 740)208 : Leir…Wald…Nothyng wyth her gyfe of hys handes.
- c1475(a1400) Amadace (Tay 9)p.48 : A gifte schalle I ȝo gife, Halfe my kyndome, quiles I life.
- a1500(?a1400) Torrent (Chet 8009)934 : Two duchyes in [londe] I wille geve here in hande.
- a1400(?a1350) Siege Troy(1) (Eg 2862)49/601 : Y…ȝaue her þe balle hastely And seide she was þe feirest lady.
- a1425 Siege Troy(1) (LinI 150)44/552 : Knyȝt, gef me þe bal and han y-don!
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)74/10 : There come Discorde and cast an appil of goolde vppon þe boorde, where-on was writen: Lete þis be yoven to þe faireste.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)176/24 : Therefore was gyffyn hym the pryce, and that was a jarfaucon and a whyght stede trapped with cloth of golde.
- a1475 Siege Troy(1) (Hrl 525)176/435 : That appull, Parys, yef þou me.
- a1500 GRom.(Glo 42)774/12 : Þerfor schall þe ryng be yeve to suche oon.
- a1275 Serm.St.Nich.(Trin-C B.14.39)66/120 : Yeuet on, ye findet tuo.
- a1300 Selden gifis men (Dgb 53)21 : Selden gifis men dumb man land.
- a1325 Prov.Hend.(Cmb Gg 1.1)st.16 : Wo me litil ȝevid, he is me live an.
- a1325 Prov.Hend.(Cmb Gg 1.1)st.36 : Wan man ȝevit þe a pig, opin þe powch.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Luke 12.48 : To whom moche is ȝouun, moche schal be axid of hym.
- a1450(c1433) Lydg.St.Edm.(Hrl 2278)395/1046 : A gifte is doublid whan it is youe soone.
- c1450(c1386) Chaucer LGW Prol.(1) (Benson-Robinson)451 : Whoso yeveth a yifte…Do it by tyme, his thank ys wel the more.
- c1450 Dc.Prov.(Dc 52)p.44 : He þat a lytul me ȝeuyth, to me wyllyth longe lyffe…Ȝefe me and I the, And so schul we frendus be.
- c1450 Dc.Prov.(Dc 52)p.45 : Of a litul me ȝeuyth a litul.
- c1475 Abbrev.Trip.SSecr.(UC 85)282/13 : All that is yiuen to thaim that ben vnworthy is lost.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.63 : It is…more blisful to ȝeuyn þan to takyn.
(a) To bestow (sth. immaterial), confer (possession of sth., a privilege, title, benefice, an office, etc.); grant jurisdiction over (a kingdom, bishopric, etc.), put (an institution, a city, jurisdiction, etc.) into someone’s charge; grant (authority, power, etc.);—usu. with indirect obj.; also, confer (the right to a specified coat of arms on sb. or a guild);
(b) to gift (sb. with freedom);
(c) to convey (property, rights, privileges, jurisdiction over a bishopric, district, etc.) by formal instrument;—usu. with to phrase and person as obj. of prep.; also in fig. context;
(d) to reward with (sth. immaterial), give as a reward; of God: give (a place in heaven, the grace of a good end, etc.) as a reward; give (a reward); also fig.;—usu. with indirect obj.;
(e) of a person: to award (victory to sb. or sth.), adjudge; also, grant (preeminence to sb.);
(f) to forgive (sb. a debt).
Associated quotations
- a1121 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1107 : Nan man næs þe gemvnde þæt æfre ær swa fela togædere gyfene wæron.
- a1131 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1127 : Iæf se kyng him þone eorldom of Flandres.
- a1131 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1127 : He gæf þone abbotrice of Burch an abbot, Heanri wæs gehaten.
- ?a1160 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1140 : Þe eorles…brohten hire into Oxenford & iauen hire þe burch.
- c1175(?OE) Bod.Hom.(Bod 343)28/23 : Hwa ȝeaf þe ðesne andweald þæt ðu swylce ðing makyȝe?
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)7011 : Þurrh þe king off Romeburrh Himm [Herod] ȝifenn wass þatt riche.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)3574 : He him Lundene ȝæf.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)298 : Sholde ic yeue a fol…Engelond, þou sho it yerne?
- (1324) Iche Edward Kynge (Jul F.10)2 : Iche Edward Kynge Have yeoven of my forest the keping…To Randolph Peperking.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)8864 : Alle þe bissopriches…he ȝef…& alle þe abbeies þer to.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1096 : Ȝif me þe ordur of kniȝt.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Mel.(Manly-Rickert)B.3039 : As touchynge that ye seyn ye wol exile youre aduersaries, that thynketh me muchel agayn resoun…considered the power that they han yeuen yow vp on hem self.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)19.178 : He [Christ]…ȝaf Pieres power.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)298/26 : Þei wolen ȝeue þe ordir of preest to a man þat is an ydiote.
- (a1428) Doc.N.Convocation in Sur.Soc.113163 : Ye power of ye keys…was gyen also to oyer Bisshops and prestes.
- (c1434) Drury Wks.(CmbAdd 2830)78/106 : The sacrament of ordere…ȝeuyt hym power to mynysteryn & makyn oþere sacramentis.
- c1450(1410) Walton Boeth.(Lin-C 103)p.4 : Þere is none more parelouse pestilence Þan hyhe estates gyffen vnto schrewes.
- c1450(a1425) MOTest.(SeldSup 52)141 : He gafe them power playn Abuf All erthly thynge.
- (?1454) Paston2.102 : He wysshed…to hafe gofe me a lyvyng by reson of a benefice.
- (1455) Doc.in Nicholl Ironmongers26 : Know ye us…to haue geven and graunted unto the honurable Crafte and felasship of the ffraunchised men of Iremongers of the citie of London a token of armes, that is to sey: Siluer, a cheueron of Gowles, sitte betwene three Gaddes of Stele of Asure, [etc.].
- (1472) Grant Arms in Antiq.49289 : Thise Armes…have appoynted, gevyn, and graunten to…the saide Crafte and felawship.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)12 : A clene man…praid him to ȝif him ordres frely.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.341 : He ȝeuyth kyngdam & lordchepe to whom þat he wile.
- a1500(?a1475) Guy(4) (Cmb Ff.2.38)656 : All the men wyth hartys free Haue geuyn Gye the maystree.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)3668 : To Agamynon þai giffen þe gouernaunce hole, ffor worthiest of wit þat worship to haue.
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Deut.15.13 : Whom with freedam thow ȝyuest [L donaveris], thou shalt not suffre to goon awey voyd.
- a1121 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.675 : Ealle þa þing þe min broðer Peada…& mine swuster Kineburh & Kynesuith geafon & getton Sancte Peter…þa wile ic þet stande.
- (c1390) Chart.Abbey HG (LdMisc 210)338 : Almiȝti god in trinite…haþ ȝouen & graunted…to Adam…&…Eue…& to here heyres…a lytel preciouse place þat is clepid Conscience.
- (1423) MSS PRO in App.Bk.Lond.E.308 : Knovn be hit to halle men þat I…haue gyfun & grauntut to William Danyell…þe warde of halle þe londes & tenementes þe quyche werun Johns of þe Meles.
- (1423-4) Let.Bk.in Bk.Lond.E.(Gldh LetBk I & K)106/5 : A dede conteynyng how þat one Richard Pavy…and Johan his wif…shuld a yofe by a dede of feffement alle rentes and tenementes þat he had.
- (1425) RParl.4.270a : To ye whiche Article ye seid Roger, answeryng, seieth yat commaundement yave no title to his Lord Erl of Warr’, ne chaungeth not ye enheritaunce of his seid Lord Erl Mareschall of Englond, but if hit hadde be done by auctorite of Parlement.
- a1450(a1400) SChart.Chr.(Add 37049)7 : Dedi & concessi: I hafe gyfen [vrr. yevyne, gyue] & made a graunt, To al þat asks it repentaunt, Heuen blis with-outen endyng.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)49/21 : The sentence of this charter is that Richard Ieodewyne of wyghtam and Alice his wyf hath yovene and graunted, and by there present chartire confermed to Thomas Pacokes, a mesuage with a Crofte and an half acre of arrable lond…To have and to hold…for ever more.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)573/2 : Bernard…hath ȝyf & I-grauntid…to the hows of Godstowe…The [is]land [in] the whych the chyrch…is byldyd.
- (1476) Plea & Mem.R.Lond.Gildh.106 : I…yeve and graunte to the said Robert my Sone…all my right clayme proprite.
- c1175(?OE) Bod.Hom.(Bod 343)104/3 : Alle þas ðing ic þe ȝyfe & sylle.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)11383 : All þiss icc ȝife þe Ȝiff þu to me willt cnelenn.
- c1225(?c1200) HMaid.(Bod 34)16/247 : Ich chulle…ȝeouen [Tit: ȝiuen] ham stude ant nome betere þen sunen & dehtren.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)14595 : Ich ȝiue þe ane eorl don…wið þat þu a-neoste þe burh me bi-tache.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)150/5 : God yefþ to þe poure þe heuene.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.716 : Heuene is yeuen to hem that wol labouren and nat to ydel folk.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)4.341 : Þat ys þe ȝefte þat god ȝyueþ to alle leelle lyuynge, Grace of good ende.
- a1425 Cursor (Glb E.9)29071 : God sall gif ȝow heuyn to mede.
- a1450(c1400-25) Legat Serm.PD (Wor F.10)11/44 : Whi kans nat loue him þat wil ȝe þe for þi loue þe riche reem of heuene?
- c1450(c1380) Chaucer HF (Benson-Robinson)1558 : Madame…In ful recompensacioun Of good werkes, yive us good renoun.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)158/13 : ‘I shal yif,’ seith oure lord, ‘to my chast seruauntes a place and a name in myn hous of heuen.’
- ?a1475(a1396) *Hilton SP (Hrl 6579)1.61.42a : Þat oþer mede…wilk oure lord ȝefeþ for special goode dedis…is…a special tokne ordeined of god in reward of þat special dede.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)8 : Tryst he of þe parting of merit þat God gifiþ men frely as him likiþ.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)214 : Of þe folk, lewed and lered, Ȝauen hire prijs of þe middlerd.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)500 : Þat was gret curtesye, To gyue þe bole þe maistrie & late hym gon corouned quit.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)508 : Þyse þre stoden & byheld þe boles bataille in þe feld, & praised mikel sire Paris Þat he gaf þat bole þe pris.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)31/16 : Itt was gretly spoken of theym that faght the beste…Bot withoute comparacion Ponthus hade the…laude afor theym all…Also they gave grete pris to Geffray de Lazynyen, to Landry de La Toure, and…Barnard de La Roche, for they wer thre of the best aftre Ponthus.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)357/21 : Eythir of them gaff other the pryse of the batayle.
- (?c1460) Paston2.218 : He thynkyth ye shulde gevet [debt] hym.
(a) To give (comfort, help, mercy, etc.), grant (forgiveness, pardon, respite, etc.), render (judgment), pass (sentence); of God: give (grace);—usu. with indirect obj.; also, with inf. or clause: give (sb. respite, grace, comfort, etc. to do sth.); give (sb. respite that sb. do sth.), pass (judgment that sth. should occur), etc.;
(b) to grant (sb. leave or license), give (sb. permission); also, with inf. or clause: grant (sb. leave to so sth., that sb. do sth., etc.);
(c) in oaths, asseverations, prayers, imprecations, etc.;—freq. with inf. or clause: god yeve him ivel grace; god yeve that oure ende be god; yeve us so his wille to don; etc.
Associated quotations
- a1225(OE) Lamb.Hom.Pentec.(Lamb 487)97 : He…ȝifð heom forȝifnesse and huht.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)19 : Nu sculle we for-lete þes licome lust for-þon and tilian to þere saule bihofðe þa hwile we maȝen, þa hwile crist us wule ȝefen furst on þisse liue.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)17/19 : La[n]gne first ic ðe ȝaf wel to donne ȝif ðu woldest.
- a1250 Cristes milde moder (Nero A.14)81 : Ilch mon þet to þe [Mary] bisihð, þu ȝiuest milce & ore.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)10418 : Nu ich wulle ȝifen him grið.
- a1300(c1250) Floris (Vit D.3)396 : Hei crieþ him merci so suiþe Þat he ȝaf hem furst of here liue.
- c1330(?c1300) Bevis (Auch)203/4307 : Þe king wolde haue ȝeue him griþ; þe stiward seide nay þer wiþ.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1169 : Þan preiede he to þe Prince of hevene forto giif him grace his gomes to save.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)2152 : But ȝit, as God ȝaf þe grace, no gom miȝt hem finde.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Par.18.5 : Cyre damascen cam ouer þat he ȝeeue helpe to Adadeser, king of Soba.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.1720 : Ne yeue vs neither mercy ne refuge, But slee me first.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)3.9 : Salomon…hadde i-fonge wit and wisdom of God in þe hille; he ȝeue dome of þe hoores.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.179 : Therfore sholde he preye to god to yeue hym respit a while to biwepe and biwaylen his trespas.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)26472 : Iesus crist es redier To merci giue þan jugement.
- a1400(?a1325) Bonav.Medit.(1) (Hrl 1701)1106 : Douteþ ȝe no þyng of hys grete mercy, For largely he ȝyfþ þat cryeþ hyt hertly.
- a1400 Cursor (Trin-C R.3.8)3912 : Iacob wex riche…þourȝe þe grace þat god him ȝof.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)21.197 : God gaf þe dom hymselue Þat adam and eue…Sholden deye.
- a1425 Ben.Rule(1) (Lnsd 378)3/18 : For þi he giuis us respit, þat we sal mende ure sinne.
- a1425 Rolle FLiving (Arun 507)414 : God makis some better þen oþer & gifs þaim mare grace.
- a1450(a1396) Hilton CPerf.(Paris angl.41)8 : By contynuaunce in preier is liȝt of grace ȝoun to a soule.
- a1450 St.Editha (Fst B.3)3544 : God…ȝefthe þis mayde grace to worche on þis manere.
- c1450 Cursor (Add 36983)1667/9710 : Withoute our all comon assent, Oweþ to be ȝeffe no Iugement.
- c1450 Mandev.(4) (CovCRO Acc.325/1)421 : He…yaffe ful grete pardoun thereto.
- a1475(?a1430) Lydg.Pilgr.(Vit C.13)24360 : Iuges for offence han yoved hir sentence.
- a1475 Rev.St.Bridget (Gar 145)66/34 : Her synne was done away & þe grace of God ȝeff.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)63 : Þe man schal not vndir go þe peyn, befor þat þe juge ȝeft þe dome.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)79 : Now clerkis practisyn bi þer new lawis þat a iuge schal…if þe sentens to sle þe innocent.
- c1475 Brm.Abraham (Brm)433 : I pray God ȝeffe vs grace euermo.
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)704 : Off batell also yt [trumpet] ys on instrumente, Yevynge comfort to fyght.
- a1500(?a1400) Torrent (Chet 8009)1988 : Helpe…I shall hym yeve.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Hrl 7333)155 : Sir…yife me nowe a Iuste dome.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)203/270 : Where so thou gone, Ful mekill grace is to the geyn.
- a1500(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Add 10302)342 : Of whose deceptis moche can y reporte, But I darre not, lest I gife comforte To such as be disposide to tregedie.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)25/14 : O light which enlumyneste whanne reason failithe…for to yeve helpe to mannys vndirstondinge.
- a1500 Siege Jerus.(2) (Brog 2.1)82/355 : Gode hade ȝeyfe hyme respyt forty ȝer, but he wold not amend.
- a1131 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1129 : Se kyng hem geaf ealle leue ham to farene.
- c1200 Wor.Serm.in EGSt.7 (Wor Q.29)47 : God…heuede ȝiue leue heom of eche tre heor ville to done.
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)39 : Swa giued ure drihten leue þe deule to ben on þe swinisshe man.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Juliana (Bod 34)31/318 : Wurch eleusius wil, for ich þe ȝeoue leaue.
- c1300(c1250) Floris (Cmb Gg.4.27)245 : Bute he him ȝeue leue, He wule him boþe bete & reue.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)3078 : Gu wapmen, giue Ic leue to gon.
- c1350 Apoc.(1) in LuSE (Hrl 874)p.101 : Hym is ȝouen leue to done bataile wiþ þe holy.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.WB.(Manly-Rickert)D.83 : For to been a wyf he yaf me leue.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (Bod 416)124/7 : He wol ȝeue þe no leue to ride ne to go out of þi cloister.
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Ex.3.19 : The kyng of Egipte shal not ȝyue ȝow leue that ȝe goon.
- a1425 Dial.Reason & A.(Cmb Ii.6.39)33/12 : Feith ȝeueþ no man licens for to suppose þat þer be any hender path to heuene þanne his ensaumple.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)347/27 : I ȝeue hem leue…þat þei mowe smyte at alle oþire gatis, but not at þis.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)537 : Ȝeen or ȝeue leve: Licencio.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Merlin (Corp-C 80)1167 : They hire ȝoven leve therto.
- (1471) GRed Bk.Bristolpt.2 p.136 : We…geue licence to the same William that he…schal mowe charge…a Ship.
- (a1474) Stonor1.138 : Besekyng yow…to have ȝevyn me lysens to have goyn hom to my cuntre.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.4 : The fend may nout seyn ne don but as God ȝeuyth hym leue.
- 1532(?a1400) RRose (Thynne)3673 : Alwaye byddeth she me so To yeue no louer leaue to kysse.
- a1225(?c1175) PMor.(Lamb 487)122 : God ȝeue [Eg(1): ȝuue; Trin-C: ȝieue] þet ure ende bo god.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)147/22 : Ȝif me ȝiet a litel ferst, for þine godnesse!
- a1225 Lamb.Hom.Pater N.(Lamb 487)63/135 : Ȝife us swa his wil to donne þet we gode likie and monne.
- c1250 Maidin and moder þat (Cleo B.6)8 : Maidin mari, help us at ure hending…þat suete ihesu þat born was of þe, þu giue us in is godhed him to se.
- a1275 Seinte marie leuedi (Trin-C B.14.39)23 : Leuedi, yemme grace þat i mote wid al mine miste louien þe.
- c1300 Horn (LdMisc 108)32/593 : God þe ȝyeue god endynge!
- c1300 SLeg.Becket (Hrl 2277)p.88 : God ȝeve hit were so, That thurf mi deth holi churche were ibroȝt therto.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)31 : Fader god…Almigtin louerd, hegest kinge, Ðu giue me seli timinge.
- a1325(c1280) SLeg.Pass.(Pep 2344)1962 : God ȝeue þat some of ham miȝte in þe ale-ffat a-drenche!
- c1330 Roland & V.(Auch)515 : So mahoun me ȝiue rest, Oȝain ten swiche þe best To fiȝt ich wold go!
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)258 : Ȝa, safliche…so God ȝif me joie!
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1648 : Elles had I deide for duel…so God for his grace gove y hadde!
- c1390 PPl.A(1) (Vrn)9.52 : God saue þe…And ȝiue þe grace…In good lyf to ende.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.ML.(Manly-Rickert)B.602 : God yeue hym meschaunce!
- a1400 Haue gooday (Cai 54/31)6 : God ȝeue þat so miȝte hit be!
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)5.1583 : Þe cite…called was Methene, With-Inne whiche was þe fals quene Clemestra—God ȝif hir harde grace!
- (1447) Shillingford7 : God eve [alt. from: yeve] grace hit be gode.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)1815 : Þou Gloton, God ȝeue þe wo!
- a1450 Dux Moraud (BodPoet f.2)204 : Jhesu…Pot me from dolour, And geue me gras…A prest to auyn, I say!
- c1450 Swarte smekyd (Arun 292)21 : Cryst hem gyue sorwe!
- c1475 Earth(3) (Brog 2.1)26/61 : Gode ȝeyf þe grace.
- c1475 Mankind (Folg V.a.354)161 : Farwell, jentyll Jaffrey, I prey Gode gyf yow goode nyght!
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)550 : Wyde to go I may not blyne Wyth þis fals boy, God gyff hym euell grace!
- a1500(a1400) Libeaus (Lamb 306)273 : God yf [Clg: graunte] the grace…To brynge that byrde oute of bonde.
- a1500(?a1400) Morte Arth.(2) (Hrl 2252)2643 : Ihesu…Yiffe the grace wele to spede.
- a1500(?a1400) Torrent (Chet 8009)2009 : God that died vppon the Rode, Yff grace, that she mete with good!
(a) To provide; provide (for sb.); also, in partitive construction: ~ of, provide (for sb.) some of (sth.); also, of the earth: provide (for sb.) of (its fruits);
(b) to provide (the necessities of life), supply (daily sustenance, shelter, worldly goods, etc.), make available; also fig.; provide (a sum of money, a commodity);—usu. with indirect obj.; also, of Christ: provide (mankind) with (good things);
(c) to provide (a son for a woman or a people), give (sb. offspring or descendants); also, provide (a king for sb.), supply (human beings to populate the earth);
(d) to furnish (equipment, battle gear, etc. to sb.); also fig. and in fig. context; ~ seiles, furnish speed (to a navy);
(e) to furnish (an example, a model), serve as (an exemplar); also, set (a precedent);—freq. with indirect obj.; also, with inf. or clause: furnish (an example or a model to sb. to do sth., how one should do sth., etc.); ~ ensaumple (essample, exaumple, fore-bisne) [see also ensaumple n. 4b.(b)];
(f) to furnish (an opportunity, impediment, a cause, means, etc.);—usu. with indirect obj.; also, with inf. or clause: furnish (sb. a reason, justification, an occasion, etc. to do sth.); furnish (a cause or an occasion that sth. be done); ~ profite (utilite), be useful (for doing sth.);
(g) to endow with (life, a soul, faculty, quality, reason, etc.); be responsible for (natural endowments, behavioral or temperamental traits, a talent, an aptitude);—usu. with indirect obj.; also, furnish (light, beams to the sun, stars to the heavens, etc.); also, with inf. or clause: endow (sb.) with (reason, free will, etc. to do sth.); endow (sb.) with (free choice whether he will do sth.).
Associated quotations
- c1175(?OE) Bod.Hom.(Bod 343)130/1 : Æfre swa he us merlucor ȝyfð, swa we him swiðe þonciæm sceolen.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)169/17 : Him nis na þing leouere þen þet he mahe ifinden acheisun forte ȝeouene.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)114/3 : Oure guode uader…is zuete and milde uor to yuene, large and corteys.
- c1350 MPPsalter (Add 17376)17.23 : Our Lord shal ȝyf to me efter my ryȝt.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)338/16 : I haue bede…þe erþe for to ȝeue ȝou of hise fruytis.
- a1450(a1401) Chastising GC (Bod 505)112/8 : Oure lord haþ ȝoue, oure lorde haþ take awei.
- a1450 PNoster R.Hermit (Westm-S 3)8/35 : Þen schal God ȝyue vs to auauntage of erþely goodis þat vs nediþ.
- a1450 PNoster R.Hermit (Westm-S 3)9/3 : Of erþely goodis þat ȝow nede is, I schal ȝyue ȝow to sustenaunce.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)15/13 : O Creature which arte pardurable…Thou maist yeve and take away.
- c1175(OE) Bod.Hom.Avar.(Bod 343)134/25 : Efne þu ȝyfæ þissum men þus fælæ æhtæ & godæ, & he sylf is yfel.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)13 : Ic eou wille ȝeuan wela and westme inoȝe.
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)27 : Gif us to dai ure daihwamliche bred.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)794 : God gaf him ðor siluer and gold.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)110/14 : Vayre uader, oure bryad of eche daye yef ous to day.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ruth 1.6 : Þe lord hadde beholdyn hir puple & hadde ȝouyn to hem metis.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.754 : Thise lordshipes doon wrong that bireuen hire bonde folk thynges that they neuere yaue hem.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Cl.(Manly-Rickert)E.203 : Poure folk…toke hir sustenance After that the erthe yaf hem habundance.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)971 : Lauerd…þou gafs [Frf: ges vs; Göt: gifes] al.
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Gen.1.29 : Y haue ȝouun to ȝow al erbe brynginge forthe seed vpon the erthe.
- (a1438) MKempe A (Add 61823)37/6 : Þan þis creatur boldly spak to hym for þe correccyon of hys meny, seying…‘My Lord, owyr alderes Lord, al-myty God, hath not ȝon ȝow ȝowyr…gret goodys of þe world to may[n]ten wyth hys tretowrys & hem þat slen hym euery day be gret othys sweryng.’
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)41/4 : Sche [Io], be the lettres that sche fonde, yaf noryshschynge to vnderstandynge.
- (c1449) Pecock Repr.(Cmb Kk.4.26)264 : The…preier of Iohun…ȝeuyth to me the seid fee of xxti pound.
- (?1461) Paston2.259 : Geney mad hys auuant þat he had ȝoue ȝow and hym a choppe of xx pownd of lond.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)54/82 : Only hym loue which bodyly ffood doth ȝeve all day.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)5 : Crist…cam to serue…and bi þis haþ ȝefun to vs mani good þingis.
- c1475 Brm.Abraham (Brm)3 : Thow hast ȝoffe me both lond and rent.
- a1500(1422) Yonge SSecr.(Rwl B.490)156/25 : The good that god haue yeuyn the, thow sholdyst not hit kepe as anothyr manes good, but as thyn owyn despende and vse hit.
- a1500(?c1425) Spec.Sacer.(Add 36791)113/19 : I was herborles and ye yaue me no herbore; I was nakyd and ye couered me noȝt.
- a1500 3rd Fran.Rule (Seton)53/12 : The ministers must visit theim…geffyng theim also that is necessary to theim.
- ?a1500(?1458) Off alle Werkys (Inscr)p.42 : He gaf hem stonys i nowhe into the werkys ende.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Kings 12.13 : Lo, þe lord haþ ȝyuen to ȝou a kyng.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)9819 : A child it es vs born; A sun es gine vs for vr nede.
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Gen.15.4 : Abram addide, ‘To me…thow hast not ȝouun seed, and, lo! the seruaunt of myn howshold shal be myn eyre.’
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)3.m.6.5 : On allone is fadir of thynges…he yaf the men to the erthe.
- ?1435 Lond.Chron.Jul.(Jul B.2)44 : Thes ben the wordes off the hyh Kyng spekyng to Samuel and teching hym whom he shulde…putte Inne to governe the peple, whanne the same peple asked a kyng to be yoven hem.
- c1460 Cursor (LdMisc 416)10485 : Þou…a worþy sonne hir yaue.
- a1500(1422) Yonge SSecr.(Rwl B.490)197/12 : He Prayed god that he wolde yeue hym generacion.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Hrl 7333)32 : A sone is ȝoven to vs.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1103 : Þemperour…ȝaf hem hors and armes as an hend lord schold.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)2 Kings 22.36 : Þou ȝeeue to me a target of þi helþe.
- a1400 Ancr.(Pep 2498)127/17 : Lord, þou schalt ȝiue me hert a schelde aȝein þe fende.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)808 : Kyng Philippe…wolde…Ȝiue hym armes and maken hym kniȝth.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)4.m.7.9 : Agamenon desirede to yeven sayles to the Grykkyssche naveye, and boughte ayein the wyndes by blood.
- a1450 PNoster R.Hermit (Westm-S 3)15/18 : Haþ God ȝeuen þe fleisch to þe soule as a wyntir roobe to hille þee fro tempestis & stormes.
- c1450(1410) Walton Boeth.(Lin-C 103)p.22 : I yaf þe armour good and stronge.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)2/2 : The sowdeyn…yeave theym that thei nedyd for to wer vpon the Cristen.
- a1475 Siege Troy(1) (Hrl 525)194/1308 : Yeve me hors and armis also.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)7350 : Þeȝȝ gæfenn swa þurrh þatt Off soþ mecnesse bisne.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)137/10 : He ȝaif ancres and hermites ðe luuieð onnesse gode forbisne ðe world to flene.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)143/14 : For to ȝiuene forbisne heremites and ancres, ðe annesse aȝen to luuen and to healden ouer alle oðre manne.
- c1275 Ken.Serm.(LdMisc 471)215/35 : Þer of us yeft ensample þo þrie kinges of heþenesse.
- a1325(c1280) SLeg.Pass.(Pep 2344)129 : To þe temple he ȝeode riȝt To ȝiue vs cristene men ensaumple to go to chirche.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.505 : Wel oghte a preest ensample for to yiue By his clennesse how that his sheep sholde lyue.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)28319 : Wit myn lastes in many thyng Gafe i oþer men il bisening.
- c1400 Wycl.Blasph.(Bod 647)412 : Crist hungred nevere bot when he chees to hungre so, and ȝif ensaumple of penaunce.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)278/27 : Ȝe doon yuel to ȝoure neiȝboris, for to ȝeue hem siche ensaumplis of cursid lyuynge.
- c1440(a1401) Life Bridlington in NM 71 (Yale 331)p.143 : He gaf insample in al thing.
- a1450(a1401) Chastising GC (Bod 505)137/3 : Þat glorious ladi and modir of loue ȝaf us ensample in lyueng hou we shulden loue.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)2174 : Oure…Lord…Ȝaf example to charyte.
- c1470 Bible F.(Cleve-W q091.92-C468)53/14 : What that he did or seid it was to geue us good ensamples.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)2 : Wan þe heldar gifiþ ensaumple to þe ȝong to deþ, þer is he to be stregun wiþ scharp blamyng.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)263/21 : Befor deþe þay euen yche man and woman ensampull.
- a1500(1422) Yonge SSecr.(Rwl B.490)158/31 : Goode essampill to oure neghbors be yeue.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)122/7 : He Himself taught the a fourme of thy prayere and yave the a patron whereaftir thou shuldest werke.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1172 : I nagult him never to gif him enchesoun forto wirch me no wrong.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)7.157 : Who so spareth a þeef, he geveþ cause [Higd.(2): ȝiffethe occasion] þat an innocent be slayn.
- (a1402) Trev.DCur.(Hrl 1900)70/14 : Þei bigunne þe cause at Londoun & ȝaf occasioun to oþere freres of oþere ordres.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)32/8 : Þe tunge is a fleischie partikel…ȝeuynge vtilite oþer profite for to gouerne þe mete in a manes mouþe.
- (1432) Paston (Gairdner)2.34 : For the…eschuyng of eny thing that mighte yeve empeschement or let therto, [etc.].
- c1450 Mandev.(4) (CovCRO Acc.325/1)1120 : God hym yaff a welle faire chaunce.
- (1452) Paston1.67 : I thowt also þat I had neuer geff cawse to non of my lordis hous to ow me evill.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)212/2 : In no wise yeve occasion for ony maner arreragis of the forsaid rente.
- a1500(1413) *Pilgr.Soul (Eg 615)2.16.41b : Synnes of hir fornfadres schal not be punysshid upon the children…excepte þat if othir hath yowe cause and occasion of synne to othire.
- a1500(a1450) Ashmole SSecr.(Ashm 396)40/16 : Yeve neuer to men occasion to speke ill by the.
- a1500(1465) Leversedge Vision (Add 34193)123/464 : Never kysse woman to þat entent to gif mene or stire by any mene þi body unto synn.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)2089 : Thow ges matir to men mony day after, fforto speke of þi spede.
- a1150(?OE) Vsp.D.Hom.(Vsp D.14)91/1 : On þan þreottende dæige fealleð sunne & mone & ealle steorren, for þan þe heo geafen leome þan yfelen mannen.
- c1175(?OE) Bod.Hom.(Bod 343)86/25 : God sylf ȝyfæð alle monnum lif & gast.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)13842 : Heffne uss ȝifeþþ lihht Þurrh sunne & mone & sterrness.
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)35 : Adam…forleas þe fiffeald mihten þe god him gef þo þe he him shop.
- a1250 Orison Lord (Lamb 487)185 : Þu þet ȝeuest hire [sun] liht…aliht mi þester heorte.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)681 : Euerilc man he gaf lif.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2609 : God haued swilc fair-hed him geuen.
- c1330(?c1300) Spec.Guy (Auch)212,215 : God…ȝeueþ wit in alle craftes…And ȝaf to man fre power To chese…Þe euel to late and god to take.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1559 : Nay, bi God þat me gaf þe gost and þe soule.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.WB.(Manly-Rickert)D.401 : Deceite, wepyng, spynnyng god hath yeue To wommen kyndely.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.WB.(Manly-Rickert)D.611-12 : Venus me yaf my lust my likerousnesse, And Mars yaf me my sturdy hardynesse.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)539,541 : Þe ouer fir gis [Frf: gifues; Göt: ges] man his sight…þis vnder wynd him gis his aand.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (Bod 416)45/18 : Þei wollen be a sterre ȝeuynge liȝt to men wiþ here goode liuinge.
- (?1406) Hoccl.MR (Hnt HM 111)99 : Reson youen is to me For to discerne a vertu from a vice.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)3.m.6.4,6 : On allone is fadir of thynges…He yaf to the sonne his bemes…to the moone hir hornes…he yaf the sterres to the hevene.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)39/23 : The maker of alle þinges made in man hondes in stede off armes and ȝaf him resoun…and discrecioun.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)25 : God hathe govym [read: govyn] Man fre arbritracion Wheþyr he wyl hymse[lf] saue or hys soule sp[y]ll.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)2560 : Mankynd to don what he wyl do, God hath ȝouyn hym a fre wylle.
- a1450 Yk.Pl.(Add 35290)16/56 : To swilke a lorde…Be…louynge Þat to vs such a dyngnyte Has geffynne.
- c1450 Mandev.(4) (CovCRO Acc.325/1)401 : The sonne to the daie gaff light.
- a1450 St.Editha (Fst B.3)958 : Þis lampe ȝefth gret lyȝt To euery creature abouȝt hit dwellynge.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)10/17 : Oure lord haþe yif to a man and a womman to eeris and o tonge.
- ?a1475 LDirige(2) (Dc 322)346 : My wyttes…thow me yaue to rewle with me.
- c1475(a1449) Lydg.Horns (LdMisc 683)34 : Hornes wer yove to bestys ffor dyffence.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)23/16 : God gaf lucifer most lightnes.
- a1500 Bod.EMisc.Lapid.(BodEMisc e.558)24/60 : Hit shall hele the sekenesse thorow the vertu that god hathe yoven to the saphire.
- a1475 Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)11385 : God haþ ȝoue him þe might To knowe þe houres of day and night.
To spare (sb., someone’s life).
Associated quotations
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Deeds 27.24 : God hath ȝouun to thee alle that ben in schipp with thee.
- c1430(c1386) Chaucer LGW (Benson-Robinson)1323 : Yeve my child his lyf!
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)107/21 : As they sholde have bene slayne, there com four fayre ladyes…And…at the requeste of thes ladyes, they gaff sir Gawayne and Gaherys their lyves.
(a) To make payment, pay; also, in partitive construction: ~ of, pay tribute from (one’s goods);
(b) to pay (an exaction, a rent, tax, tribute, etc.); pay (money or the equivalent) for some consideration, as in a bribe, discharge of a debt, payment of wages, etc.; also fig.; make (payment for sth. done), pay (money for a purchase); also, pay (a sum as recompense, interest, etc.);—usu. with indirect obj.;
(c) to exchange (sb. or sth. for sb. or sth. else), trade; give up (sth. in favor of sth. else); ~ for;
(d) to give (sth.) in return for something given or done; give (sth. on condition that sth. is done); repay (evil for good, hate for love, etc.);—usu. with indirect obj.; also fig.; also, restore (sth. to its rightful owner); ~ ayen;
(e) to sell (sb. or sth. to sb.), supply in exchange for money; also, sell (sth. for money); also fig. [last quot.];
(f) to restore (to sb. or sth. a faculty, quality, health, etc. that has been diminished or lost).
Associated quotations
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)179 : Ȝif he [lord] net him [tenant] to ȝiuene, þat beoð strengðe and refloc.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Mat.20.14 : Y wole ȝeue and to this the laste man, as and to thee.
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)647 : More þan I take spende I threys thre; Sumtyme I yeff, sumtyme þey me.
- a1500 GRom.(Glo 42)746/15 : Þey are fayne to gyfe hem of þeir goode to be in pece.
- a1121 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.777 : Seo Cuðbriht geaf þone abbote L punde þær fore.
- a1121 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1103 : He forgeaf þa þreo þusend marc þe him seo cyng Heanrig be foreweard ælce geare gifan sceolde.
- a1150(OE) Vsp.D.Hom.Nicod.(Vsp D.14)79/31 : Heo gegaderedan mycelne sceatt & geafon [OE sealdon; L dederunt] heom, & bæden þæt heo scolden secgen þæt his cnihtes comen & þone lichame heom forstælen, þa þa heo slæpende wæron.
- ?a1160 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1137 : Hi læiden gæildes on the tunes…þa þe uurecce men ne hadden nan more to gyuen, þa ræueden hi & brendon alle the tunes.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)3281 : Himm off all hiss kinedom Illc mann an peninng ȝæfe.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)5220 : Whatt willt tu þatt icc ȝife þe Forr all þin swinnc to mede?
- a1200 PMor.(Trin-C B.14.52)64 : Þar me sal ure werkes weiȝen…And ȝieuen us ure werkes lean after ure erninge.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)2386 : He him wolde ȝeuen al þat gold þe he haueden i Denemark lond.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)4578 : Þe king…hit [tribute] heom leofliche ȝeaf.
- ?a1300 Jacob & J.(Bod 652)165 : More þen he axede for Iosep he ȝaf.
- c1300(c1250) Floris (Cmb Gg.4.27)126 : For his niȝtes gestinge He ȝaf his oste an hundred schillinge.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)844 : xii ger he weren under is hond, And gouen him gouel of here lond.
- 1389 Nrf.Gild Ret.119 : Ewery broyer or syster chal offeryn a ferȝyng, and yewen anoyr for ye soule.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.4517 : Sche…yifth me noght to live by.
- a1400(c1250) Floris (Eg 2862)195 : Þe Amyral hur bouȝt…And gafe for hur…Seuyn sythes of gold her wyȝt.
- a1400 Ancr.(Pep 2498)138/19 : Synne is þe deuels gouel þat he ȝiueþ to oker.
- (1420) Doc.in Morsbach Origurk.7 : If ane mon distresse þe forsayd Thurstan, for ane maner of rych or tytull, claymyng…for xlviii s. and iv d. be ȝere…þat þe forsayd john of langton schall ju [?read: jiue] þe forsayd Thurstan hys eires agayne…þe valewe þer-of, so þat þe forsayd Thurstan haue noe harme þer-bye.
- (1423) Reg.Chichele in Cant.Yk.S.42 (Lamb 69)268 : I wul þat my mantels…ben solde to þe men þat wil gif most for hom.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)5569 : What wolde he thanne ha yowe to ha bought To knowen openly her thought?
- c1425 Mirror LM&W (Hrl 45)132/6 : Þe borwer ȝeueþ hym somwhat for his lenynge and he takiþ hit.
- (1439) Doc.in Collect.Topogr.515 : All ye londe…to be sold…to him that wil geue most therfore.
- a1450(a1400) SChart.Chr.(Add 37049)15 : Luf þi neghbour as I luf þe: Þis is þe rent þou sal gyf [vr. yelde vnto] me, As to þe chefe lord of þe fe.
- c1450(1369) Chaucer BD (Benson-Robinson)765 : I have ever yit Be tributarye and yive rente To Love.
- c1450 Capgr.St.Kath.(Arun 396)prol.63 : He is now ded; þou hast ȝoue hym hys wage.
- (1463) Acc.Howard in RC 57227 : Govyn to Symkyn Bacsterys man that browte the jerfacon…xij d.
- (1472) Plea & Mem.R.Lond.Gildh.61 : They were fayn to yeve ccc li. to the said Alexandre to have peas wt hym.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)219/24 : The…mynchons gafyn to hym two marke of syluyr.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)9 : To selle is…to reseyue þing for price ȝeuun.
- (1477) Paston2.423 : Hery Cook wold goo with youre swanys, for his yefte chuld be vj s. viij d., and therefore he wold yeffe you his labore, be so ye payd for his costys.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)2.182 : Raþer þe lewyd man or woman schulde baptysyn þe child þan þey schuldyn ȝeuyn ony monye for þe bapteme.
- a1500 GRom.(Glo 42)747/6 : He wille geffe hem nowȝte.
- -?-(1435) Doc.in Power Craft Surg.313 : The seid persoone ȝeue to the iiij maistris her fees.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)8211 : Þeȝȝ [Holy Innocents] gæfenn heore shorrte lif Forr eche lifess blisse.
- a1200 PMor.(Trin-C B.14.52)146 : Swines brade is wel swete; swo is of wilde diere, Ac al to diere he hit abuið þe ȝiefð þar-fore his swiere.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)203/11 : Nalde amon for an of þeos ȝeouen al þet he ahte?
- c1275 Þene latemeste dai (Clg A.9)14 : Nolde ich ȝeuen enne peni for his weden alle.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)1643 : Hwan ubbe hauede þe gold ring, Hauede he youenet for no þing.
- a1350 A wayle whyt (Hrl 2253)33 : Al for on y wolde ȝeue þreo.
- c1330(?c1300) Guy(1) (Auch)826 : A stede of gret bounte…no schuld be ȝouen for a cuntre [vr. It is worthe all a contree].
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Prov.21.18 : For þe riȝtwise shal ben ȝouen þe vnpitouse.
- a1450(1411) Many man (Dgb 102)22 : Þou…ȝaf for an appyl þe most of prys.
- c1450 ?C.d'Orl.Poems (Hrl 682)180/5386 : Yowre gantiles, For myn hool hert, of yowre the quantite As of a pynnys hed me yaue or lasse.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)14111 : He wolde Childriche ȝeouen of his riche al biȝeonde þerere Humbre for he him scolde helpe to fihten wið his æme.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)485 : Al denemark i wile you yeue To þat forward þu late me liue.
- (a1333) Herebert My volk (Add 46919)32 : Þou me ȝyfst a croune of þorn.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)16476 : Here i yeld yow yur mone; ges me a-gain mi war.
- a1400(?a1325) Bonav.Medit.(1) (Hrl 1701)331 : Euyl for gode þey haue me ȝoue And also grete hate for my loue.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)1638 : Alle my get I schal yow gif agayn.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)183 : Coueitise…eggith folk…To take and yeue right nought ageyne.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)399/8 : Þe wil of man is but oon, & for þat oon I ȝeue him an hundrid in þis liif.
- (c1450) Capgr.St.Aug.(Add 36704)30/26 : What-so-euer þou fyndist and gyuyst not a-geyn þou stelist.
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)73 : Wat may I yeue yow ageyn for þis, O Creator?
- 1485(a1470) Malory Wks.(Caxton:Vinaver)16/29 : Arthur maade the londes to be yeven ageyne unto them that oughte hem.
- a1500 GRom.(Glo 42)738/20 : Many daye I haue fedde þe & sustenede þe; What wylte þou gyffe me nowe?
- ?a1300 Jacob & J.(Bod 652)188 : Putifar…ȝiueþ him [Joseph] Pharaon þe king.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)1500 : Esau…gafe it him wel sikerlike.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)4146 : He wold hem ȝiue for monay.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)4855 : Þair siluer he tok and gaue þam corn.
- a1425 Wycl.Serm.(Bod 788)1.67 : Feyned lettris of fraternite wolen þei ȝyve to symple men.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)9 : To selle is þe hauer to ȝeue his þing for price tane.
- c1475 Chartier Quad.(1) (UC 85)191/13 : They wold gyf grete cheepe the blood of the noble men.
- c1175(?OE) Bod.Hom.(Bod 343)112/19 : God ȝyfð heom [sinful stars] æft heoræ fulle brihtnesse.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)15507 : He draf ut off wode menn Defless & ȝaff hemm hæle.
- a1225(OE) Vsp.A.Hom.Init.Creat.(Vsp A.22)229 : Dumben he forgeaf getocnisse and deafum hercnunge, Deofel seocun and wodan h[e] ȝeaf ȝewitt.
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)135 : He giaf his fader mihte to speken.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.ML.(Manly-Rickert)B.562 : Yif me my sighte agayn.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)14078 : Iesus…Com…Giueand [Göt: Giuand] mani seke þair hele.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)18544 : Þaa Iuus sau þis ilk man…To parlesi and to mesele And to þe wode gifand þair hele.
- ?a1450 Macer (Stockh Med.10.91)169 : Þis wole ȝive hering to hem þat been deef be sikenesse.
- a1475 Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)7534 : Sleep…ȝeueþ might to al þe body.
- a1475 Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)11833 : Þe blinde he shal ȝeue sighte And þe croked hise lymes righte.
In phrases, freq. negative, indicating disdain, indifference, or disregard: (a) ne ~ nought of, ne ~ no-thing of, ~ no del of, etc., to give nothing for (sb. or sth.), care nothing for, have no interest in, have no regard for, pay no heed to; ~ litel (litel charge, litel tale, etc.) of, give little for (sb. or sth.), care little about, have little concern for; no ~ of, care nothing about (sb. or sth.); also, with inf.: ~ nought, have no concern (about doing sth.), scruple not (to do sth.);
(b) ~ not a bene (pulled hen, etc.) of, ~ nought a lek for, ne ~ nought a strau (on gos winge, etc.) of, ne ~ a torde for, etc., to give not a bean (plucked hen, goose wing, leek, turd, etc.) for (sb. or sth., God), have no concern for, regard as worthless, pay no heed to;
(c) ~ no force, to pay no heed; pay no heed (to sth.), care not (about sth.); also, with inf. or clause: have no concern (to do sth., what occurred, etc.); ~ litel tale, care little (how sth. is); ~ not a mite, ne ~ a gras, care not a bit (though sth. happen).
Associated quotations
- c1225(?c1200) St.Juliana (Bod 34)17/182 : Nawiht ne ȝeoue ich for inc.
- c1300 SLeg.Chris.(Hrl 2277)180 : Þis wimmen ȝeue him liȝt ansuere as hi ne ȝeue of him noȝt.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)2685 : He ne ȝef of is lif noȝt, is felawes to awreke.
- c1330(?c1300) Guy(1) (Auch)241 : Þer of no ȝaf he riȝt nouȝt.
- 1372 Gold & al (Adv 18.7.21)7 : Ȝef i litel of kith or kyn For þer is alle gode.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.1284 : Of my wo thou yeuest litel charge.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)6923 : Kyn Alisaunder…Makeþ hym bliþe, and noþing wrooþ…Als he ne ȝaf noþing þerof.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)22.456 : Of gile ne of gabbynge gyueþ þei neuere tale.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)6375 : I dide hem a tegetrie, But therof yeue I a lytel tale.
- ?a1425(?a1350) Castleford Chron.(Göt Hist 740)25230 : He gaf na mar of his assent.
- c1425(c1400) Ld.Troy (LdMisc 595)3964 : The Troyens ȝeue of vs no dele…Thei ben of herte so stoute.
- a1450 St.Editha (Fst B.3)3457 : Þe kyng…commandede þe water and þe wynde…Bot of his commaundyng þey ȝeue ryȝt nouȝt.
- a1450 Yk.Pl.(Add 35290)29/14 : To greeffe grete god gaffe they right noght.
- c1450(c1350) Alex.& D.(Bod 264)841 : Hit semeþ, by ȝoure dedes, Þat ȝe no giuen of no gome.
- c1450(c1400) Sultan Bab.(Gar 140)1721 : Of my nede gyfe thou no coost.
- a1500 I have grete marvell (Lin-C 133)13 : Off me sho gyffis ryght noght.
- c1275(?c1250) Owl & N.(Clg A.9)1686 : A tort ne ȝiue ich for oþ [read: ow] alle.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)315 : Þerof ne yaf he nouth a stra.
- c1330 7 Sages(1) (Auch)116/2398 : Of hem ne ȝiue i nowt an hepe.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.177 : He yaf nat of that text a pulled hen That seith that hunters been nat holy men.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)4.36 : Þei ne gyueth nouȝte of god one gose wynge.
- (1402) MSS PRO in App.Bk.Lond.E.282 : I seide yat kyng herry ȝaf nowt of hem alle a peny.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)6464 : I yeue not of her harme a bene!
- a1425 Siege Troy(1) (LinI 150)124/1580 : Y no ȝeue a sore for heom alle.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)479 : Of God ne of good man ȝeuyt he not a hawe.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)768 : Loke þou ȝeue not a lous Of þe day þat þou schalt deye.
- c1450(c1380) Chaucer HF (Benson-Robinson)1708 : They yeven noght a lek For fame ne for such renoun.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)29/22 : Thow my fadyr I nevyr se, I ȝyf not þer of An hawe.
- a1425(a1396) Maidstone PPs. (Wht)102 : He…yeuith no force it [conscience] to defyle.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)4602 : If my lust he wolde acheve…I yeue no force what felle on me.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)283/26 : Alle siche wrecchide curatis…ȝeuen no force þouȝ þei seen her sogetis in þe feendis hondis.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)247 : Þou synne my sowle sese I ȝeue not a myth.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)1002 : Goth now forth and gyue ȝe no fors.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)2169 : Þou þou speke euyl, I ne ȝeue a gres.
- (a1460) Bokenham Sts. (Adv Abbotsford B3)1.36 (v.1:p.3) : An averous man and a coueitous, .. for vnordinal affeccion and loue that he hath to worldely good, yiueth no force to vse extorcioun, raveyn and oppression vpon such as he may ovircome.
- (a1460) Bokenham Sts. (Adv Abbotsford B3)1.41 (v.1:p.4) : Nothyng..is wers than forto loue money, that is .. inordinally yivyng no fors, be so he may han it, how he come therby.
- c1475 Mankind (Folg V.a.354)75 : I gyff no force, by Sent Tanne!
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.193 : Many of þo ȝeuyn lytil tale how euele þe pore folc faryth.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)429 : She…yaf no force of nothinge that myght be-falle.
(a) To convey temporary possession of (sth.) on loan, lend; also fig.; ~ oute bi eschaunge, ~ in leninge, ~ to usure, etc.;
(b) to hand over (sth., oneself) as a pledge or an earnest; deliver (a hostage) in pledge; pledge (one’s word); also, wager (sth.);—freq. with indirect obj.;
(c) to give (a woman in marriage), arrange the betrothal or marriage of (a woman); give (sb. a woman as wife or companion); provide (a husband for one’s daughter); also, grant (sb. a lover) [quot. c1385]; of Nature: provide (a mate for every fowl);
(d) to entrust or commit (sb. or sth.) into someone’s charge or keeping; entrust (sb. or sth. to sb.); refl. entrust oneself (to someone’s grace), throw oneself (upon someone’s mercy); ~ in kepinge (to kepen, unto your governaunce, etc.);
(e) to delegate (authority, judgment, etc. to sb.); also, confer (a badge or token of authority on sb.), bestow; with inf.: commission (sb. to do sth.), delegate, authorize; ~ in honde, give (sb.) the responsibility (to do sth.).
Associated quotations
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)79/6 : Se ðe ne ȝifð naht his eihte te goule, [etc.].
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)2373 : Thyn herte…if thou yevest it in lenyng, I holde it but a wrecchid thyng.
- a1425 Serm.in Med.St.17(2) (Add 37677)227 : Þo men schulen in Godis hel, þat is heuene, þat ȝeuyþ nouȝt her money to usure.
- a1450-a1500(1436) Libel EP (Warner)412 : This money…They wyll…profre…To Englysshe marchaundis to yeve it oute by eschaunge.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)2728 : Ȝisles heo him ȝeouen sone & his men bicome.
- c1330(c1250) Floris (Auch)380 : Þou schalt bleþeliche ȝiuen hit him.
- c1330 Roland & V.(Auch)584 : Rouland him trewþe ȝaf, So he most bring a staf.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)7.99 : Canut…made alle þe ostage, þat ware somtyme ȝiffen [Higd.(2): men taken as plegges; L obsides…traditos] to his fader…be kutte, handes and nose.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)13861 : Þai his suete bodi had schedd, And gin him self for vs in wedd.
- (1400) Inquis.Miscel.(PRO)7.59 : He wolde yeve al the gode that he hadde…yn covenant that the hurȝl of Huntyngdoun hadde be makyd kyng of Engelond.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)4 : If…þat seruaunt obliche him to do so, ȝefing feiþ to þis, [etc.].
- a1500(a1450) Ashmole SSecr.(Ashm 396)43/9 : Breke not thy feith giwe, neyther thy bonde confermed.
- a1500 GRom.(Glo 42)749/18 : Þou gaffe me þi trowth þat þou schwldest be my wyfe.
- a1121 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1109 : Ðær wurdon þa forewearda full worhte & þa aðas gesworene his dohter þam Casere to gifene.
- a1126 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1126 : Mid him com…his dohter þæt he æror hafde giuen þone kasere Heanri…to wife.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)19827 : Herodian…wass…gifenn till Herode King.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)547 : Þe king ȝef Brutun his dohter.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)4743 : Suggeð him ful iwis ich ȝifuen [Otho: ȝefue] mine dohter Genuis.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)1249 : On þe nith als goldeborw lay, Sory and sorwful was she ay…Þat shere [read: she were] yeuen un-kyndelike.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)282 : An doȝter ich abbe of gret pris…Ich ȝivis [vr. Y ȝeue] þe to þi wif.
- c1330(?c1300) Bevis (Auch)43/918 : King…Ȝemme þe douȝter to wiue!
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1471 : Þe word went wide how þe mayde was ȝeve.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Esd.9.12 : Ȝoure doȝtres ne ȝyue ȝee to þe sones of hem.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.2260 : Yif me my loue, thow blisful lady deere.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)9.161 : It is an oncomely couple…To ȝyuen a ȝonge wenche to an olde feble.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)5.1532 : He hadde a douȝter…Þat whilom was ȝoven in mariage To Egistus.
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Gen.3.12 : The woman…thow ȝaue me felow.
- a1425 Siege Troy(1) (LinI 150)122/1558 : Priamus saide…Þat he nolde hire gyue to his enemy.
- c1430(c1380) Chaucer PF (Benson-Robinson)667 : Whan this werk al brought was to an ende, To every foul Nature yaf his make By evene acord.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)58/28 : Whoo hath doughteris to marie…he schold take hede to whom he schall yeue theim.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)2281 : He þoughte his doughtres gyue hosebandes.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)103/20 : We may not gyf hir to a bettre knyght.
- a1475 Siege Troy(1) (Hrl 525)200/1550 : He and his Quene Woll yeue me his doughter Pollexene.
- a1500(c1465) SEChron.(Lamb 306:Everett)1 : He hade…xxxiijti doughteres, the whiche were geven in to maryage to xxxiijti kynges of dyverse contres.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)531 : I give me holly in his grace as gilty for þat ilk.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)4781 : Bifore William þei felle on knes boþe and gove hem in his grace.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)2 Par.34.11 : Þei ȝifen it to þe craftis men & to masowns þat þei shulden bien hewyn stones.
- a1425 Ben.Rule(1) (Lnsd 378)6/33 : Þe cuuent…es giuin [?read: giuin þe] at yeme.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)5/2 : I yeve theym vnto your gouernaunce.
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)410 : Yt ys [read: Ys yt] leeffull to þis man To lewe hys labour…Hys chargys perysche þat Gode gaff duly?
- a1500(?c1425) Spec.Sacer.(Add 36791)214/6 : Myȝhel commeþ with a grete multitude of angels, the which Myȝhel God ȝaf the sowles of seyntis…for to bryng hem in-to Paradise.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Hrl 7333)252 : She is yevin to me in kepyng.
- a1500 Conq.Irel.(Rwl B.490)61/10 : The kynge…gywid hym to anothyr, and Put hym in Rathnyldys toure forto kepyn.
- a1500 Conq.Irel.(Rwl B.490)73/32 : A parlement was sette, be-twen Hugh de Lacy, to whom the kynge had yewe Deuelyn to kepe…and the kynge of myth.
- a1500 Partenay (Trin-C R.3.17)75 : Ye haue children good and fin…Here I you require, yeff me on…He shall be wel taught in curtesie and speche.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)11731 : Gedrit was the goode, & gon for to kepe To Sure men & certen þat sowme to deliuer.
- 1123 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1123 : Se pape sweðolode & gaf him his pallium.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)17990 : Þe Faderr…hafeþþ ȝifenn himm inn hannd To weldenn alle þingess.
- c1330 Harrow.H.(Auch)179 : Þou ȝaue ous to ȝeme paradis.
- c1350 Apoc.(1) in LuSE (Hrl 874)p.44 : A coroune was ȝouen hym.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)29240 : Mai nan a-soil bot pape allan, On [?read: Or] man he gise [Glb: gifes] til his pouste.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)42/4 : Juno yaf Argus…this cowe to kepe.
- -?-(a1461) Doc.in HMC Rep.3 App.280a : The seid duke…had…as large power as any was gevyn to any ambassad.
- (1457) LRed Bk.Bristol2.185 : Hit shall be laufull to euery Maistur…when he departeth owte of the towne…to make a debite for tyme of his absence…yeuyng hym his hole powere and othe in perfourmyng of all the articles above wreten.
- a1500 GRom.(Glo 42)774/15 : Þe secunde person in Trinite…Too whom all domes are gyue.
(a) In partitive construction: ~ of, to give some of (sth.) for another’s use or consumption; give some of (sth. to sb.);
(b) to serve (sb. food, drink, a drink, etc.), give (an animal its fodder, sth. as feed); also fig.; offer (sb. as if food for an animal) [1st quot.]; feed (sb., someone’s flesh, etc. to birds of prey); also, provide (water for drinking or washing), furnish; med. & veter. diet (sb., an animal) with (specified diet, certain foods), feed (a patient specified food or drink); ~ drinke (drinche), give (sb.) drink; also, fig. soak (sth.) [quot. ?1440, 1st]; ~ milk, nurse (a young child); also fig.;
(c) in constructions with inf.: ~ (to, for to) drinken, to give (sb.) to drink; have (sb.) drink (sth.), let (sb.) drink (sth.); ~ (to, for to, at) eten, give (sb.) to eat; let (sb.) eat (sth.); ~ (to, at) souken, give suck, suckle; also, give (a young child, the young of an animal) suck, suckle, nurse; also fig.;
(d) chiefly med. & veter. to administer (a medicine, medicinal herb, potion, etc.) internally; give (a patient, an animal, etc. sth. medicinal) to eat or drink;—also without obj. [1st quot.]; ~ (to) drinken, give (a patient sth.) to drink, have (a patient) drink (sth.); also, give (sth.) to drink [quot. a1500, 1st];
(e) eccl. & theol. to administer (the Eucharistic host to sb.), give (communion); also, administer (the chrism) in the sacrament of baptism or extreme unction; of Christ: offer (his body in the Eucharist);
(f) to offer or allow the use of (one’s body to sb.) in a sexual relationship; also, proffer (one’s breast) to suckle a child.
Associated quotations
- a1225(OE) Vsp.A.Hom.Init.Creat.(Vsp A.22)223 : Þat wif…ȝenam of þes trowes westm and æat and ȝiaf hire were and he æt.
- a1300 Sayings St.Bede (Jes-O 29)314 : Ye nolde hede Ne yeuen of eure brede.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)1492 : ‘Broðer iacob,’ quat esau, ‘Of ðis warme mete ðu gif me nu.’
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)4917 : Sire bissop, wu ne ȝifstus [vr. ȝefste vs] of þine wite brede Þat þou est þi sulf at þi masse?
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Gen.3.12 : Adam seide, ‘The woman…ȝaue to me of the tree, and I ete.’
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)3694 : He laȝȝ…Biforenn asse i cribbe, Swa summ he wære ȝifenn himm To wurrþenn himm to fode.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)6163 : Þe birrþ…þrisstiȝ gifenn drinnke.
- a1225(?OE) Vsp.A.Hom.(Vsp A.22)231 : Ȝef he frend were, me hine sceolde…ȝiefe him his formemete.
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)41 : He…gifeð us his holi fleis to daiwamliche bred and his holi blot to drunche.
- ?c1250 PMor.(Eg 613(1))331 : Mest alle men he ȝiued [Eg(2): ȝiueð] drinke of one deofles scenche.
- ?a1300(a1250) Harrow.H.(Dgb 86)79 : For on appel þat ich ȝaf him He is min and al is cun.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)911 : But yeueþ me inow to ete, Fir and water y wile yow fete.
- c1330(?c1300) Bevis (Auch)52/1087 : Ȝhe…Hire self ȝaf him water to hond.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Kings 1.23 : Þe womman…ȝaf hyr sone mylc to þe tyme þat he schulde moeuyn hym a-wei fro þe mylc.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Kings 17.46 : I schal ȝifen þe careynes…to dai to þe foules of heuene.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Job 22.7 : Water to þe weri þou ȝeeue not.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)5.459 : To men þat beeþ…unkonnynge, þou ȝaf nouȝt at þe bygynnynge þe mylk of good lore.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)16944 : Again þat apell adam ete was gin [Göt: giuen; Trin-C: ȝyue] iesu þe gall.
- a1400 Cursor (Frf 14)14056 : To my fete gaue þou me water nane.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)75/2 : To him þat is of a moist complexicioun…schulde not be ȝouen fleisch, fisch, mylk, eiren, ne no comfortable mete.
- ?a1425 Mandev.(2) (Eg 1982)29/27 : In þat way þer es a well, to þe whilk Moyses ledd þam and gafe þam a drynk off.
- c1450(?1436) Siege Calais (Rome 1306)96 : The women…stuffed euery scaffolde…With boilled caudrons…Yif thay wolde haue sawted the wall, Al hote to gif hem drynke.
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)1.82 : But forto take hit swete, atast…The bittrist erthe…An erthen potte…take and yf hit drynke In watir sweete.
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)1.651 : Barly seed, or puls decoct & cold To yef hem [chicks] first is good & holsum holde.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)15.57 : Kynges flesch ȝoven schal be To Fowles Of Raveyne.
- a1450 St.Editha (Fst B.3)487 : Syre kynge…ychaue ferre gone; Somme meyte ȝemme for charyte!
- a1450 Treat.Horses (Sln 2584)95/140 : While þou curest þis hors, loke he be foddered with barli-straw, or ellus with hard hey; & prouendre ȝif him non, &, as ferforþ as þou may, let him not drynke.
- c1450(1410) Walton Boeth.(Lin-C 103)p.101 : Þe rennyng ryuer ȝaf hem lusty drynke.
- c1450 Mandev.(4) (CovCRO Acc.325/1)508 : Thei yafe hym eyselle and galle.
- a1475 Friar & B.(Brog 2.1)p.49 : Thys mete thou haste gyfe me.
- a1475 Hrl.Diseases Hawk A (Hrl 2340)22 : Gyfe hir [hawk] an hesy gorge.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)89 : Ȝeuit meyt to þe hungry.
- c1475 *Mondeville (Wel 564)152b/a : Men in old tyme ȝauen drinkis in differently to men þat weren woundid.
- a1500(?a1400) SLChrist (Hrl 3909)9610 : For vs to saue…his blode he ȝef vs forto drynke, hys flesche for mete in fourme of brede.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)4/5 : When I was thursty, ȝe gaf me dryngke.
- a1500 15c.Serm.Cycle(Hrl 2247:Powell)63/121 : He commyth for yefe vs his flessh and his blode in forme of brede.
- a1500 Nicod.(4) (Hrl 149)79 : We schul yeue the to the bryddes of the ayre.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)129 : Moyses…ȝef þan folke drinken uppan þan hulle synai.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)6777 : Ȝef us drinken of þine beore.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)460 : We ne haue Herinne neyther knith ne knaue Þat yeueth us drinken.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)2694 : Late…þi wiif…ȝiue it souke.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)60/9 : Þe dyeules noriches…his children yeueþ zouke.
- 1372 Ȝef þu ȝeuest (Adv 18.7.21)p.5 : Ȝef þu ȝeuest him eten inou, þanne must him slepen.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Gen.19.33 : Þey ȝeuen [WB(2): ȝauen] to here fader to drynken wyne þat nyȝt.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)2 Kings 17.29 : Sobi…& Machir…offredyn to hym…whete & barli & mele…& þei ȝeefen to dauiþ & to þe puple…for to etyn.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Rv.(Manly-Rickert)A.4157 : The cradel at hir beddes feet is set To rokken and to yeue the child to sowke.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)1262/35 : The femel bere…is ful besy to saue hire children, And þerfore sche…ȝiueþ hem souke [L lactat].
- a1400 Lefdy blisful (Mert 248)4 : Lefdy blisful…Þou ȝoue hym souken of þi brest.
- a1400 Primer (StJ-C G.24)38 : Thei ȝofen hym drinke galle.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (Bod 416)133/8 : Sinful men ȝeuen souke whanne þei wiþ…smeþe wordes steren a man to synne.
- a1425(a1400) PConsc.(Glb E.9 & Hrl 4196)6191 : Yhe wald noght gyfe me at ete.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)537 : Ȝeem [?read: Ȝeeuin] or ȝeve soke [KC: ȝeuyn sokyn]: Lacto.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)12261 : Souke y gaf hure of my brest [vr. at souke I gaf hir of my pap; F Que jo norri a ma mamele].
- a1450 Omnes gentes (Sln 2593)10 : Ȝeue vs onys drynkyn er we gon henne!
- (1451) Capgr.St.Gilb.(Add 36704)89/36 : This religion…had no tetes as ȝet, of prelates and souereynes, to gyue soke on-to þe tendyr age of her subiectis.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)60/8 : He…spekith him self to here hert and þer yiviþ here soke of þis swetnes of loue.
- 1483 Cath.Angl.(Monson 168)349 : To yif to Sowke: lactare.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)255/343 : Thay shall blys women baren that neuer child bare, And pappes that neuer gaf sowke.
- a1500 Nicod.(4) (Hrl 149)71 : Than gaue they hym to drynke eysel and galle medlyd to-gedre, put yn a sponge, for as moche as he seyde that he had thyrst.
- ?a1200(OE) Hrl.HApul.(Hrl 6258B)145/11 : Wið stanes þe on blædran wexan, cnuca þeos wyrt on wine…& ȝef haueþ fefere, ȝif on wætere.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)1555 : Hii ȝeue him an quointe drench.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)506/8 : Tofore þe risinge of þat sterre…it is perilous to ȝeue laxatif drinkes.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)232/28 : Þou schalt ȝeue him bi þe mouþ a medicyn for to purge fleume.
- c1465(?1373) *Lelamour Macer (Sln 5)22b : Stampe this erbe and yf the juis to him to drinke.
- c1465(?1373) *Lelamour Macer (Sln 5)64a : A beste that pissith blode, yff hym this erbe a-monge oþer gresse and he shall be hole.
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)1.547 : Yef hem comyn ynough.
- a1450 Liber Cophonis (Add 34111)49/382 : Ȝif hym colde atte ete as þe niȝtshode and oþer mo.
- a1450 Treat.Horses (Sln 2584)99/185 : Ȝif him drynke herbes, beteyne, quycseluer.
- ?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh 10.90)179/17-18 : Ȝef ony medesine schal be ȝewyn to distroye venym, it is good to ȝewe þer-with þe jus of þis herbe.
- ?a1450 Macer (Stockh Med.10.91)101 : Yive þe pacient also to drinke þis decoccion lewke.
- ?a1450 Macer (Stockh Med.10.91)196 : Ȝive þe pacient two scripulus of þis to drink in hoot water.
- c1450 Bod.483 Herbal (Bod 483)63/166 : Take the sede and brese hyt…and yeff þe seke to drynke þer-off.
- a1475 Hrl.Bk.Hawking in Studia Neoph.16 (Hrl 2340)14 : Take the roote of confurye and sugur…and do seth it in a fresche grece with þe þyrde parte of hony, then draw it þorghe a feire clothe and ofte yeve thy hauke, and he shall heele.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)86a/b : These ben…general to alle maner of venym wheþir þat it be ȝouen bi þe mouþ or ellis falle bi accident.
- c1484(a1475) Caritate SSecr.(Tak 38)172/24 : Qwan þu wulte yef a medycine, loke in qwat sygne be þe mone and þe sonne.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)24b/28 : Make a powedre of hem and ȝef to drynke ij drames all a day.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)29a/1 : The spycer…yafe hym a noble triacle…and leyde hym in his bede.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)29a/4 : Þe spicer on his owyn hede ȝaufe hym another drame of þe selfe triacle and anoon he was hole.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)25 : Þe preost me walde eskien…hwa me scriue er he me ȝefe husul.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2458 : Cristene folc…ben smered ðor-quiles he liuen Wið crisme and olie in trewðe geuen.
- 1372 In place (Adv 18.7.21)185 : Nu…he…ȝeft his bodi in furme of bred þat sal us alle borwe.
- c1425 Glo.Chron.A (Hrl 201:Wright)347/7 : Þe byssop yt nolde grante…To ȝyue hym þulke holy þyng.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)26/10 : This is þat mete wich…at þe last shal be yivin, to þi gret mede and reward of euer lastyng blisse.
- a1500(?c1425) Spec.Sacer.(Add 36791)39/9 : He ȝaf to hure hure howsel of Goddis body after the masse.
- a1500(?c1440) Lydg.HGS (Lnsd 699)319 : This Paschale Lamb…yaff His bodi to man in forme of bred.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)7462 : Take…One of whom ȝoure loue wyl be, And ȝyueþ nat ȝoure bodyys to alle ylych fre.
- ?a1430 ?Hoccl.Poems PS Compl.Virg.(Hnt HM 111)242 : A modir þat so soone hir cote…rente sy men neuere noon or this For chyld…which þat shee of hir body baar, To yeue her tete.
- a1450 Parton.(1) (UC C.188)2531 : Melior…to yow hath yove [vr. geffe] Hir body.
(a) To hand (sb.) over into the custody of (sb.), deliver (sb. to sb. else); release (a captive to his people) [1st quot.]; also, hand over (a corpse) for burial; ~ over; ~ to dom, hand (sb.) over to judgment;
(b) to hand over (sth., an animal) into the physical custody of (sb.); also, hand (sb. sth.) for some purpose; turn over (to sb. a riderless horse) on the field; hand over (a surrendered city to sb.);
(c) to bring out (sth. kept in reserve) for use, bring forth so as to hand over.
Associated quotations
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)450 : Ȝeue us þe king.
- c1350 MPPsalter (Add 17376)139.9 : Ne ȝyf me nouȝt [Rolle: Gif me noght…That is, suffire me noght to be gifen; L Ne tradas me], fro my desire, to þe sinȝer.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Kings 11.12 : Ȝife ȝee þe men & wee schul slen hem.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Kings 17.46 : Þe lord schal ȝifen þee in my hond & I schal smyten þee.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ecclus.48.23 : He remembride not þe synnes of hem, ne ȝaf hem to þer enemys.
- a1400(?a1325) Bonav.Medit.(1) (Hrl 1701)848 : Ȝyueþ hym me hole, for ded ȝe seeþ he ys; Y wyl hym byrye.
- (a1438) MKempe A (Add 61823)64/12 : Þei ȝouyn hir ouyr to þe legate, & seyden vttyrly þei woldyn no mor medyl wyth hir.
- c1450 NPass.(Add 31042)128/1248 : We biddene the Gyffe hym to dome to hange one tree.
- c1475 Chartier Quad.(1) (UC 85)185/1 : Oure souerain lord is yeuen…in the handes of his mortall enmye.
- a1500 SLeg.Pass.(Vsp A.3)962/14 : Pilat…told þe Iews He hade geen his body And bad þat þai suld loke þat he wore ded.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)12053 : Achilles Was grauntid to be grauyn, & gyuyn to his toumbe.
- c1175(?OE) HRood (Bod 343)34/7 : Iudas ȝeaf sancta helenæ þa fif næȝlæs ðe ure drihten mid inæȝlæd wæs.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)14590 : What wult þu ȝiuen me ȝif ich þe burh ȝiuen [?read: ȝiue] þe?
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)1243 : Vnder hur mantel sche hidde þe staf & turnde aȝe wel faste & hym to hur lady sone sche ȝaf.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pard.(Manly-Rickert)C.922 : I haue relikes and pardon in my male…Whiche were me yeuen by the Popes hond.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)5189 : Gis [Frf: giues] me mi clathes.
- a1425(c1333-52) Minot Poems (Glb E.9)30/88 : He was wardaine of þe toune…Kayes of þe toun to him er gifen.
- ?a1425(c1400) Mandev.(1) (Tit C.16)65/2 : Þere…is the place where oure lady appered to seynt Thomas the Apostle after hire Assumpcioun & ȝaf him hire gyrdyll.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)90b/a : He schal ȝif þat ende to summe oþer mynister for to holde.
- a1450 PNoster R.Hermit (Westm-S 3)19/21 : God made hem pilchis & ȝaf hem to were.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)15/8 : Yeve me my myrrour.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)28/21,25 : The Kynge with the Hondred Knyghtes…ran unto sir Kay and smote hym downe, and toke hys horse and gaff hym kynge Lotte, whereof he seyde gramercy; Whan sir Gryfflet saw sir Kay…on foote, he…rode to Pynnel…and smote horse and man downe, and than he toke hys horse and gaff hym unto sir Kay.
- c1475 Brm.Abraham (Brm)368 : Loo, fader, I haue browt here…Thys jentyll scheppe, and hym to ȝow I ȝyffe.
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)922 : Soule…Why yewyst þou myn enmy þat I haue wrought?
- a1500(?a1400) Morte Arth.(2) (Hrl 2252)3554 : Yif me som of thy clothynge.
- a1500 Rule Serve Ld.(Add 37969)13/24 : Þen þe amesse dyshe to be take away…and after yevyn to one persone.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)804 : Þan sho gafe hym a glasse with a good lycour.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Kings 9.23 : Ȝif þou þe part þat I…comaundide þat þou schuldest leyn a-syde anentys þee.
To extend (one’s hand to sb.) in accord, in the dance, etc.; also, put out (one’s hands to be bound), stretch out.
Associated quotations
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)4 Kings 10.15 : He seiþ, ‘ȝif me þyn hond,’ þe whiche ȝaf to hym his hond, & he rerede hym to hym in to þe char.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)2.293 : Yif me youre hond.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)2.pr.6.73 : Regulus…most yyve hise handes to ben bownde with…cheynes.
- a1450(?c1430) Lydg.DM(1) (Hnt EL 26.A.13)333 : To daunce ȝe mote ȝeue me ȝowre honde.
- a1500(c1435) ?Lydg.DM(2) (Lnsd 699)47/497 : Yeve hidir thyn hand, thou Artificeer.
(a) To dedicate (one’s child to God) by placing him in the service of a Jewish priest; also, offer up (one’s voluntary poverty, chastity, etc. to God) as a gift; eccl. offer (a religious service to Mary);
(b) to devote (oneself, one’s heart, etc. to God, Christ, the Virgin Mary, a pagan deity, etc.); dedicate, give over entirely; also, put oneself at the disposal of (sb.); with inf.: devote oneself (to serve God, be Christ’s servant, etc.);
(c) to sacrifice (sb. to an idol); offer (a sacrifice or an offering to God or an idol); also, present (an action) as an offering; present (sth.) as an offering (to sb. or God);
(d) of a wife: to give (her virginity to her husband); also, in proverb, of a woman: ?give (her pudendum to a lover); ~ togeder, of a married couple: give (their bodies to each other) mutually.
Associated quotations
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)1 Kings 1.11 : I shal ȝyue hym to the Lord alle the days of his lijf.
- c1425 Found.St.Barth.40/28 : Chanons…of this chirche, thy bretheryn…sumtyme payid to me [Mary] solempne office of massys and deuoute seruyce of feithfull reuerence ȝeif to me.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)22/6 : Þat I haue, lord, I yif þe.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)41/11 : Wilful pouerte and chastite…ben ȝulde and ȝouen to god.
- a1500 St.Kath.(4) (Cmb Ff.2.38)289 : My maydenhode…I haue geuyn…to god aboue.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)37/20 : Ðu ȝifst…ðe seluen ðe dieule.
- a1250 Cristes milde moder (Nero A.14)100 : Vor þine luue ich uorsoc al þet me leof was, And ȝef ðe [Mary] al mi suluen.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)324 : Ȝif þou wolt ȝeve þe to gode, swiche grace may þe falle.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))2 Cor.8.5 : Thei ȝauen hem silf first to the Lord, aftirward to vs by the wille of God.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)8144 : He gaf him al wit godd to dele.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)10661 : To godd þan haue i giuen me.
- a1400 Ancr.(Pep 2498)102/11 : It be þe better Man oiþer womman þat al her hert han ȝouen to god.
- a1400 Ancr.(Pep 2498)153/1 : Alle myne wittes ich haue ȝouen to crist.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (LdMisc 210:Everett)4/1 : Ȝyue þiself holly, bodi and soule, parseuerauntly to Crist.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)102/8 : If thou wilt yeve þe to Cupido…Thinke on Cresseidis newfangilnes.
- a1450(?a1349) ?Rolle Luf es lyf (Cmb Dd.5.64)18 : All þi thoght til hym þou gyf.
- a1450(1400) Eche man be war (Dgb 102)44 : Ȝyue hym thyn hert fro fleschly delys.
- a1450(a1401) Chastising GC (Bod 505)160/4 : To hym I ȝeue me hooli.
- c1450(c1400) Vices & V.(2) (Hnt HM 147)59/19 : Þei…ȝyueþ hem to serue God al holly.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)73 : Vlfin…yede and yaf hym-self to the Crepill.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)126/3 : Thei…yaue themself most to God.
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)981 : Yow haue gyuyn yow all Crystys seruauntys to be.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)37/20 : Ðu ȝifst ðine eihte gode.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.1641 : Here offrende and sacrifise…Unto the mihti god above Thei scholden yive.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.1955 : Is openly ayein the feith Unto thidoles yove and granted.
- a1425(c1384) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Ezek.16.21 : Thou offredist my sones, and ȝauest hem…to hem [idols].
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)4.m.7.12 : The sory preest yeveth in sacrifyenge the wrecchide kuttynge of throte of the doughter.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)32/112 : What were god þe bettyr…to ȝevyn hym awey my best sheff?
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)82 : I aske not ellys of all þi substance; Thy clene hert, þi meke obeysance, Yeue me þat and I am contente.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)16/251 : Thou wold I gaf hym this shefe, or this sheyfe.
- a1325 Prov.Hend.(Cmb Gg 1.1)st.42 : Ȝeve þi cunte to cunnig, And crave affetir wedding.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Cl.(Manly-Rickert)E.837 : I yaf to yow my maydenhede And am youre trewe wyf.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)63/15 : Matrimonye is a couenaunt made bitwix man and womman wherynne þei ȝeven to gider, ech of hem to oþire, her bodies perpetualy…whilis þei lyuen, into bigetyng of children.
In phrases: (a) ~ to (til, unto), to devote (oneself, one’s body or heart) to (sth., an action, activity, occupation, a practice, way of life, etc.), pursue actively; also, refl. cultivate the company of (a certain kind of person) [quot. a1425(?a1400), 2nd]; with inf.: devote (one’s heart to doing sth.); refl. give oneself over (to doing sth.);
(b) ~ to (til, unto), of a person, the heart: to be inclined to (sb. or sth.), be favorably disposed; also, incline (sb., one’s heart to sb.); ~ ayenes, be ill-disposed toward (an action);
(c) ben) yeven to (with), to be) characterized by (a vice, an evil, etc.), be) dedicated to the pursuit of (violence), be) disposed or inclined to; also, with inf.: be disposed (to do sth.), have a propensity.
Associated quotations
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)7/25 : Me ssel…yeue him more to gostliche workes and to godes seruise.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)45/8 : Hy yueþ ham to zenne.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.146 : Ne a fouler thral may no man ne womman maken of his body than for to yeue his body to synne.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)10967 : Who ȝyuen hem more to worldly þyng þan prestes do, for alle here prechyng?
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)2013 : Mast to tilth he [Noah] gaue him þan.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)23071 : Þai…gaf þair hert…Þe nede for to cleth and fede.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)5.446 : I ran aboute in ȝouthe and ȝaf me nouȝte to lerne.
- c1400 PLove (Hrl 2254)176/4 : She [soul] dide wel…for to…holi ȝyuer [vr. ȝyuen] hir to þe loue of my Sone.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)4 Kings 17.17 : Thei ȝauen hem silf [L se tradiderunt] to do yuel bifor the Lord, and thei wraththiden hym.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)5788 : With sorwe they bothe dye and lyue That vnto Richesse her hertis yiue.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)7265 : To such folk shulde a prince hym yiue, That wolde his lyf in honour lyue.
- (a1438) MKempe A (Add 61823)127/24 : Þu ȝeuist þe to bying & sellyng, choppyng & chongyng, as it wer a man of þe werld.
- c1440 Tale Heracl.(Thrn)9/27 : Fra the begynnynge of the day, I gyfe me till praynge.
- a1450(c1400) Wor.Serm.(Wor F.10)34/415 : Ȝif ȝe to abstinence, ȝif ȝe to clene rule oþ ȝuresilf.
- c1450 Scrope Othea (Lngl 253)2 : I…haue…consideryd the many and grete entreprises of labouris and aventuris that ye haue embaundoned and yovyn youre selph to by many yeeris contynued.
- (1471) Plea & Mem.R.Lond.Gildh.59 : Alexandre…yave hym not to Riot and vices.
- ?a1475(a1396) *Hilton SP (Hrl 6579)1.11.7a : A soule wolde entierli ȝiefen him to gostli occupacion.
- ?a1475(a1396) *Hilton SP (Hrl 6579)1.37.22b : Þei ȝief hem most to synne.
- c1475(a1400) Amadace (Tay 9)p.42 : A mon…geuees him to gode thewis, Authir to gentilmen or to schrewis.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)214/21 : I wolde þat þei ȝaue hem to oþire vertuose occupaciouns, as summe to studie…summe to craft, summe to marchaundising.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.158 : Ȝif þei foundyn ony man or woman þat ȝeue hem to wychecraftis, [etc.].
- ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.253 : Edward…His herte gaf tille dame Blanche.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)294/17 : Myne herte gyvyth me to the gretly, that thou arte com of men of worshyp.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)468/26 : Muche my harte yevith unto you.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)1164/24 : Never gaff my harte ayenste no goynge that ever ye wente to the quene so much as now.
- a1475 Bk.Quint.(Sln 73)17/19 : Experience techiþ þat colerik men ȝeueþ to summe ymagynaciouns.
- a1500(1422) Yonge SSecr.(Rwl B.490)241/14 : Whan a man syttyth atte mette…he sholde chese that wyche his harte yewyth beste to.
- a1500 Octav.(1) (Cmb Ff.2.38)146/1151 : Of alle the men þat euyr y sye, Moost yeuyth my herte to yow trewly.
- a1400 Cursor (Göt Theol 107)10004 : Scho was geuyn to serue god bidene.
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Gen.6.6 : Al thouȝt of the herte was ȝouun [WB(2): ententif; L intenta] to yuel.
- c1450(1410) Walton Boeth.(Lin-C 103)p.5 : So was he gifen to lustes and delice, In what desire þat come to hys þoght He wolde it done wiþouten more avise.
- c1450(?c1425) St.Mary Oign.(Dc 114)158/30 : A nobil knyghte…gyfen to þe worldes vanyte…was conuerted to oure lorde.
- c1470 Bible F.(Cleve-W q091.92-C468)47/14 : Who that is youen to suerd, he shal perissh with þe suerd.
- a1475 Rev.St.Bridget (Gar 145)37/16 : Man…is yove to fredome.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)33 : Þe bischop be howuiþ be…ne wraþful ne ȝeuin to drink.
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)941 : My wyll was full yowe to syne.
- a1500(a1450) Ashmole SSecr.(Ashm 396)96/4 : Eyen torned vp-ward sheweth…a man yove [L deditum] to vices and venery.
- a1500(a1450) Ashmole SSecr.(Ashm 396)96/18 : Litell eyen…yf þei declyne to þe left side, it sheweth hym to be yove with lust.
(a) To direct (an emotion, a mental attitude, etc. toward sb. or God); give (credence to sb. or sth.); also, pay (attention); pay (attention to sth.); ~ ere(s, give ear, listen; ~ herte, fig. give (one’s) heart (to sb.), bestow (one’s) love (on sb.); also, pay attention (to sb.);
(b) with inf.: ~ entente (tente), to take heed (to do sth); also, with clause: ~ kep, pay attention to (what occurred).
Associated quotations
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)202/5 : Þi luue…oðer hit is forte ȝeouen allunge oðer hit is to sullen.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)1111 : Y telle þat man a conioun, Þat to þe ȝiueþ ani listening.
- c1350 MPPsalter (Add 17376)69.1 : Ȝeue kepe, God, to my helpe.
- (c1380) Chaucer CT.SN.(Manly-Rickert)G.415 : They…yauen ful credence Vn to hir word.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Dc 369(1))Prov.23.26 : Ȝif, sone myn, thin herte to me.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Wisd.6.3 : Ȝeueþ eres, ȝee þat holden togidere multitudes.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))1 Tim.1.4 : Thei schulden not…ȝyue tent to fablis.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Sq.(Manly-Rickert)F.541-2 : I hadde…yeuen hym my trewe herte as fre As he swoor he yaf his herte to me.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)1915 : Who so wil now ȝiuen lyst, Here bigynneþ þe romaunce best.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)144b/b : Þou schalt ȝiff tent to þe cure of þe wounde.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)178a/a : A surgien þat…ȝiffeþ good hede to þe simpel medicines…maie wele vnderstonde…whiche…be febel.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)416/30 : I schewide þe…þe reuerence which I reqwire of seculeris for to be ȝoue to hem in my name.
- c1425 Found.St.Barth.6/17 : Vncertayn he was to whom more credence shulde be gowyne.
- (1435) Misyn FL (Corp-O 236)96/3 : Þis lufe truly is…to criste with-outt partynge gywyn.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)14/8 : Yeue…to thi souereyne reuerence…in herte.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)856 : To venerye he gaf his tent.
- a1450 PNoster R.Hermit (Westm-S 3)25/8 : My sone, ȝyue me þin herte, þat is þe loue þat is in þin herte.
- a1450 St.Etheldr.(Fst B.3)347 : All hurre lust to god he ȝeuede; He seruede hym euer with all hurre myȝt.
- c1450(c1386) Chaucer LGW Prol.(1) (Benson-Robinson)31 : On bokes for to rede I me delyte And to hem yive I feyth and ful credence.
- c1450 MS Frf.16 in Halliwell D.(Frf 16)947 : Han ye suche benevolence With every jantylman to…yiffe hem audience.
- c1450 Royal SSecr.(Roy 18.A.7)35/30 : It bihovith the to haue a secrete man to yefe attendaunce to thi privat writyngis.
- (1462) Plea & Mem.R.Lond.Gildh.25 : Gyffe credens to hym for he is my trusty frende.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)792/26 : We may gyff lovynge to God.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)62 : Ȝeftis ȝere, ȝe þat haldun to gidre.
- c1475 *Mondeville (Wel 564)146b/b : Euery…crafti man þat wole worche by rule…muste ȝeue his entent to a certeyn entencioun ouþir to a certeyn ende And þanne he muste vse meenys þoruȝ þe whiche he mowe atteyne to þe same ende.
- c1475 *Mondeville (Wel 564)147b/a : We schal ȝeue more hede to the staunchinge of þe blood þan to þe helynge of þe wounde.
- a1500 Parton.(1) (Add 35288)8639 : I may not…My love yove [vr. yeue] fro Partonope.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)11907 : To þe gawdes of the grekes gefe he no kepe.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)431 : Iosep of dremys had ȝyue no kepe what hym was shewed yn hys slepe.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)88a/a : A surgene must ȝyuen his entent forto refreine þe scharpenesse of þe bloode.
- c1450(c1350) Alex.& D.(Bod 264)305 : Oþir goodis to gete give we no tente.
(a) To impart (knowledge, understanding, eloquence, enlightenment, etc.), convey (information, a piece of specific information), teach;—usu. with indirect obj.; ppl. yevinge as noun: one who bestows (wisdom on sb.);
(b) to impart (an emotion, a state of mind, desire, etc.);—usu. with indirect obj.; implant (an impulse in someone’s heart);
(c) to impart (moral or spiritual strength, might, virtue, etc. to sb. or sth.), give (sb. courage);—freq. with inf. phrase following; bestow (on sb. a spiritual gift), imbue (sb.) with (spiritual life), give (sb. immortality); also, convey (a supernatural power to sb.);
(d) of one member of the Trinity: to inspire (sb.) with (the Holy Spirit, the spirit of prophecy), infuse (sb.) with the presence of (the Holy Spirit, etc.);—also without obj.; give (to sb. the emanation of God’s spirit); ~ of, give (sb.) of (the Holy Spirit), make (sb.) a partaker of;
(e) of the soul: to imbue (the body) with (a quality, faculty, etc.); fig. and in fig. context: ~ lif, of a root: bring life (to a tree or its leaves); also, of self-love: give (life to the disobedient); ~ strengthe to, of charity: reinforce (virtues), strengthen;
(f) physiol. of flesh: to lend (shape to bodily members); of nerves, sinews: ?transmit (motion, sensation), ?enable.
Associated quotations
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)ded.239 : He…sennðe…Haliȝ Gast…To gifenn hemm god witt inoh Off all hiss hallȝhe lare.
- a1225(OE) Lamb.Hom.Pentec.(Lamb 487)97 : Summe Men he ȝif wisdom and speche.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Kath.(1) (Bod 34)34/237 : Ich chulle ȝeouen ow ba tunge ant tale.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)49/13 : Godd wule, as he ȝef ham, ȝeouen ow liht wið innen him to seon & cnawen.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)3667 : Ic sal hem geuen witter-hed.
- a1325(c1280) SLeg.Pass.(Pep 2344)1064 : Ich haue yshewed to men of þe wordle þat þou ȝeue me.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)3 Kings 5.12 : Þe lord ȝaff wisdam to Salamon as he spac to hym.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ecclus.51.23 : To þe ȝyuynge [WB(2): hym that ȝyueth] to me wisdam…I shal preisen hym.
- a1400 Ancr.(Pep 2498)59/35 : He haþ ȝouen vs knowlechyng of boþe.
- (1424) Let.War France in Bk.Lond.E.(Gldh LetBk I & K)87/14 : Lettres…yaven vs ful enformacion.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)Mat.11.27 : Alle thingis ben ȝouune to me of my fadir.
- a1425 God þat art of mihtes (Add 37787)19 : In-sihte ȝif þu me al-so Þe to knowe in wele & wo.
- ?c1430(c1400) Wycl.Antichr.(1) (Corp-C 296)261 : Eche man [may] feyne þat he haþ…goode vnderstondynge of holy writt ȝouyn of god.
- (c1443) Pecock Rule (Mrg M 519)213 : Þis heuenly goost came to þi disciplis…ȝeuyng to hem kunnyng of alle langagis and kunnyng of oure bileeue.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)21.160 : Thus ȝaf Sampson to his son lerneng.
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)479 : Þe fyue wyttys gyff informacyon.
- a1500(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Add 10302)138 : As I hadde this arte bi grace fro hevyn, I geue you the same here in chapiters sevyn.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)33/3 : I woll yeve the a clere vndirstondinge and assoile thy questions.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)ded.241 : Þe Laferrd Crist…sennde siþþenn Haliȝ Gast Till hise Lerninngcnihhtess…To gifenn hemm god lusst.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)145/30 : Þin wille was soðe berewsinge to ȝieuene on here hierte.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)147/2 : Tu…are…hauest ȝefadd [read: ȝehafd] of hem ðe ðu…teares ȝeaue.
- a1250 Cristes milde moder (Nero A.14)35 : Þu [Mary] ȝiuest eche reste.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)11 : Ðan sal…almigtin…giuen him blisse and soules reste.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)93/10 : Þine zuetnesse…þou…yefst to þine uryendes.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Esd.7.27 : Þe lord god…ȝaf þis in þe herte of þe king.
- a1450(a1396) Hilton CPerf.(Paris angl.41)4 : Þoru contynuaunce in praieris…þou myȝt…constreyne God to ȝeue þee feruour and heete of holy deuocioun.
- a1450(a1401) Chastising GC (Bod 505)123/12 : He wil lacke al maner comfort þat god ȝaf hym bifore.
- a1450(a1401) Chastising GC (Bod 505)178/19-20 : Þis inward charite and swetnesse of loue þe deuel may nat ȝiue.
- a1450-a1500(1436) Libel EP (Warner)1133 : Charite He…That came for hevyne…Mote gefe us.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)68/3 : My pees endelesly I yif to yow.
- ?a1475(a1396) *Hilton SP (Hrl 6579)1.9.6a : Þis partie of contemplacion god giues whar þat he wile.
- ?a1475(a1396) *Hilton SP (Hrl 6579)1.33.20a : Be nouȝt…angri…þat he ȝiefiþ nouȝt þe þat sauour and gostli swetnes wiþ deuocion, as þe þinkyþ þat he ȝiefiþ to oþer creatures.
- c1475 Abbrev.Trip.SSecr.(UC 85)376/6 : Counforte thy peeple with faire wordes, and yive thaim hert and corage.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)22 : God hath yove me mynde to knowe thynges that be to come.
- a1500 Partenay (Trin-C R.3.17)7/196 : It may plese the kyng of glorie Which to me yeff Felyng ther-of fullie.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)5480 : Her icc wile…Þa seoffne ȝifes shæwen Þatt Haliȝ Gast uss ȝifeþþ her.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)8767 : Crist…shall hemm ȝifenn eche lif Att heore lifess ende.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)13 : Ah ic eou ȝife siȝe and streinþe þet ȝe maȝen ower feond ouer cumen.
- a1250 Lofsong Louerde (Nero A.14)215 : Ȝif me wil and mihte…to leten euch uuel.
- a1300 When y se blosmes (Roy 2.F.8)42 : Iesu…þv hyef me strenghte and myþt…to servi þe aryþt.
- c1350(a1333) Shoreham Poems (Add 17376)20/549 : He ȝaf ham power to don hyt.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.ML.(Manly-Rickert)B.939 : Who yaf Iudith corage or hardynesse To sleen hym Olofernus?
- a1425 Dial.Reason & A.(Cmb Ii.6.39)25/7 : Lo what fredam was ȝeuen to þe seruaunt of god to vnloke hid þouȝtes.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)370/26 : In þat he took deeþ he ȝaf ȝou liif.
- (c1443) Pecock Rule (Mrg M 519)126 : Þis fynal perfeccioun…schal be ȝouun as a reward to hem oonly whiche schulen…deserve þat it be ȝouun to hem.
- a1450 Ben.Rule(2) (Vsp A.25)190 : He gifes vs force, þat we not fall.
- c1450 Capgr.Rome (Bod 423)30 : Guynosopistis…prayed him to ȝyue hem immortalite.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)30/16 : He hathe yif me…lif in him.
- a1475(?1445) ?Lydg.Cal.(Rwl B.408)115 : Ȝeueth me, Seynt Marke, some goostely sight Þat I may my-self þe bettur to se.
- ?a1475(a1396) *Hilton SP (Hrl 6579)1.70.47b : He ȝaf him pouer to werken miracles.
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)56 : My loue…strengtheth þe mynde…And yewyt wysdom to hem þat perfyghte bene.
- a1500(?c1378) Wycl.OPastor.(Ryl Eng 86)429 : Þe hooly gost ȝaf to apostlis wit at wit-sunday for to knowe al maner langagis.
- a1500 In a Chirche (Adv 19.3.1)p.163 : Yf God haue gyfhen the vertus moo Then he as gyfhen other too or thre…Be ferde of pride.
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)54 : Thus be maracle off þe Kyng of Hevyn, And by myght and power govyn to þe prestys mowthe, In an howshold were counteryd [read: conuertyd]…xj.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)5512 : Godess Gast…gifeþþ hemm himm sellfenn her…onn eorþe.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Roy 1.B.6)1 John 4.13 : Of his spirit he ȝaf to us.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)18987 : O mi gast þai sal ha streme To suain and womman gife.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (LdMisc 210:Everett)1/7 : Today ȝif vs þiself þat art oneliche oure eche days brede.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (Bod 416)161/6 : In þis we knowen, for he dwelliþ in us, of Spirit þat he ȝaf to us.
- ?a1425(a1415) Wycl.Lantern (Hrl 2324)17/15 : Dauiþ…hadde ȝouun to him þe ful spirit of prophecie.
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Num.11.25 : The Lord cam down…takynge of the spiryt that was in Moyses, and ȝyuynge to the seuenty men.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)6 : He…dispiciþ not man, but God þat ȝaf his Holy Gost in vs.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)81/13 : Al þe uayrhede þet þet body heþ þe zaule hit yeaf.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)37/23 : He þat ȝeueþ liif to þe tre and to þe braunchis is þe rote.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)395/8 : Holy hate wiþ his swerd of drede slouȝ wickid propre wille, which wil was & is norischid of propre loue þat ȝaf liif to alle þese enemyes of verry obediens.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)37/9 : Charite…enformyth and yivith strengthe to alle vertues.
- a1475 Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)2640 : No might ne hath þe body Of him-self…To speke ne go, ne noght to do, But þat þe soule him ȝeueþ to.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)12/11 : Þe sinewe is a simpel member fourmed…for to ȝeue felinge and meuynge to þe brawnes & to oþere partikels.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)12/28 : Summe sinewes growen oute of þe forþer partie of þe braines & þo sinewes ben softe and redy for to ȝeue felinge.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)22/14 : It [flesh] ȝeueþ feirer schap to alle þe parties of a mannes bodie.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)13b/a : Alle þe cordis þat comen fro þe brayn & from þe nucha han boþe meuynge & felynge þe whiche þei ȝeueþ to alle þe membris of þe bodi.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)15a/a : Brawn is a membre…smal in hise extremytees, greet in þe myddil & bowinge, ȝeuynge stiringe to summe official membris.
(a) To transmit (sth.), send;
(b) to impart (to wine a fragrance or pleasant taste).
Associated quotations
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)202/17 : Þus euery teer comeþ out of þe herte, and þe herte ȝeueþ it to þe iȝe.
- a1500 15c.Serm.Cycle(Hrl 2247:Powell)106/111 : A gode vessell…kepith good wyne and yevith [Cmb: ȝevythe] thereto redolent relese and swete savour.
(a) To exude (pus, sap, etc.), put out, discharge; ~ oute;
(b) to emit (light, a smell, fiery gleam, etc.); ~ oute;
(c) to send forth (one’s spirit), i.e., die; ~ gost, ~ up gost (spirit).
Associated quotations
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)88b/a : Aloes, þe barke of fraunke encense…& galles brent so þat what tyme þei ȝif no more lee þei schal be sleckende.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)147a/a : Ȝif þe bodie and þe member be naturellie moiste and ȝif but litil rotennesse oþer foule quiture, þen þe medicyne nedeþ to be but litil driynge.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)174b/b : Ben vj maner of titimalles þat ȝiuen milke.
- c1425 Arderne Fistula (Sln 6)20/29 : A fistule is a depe aposteme …giffyng out quitour.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)92a/a : Þou schalt ordeyne þe pacient to ligge in sich a maner þat þe mouþ of þe wounde be dounward and mooste pendaunt of ony partie of his body &…he be schoggid and y-rollid to ech side þat þe blood mowe renne out of þat wounde riȝt in þe same maner as þou woldist schoggen a barel þat he schulde ȝeue out his licour.
- c1475 *Mondeville (Wel 564)163b/b : Þe wounde schal be preperat twies on þe dai or oftere if it ȝeueþ quytture.
- a1550(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Sln 1873)2996 : Servith such hete…to make oure litarge to geve swete.
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)119 : Ignis…triplicem uim habet…illuminandi, calefaciendi…Fir haueð on him þre mihtes, on to giuende hete, oðer to giuende liht, [etc.].
- c1225(?c1200) SWard (Bod 34)12/95 : Þet fur ne ȝeueð na liht.
- c1300(c1250) Floris (Cmb Gg.4.27)239 : In þe bureȝ ne darf me berne Lampe ne torche ne lanterne, Þat he ne ȝiueþ liȝt & leme, As doþ aday þe sunne beme.
- c1300 SLeg.Mich.(LdMisc 108)458 : Ȝwanne þe sonne schynez on cristal, oþur in watere cler, A gret leome it ȝif out a-ȝein.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2975 : Summe storuen and gouen stinc.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)SSol.2.13 : Þe vynes flouringe ȝyuen þer smel.
- (?1397) In a sesone (Gldh 25125/32)8 : Bryddys in buschys bysy ham with songys, Flourys for to florych and flauour ȝyf about.
- a1425 Wycl.MCh.(Bod 788)405 : Aftir tribulacioun of þo daies, shal þe sunne be maad derk, and þe moone shal not ȝyve hir liȝt.
- c1430(c1380) Chaucer PF (Benson-Robinson)274 : The place yaf a thousand savours sote.
- ?1435(1432) Lydg.Hen.VI Entry (Jul B.2)111 : Crovnettes off golde and stones clere…yaff such a liht That the byholders were stonyed.
- a1450 Mandev.(3) (BodeMus 116)43/4 : The lampe wele yeuyn lytil light.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)19/21 : It gaf light lyke thirty torchys.
- c1470 Bible F.(Cleve-W q091.92-C468)46/27 : It wexid a gret tre and bare large levis crossid with rede and yaue good savoure, but it bare no frute.
- a1500(?a1425) Lambeth SSecr.(Lamb 501)82/27 : Haue it ffurnays, gyffand [L reddentes] fflammes.
- a1500 Bod.EMisc.Lapid.(BodEMisc e.558)32/267 : The rounde Berall yeveth fyre ayenste the sonne.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)8111 : He ȝaff hiss fule gast To farenn inntill helle.
- c1300 SLeg.(LdMisc 108)456/257 : With þusse worde he ȝaf þene gost.
- a1350 SLeg.Juliana (Ashm 43)148 : So ouercome heo was Þat heo al mest ȝef þen gost.
- c1390(?a1325) Adam & E.(2) (Vrn)226/22 : He lay stille & ȝaf vp þe gost.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)25578 : Vte of þi bodi þou gaf þe gast.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (Bod 416)76/13 : Wiþ a gred cri he ȝaf up þe spirit.
- a1425 Nicod.(1) (Hrl 4196)672 : Ihesus said: ‘in þi hend, My fader…My saule now sall I send’; with þis he gaf þe gaste.
- c1450(a1425) MOTest.(SeldSup 52)4110 : For feghyng was his flesch so drye, þat bown he was to gyfe þe gast.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)372/27 : The quene gaff up the goste and dyed.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)9/11 : Yn þat lyght he af [vr. af vp] þe gost.
- a1500 SLeg.Pass.(Vsp A.3)77 : To-geder fell his eghen, And boghed doun his heued; þe gast þen was geen.
- c1600(c1350) Alex.Maced.(Grv 60)243 : Hee gaf up his goste with God for too dwell.
In phrases: ben) yeven, of a legal document: to be) issued; also fig.
Associated quotations
- (1405) Doc.in Flasdieck Origurk.42 : To þe othere partye of this endenture…the forsaid Baillies, Burgeys, and Comuners here comon seal han set to, ȝeuen day, ȝere, and place a forseid.
- (1421) Papers Trevelyan in Camd.67 ()77 : Yeven under our Signet of þe Egle, in absence of our oothir, at our town of Doovore, þe viii day of June.
- (1442) in Salzman Building in Engl.516 : In wittenesse wherof the said parties to these endentures entrechaungeably haue put their seelx; Yoven the day and the yere abouesaid.
- a1450(a1400) SChart.Chr.(Add 37049)33 : Þis was gyfen [vrr. yolvyne (?yowyn), ȝowyn, gyuyne; graunted] at Caluery Þe fyrst day of þe gret mercy.
- c1450 ?C.d'Orl.Poems (Hrl 682)2/53 : Vndir oure seele…Oure feodaries or counselle We this haue doon not to repele In no manere, Gyve on the day of seynt Valentyne þe martere.
- (1459) Plea & Mem.R.Lond.Gildh.7 : Yeoven at London þe sext day of marche.
- (1459-60) Let.Bk.Lond.K (Gldh LetBk K)403 : Yoeven under oure signet…the second day of Feverie.
- (1472) Grant Arms in Antiq.49289 : In witnesse wherof I, the saide Kyng of Armes, to theise presents have sette my seale of Armes…Yevyn at London, the yere of the Reigne of Kyng Edward the fourth aftir the Conquest the xiith.
- (c1475) Doc.in Bk.Brome (Brm)134 : In…wytnes to thys presont chertar I haue put to my sele…Govyn at Walton on þe Wedenysday nex after þe feste of seynt Luke.
- a1500 3rd Fran.Rule (Seton)55/15 : Gouen at Reate the xv Kalender of Septembre, þe secunde yere of oure pontificacion.
- a1525(?1464) Cov.Leet Bk.327 : The…Recordour of this Cite suyd to the kynges hyghnes…to disclose his forseyd comaundement gyff at Couentre…And the kynges hyghnes remembred well the matier and asked Herry Ferres yf he had serched for the seid matier…and yf he had eny thyng founden þerin…Wherto the said Henre answered & seyd þat as yette no thyng was founden.
(a) To generate (a product), produce (fruit, honey, meat, etc.); engender (flesh) [quot. ?c1375-a1390]; ~ milk, of a woman, female animal: produce milk, lactate;
(b) to generate (revenue or income), produce;
(c) fig. to produce (a kind of soul); also, give rise to (questions, power, fame, etc.);
(d) to cast (a shadow);—used in fig. context.
Associated quotations
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)12662 : Shepess lamb uss ȝifeþþ millc & flæsh & blod & wulle.
- c1300 SLeg.Kenelm (Hrl 2277)233 : Þer nas non of alle þe kyn þat half so moche mulc ȝeue.
- (?c1375-a1390) Chaucer CT.Mk.(Manly-Rickert)B.3641 : Oure flessh thow yaf vs; taak oure flessh vs fro And ete ynow.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Mat.13.8 : Other seedis felden in to good lond, and ȝauen fruyt.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)22326 : Þe erth sal giue o frut plente.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)74/14 : A womman maie not wele ȝiff milke & haue her floures boþe at one tyme.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)132 : Drye, as kyne or bestys þat wylle gyfe no mylke: Exuberis.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)41/2 : A cowe yeueth mylke, the which is swete and norisschynge.
- c1450(a1449) Lydg.SSecr.(Sln 2464)679 : A bee yevith hony and styngeth with the tayl.
- c1450 Mandev.(4) (CovCRO Acc.325/1)2015 : A brasile…yeueth his coloure.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)77/29 : Riche menn…laneð here eihte uppe…þinges þe rentes ȝiueð.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))1 Tim.1.4 : Fablis and genologies…ȝyuen [L praestant] questiouns more than edificacioun of God.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)3.pr.2.63-6 : It semeth that strengthe and gretnesse of body yyven [F doingnent] power and worthynesse, and that beaute and swyftnesse yyven noblesse and glorie of renoun; and heele of body semeth yyven delyt.
- a1500 Chartier Dial.F.&F.(Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.43)25/28 : Thys present age hath yeuen othyr maner of soules and desyreth othyr maner of doctryne.
- ?c1450 Brut-1419 (Hrl 24)15 : After his tyme shall come a dragon…that shall yeue in Englande shadewe.
(a) To utter (a word, cry, groan, etc.), speak; make (a sound), sound (a note or signal); ~ oute (up); ~ god dai, say ‘good day’ (to sb.), wish (sb.) a good day; ~ god word (godli langage), speak courteously, speak pleasantly; ~ langages, speak (a number of) languages; ~ to answeres, say (a word) in answer;
(b) to sing (a song for sb.), chant, perform; also, ?intone (an antiphon);
(c) to pronounce (a blessing, curse, condemnation, etc.), utter; announce (a verdict, sentence), proclaim [some quots. difficult to distinguish from sense 1c.(a)];
(d) to issue (a command, warning, etc.), make (exhortation), give (notice); disclose (a law), communicate (instructions, a rule, etc.), enjoin (a commandment);—freq. with indirect obj.; also, swear (an oath), make (a vow); with inf.: command (sb. to do sth.); ~ in charge (commaundement), command (sb. to do sth., that sb. should do sth., etc.);
(e) to give (answer);—sometimes with indirect obj.;
(f) to render (an account, a reckoning); ~ up;
(g) to give (counsel, advice, etc.), tender;—sometimes with indirect obj.; with inf.: give (sb. counsel to do sth.); ~ to red, with inf.: urge as counsel (to do sth.);
(h) to make (accusation, complaint, or mockery against sb.); give (glory, honor, praise, thanks to sb. or God); spread (rumor, slander about sb.); utter (reproof to sb.);
(i) to give (a verbal report); bear (witness); ~ up, state (one’s) business;
(j) to give (assent, accord, consent, etc.);
(k) med. to prescribe (a remedy, course of treatment, etc.), recommend.
Associated quotations
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)81 : He hem gaf to andswere eifulle word.
- c1300 Body & S.(5) (LdMisc 108)p.37 : Ȝwo haþ lered þe al þis wite Þat givest me þese wordes grille?
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1066 : Alle gaven god word to gomes.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ps.76.18 : A vois ȝeeuen þe cloudis.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))1 Cor.14.8 : If the trumpe ȝyue vncerteyn vois, who schal make him silf redy to bateil?
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Mil.(Manly-Rickert)A.3773 : Of al his pley, no word agayn he yaf.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Mch.(Manly-Rickert)E.2364 : Vp he yaf a roryng and a cry.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)3731 : Wit þis gaue [Trin-C: ȝaf] ysaac a grane.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)4393 : Sco gaue a cri þat all moght here.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)668 : Gawan…gef hem alle goud day.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)Mark 15.37 : Jhesus ȝaf out a greet cry and diede.
- (c1438) MKempe B (Add 61823)241/34 : Dyuers personys…spokyn fayr to hir & ȝouyn hir goodly langwage.
- c1440(a1400) Eglam.(Thrn)411 : Þe bare he herde gyff ȝellis.
- a1450 Castle Love(1) (BodAdd B.107)1542 : Wot no mon but God allone What is the betokenyng Of the loude cry and ȝeiyng The[t] heo wolleþ wiþ loude steuyn Ȝeuyn and crye vp to heuyn.
- a1400 Siege Jerus.(1) (LdMisc 656)527 : Tymbris & tabourris…Ȝeuen a schillande schout.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)5157 : Scho gaffe skirmand skrikis.
- a1475 Bk.Courtesy (Sln 1986)191 : Gyf hym boner wordys on fayre manere.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.51 : The ryche…ȝeuyȝt þe pore wol shrewydde woordys.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)229 : Ther-with he yaf a sore sigh.
- a1500(?a1475) Guy(4) (Cmb Ff.2.38)1271 : The ermyte he yaue gode day.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)58/26 : Mydrydates…spake xxij langages and yave them to xxij nacions þat were vndir him.
- a1500 Lamb.Mir.Virg.(Lamb 432)323/15 : The childe…gaff a laghter.
- a1500 Let.Alex.(Wor F.172)164 : We…bad to yeve signe and token with a trump.
- a1500 Siege Jerus.(2) (Brog 2.1)83/385 : Pylat ȝavfe hyme no word for sorro.
- c1475 Mankind (Folg V.a.354)332 : We wyll cum gyf yow a Crystemes songe.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)122/183 : I wold, or we yode, oone gaf vs a song.
- a1500 Rule Minoresses (Bod 585)104/39 : For to ȝeue þe antemes & for to tune þe psalmis þer schul be ii chaunteressis.
- a1121 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.963 : Þa gife ic him Godes curs.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)1508 : Ðe firme sune at offrende…sulde auen ðe bliscing…And…at gestning Ðe gungere sune geuen ðe bliscing.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)1570 : Fader dere, bidde ic ðe Ðat sum bliscing gif ðu me.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)6921 : Þe king þen dom uor to ȝiue an hey sat on is trone.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Ph.(Manly-Rickert)C.198 : This cursed iuge wolde…Ne here a word moore of Virginius, But yaf his iuggement and seyde thus, [etc.].
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)15228 : Vp he lift his hali hand, and gaf [Göt: geue] þe benisun.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (Bod 416)199/5 : His eiȝte curses…he ȝeueþ in þe same gospel to alle þat holden not his hestis.
- a1425 Here begynnes a new (Roy 17.C.17)203 : Ihesu…to the Mownt of Olyvete Tham led & gaf Hys blyssyng.
- a1450(a1401) Chastising GC (Bod 505)159/15 : He shal nat leue me but ȝif he ȝeue me his blessyng.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)12/5 : Uther Pendragon…said in herynge of them alle ‘I gyve hym Gods blissyng and myne.’
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)13 : A sentence of cursyng is seid to be ȝeuun justli, on two maners.
- c1475 Brm.Abraham (Brm)402 : My blyssyng I ȝeffe, wersoeuer ȝe goo.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)19/355 : Here I gif the my malison.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)48/23 : Thei wolde…fynde light causes for to yeue sentence and cursing ouir the people as for…light occasions.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)49 : He haueð geuen us to beon mud freo.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)5/2 : Almiȝti god yaf ten hestes.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)1.99 : God…ȝaf þe lawe to þe folk of Israel.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)1.311 : Creta…was þe firste lond þat…ȝaf lawe i-write in lettres.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.WB.(Manly-Rickert)D.74 : His maister yaf noon heeste.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)10203 : To godd a-vou þai gaf.
- (1414) RParl.4.57b : Also that ȝe wole preiye the Kyng to ȝeve in charge to myne adversaries…to asken a copie of my Bille.
- a1425 Dial.Reason & A.(Cmb Ii.6.39)19/16 : He…hath ȝeuen þis decre.
- ?c1430(?1382) Wycl.Pet.Parl.(Corp-C 296)511 : He may not dispense wiþ Cristis reule ȝoven to apostlis.
- (1432) RParl.5.App.414 : Wee have gene yowe en charge and commaundment…to make hir plein restitucion of her Dower.
- (1436) RParl.4.501a : The Kyng will gif in commaundement to ye Kepers of his Greet and Privee Seales that they soeffre not suche clause of Vidimus be put in any Sauf Conduyt.
- (1448) Shillingford40 : Ye…evyng yn commaundement to the seid parties to go home, [etc.].
- (c1449) Pecock Repr.(Cmb Kk.4.26)1 : Seint Poul ȝeueth not to Thimothe instruccioun of eny hiȝer gouernaunce.
- a1450 Mandev.(3) (BodeMus 116)75/25 : They han broke here lawe that Moyses yaf hem.
- (c1450) Capgr.St.Aug.(Add 36704)19/8 : The good fader Simpliciane gaf him exhortacion.
- (c1456) Let.Oxf.in OHS 35336 : Everyche of youre sayd oratours…shall ȝeve an othe.
- (1463-4) Doc.in Welch Hist.Pewterers Lond.31 : You shall…geve warninge to the master and wardens therof.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)326/29 : He gaff me suche charge at that tyme that I woll never discover hym untyll he requyre me.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)713/27 : I sholde gyeff thes marynars in commaundemente never to stynte tyll they cam unto Lonezep.
- c1475 Mankind (Folg V.a.354)293 : I gyue yow in charge, Be ware of New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought.
- a1500(?a1400) SLChrist (Hrl 2250)9887 : The lawe wos gefen…in fir to Moyses.
- a1500 Rule Serve Ld.(Add 37969)16/39 : Þe marshall shall geve awarnyng to þe kerver and copberers.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)12733 : Teȝȝ himm þa Þuss ȝæfenn sware onnȝæness.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)6778 : Þa ȝæf þe king answare.
- c1275(?c1250) Owl & N.(Clg A.9)55 : Þe niȝtingale ȝaf answare.
- c1300 Lay.Brut (Otho C.13)13154 : Answere neuere non ne ȝaf to þeos eorles.
- a1325 SLeg.(Corp-C 145)213/70 : Þe marchans þoȝte scorn of him…And ȝifþ him hoker answere.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)395 : He gaf hem answere agayn.
- a1400 Cursor (Göt Theol 107)4459 : Þe botoler for bath gau ansuere.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.337 : Þey…trauaylyn to sauyn ȝour soulys, as þei þat schul ȝeuyn answere for ȝour soulys at þe doom.
- a1500(a1450) Gener.(2) (Trin-C O.5.2)365 : This Ientill man gave an answere.
- (1389) Lond.Gild Ret.in Bk.Lond.E.(PRO C 47/var.)50/84 : Þo four schulle trewely ȝiue vp her acompte vpon seint katerine day, byfore al þe breþeren.
- a1425 Dial.Reason & A.(Cmb Ii.6.39)19/13 : At domes day schalt þou ȝeue a countes.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)407/32 : A verri obediencer schal not ȝeue rikenyng of himsilf to me.
- ?a1450 Sel.Rosarium Theol.(Cai 354/581)87/28 : Bot if prestez schewe…trewþ in þe puple, þai schal giffe reson in þe day of dome.
- ?c1450(?a1400) Wycl.Clergy HP (Lamb 551)363 : Ȝoure souereyns…waken as for to ȝeue acowntis for ȝoure soulis.
- (1475-6) Doc.in Welch Hist.Pewterers Lond.49 : The…wardens vppon theyre othe…schall geue a trew a Count ons a yere.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.64 : The more þat ȝe takyn…the hardere rekenyngge ȝe musten ȝeuyn.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)77/7 : He ȝifð hem god ræd þurh ðe haliȝe writes.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)4064 : Balaam…gaf ðis read of soules dead.
- c1350 Ayenb.App.(Arun 57)265/18 : Nou broþren and zostren y-hyreþ my red and yueþ youre.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1110 : Komande hem kendely here cunseile to ȝeue.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Esd.5.3 : Who ȝaf to ȝou counseil þat þis hous ȝee shulden bilden vp?
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Mel.(Manly-Rickert)B.2485 : Conseil…was yeuen to yow by the men of lawe.
- ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.35 : His barons gaf him conseile for to take a wyfe.
- a1425(a1400) Titus & V.(Pep 2014)433 : He ȝaue counselle aȝen þe pees.
- a1450(?1348) Rolle FLiving (Cmb Dd.5.64)91/64 : He…gaf [vr. gayf] hir þis counsell.
- (c1450) Capgr.St.Aug.(Add 36704)13/13 : Certeyn frendis…ȝoue him councel.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)19/34 : They coude no counceil gyve.
- c1475 3 Consid.(UC 85)203 : His table yave him counseill.
- a1500(1465) Leversedge Vision (Add 34193)127/585 : My curat…can ȝeve me sume conselle.
- a1500 3rd Fran.Rule (Seton)54/9 : We geue councell that the forseide…techars be taken of the Frere menores.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)12002 : The grekys full glad gyffon to red Ilion to ouerturne.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Kings 6.5 : Ȝee schul ȝeuen to þe god of israel glorie.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)7.1932 : Of this ansuere Alceste hath yive Unto Minerve gret thonkinge.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)3969 : Þe kyng Gynneþ hym ȝiue swiche acusyng.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)2036 : I bicome his man anoon, And gaue hym thankes many a oon.
- a1425 Ben.Rule(1) (Lnsd 378)3/7 : Til god sal þe louing be, a[n]d grace til him giue, of whame we haue al þe gude.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)48/12 : Þi creaturis…schulden ȝeue preisynges to þee.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)217/16 : Þis deuoute soule…ȝaf þankynges to God.
- c1450(a1425) MOTest.(SeldSup 52)15071 : Þou gyfes to me agayn bot plenyng and reprofe.
- (c1450) Paston2.59 : Myn mayster ȝaf Frances a mocke and asked hym for [read: if] a man myth not betyn hes owyn wyfe.
- (1461) Paston2.242 : I recummaund me to ȝou, praying ȝow hertyli to labur for that the Kyng may wryte vnto me, gevyng me thankyng of þe good wyll and servyse that I haff doo vnto hym.
- c1470 Bible F.(Cleve-W q091.92-C468)74/28 : Alle that…peple yaue thanking to God.
- c1475 Chartier Quad.(1) (UC 85)177/7 : God knoweth…the rumore and slaunder opprob[r]iouse whiche…thou gaf to theim that reuled…the.
- c1475 Chartier Quad.(1) (UC 85)193/33 : So was Minicus constrayned to yeue laude and thanke [CQ(2): thankingis] to him whos worship he had slaundred and blasphemyd before.
- a1500 Add.Hymnal (Add 34193)446/61 : Laud, honor & thankes reuerente…glorye Emperialle Be yeue to the fadyr omnipotente, And to þe sone in godhede peregale, And to the holy spyryte celestiall.
- a1500 Add.Hymnal (Add 34193)453/82 : Too owr lord…Be yeuone lawd.
- a1500 Lydg.LOL (Adv 19.3.1)p.127 : Glorye and preyse, laude and hye honowre, O blesfull quene, be gevon unto the.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Roy 1.B.6)1 John 5.7 : Thre ben that ȝiuen witnessing in heuen.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (Bod 416)163/22 : Þre ben in heuene þat ȝeuen witnesse: þe Fadur, þe Sone, and þe Holi Gost.
- a1425 LOL (Wnds E.I.I)94/11 : Þe postlis ȝauen witnessing of þe rising aȝen of Ihesu.
- (1435) RParl.4.493a : Thambassiatours…passed over into Flaundres to geve open relation yerof unto hem of ye saide parties of Pruce.
- c1440(?a1400) Morte Arth.(1) (Thrn)85 : To þe gome he gaffe vp his nedys.
- c1450 Lydg.SSecr.Ctn.(Sln 2464)2515 : They…to ypocras yove relacioun how they hadde attemptyd the science Off wyse philomon.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)282/325 : Serys, of o thyng…gyf me relacyon, if jhesus were out born in þe lond of galelye.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)1.1125 : The kyng…hath yoven his assent.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)2035 : Archelaus þere-of ȝaf graunt, Ac he braak þat couenaunt.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)73/10 : If þe peple which schulde hem kepe ȝeue þerto her assent bi hem silf or bi her attorneys and procutouris, [etc.].
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)689 : Therto I geve acordance Off thow þat ben of myn affyance.
- a1500(1465) Leversedge Vision (Add 34193)116/226 : As soon as my saule purposid to a spokyn and inclynyd to þer intent and to haf gon with þem, or hit myght speke and gyvve hys concent…my good angelle…toke my saule fro my body.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)91a/b : Þis maner is…ȝeuen fullye of autours of medicine.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)186b/b : Brune ȝiffes it and it is myne also: Take nutte cipresse, [etc.].
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)125b/a : Þis general lore…is ȝeue in cure of woundis of þe heed whanne þe wounde is oonly in þe skyn of þe heed…and y wondir if in al þe world be a bettere loore.
(a) To perform (an act, operation, a ritual); make (confession); eccl. perform (a sacramental rite), administer; ~ ende, make (one’s) end, die; ~ a hete (boile), heat (sth.);
(b) to do (battle), make (an assault), carry on, wage; do (battle against sb.), make (an assault against sb. or sth.);
(c) ~ blessinge with the lift honde, to make the sign of the cross with the left hand as a curse;
(d) to administer (punishment or chastising to sb.);
(e) ~ a yeve (yifte), to make (sb.) a promise, give a pledge (to sb.); also, promise (that sb. will do sth.), promise (sb. that sb. will do sth.).
Associated quotations
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)3219 : Þiss lif…he…aȝȝ het held full wel anan Till þatt he ȝaff hiss ende.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Esd.10.11 : Now ȝyueþ confessioun to þe lord god.
- (1395) Wycl.37 Concl.(Tit D.1)129 : Cyprian…erred in the matter of bapteme gouen of heretikes.
- ?c1425 Arun.Cook.Recipes (Arun 334)457 : Gif hit then a boyle after.
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)4.140 : Ek weede hem ofte…Vntil the plaunte vp gete…And yeue hem in the hete a watteringe.
- a1450 Hrl.Cook.Bk.(1) (Hrl 279)22 : Sette it on þe fyre an ȝif it an hete & þanne…take whyte Sugre…& caste þer-to…& caste þer-to Clowys…& sette it on þe fyre & ȝif it a boyle.
- ?a1450 MLChrist (Add 39996)310 : Sche bade hem…To ȝeue þe child circumcise.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)59 : It is to not, þat þe sacrament of presthed befor oþer…is to be ȝeuen and tane…Oþer sacramentis are ȝeuen to ilk man for himsilf.
- c1330 SMChron.(Auch)768 : He wald ȝif on him batayle.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)2857 : Harde sautes to þe cite were ȝeven.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)4.213 : Some of Rome fiȝteþ and ȝeveþ batayle aȝenst oþere of Rome.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)7792 : Dauid had gin him [Amalech] batail kene.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)5833 : Þat folk grete assauȝt hym ȝaue Wiþ swerdes, axes, stones, and staue.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)6212 : Þe kyng ȝaf bataille Vpon Taurunte.
- a1425 Arth.& M.(LinI 150)112 : Þey prikyden forþ…To ȝeue þe Denys kyng batayle.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)2657 : He…til his broþer gaf bataille.
- c1453(c1437) Brut-1436 (Hrl 53)577/33 : The Flemmynges…gave þe Englisshe men with-in many stronge assawtes.
- a1475 Siege Troy(1) (Hrl 525)187/1065h : The shyppis all Yoven asaught on to þe wall.
- (a1475) Fortescue Gov.E.(LdMisc 593)129 : He hath gyven bataill to the same kyng, and putt hym to flight.
- a1500(?a1400) Morte Arth.(2) (Hrl 2252)2728 : Arthur, than, the comely kynge, with hys folkis ther was lente To yeff Assaute.
- a1500(a1450) Gener.(2) (Trin-C O.5.2)2012 : The lande of perse hath gevyn batell.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Hrl 7333)285 : She…ȝafe þe stiwarde hire blessing with þe lefte hond.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.221 : The brennynge of the fyr of this world shal god yeuen in helle to hem that ben dampned.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)14/14 : To thi suget, thou scholdest yif…chastisyng.
- c1475 Chartier Quad.(1) (UC 85)135/26 : Mercy medled with rightwysnesse…yiveth vpon the nobles…discreete and temperate punicion.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)2880 : Ich giue þe a giue Þat euere…shal-tu be with me dere.
- c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch)2921 : A ȝift y ȝeue þe.
- c1440(?a1400) Perceval (Thrn)85 : Gyffes he a gyfte…Þat he scholde qwyte hym þat dynt.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)13481 : Ys Rome…Halden hed of al þe werd, & so schal be, y gyue ȝow a gyue.
- a1500 Partenay (Trin-C R.3.17)5557 : Be it witte or foly, you will haue to loue, sin yifte me haue yif on; I will noght desire non other guerdon.
(a) To deliver (a blow), give (sb. a buffet, knock, etc.); also fig.; ~ breid, give a pull or jerk; also, with refl. pron. as indirect obj., of hell: wrench itself, convulse; ~ a fal, give (sb.) a fall in a joust, unhorse (sb.); also, knock (sb.) down; ~ tripet, trip (sb.) up;
(b) ~ acole (colee), to tap (sb.) on the shoulder with the flat of a sword blade as part of the ritual of dubbing to knighthood;
(c) to strike (sb.), hit, smite; also, kick (sb.);
(d) to inflict (a wound);—usu. with indirect obj.; also fig.; ~ dedis (dedli, dethes, mortal, etc.) wound.
Associated quotations
- c1225(?c1200) HMaid.(Bod 34)16/225 : Þenne smit leccherie o þe mihte of meiðhad…þet dreori dede on ende ȝeueð þet deaðes dunt.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Marg.(1) (Bod 34)52/1 : He þe þene dunt ȝef.
- a1250 Ancr.(Nero A.14)26/27 : Sweord smit of neih & ȝifð [Pep: smyteþ] deaþes dunt.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)10602 : Heo bittere swipen ȝefuen mid axes & mid sweordes.
- a1325(c1280) SLeg.Pass.(Pep 2344)1229 : Harde boffetes hi him ȝeue.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1158 : Mani strok in litel stounde sternely was þer ȝeven.
- c1390 Treat.Mass (Vrn)347 : Wiþ his hed he ȝaf a dasch Aȝeyn þe Marbel-ston.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.NP.(Manly-Rickert)B.4504 : A preestes sone yaf hym a knok.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)7169 : Sampson…gaue a braid…fers and fast.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)18083 : Wit þis gaf hell it-self a braid And kest vte sathan.
- a1400 Cursor (Frf 14)15837 : Mony a falle þai him [Jesus] gaf.
- c1400(?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)174 : Baysment gef myn hert a brunt.
- a1425(?c1350) Ywain (Glb E.9)3540 : Ful stalworth strakes war þare gifen.
- a1425(a1400) PConsc.(Glb E.9 & Hrl 4196)7017 : Devels…with hamers gyf swa gret dyntes Þat alle to powdre moght stryke hard flyntes.
- c1425(c1400) Ld.Troy (LdMisc 595)17095 : Sche smot him…And ȝaff him on vn-to his mede, That hir spere In-sunder ȝede.
- c1440(a1400) Eglam.(Thrn)1262 : Sir Eglamour tuk his swerd platte And gyffes his son swylke a swappe Þat to þe grownde gan he gane.
- (1449) Metham AC (Gar 141)916 : He redy schuld be For hys lady sake to iuste…and qwat he were myght yeue hym a falle Schuld ryghtly hys coursere and trappere possede.
- c1450 Capgr.Rome (Bod 423)5 : Þei…put hem in prees þere buffetis schuld be ȝoue.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)30/10 : He gaff hym suche a falle that the horse felle downe to the erthe.
- c1470 Bible F.(Cleve-W q091.92-C468)55/33 : Thei yaf him gret buffetis and strokis, and than thei seid to him, ‘Telle who smote thee.’
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)174/188 : I ȝeve hym such a trepett, he xal evyr more ly stylle.
- a1500(?a1400) Morte Arth.(2) (Hrl 2252)269 : A dynte he yaff with mekill mayne.
- a1500(?c1425) Spec.Sacer.(Add 36791)253/2 : He…ȝaf hym a grete stroke in the face with his fiste.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Add 9066)416 : The chambreleyn is the deuyll…but gyfe hym iij buffettes, that is, mekenesse, charite, and mercy.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)54/11 : So thanne thou, mortall man, wylt gouerne Goddis people ayeinst His will…Wherfor He woll yeue the a fall.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)6436 : Mony strokes, in þat stoure, þo stithe men hym gefe.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)813 : Kyng Philippe þat was his lorde…ȝaf hym þe colee ariȝth.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)520 : He wolde neuer be knyght before that the beste knyght of the worlde…hadde yove hem…the a-coole.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)637 : The kynge yaf him the a-colee and seide, ‘God make hym a good knyght.’
- a1425(a1400) Titus & V.(Pep 2014)168 : Anoþer toke a fullyng-staffe And on þe heed þerwiþ him ȝaue.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)298/6 : Þis Emperour…gaff hur on þe cheke with hys nefe.
- c1450 Pilgr.LM (Cmb Ff.5.30)132 : Anoon with his yrened foot he schulde yiue me in the visage.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)4276 : He comm her to læchenn uss Off all þatt dæþess wunde Þatt Adam haffde ȝifenn uss.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)1144 : Ech man þat he þer wiþ smot he ȝef deþes wounde.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)7870 : Þis…xvi þousinde…smiten on our ȝong man…And ȝauen hem bitter and hard wounde.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)8158 : Dedliche wounde he ȝaf him hard.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)1.4211 : Castor…Hath with a spere amyddes of þe breste Segnerides ȝoue a mortal wounde.
- c1440(a1400) Eglam.(Thrn)407 : Þe bare he gaffe his dedis wounde.
- c1460(a1449) Lydg.2 Merch.(Hrl 2255)770 : With myn hand I gaff his dedly wounde.
- a1450(1408) Vegetius(1) (Dc 291)60/23 : Ȝif þou rennist aȝenst þin enemy wiþ scharp point, and þou happe to perce two ynche, hit is liȝtliche to ȝiue him deþes wounde.
- a1475 Siege Troy(1) (Hrl 525)168/162j : Swerdis þey drowyn…And ether gave oder grysly wonde.
- a1500(?a1475) Guy(4) (Cmb Ff.2.38)201 : Loue hath geuyn hym soche a wounde.
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)39 : They…with daggers gouen hym many a greuyos wound.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)1250 : Þe kyng…Gaffe hym a great wounde in his grete face.
(a) To show (signs, portents, etc.), demonstrate, exhibit; show (sb. a sign); also, with clause: show (that sth. is the case); also, refl. show oneself (as sth.);
(b) to present (a doctrine, an opinion) for consideration; set forth (a rule), express; offer (a choice); ~ in (up); ppl. yeven as adj.: stated;
(c) of an instrument: to indicate (sth.), register;
(d) to feel (an emotion);—in phrases with refl. pron. as indirect obj.: ~ gret wonder, wonder greatly, feel great curiosity; ~ ille, trouble oneself, be disturbed; ~ sorwe, feel sorrow, be sorrowful;
(e) ~ (the) bak, to show one’s back, show (sb.) one’s back, turn and run; also, put (sb.) to flight [1st quot.].
Associated quotations
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)11090 : Þatt newe sterrne…he ȝaff Þa Kalldewisshe kingess Forr þatt itt shollde ledenn hemm Till himm þe rihhte weȝȝe.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Tob.10.13 : Þe fadir & moder…laften hir to gon, monestinge hir…to ȝyuyn [WB(2): schewe; L exhibere] hirselue vnreprouable.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Mark 13.22 : Fals prophetis schulen ryse vp and schulen ȝyue tokenes and grete wondris to disceyue…the chosene.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))2 Cor.6.4 : In alle thingis ȝyue we [L exhibeamus] vs silf as mynistris of God, in moche pacience.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)prol.332 : At Avynoun thexperience Therof hath yove an evidence.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)4.710 : Hir teeris…yaven signes of the bittre peyne In which hir spirit was.
- a1425 Here begynnes a new (Roy 17.C.17)283 : I sall on herthe gyfe tokennys.
- (c1449) Pecock Repr.(Cmb Kk.4.26)306 : Experience hath ȝouun bifore…that grete lordis and ladies…couthe not rekene a summe into an hundrid schilingis.
- (c1449) Pecock Repr.(Cmb Kk.4.26)542 : Peple han be and ben and schulen be so freel as experience ȝeueth that thei ben.
- c1450 Lydg.Hen.VI Entry (Cleo C.4)p.5 : A sturdy champion…His swerd upreryd, proudly gave manace.
- c1475 Chartier Quad.(1) (UC 85)141/22 : I see vppon us light the strokes that ben digne of deth, yiving tokenyng of divine indignacion.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)2 Kings 24.12 : Of þre thingis to þee ys ȝofen choise.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)93/18 : Olde philosofres ȝaf diuers and…contrarie domes.
- (1414) RParl.4.22b : Youre…lieges…bysechyn…that ther never be no Lawe…that sholde chaunge the…Petitions biforesaid yeven up yn writyng.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)159b/a : Þere ben þre general reules ȝeuen in þis mater howe þat a man schal make compounde medicines of þes simpel medicines.
- (1425) RParl.4.268b : Ye Counseill…come into yis high Court, yeving in a Peedegree in writyng, provyng my said Lord Erle Marschall commyng lynealy of Blod Riall.
- (1425) RParl.4.276a : Pourveid…that if any Wolle…shipped…fortune to be perisshed…That the said Merchant or Merchantz that have lost…the said Wolle…aftre the fourme…of a Bill, assented be the forsaid Commens, gevyn uppe to the Kyng…mowe be discharged.
- (c1449) Pecock Repr.(Cmb Kk.4.26)459 : The Apostlis ȝauun sum…ground wherbi tho makers myȝten weel knowe and knewen that forto so…ordeyne it accordid…with the Apostlis…wil.
- c1450 Art Number.(Ashm 396)45/33 : Of progressioun naturell 2 rules ther be yove.
- (c1454) Pecock Fol.(Roy 17.D.9)69/26 : If þe ȝouun discripcioun of feiþ be trew…feiþ muste be gendrid into vs.
- a1400 LShip Venice (Trin-C O.5.26)406 : The extremitees of this figure ȝeueþ [Price reads: ȝeneth; L dant] solsticia; the myddel, sothly, equinoccia.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)164 : He greten, and gouleden, and gouen hem ille.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)3037 : Giue þe not ill.
- a1425(?a1350) 7 Sages(2) (Glb E.9)3884 : Childe, gif þe noght ill; Ihesu wil þe help in haste.
- c1440(a1350) Isumb.(Thrn)111 : They wepede alle and gafe thame ille.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)207/6 : Now geff the sorow, sir Emperour.
- a1500(?a1400) Torrent (Chet 8009)1570 : Yeve the no thing yll, To ffyght with my lordys enemy.
- a1500(?a1400) Torrent (Chet 8009)1740 : Yf the no-thing evyll.
- c1500 Melusine (Roy 18.B.2)223/27 : I gyue me grete wonder what folke they may be.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)2 Kings 22.41 : Myn enemys þow ȝeeue to me þe bac…& I schal scateren hem.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)2499 : Þe fiue gaue bak to wine a-way.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)4390 : He drou, sco held, þe tassel brak, Þe mantel left, he gafe þe bak [Göt: gaf bac].
- c1475(?c1425) Avow.Arth.(Tay 9)1115 : Þere mete…gerut hom to giffe vs þe bake.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)6860 : The grekes gaf bake & þaire ground leuyt.
(a) To appoint (sb. leader, an officer, or a companion for sb.), choose; appoint (sb. as knight);
(b) to ordain (sth.), require, make mandatory;—also without obj. in as clause [last quot.]; with inf. or clause: ordain (sth. for the purpose of doing sth.); require (sth. to be done); also, ordain (that sb. do sth.);
(c) to assign (an office, a task, penance, etc.);—freq. with indirect obj.; also, set (a punishment); with inf.: direct (sb. to do sth.); also, in impers. construction: him was yeven, it was appointed for him (to do sth.);
(d) in phrase: ~ to, to assign (a numerical value) to (each letter of an alphabet); also, associate (a metal, certain plant life, truth) with (a particular planet or heavenly body), regard as in the domain or under the influence of;
(e) in expressions of naming: ~ name, to assign a name (to sb. or sth.); give (a poem) a title; ~ to name, give (sb. or sth. a specified name) as a name; ~ word, give (a specified honorific) title (to sb.);
(f) to fix on (a day for action), appoint; also, fix (the duration for rumors);—usu. with indirect obj.;
(g) to attribute (sth. to sb., God, or the devil), ascribe.
Associated quotations
- c1300 Horn (LdMisc 108)72/1310 : Þo me to knyȝte þou ȝoue; My knyȝt hede ich haue proued.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Judg.14.11 : Þei ȝefyn to hym boordfelawis þretty þe whiche schuldyn ben wiþ hym.
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)3 Kings 14.7 : I haue enhaunsid thee fro the myddis of the puple, and ȝaf thee duyk vpon [WB(2): on] my puple Irael.
- c1450 Royal SSecr.(Roy 18.A.7)36/34 : Yofe hem such officers that entende not to ther distruccioun.
- c1300 SLeg.Pilate (Hrl 2277)197 : Þenqueste vpe him seide þat he destruyde oure lawe, And lawe ȝifþ þat alle suche me scholde bringe of dawe.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)3 Esd.1.32 : Þis is ȝyuen to be don euermor in to al þe kynrede of israel.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)228/28 : What þat euere I suffre or ȝeue, I do it…þat ȝe schulden…sett ȝoure entent to þat eende þat it is maad to.
- a1450 PNoster R.Hermit (Westm-S 3)19/19,26 : Cloþing was first ȝeuen to man his synful membris to cloþe & to hide…God haþ ȝyuen cloþing to man…his schameful lymes to hil & to hide.
- a1500 Partenay (Trin-C R.3.17)462 : I do beleue Ryght As holy Catholike feith doth yeue.
- a1150(c1125) Vsp.D.Hom.Elucid.(Vsp D.14)141/26 : Þa geaf God him ane wica.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)2111 : Himm wass ȝifenn forr to ben Wiþþ Sannte Marȝe inn huse.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.223 : He was an esy man to yeue penaunce.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)1.1972 : Yif me my penance er I die.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)14454 : He þam gaf na noþer task.
- a1400 CMSoul (Bod 923)263 : That penance which is cleped solempne is penaunce that is youen or enioigned on Asch Wodenesday be the bischop in cathedral churches with grete solempnite, for open cryme, or horrible synne knowen to all a cite or a cuntre.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)340/16 : I ȝeue a man no moore for to bere þan he may bere.
- a1450(a1401) Chastising GC (Bod 505)226/12 : I haue made an ende of þat werk þat þou ȝauest me to doo.
- a1450(a1425) Mirk IPP (Cld A.2)683 : Ofte þou moste penaunce ȝen Boþe to men and to wymmen.
- a1450(a1425) Mirk IPP (Cld A.2)1879 : Oþer penaunce þow schalt not gyn.
- (1480) Plea & Mem.R.Lond.Gildh.139 : I yeve and bequethe to myn executoures…to syng and pray…for my sowle.
- a1475 Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)2061 : To echone God ȝaf iwis Ordre of office in his blis.
- c1613(1469) Plumpton Let.22 : The punishment will be grevieous to them, for it is gyffin by a statute.
- c1400 Wycl.LAChurch (Dub 244)p.xxvi : Byngynnnge fro þe first of ebrew lettris & ȝeuynge to euery lettre an hundrid ȝeer, þe oolde Testament was endid whanne þe noumbre ȝeuen to þe lettris was fulfillid.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)16/26,30 : The philosophres yaf and compared the vertues of the vij metallis to the vij planetis…To Jouis is yoven copir or bras.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)17/29 : Venus is a planete of hevin, after whom Friday is named; and the metal that we calle tyn or peuter is yoven to the same.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)18/27 : Satirday is named aftir Saturne, and the metalle that we calle leede is yoven therto.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)20/2 : The sonne be his clernes schewith thinges that be hidde; and therfore trouthe, the which is clere and schewith secrete thinges, may be youen [vr. yofe] to him.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)20/25 : Phebe is callid the mone, of whome the Monday hath his name; and to him is youen the metall that we call siluere.
- c1484(a1475) Caritate SSecr.(Tak 38)176/34 : Euiry thyng wantyng lyght of þe nombyr of vegetabyllis is attribute to Saturne…And qwat þing of vegetablys is floryschyng and luminus is youyn to…and gouernyd be Mercury.
- a1500(a1450) Ashmole SSecr.(Ashm 396)67/27 : All thyng vegetable that floureth and bereth no frute is yove to Mars.
- a1121 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.654 : Hi wolden an mynstre areren…And hi swa diden & nama hit gauen ‘Medeshamstede’.
- a1121 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.963 : Kenulf…macode fyrst þa wealle abutan þone mynstre; geaf hit þa to nama ‘Burch’ þe ær het ‘Medeshamstede’.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)13048 : He ȝæf nome þan hulle ær he þonne wende and hehte hine Æleine Tunbel.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)238 : Adam gaf hire name ‘eua’.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)301 : Euerilc ðhing haued he geue name.
- c1330 Le Freine (Auch)18 : Þai…maked a lay and ȝaf it name.
- c1390 Castle Love(1) (Vrn)616 : Wondurful…redeful…fader…Prince of pees…Þeos beþ þe nomen…Þat þe prophetes him ȝeeuen.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)4986 : Þijs oþer ten, Þat þai giue to nam ‘ruben’, Duel in ostage her wit me.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)25431 : Man þou scop and gaf him nam.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)7/13 : To the firste we haue youen a name.
- a1450(a1425) Mirk IPP (Cld A.2)138 : Then may the fader …Crysten the chylde and ȝeue hyt name.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)1070 : ‘Sagittarius’ forsoth men gafe it to name.
- c1450 Capgr.Rome (Bod 423)4 : Writith solinus…a fled woman fro troye whos name was ‘romen’…ȝaue þe name to þe cyte…longe or remus and romulus wer bore.
- (c1450) Capgr.St.Aug.(Add 36704)2/4 : Þis word ‘Augustus’ was first ȝoue on-to þe emperour Octauiane.
- c1450(a1400) Libeaus (Clg A.2)61 : Now wyll Y ȝeue [Lamb: if] hym a name.
- a1475 Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)2254 : Adam ȝaf name to alle þing.
- c1450(c1380) Chaucer HF (Benson-Robinson)2114 : Thus out at holes gunne wringe Every tydynge streght to Fame, And she…yaf hem…duracioun, Somme to wexe and wane sone…And let hem goon.
- (1461) Paston2.239 : Writtes shall goo in-to euery shire to gyve them þat ar chosyn knyghtes of þe shire day after Michelmesse.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)1050/33 : Gyffe me my day that I may have justyse.
- a1350 Of a mon (Hrl 2253)55 : Þis mon…Matheu ȝef a peny.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Kings 18.8 : Þei han ȝifen to dauyd ten thousendes & to me a thousend.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Bar.2.18 : Þe soule…ȝyueþ to þee glorie & riȝtwisnesse, lord.
- c1390 NHom.Narrat.(Vrn)45.313/45 : We wol ȝiue þe þe Maystri Of Beggyng and of Beggeri.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.621 : Men oghten eschewe to cursen hire chldren and yeuen to the deuel hire engendrure.
- (c1443) Pecock Rule (Mrg M 519)9 : Þe text of holy scripture…to whom y wole goodnes ȝeve and ascrive aboue alle oþere mennes writingis.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)31/28 : The goode name…euery man yevys to you.
- c1475 Court Sap.(Trin-C R.3.21)201 : O myghty lord…To whom mercy ys youyn of propurte.
- a1500(?a1425) Lambeth SSecr.(Lamb 501)113/12 : Þe perfeccioun of þe fore-sayd science ys ȝeuyn to a souerayn doctour of þe olde philosophers, Philomen.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)62/6 : That we suffre is divine punycion and…it shulde not be yevin to fortune nor to the power of mannes myght.
(a) To bring about (a state, condition, an affliction, etc.), cause, induce;—also without obj. [quot. a1400]; cause (sb. or sth.) to have (victory, a quality, etc.); with inf. or clause: cause (sb. to do sth.); bring it about (that sb. behaves in a certain way or has sth.); ~ cas, bring a matter or situation about; ~ ded, cause death (for sb.); ~ sighte, fig. ?open (a window);
(b) of God, a pagan deity: to cause (a natural process or phenomenon) to occur, send (rain, a fruitful season, etc.);
(c) of a planet, heavenly body: to influence (a skill in sb.), be responsible for; encourage (a condition); with inf.: be responsible for a tendency (to be wicked or good);
(d) in phrases: ~ to understonden, to give (sb.) to understand, make (sb.) understand; hit is yeven to knouen, it is given to know (sb. or sth.), (one) may know; hit is yeven to understonden, it is given (to sb.) to understand (that sth. is the case).
Associated quotations
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)4018 : Drihhtin haffde ȝifenn himm Swillc blettcinng & swillc sellþe.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)15498 : Þe blinde ȝaff he wel to sen.
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)9 : He wile…gieuen us eche wele mid him seluen on heuene.
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)97 : He gifð us heuene wele.
- a1300 When y se blosmes (Roy 2.F.8)55 : Iesu…hyf me sone lete.
- c1300 Lay.Brut (Otho C.13)8009 : Sorwe þe his ȝefue of Constantines cunne.
- c1300 SLeg.Becket (LdMisc 108)356 : Þe bischop of wirecestre sone þere-after ded was…ase ore louerd ȝaf þat cas.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2922 : Fendes hem gouen sinful sped.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)3370 : He þonked þe King of glorie Þat him hadde ȝouen þe victorie To ouercomen his fomen.
- 1372 Ȝef þu ȝeuest (Adv 18.7.21)p.5 : Ȝef þu ȝef him pouerte, þan can he don no note.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)2348 : God for his grete grace gof, I hadde now here horse and alle harneys þat behoves to werre.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Judg.15.18 : Þou hast ȝifyn in þe hand of þi seruaunt þis moste helþe & victorie.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Luke 12.51 : Gessen ȝe for I cam to ȝyue pees in to erthe?
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)854/17 : Þis stone…ȝeueþ [L confert] gladnesse.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)5179 : ‘Lauerd, quer i sal him euer se?’ ‘Certes, sir, ya, godd mai wel giue [Trin-C: þat may god ȝyue].
- c1400(?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)270 : Þat þou lestez watz bot a rose Þat flowred and fayled as kynde hyt gef.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)3.19 : As yow list, ay ye Yeve hym in love ese or adversitee.
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)1.508 : In somer, yef hit sight, Thyn hous to cole.
- a1450(1411) Many man (Dgb 102)118 : Þou ȝaf me ded.
- a1450 SLeg.MPChr.(StJ-C B.6)1268 : He beþouȝt hym of kyndehed þat man haþ to his child…kynde blood…wil ȝeue þat he were to hym mylde.
- c1450 Brut-1431(1) (Eg 650)444/7 : All þe Cetizins made a generall procession…þonkyng God of the good and gracius spede þat he had gyff to oure Kyng.
- c1450 Hys signe (Eg 3307)p.76 : He gyth to watyr sanctificacion.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)31/10 : God…has yeaven vs suche victorye.
- c1475 Chartier Quad.(1) (UC 85)145/2 : Through cowardnesse and failed corage we yeue theym vpon vs victorie more than theire prouesse and manhoode requirith.
- c1475 Chartier Quad.(1) (UC 85)173/19 : Hard affliccion…they gyf me.
- a1500 Bod.EMisc.Lapid.(BodEMisc e.558)31/245 : She [coral] gevyth hym that bereth hir goode begynnyng and goode endyng.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)10404 : He greuit þe greke and geue hym þe worse.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)8678 : Te Laferrd Godd Gaff reȝȝn inoh onn eorþe.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Kings 12.18 : Samuel criede to þe lord & þe lord ȝaf…reynes in þat day.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Fkl.(Manly-Rickert)F.1033 : Appollo, god and gouernour Of euery plaunte, herbe, tree, and flour…yeuest…To ech of hem his tyme and his sesoun.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)Deeds 14.16 : He ȝaf reyns fro heuene and times beringe fruyt.
- a1425(a1400) Paul.Epist.(Corp-C 32)1 Cor.3.7 : Noþer he þat plantys noþer þe þat moystys is any thyng…but he þat gyfes growyng, þat is god.
- c1300 SLeg.Mich.(LdMisc 108)431 : Þe planetes ne doth non oþur bote ȝiuez in mannes wille, To beon luþur oþur guod.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)35/23 : The mone yeueth chaste condicion.
- a1475 Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)6050 : The sixte [planet] is Mercurious Þat art and kunnyng ȝeueþ to vs.
- (?1423) Let.Bk.in Bk.Lond.E.(Gldh LetBk I & K)102/12 : It is youe the Mair and Aldermen to vndirstande þat many fremen of þys Cite, hauyng non consideracioun to the seide Fraunchise, [etc.].
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)2.m.7.23 : It is nat yyven to knowen hem that ben dede and consumpt.
- a1450 PNoster R.Hermit (Westm-S 3)15/13 : God þoruȝ þis word…ȝyueþ vs to vndirstonde þat he wol þat man ȝyue his body to penaunce.
- a1456 Marmaduke SSecr.(Ashm 59)220/20 : It is not given to þee to knowe þe priuee counseyle of God.
- c1470 Bible F.(Cleve-W q091.92-C468)55/18 : Thei shul geve thee to vndirstond þat I am he.
- c1484(a1475) Caritate SSecr.(Tak 38)167/25 : Gloryus phylysophris…be in nowmbyr viij, to home it was youyn to knowe þe secrete of siencis.
(a) To allow (sth. to sb. or sth.);—also without obj. [quot. a1450 PNoster R.Hermit]; also, allow (a span of time to do sth.); permit (sb. a span of time) in which to do something; of a week: afford (sb. a specified number of workdays); with inf. or clause: allow (sb. to do sth., that sb. do sth.); also, make allowance (for doing sth.) [quot. a1325];
(b) with inf. or clause: to prompt (sb. to do sth., that one do sth.), incite.
Associated quotations
- c1175(?OE) Bod.Hom.(Bod 343)96/29 : He wolde deofle þa durstinesse ȝyfæn þæt he him þær costniæn ongon.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)11314 : Ȝure wuke gifeþþ ȝuw Aȝȝ sexe werrkedaȝȝess.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)152/15 : Ȝef þu…ȝeuest to þe feond inȝong…nim þe aleaste forð sein Beneites salue.
- a1325(c1280) SLeg.Pass.(Pep 2344)1105 : Þo þe tyme no leng ne ȝaf to by-leue þere, He [Jesus] wente toward his owe deþ in gret anguisse and ffere.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ps.15.10 : Þou shalt not forsaken my soule in helle, ne ȝyuen þyn halewe to seen corupcioun.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))John 6.66 : No man may come to me, no but it were ȝouun to him of my fadir.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)3.151 : Daniel prayed to God þat…he wolde ȝeue þe peple for to wende homward aȝen.
- c1400(?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)1190 : To þat Pryncez paye hade I ay bente And ȝerned no more þen watz me geuen…To mo of his mysterys I hade ben dryuen.
- c1440(a1400) Eglam.(Thrn)671 : Thorowe prayere of þose gentillmen Twelue wokes he gaffe hym þan.
- a1450(1408) Vegetius(1) (Dc 291)147/15 : It is more wisdom to ȝiue þin enemy space & wey to fle ȝif he wil þan to close hym yn wiþ strengþe þat he mowe not flee.
- a1450 PNoster R.Hermit (Westm-S 3)49/32 : Strengþe haþ he noon ouer vs, but if we hym ȝyue.
- a1450 SLeg.MPChr.(StJ-C B.6)2163 : Þe tyme wolde no lengere ȝeue þat he [Jesus] beleuede þere.
- c1450 ?C.d'Orl.Poems (Hrl 682)66/1928 : How is hit heth gen entresse Vnto myn hert this woful tidyngis here?
- c1475 Chartier Quad.(1) (UC 85)141/34 : Lat it auaile for to yiue som space of tyme to visite and rede the surpluse.
- c1475 Chartier Quad.(1) (UC 85)201/31 : Is…vice to us for to abuse and maynteyne oure estates ouere that that mesure yiveth vs.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)2 Esd.7.5 : God forsoþe ȝaf in myn herte…þat I noumbre hem.
- a1500(?c1440) Lydg.HGS (Lnsd 699)13 : Fredam yove the parties not to spare…ther grevis to declare.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)74/19 : Counseile yevith hym to chese the most helthfull party.
(a) To grant (sb. that he do sth.);
(b) ~ (an) audience, to grant (sb.) audience, give a hearing (to someone’s request).
Associated quotations
- c1450(a1400) Orolog.Sap.(Dc 114)345/12 : Who schalle ȝive me þat I miht dye for þe?
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)1.1418 : Ȝe list…to ȝeven audience To my request.
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)1896 : He gan the kyng salue, Requiring hym…ȝeve hym audience.
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)4516 : The wommen…hym bysought to ȝive hem audience.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)4.545 : Whan thow me hast yeve an audience, Therafter maystow telle al thi sentence.
(a) To surrender (oneself, one’s body, a kingdom, etc. to sb. or an empire); ~ a laue to, fig. make a law yield to (unlawfulness), i.e., make unlawfulness legal;
(b) to subject (oneself to death, one’s body to penance); also, subject (sb. to servitude or death); submit (oneself to sb.); ~ under in yoke, fig. submit (oneself) to the yoke;
(c) with selected adverbs: ~ awei, to give up (one’s land or goods), relinquish; ~ over, abandon (a challenge); also, law ?bind over a matter, make adjournment [quot. 1448]; ~ up, relinquish (an office), give up (sth., a battle, project, an endeavor, etc.), abandon (a belief), renounce (an allegiance, matters of war, etc.); surrender (a castle, a town); also fig.; also, relinquish professional interest in (a horse), give up on [quot. 1409].
Associated quotations
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Dc 369(1))Is.50.6 : My bodi I ȝaf to the smyteres and my chekes to the pulleris.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Mel.(Manly-Rickert)B.2948 : He defendeth and forbedeth a man to yeue hym self to his enemy.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)2327 : All Europe to myn enpire enterely þaim geuyn [Dub: þai geven].
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)93/32 : He purveith evill for the rigour of the lawe that yeveith a lawe to vnlawefullnes.
- c1275 LSSerm.(Clg A.9)186/23 : To deþe he ȝef him for us alle.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2573 : Ðo bad…pharaun Wimmen ben set in euerilc tun, And ðat he weren redi bi-foren, Quan ebru child suld be boren…ðe knapes to deade giuen And leten ðe mayden childre liuen.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Rom.6.16 : To whom ȝe ȝyuen ȝou, seruauntis for to obeische, ȝe ben seruauntis of that thing to which ȝe han obeischid.
- a1450 PNoster R.Hermit (Westm-S 3)15/14 : God…wol þat man ȝyue his body to penaunce.
- a1450 PNoster R.Hermit (Westm-S 3)16/25 : Ȝif I ȝyue my body to alkyns bittirnes of penaunce…if I herto haue no charite, alle þes ne helpeþ nouȝt.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)57/24 : The rude people…be putt down and yeven to naturall seruage, lykewise as þe mortall body is subiect to þe perdurable spirit.
- a1500 Wars Alex.(Dub 213)3124 : Ȝiff [Ashm: ȝeld] hym vndir in ȝoke.
- ?a1160 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1132 : Henri king…dide him gyuen up ðet abb’ rice of Burch.
- ?a1160 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1137 : King Stephne…dide ælle in prisun til hi iafen up here castles.
- ?a1160 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1140 : He suor…þat he alle his castles sculde iiuen up; Sume he iaf up.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Kath.(1) (Bod 34)94/660 : Twa hundret cnihtes…ȝeuen anan up hare ȝeomere bileaue.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Mch.(Manly-Rickert)E.2312 : Be no lenger wrooth; I yeue it vp.
- (1397) RParl.3.379a : I…asked…whethir that we myght ȝyve up our homage for drede of our lyves.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)1176 : Ne ȝyueþ neuer awey ȝoure land.
- (1409) Mem.Bk.York in Sur.Soc.125177 : No man of the sayd crafte sall putt no cure to no hors that is…under the cure of ane other man of the same crafte, bot that same other man haf clerely giffen up the same hors.
- (c1410) York MGame (Vsp B.12)97 : If þe lymer ȝeue it vp and may not ne will not do his deuoire, þan shuld þei blowe to moot for þe rechace.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)4.1082 : Lat vs ȝeve vp swiche þing as liþe in wer.
- a1425(?a1400) Cloud (Hrl 674)109/9 : It is seide comounly of oo frende to anoþer, whan he is in bodely batayle: ‘Bere þe wel…& fiȝt fast, & ȝiue not up þe bataile ouer liȝtly.’
- c1440 PLAlex.(Thrn)13/31 : Here we giffe up att [?read: all] armes…& forsakes þam for euer.
- (1448) Shillingford46 : We seyde and prayed…that they myght be shewed, yf eny suche were, and it sholde ende the mater…and so dey yeve over and ajorned yn to Hengston is comyng.
- c1450(c1375) Chaucer Anel.(Benson-Robinson)343 : Ende I thus…I yeve hit up for now and evermore.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)1035 : Ȝefes ȝarely vp þe ȝerde & ȝeld me þe cite.
- c1450(a1425) MOTest.(SeldSup 52)15459 : We hald þem wers þen wode…þat gyfes away his werldly gud.
- c1450(c1425) Brut-1419 (Cmb Kk.1.12)348/20 : He…yaf it ouyr, and wolde no more of his chalang.
- c1450 Jacob's W.(Sal 103)302/6 : As tretourys þei ȝeuyn vp þe castel of god, þat is, here soule, to þe feend.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)12/1 : He wold yeve upp his gamme…rather or he wold strive.
- c1425(a1400) Wycl.Pseudo-F.(Dub 245)296 : Hit were al oon to graunte þis & ȝiue it vp to þe fend & fyȝte no more in goddis cause.
- c1475 Mankind (Folg V.a.354)549 : By tyllynge lytyll xall I wyn; Here I gyff wppe my spade for now and for euer.
- a1500(a1450) Ashmole SSecr.(Ashm 396)87/2 : Whan hoope faileth them they dieth, or yeveth vp the bataill.
- a1500(a1450) Ashmole SSecr.(Ashm 396)89/16 : Yf the lord of the ascendent be infortunat…gif vp þi iourney.
- a1500 Siege Jerus.(2) (Brog 2.1)86/477 : The Emparovr send Jacob to wyte yf þey wold geyfe vpe þe tovne.
In selected phrases: (a) ~ place (stede, wei), to submit (to sb., the devil, or a disturbance of soul), yield, give in; ~ place (stede) to subjeccioun, yield submission;
(b) ~ place, of air, water, etc.: to yield (to sth., the passage of creatures), part before; ~ stede, med. of hernia: yield (when touched); of edema, a swelling, etc.: yield (to the pressure of the fingers, a touch, etc.);
(c) ~ place (space, stede, wei), to make room (for sb. or sth.), leave room; also, make a place (for sb.); make way (for sb.), get out of the way of (sb., a creature); ~ the wei roum, give (sb.) a wide berth, avoid;
(d) ~ stede, to flee a place; also, flee (before the sword);
(e) ~ place (space, stede), to defer (to sb. or sth.); give precedence (to sb. or sth.).
Associated quotations
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)206/27 : Ne yef naȝt…stede to þe viende.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Gal.2.5 : Nether…we ȝauen stede [WB(2): ȝyue no place] to subieccioun.
- c1400 Bible SNT(1) (Selw 108 L.1)Eph.4.27 : Ne ȝefe ȝe no stude to þe defel.
- c1425 Found.St.Barth.53/12 : The elementys yeue way to us and seruyd oure wille.
- c1425 Found.St.Barth.56/20 : At the laste he ȝaue way to a flittyng and a tempestuous varyaunte soule, and began to aske…a preyst…what were goode yn thys to be donne.
- a1450(a1396) Hilton CPerf.(Paris angl.41)7 : But be-war þat þou…ȝeue no place to þin enemyes, contynuely bisegynge þee…þat þou doost, whanne for vanyte or for idilnes þou leuest þi praiers.
- a1500(1413) *Pilgr.Soul (Eg 615)4.32.78b : The chiefteynes han…yove way to hire enemyes & made the peopil pray to him.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)3.pr.11.148 : Thinges that ben softe…as is watir and eyr…departen lyghtly and yeven place to hem that breken or divyden hem; but natheles they retorne sone ageyn into the same thinges fro whennes thei ben arraced.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)115a/b : Nodus…haþ a follikel oþer a sacke, and when a man toucheþ it, it ȝeueþ stede to þe touchinge.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)118a/b : When þu leiest on þine honde apon þe enpostume, þe matere þat is in þe enpostume ȝeues stede to þi honde.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)136b/a : Hernia aquosa…ȝeueþ stede whenne a man toucheþ it.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)108/11 : Of ydema…Tokenes…ben louse swellynge and softe, so þat it ȝeueþ stede [L cedit] to þe fyngres, and the impressioun…is kepte after þe remevynge of þe fyngres.
- a1500(1413) *Pilgr.Soul (Eg 615)1.4.5a : The flyeng eyr yeuith place to the flyeng of birdes…the flowyng water, to swymmyng of fisshes.
- a1275(?c1150) Prov.Alf.(Trin-C B.14.39)130/579 : Drunken mon wis [read: ȝif] þu mestes [read: metes] …þu ȝef him þe weie reme & let him ford gliden.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)5.359 : Seynt Laurence his body…torned hym so for to ȝeve place and stede [Higd.(2): to ȝiffe space; L ut…locum praeberet] to his felawe Stevene.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)623/23 : The swan…wiþdraweþ and ȝeueþ place [L cedit] to fisschis þat folewiþ hym.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)149/9 : Þilke pannicle of merye ȝeueþ stede to þe greet mete passynge doun to þe stomak.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)3.2572 : Where he rood ay þey ȝaf him place.
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Judg.20.36 : The which thing biholdynge, the sones of Yrael ȝeuen to hem place to flee, that thei miȝten come to the maad redi busshementis.
- a1425 Wycl.Serm.(Bod 788)1.41 : Sitte not in þe first place, lest…þe lord of þe feste bidde þee Ȝiue þis man stede and put þee doun out of þi place.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)39/1 : Þe vtilite whi þat þe grustillie ringes off þe wesaunt ben defaute towarde þe weie off þe mete is be cause þat þei schulde ȝeue stede to grete morselles þat passen þoruȝ þe merye.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)49/31 : Þe herte…schulde decline a litil aboue to þe riȝte side þat it mowe ȝif place to þe arteries.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)3408 : For he hathe forgetyn þe þat hym wrout…And wyth þi precyous blod hym bowth And in þis world þou ȝeue hym space.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)280/18 : And as sir Launcelot wolde have gone thorow them, they skaterd on every syde of hym and gaff hym the way.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)21b/b : Whi it [brain] is neische is for it schulde ȝeue place…to þe stirynge of vertues.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)34a/a : Sche [gristle] was maad plicable, for sche schulde in tyme of fulnesse, ȝeuen place to þe stomak.
- c1475 Body Pol.(Cmb Kk.1.5)90/13 : Non of all the citizens of Athenes wolde geue no place vnto that auncient man for to sytte in.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)279/10 : Stynt, I say! gyf men place!
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Job 39.22 : Þe hors…ȝyueþ not stede to þe swerd.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)7.159 : Zacharie the bisshop put out of the temple þe kyng Osyam…and wiþ oute doute he hadde slayn hym, bote if he hadde gyfen stede [Higd.(2): but that he departede; L nisi cessisset].
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ecclus.13.27 : Þer is not ȝouen to hym a place.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Rom.12.19 : Ȝyue ȝe place to ire or wraththe.
- c1390 Cato(1) (Vrn)597 : Ȝif þou stude to grete men, Þauh ofte þei greueþ þe; Oþer-tyme þei may þe profyte.
- ?a1425(a1415) Wycl.Lantern (Hrl 2324)117/21 : Custum mut nede ȝyue stede to trouþe.
- c1430(a1410) Love Mirror (Brsn e.9)101 : Owe lord Jesu…ȝaf stede to John, that was myche lasse.
- a1450 St.Kath.(3) (Richardson 44)44 (2nd occurrence) : I had purposed to ȝeue holsom counseyll…yf þou woldest haue ȝoue stede þer to.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)279/12 : Gyf ye me space!
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)67/27 : Dame Feithe…gave place vnto hir sustir Hope for to speke.
To lay down (one’s life) willingly (for sb. or sth., for a cause), sacrifice (one’s body, blood, or flesh); theol. of Christ: offer up (himself, his life, body, etc.) as a sacrifice, die (for sb., mankind’s sin, etc.); of God: sacrifice (his son).
Associated quotations
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)ded.199 : He ȝaff hiss aȝhenn lif…To þolenn dæþþ o rodetre.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)39/18 : Gif ic…ȝiue mine lichame all to barnen to duste for goddes luue, and ich hatede anlepine mann, ðanne ne habbe ic naht charite.
- a1250 Wooing Lord (Tit D.18)271 : Þu ȝef þe seluen for me to lese me fra þine.
- ?a1300(a1250) Harrow.H.(Dgb 86)167 : Adam, adam, ich ȝaf mi lif For þe and for eve, þi wif.
- ?c1335 Loke to þi louerd (Hrl 913)25 : Ich mi lif ȝef for þe.
- a1350 Lytel wotyt (Hrl 2253)35 : His herte blod he ȝef for al monkunne.
- c1350 A child is boren (Bod 26)22 : Crist…ȝahf…hys lif to bote.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Gal.1.4 : Oure Lord Jhesu Crist…ȝaf him silf for oure synnes.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.808 : Iesu Crist…yaf hym self for oure gilt.
- c1400 PLove (Hrl 2254)66/20 : He [Christ] ȝaffe him-self al for vs.
- a1425 MChristi (Arun 286)59/1439 : Þei loved synful man so myche þat for hele of her saule þei ȝeven her lyves.
- a1425 Wycl.Serm.(Bod 788)1.67 : Crist ȝaf boþe bodi and soule for relevynge of his enemyes.
- c1430(c1386) Chaucer LGW (Benson-Robinson)1538 : Wolde God that I hadde yive My blod and flesh…that he hadde owher a wif For hys estat.
- a1450(c1400) Wor.Serm.(Wor F.10)54/136 : God…loued so miche þe world…þat a wold ȝe His owne sone.
- a1450 PNoster R.Hermit (Westm-S 3)12/18 : He bicome man & ȝaf hymself al to me.
- a1475 Rev.St.Bridget (Gar 145)123/27 : He desired feruently to haue yofe his lyf in bataile that the holy lande myght be reduced vn-to þe lordeschip of cristen men.
- c1475(?c1451) Worcester Bk.Noblesse (Roy 18.B.22)81 : Youre saide citesins and burgeis…wille withe here bodies…largelie depart to be yoven forto resist them.
- a1500(1422) Yonge SSecr.(Lamb 633)191/17 : Loue your wywis as crist lowith holy church And hymself yaw for hit.
- a1500 15c.Serm.Cycle(Hrl 2247:Powell)64/127 : I gife my life and my soule…for my shepe.
(a) To put (sth. somewhere), place, set; also fig. and in fig. context; also, put (a mark on someone’s face); plant (sth.) [quot. a1382, 3rd]; ~ up, raise (one’s hands), hold up;
(b) to apply (sth. to sb. or a part of the body);
(c) ~ in thought, to put something into (someone’s) thought.
Associated quotations
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Judg.7.16 : He ȝaf trumpis in þe handis of hem.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Is.22.22 : I shal ȝyuen þe keye of þe hous of dauid vp on his shulder.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Is.41.19 : I shal sette desert in to pondis of watris & þe lond with oute weie in to ryueres of watris; I shal ȝyuen [L Dabo] in wildernesse cedre & thorn…& olyue tree.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Is.42.1 : Lo, my seruaunt I shal vndertaken…I ȝaf my spirit vp on hym.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Jer.1.9 : Lo, I haue ȝyuen [L dedi] my woordis in þi mouþ.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Bar.3.7 : Wee shul preisen þee, Lord, for þat þou hast ȝyue [L dedisti] þi drede in oure hertis.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Luke 6.38 : Thei schulen ȝyue in to ȝoure bosum a good mesure.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)4.447 : He ȝaf up his hondes to heveneward.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)116/18 : I haue yiven a token in þi face þat þou shalt draw to þe by myldenes.
- a1475 Bk.Quint.(Sln 73)12/21 : Sette it wiþinne a pott of watir, and ȝeue vndirneþe a fier til þe watir…be distillid.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)4860 : Ȝyueþ [vr. ȝeuyf] hem [children] þe smert ende of þe ȝerde.
- c1475 Mankind (Folg V.a.354)805 : Gyff þe roppe just to pye [read: þye] neke.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pri.(Manly-Rickert)B.1794 : Iesu…yaf in hir thought…That…after hir sone she cryde.
To go or move back, give way;—used in fig. context; ~ abak, withdraw, retreat; ~ abouten, surround (sb.).
Associated quotations
- c1390 PLove (Vrn)108/25 : Ȝiueþ [Hrl 2254: my soule is sum-tyme als hard as an adamaunt, & myne inli wittes are clongen for drynesse & for colde, but þourȝe þe vertu of cristes loue hit brekeþ & melteþ & vn-ȝeueþ as wax a-ȝen þe fire & goth oute fro hit-self and turneþ al in-to god].
- a1425(c1384) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Ezek.4.8 : Y ȝaue about, or cumpaside [L circumdedi], thee with boondis.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)267/18 : Sir Terquyne wexed faynte, and gaff somwhat abakke.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)54b : To Gyffe Abowt: Circumdare.
In phrase: ~ oute, to expend (sth.), use up; ben yeven aboven (over), fig. of a person: be spent, be used.
Associated quotations
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Judith 11.12 : Þese thingis þei han thoȝt to ȝyuyn out [L impendere].
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)2 Cor.12.15 : Y my silf schal be ȝouun aboue [WB(1) vr. ȝouen ouer; L superimpendar] for ȝoure soulis.
- c1484(a1475) Caritate SSecr.(Tak 38)127/18 : He þat lyghtly with laues spendyth or yefth owte hys goode, he schal sone come to þe wrecchydnes of byttyr pouirte.
In misc. senses: (a) of one’s heart: to misgive (one), rouse apprehension in (oneself);
(b) in phrase: ~ for treuth, to accept (sth.) as the truth, take for truth;
(c) the word ‘yeven’ (in its var. spellings with initial ȝ- and g-).
Associated quotations
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)9762 : Is herte him ȝef; anon wunderward hii wende.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)1450 : Myn herte me ȝifþ þat ȝif he…takeþ þat iornee Þat þow ne seest hym no more.
- c1450 Metham Days Moon (Gar 141)155/31 : Ye schal noght syngulerely for trwth take yt that yt schuld be so…But this ye may yeue for trwthe…that yff a man or a woman be born on sqwyche a day off the mone…he ys, or sche ys, dysposyd so as to haue wurchyp, or ellys troubyl.
- c1425 Wycl.Concord.in Spec.43 (Roy 17.B.1)271 : In Englisch as in Latyn ben wordis synonemus, þat is to seie, manie wordis bitokenynge oo þing, as ‘kirke’ & ‘chirche’…‘clepe’ & ‘calle’, ‘ȝyue’ & ‘gyue’, ‘ȝift’ & ‘gift’.
In surnames.
Associated quotations
- (c1280) Cart.St.John in OHS 68368 : Willelmus Gyuecorn.
- (1333) Sub.R.Stf.in WSAS 1084 : Wm. Gefcok.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- (1443) Reg.Gild Stratford (Macdonald)36 : All the aldirmen, by resonabull warnynge once evene [read: gevene], be ther redy Ichone of them uppon peyne to pay to the seyd Gilde..xl d.
Note: New form: ppl. (error) evene.
Note: Quot. belongs to sense 13.(d).--notes per MLL