Middle English Dictionary Entry
vessel n.
Entry Info
Forms | vessel n. Also vessel(l)e, vesel(le, vessal(e, ves(s)ail(e, ves(s)eal, vessil, vesshel, fessel(e, wessel(le, wessele, wesel, weshel, (N) vescal, vassel & (error) wessett; pl. vessel(e)s, etc. & vessailles, vesse(a)lx, (error) velselx. |
Etymology | OF vessel(e, vesselle, vassel, vascel (pl. vesselx), AF vesel, vesseal, vessail(e, wessel (pl. vesseaulx), vars. of OF vaissel, vaissele; also cp. L vascellum, ML vassellum, vessela, AL vescella. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) A small, portable container, esp. one for storage or serving of food or drink; a flask, pitcher, jug, cup, dish, pot, etc.; a piece of household tableware, a kitchen utensil, etc.; also, an ornamental or a functional container, an urn, a vase, etc.; coll. household vessels, tableware, plate, kitchenware; also fig. and in fig. contexts;
(b) in cpds., combs., and misc. phrases: ~ clothes, ?coverings for vessels; ~ garnish (garnished), garnish (garnished) ~, coll. decorated vessels; also, vessels arranged in a set, usu. of twelve pieces; cukking (pissinge, shitinge) ~, a chamber pot; erthe ~; erthen vesseles glased, glazed ceramic vessels, glazed pottery; garnish of ~, a set of (usu. twelve) vessels, a service of dishes; milk ~, a churn; oile (water, wine) ~; peutre ~ [see also peutre n. 2.(b)]; washinge ~, q.v.;
(c) a container suitable for medical assay, pharmacological preparation, storage of medicinal preparations, etc.; a vial, beaker, pot, etc.; close ~, a covered vessel or pot;
(d) a liturgical container, chalice, censer, reliquary, etc.; also, any container, utensil, or precious object used in a religious service or kept as part of the furnishings of a church, temple, etc.;—also coll.; also fig.; cens ~, a censer;
(e) a container specifically for heating liquids or substances, cooking, preparing decoctions, etc.; a pot, pan, kettle, cauldron, etc.;—also coll.; alch. a retort, condenser, crucible, or similar vessel; ~ of circulacioun, a distillation apparatus, still; ~ of thre fet, ?a pot, pan, or kettle supported on three legs, a spider; bras ~; breuing ~, a vessel used in brewing [see also breuing ger.(1) (b)]; double ~, ?a double boiler;
(f) a large container for storage, transport, etc. of goods, a substance, etc.; a vat, cask, tub, bushel, etc. [some quots. difficult to distinguish from (a)]; pl. baggage, luggage; vesseles of transmigracioun, the accouterments of exile or of a refugee;
(g) the Holy Grail; holi ~;
(h) in proverbs and prov. expressions.
Associated quotations
- c1330(?c1300) Spec.Guy (Auch)153 : Sinful men…þinkeþ it were muchel for hem To haue…Riche vessel of siluer and gold.
- c1350(a1333) Shoreham Poems (Add 17376)54/1519 : Crystene man hys godes hous…Þet inwyt…greydeþ þe fessele.
- (1348) Doc.in Welch Hist.Pewterers Lond.3 : They make vessel, that is to saie, pottes, salers, dysshes, platers, and othir thinges…Therevppon…goode folk of the crafte praien…that non of the saide craft wirk preueli…vessells of lede nor of fals alay for to selle oute of the cite atte faires or markettes for esclaunder to the cite.
- (c1375) Chaucer CT.Mk.(Manly-Rickert)B.3494 : Hir riche array ne myghte nat be told As wel in vessel as in hire clothyng.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ex.3.22 : A womman schall ask of here neyȝbour…sylueren & golden vessels & cloþez…& ȝe schullen spoylen Egypte.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Esth.3.7 : Lot is leid in to a vessel [L urnam] þat ebruely is seid phur.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Mat.25.4 : The prudent token oyle in her vessels with laumpis.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.2907 : Vpon the right hand wente…Egeus And…Theseus With vessels [vr. vesselles] in hir hand of gold…Al ful of hony, melk, and blood.
- c1390 NHom.Narrat.(Vrn)14.260/148 : Vre Cuchene schaltou make clene And wassche vr vessel.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)1375/1 : Acceptabulum was a vessel in þe which wyne…was assayed.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)1376/1 : Telata [vr. Celata] beþ vessels of gold ouþer of siluer ymarked wiþ euydent signe.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)5178 : Þus seyþ God yn hys gospel…‘þou art to me a voyde vessel.’
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)15203 : Þis man þai mette Wit a vescel in his hand, Water for to fette.
- (1424) EEWills56/4 : My wille is þat…my sone haue all my seluere vessell…þat is to sey, a basyn and an Ewer…too gilt peces flat couered, too peces of siluere whit lowe feet…þre goblettes…a potell pot…and a…saler.
- a1425 Ben.Rule(1) (Lnsd 378)26/11 : Þe vassels þat tay serue wid, sal þai ta yeme to, & yelde þame til þe celeresse clene.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)30a/a : Futilia: flouwynge fessellis.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)45/2 : Ȝe schulen offren vp to me a vessel ful of actuel laburs.
- (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Bod 263)2.2314 : His ieweles, vesseles, & tresour Was brouht aforn hym.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)131 : Drawte of watyr owte of a welle or oþer lycoure owte of a wesselle, idem est.
- a1450 Mandev.(3) (BodeMus 116)99/19 : In that lond…arn…manye dyuers kyndis of stonys, so mechil that they makyn of hem vescellis to etyn of, disshis…dobeleris and coppis.
- a1450-1509 Rich.(Brunner)1496 : Now styward…Bye vs vessel gret plente, Dysschys, cuppys and sawsers, Bolles, treyes and plateres, Fattys, tunnes, and costret.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)2945 : Quy voydis þou my vessell [Dub: veseall]?
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)3700 : Þare fand he vessale of value…Gurds & Goblets of gold.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)4351 : Make we na vessall of virre ne of na…siluir.
- c1450(c1415) Roy.Serm.(Roy 18.B.23)285/30 : When watur is cast owte of a weshell, þer leueþ nowȝt behynde.
- c1450(a1425) MOTest.(SeldSup 52)10419 : Vesels mad for mete and wyn ware pyght with mony a prescius stone.
- a1475 Bk.Quint.(Sln 73)9/18 : Þer be manye werkis in þe whiche gold and siluir be meyngid, as in giltynge of vessel & Iewellis.
- a1475 Hrl.Bk.Hawking in Studia Neoph.1620 : Gedere the grece, and put it in a clene wessell [Halliwell: wessett].
- ?a1475(?a1425) Higd.(2) (Hrl 2261)6.425 : He receyvyd…a veselle [Trev. vr. vessal] made of onichinus.
- c1475 Guy(1) (Cai 107/176)42 : Erle he was, and a full stronge knyght, Riche of gold and of syluer…Of clothes, of gold and vessell [F vesselement].
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)133b : A vessell: vas; labrum.
- a1500(c1340) Rolle Psalter (UC 64)2.9 : As vessel of the pottere thou sall thaim breke.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Glo 42)723/4 : Adam…was exilede…& put yn a glassen vessell, þat is to say, in helle.
- a1500 Let.Alex.(Wor F.172)69 : Among whiche wern…brode plates of gold…and shynyng vessels portatief.
- a1500 15c.Serm.Cycle(Hrl 2247:Powell)106/110 : A gode vessell…conseruyth and kepith good wyne.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)1368 : Maydons…no hede toke Of golde…ffongit no florence…ne gewellis, ne no ioly vessell.
- (1362) Invent.Jarrow in Sur.Soc.2944 : In coquina…j duodena et dim. de peuder wessell garniset.
- (1370) Invent.Jarrow in Sur.Soc.2952 : In coquina… ij fryingpans…j dozeyne de peudre uessaile garniset.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Jer.19.1 : Tac þe erþene litle wyn vessel of þe crockere.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)1378/11 : Lenticula is a litel oyle vessel of bras oþer of siluer.
- (1414) Plea & Mem.R.Lond.Gildh.5 : [3 dozen] vessell’ granisshe [of silver].
- (1419) *Will Bury155 : I be qweþe Alyson, my dowter…half a garnysch’ of pewter vessel.
- (1420) EEWills46/18 : I ȝeve to…Kateryne…a dosen of peutre vessell performyd.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)3 Kings 7.40 : Hiram made cawdrouns, and pannes, and wyn vessels.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)Mark 7.4 : Many other thingis…ben taken to hem to kepe, wasschyngis of cuppis and of watir vessels.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)11b/b : Capitula: a lytel water vessel.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)106 : Cukkynge or pysynge vesselle: Scaphium.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)187 : Garnysche of vesselle: Garnitum.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)364 : Oly potte, or oly vesselle: Emicadium.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)447 : Schyytynge or kukkynge vesselle: Lassarium.
- (1442) Invent.Gild in PSAL ser.2.5124 : Item, xx doss’ garnesh pewtre vessell.
- c1450 Trin-C.LEDict.(Trin-C O.5.4)573/39 : Coagulatorium: a mylkefessell, or a cherne.
- (1454) Will York in Sur.Soc.30195 : Dim. dos. de garnes vessell de peltro.
- (1461) Paston (EETS)1.275 : Ye shuld do puruey a garnyssh or tweyn of pewter vesshell.
- (?1474) Stonor1.147 : j garnysshe of pewter veselle.
- a1475 Bk.Courtesy (Sln 1986)367 : For wesselle clothes, þat noȝt be solde, Þe po[r]ter hase þat warde in holde.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)42a : An Erthe vessell: fictilis.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)33b/7 : R[ecipe] þe scrape of erthen vessellis glased whiche þat comythe fro by yond þe see, of powedre of pomes…red sugur…make a subtile powedre vpon a ston.
- -?-(1417) Will in Som.RS 1694 : [j] doseyn [of] garnesshed vesselles [standing in the parlour of my dwelling-house].
- c1330 Why werre (Auch)78/213 : He wole wagge his vrine in a vessel of glaz.
- c1465(?1373) *Lelamour Macer (Sln 5)68b : Thou shalt take sum whate of roysyng and an vnce of oyle olyfe and a pounde of rose and stoppe to-gedir in a fessell of glasse and honge hit vij days in the hote, and that ys callid oyle of rosys.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)168a/a : Take a vessel þat is made liche a gourde, & make a litil hole in þe boþum þerof, as it were þe pointe of a poyntel, and stoppe þe hole & fille þe potte to þe myddes wiþ oile and water & schogge alle wele to gider.
- c1425 Arderne Fistula (Sln 6)93/13 : If þou may haue fresch rosez, putte þam in ane erþen potte or leden…and be þe forseid oile coled hot ȝette aboue…And…stoppe þe mouþe, þat þe vapour go noȝt out, And biry þe vessel with þe oile in moist erþe.
- a1450 Treat.Horses (Sln 2584)105/273 : Take 3 parties of asche asken & ij parties of askus of bene-halm, o partie of vnsleked lym & medle hem wel to-geder & do hem in a brod vessel ful of holes.
- ?c1450 Stockh.PRecipes (Stockh 10.90)123/12 : Drawe it thorowgh a streynour and kepe it in a cloos vessell of metall or of erthe.
- a1475 Gilb.Angl.(Wel 537)62/24 : Take vynegre and let it stonde þre daies in a brasen vessel.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)110a/a : Putte þat poudre in a lembic and sublyme it and þanne þat…schal be putt in to a vessel of glas.
- c1484(a1475) Caritate SSecr.(Tak 38)166/5 : A man schul…þan sytte on a sete vndyr qwyche þer is sette a vessel with rose watyr made warme, þat þe fumys may smyght in to þe body be ascencion.
- a1500 Agnus Castus (LdMisc 553)200/32 : Tak þe dew…þat is vp-on the ruwe and kepe hit in a vessel.
- c1330 KTars (Auch)51/761 : Þe prest…A feir vessel…tok…& hali water he gan make.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)235/17 : Hi byeþ y-diȝt…to serui god ine his temple…and be-takeþ to hare honden þe þinges þet byeþ y-halȝed, ase þe uesseles y-blissed, þe chalis, þe copereaus.
- (c1375) Chaucer CT.Mk.(Manly-Rickert)B.3384,3391 : Bryngeth forth the vessels [vr. vessealx]…Whiche that my fader…Out of the temple of Ierusalem birafte…His wyf hise lordes and hise concubynes…dronken…Out of thise noble vessels [vr. vesseals] sondry wynes.
- (c1375) Chaucer CT.Mk.(Manly-Rickert)B.3416 : Thow…art rebel to god…Thow drank…of his vessels [vr. vessil]…synfully.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Jer.52.19 : Þei tooke…þe sense vesselis [WB(2): vessels of encense] & þe water vesselis.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Ezek.40.42 : Foure bordis to brend sacrifice…vpon whiche thei putten vessels in whiche brend sacrifice is offrid…And the lippis…of hem of oo palme.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)1376/27 : Philaterium is a litel vessel of glas…in þe whiche holy relikes ben ykepte.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)9415 : Þou were serued of þe vesseles [F vessels] Þat of hys temple were Ieuwels.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)1713 : Þou, Baltazar…hatz hofen þy hert agaynes þe…Dryȝtn…And now his vessayles avyled in vanyte.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)1b/b : Acerra: a fessel þat men puttiþ in thus.
- ?a1425 Mandev.(2) (Eg 1982)43/7 : In þe…ark…was a vessell [F vesseal] of gold full of manna…with…oþer ournementz and clething…of þe tabernacle.
- ?a1425 SLeg.(CmbAdd 3039)92/78,79,81,83-4 : Come þe same man…With foure vessailez in full of swete rosez…Thre vessailez were of fyne golde…The first vesell…ful of roses rede Are þe relikis of…Steuen…Þe toþer vesaile with þe rosez, of Nichodeme it is; Þe thrid vessaile is myn awen.
- (1447) Acc.St.Mary Thame in BBOAJ 11117 : Item, ij latton Wesselys to bere holy watyr in.
- c1450(?c1400) 3 KCol.(1) (Cmb Ee.4.32)72/30 : Þes iij kyngis…brouȝt oute of her londys…diuers vessels þat were…of þe tempil of god in Ierusalem.
- (a1475) Fortescue Gov.E.(LdMisc 593)125 : He woll bie…vessaill, vestmentes, and oþer ornamentes for his chapell.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)250/14 : Thys kyng…ȝode ynto þe tempull, and toke…all þe syluer vessel.
- a1500 Add.37075 Gloss (Add 37075)19/112a : Turribulum: vessellys [alt. from: wessellys] of ensence.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)3169 : The tempull is atyret all with…Bassons of bright gold & oþer brode vessell.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.CY.(Manly-Rickert)G.791 : Yet wol I telle hem…sondry vessels [vr. vessellys] maad of erthe and glas…descensories…crosletz and sublymatories.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)1378/14 : Lebes is a vessel of bras to seþe fleisch þerinne.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)180/12 : R[ecipe]…ciperi…apii…do þerto…oile of violet & boile hem in a double vessel.
- (1403) Inquis.Miscel.(PRO)7.129 : [Divers vessels called] brewyngvesseles, [viz.] cumelyns, couelys, stantes [and] fatis, [worth 26 s. 8 d. in all].
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)Lev.11.35 : Whether furneisis, ethir vessels [L chytropodes] of thre feet, tho schulen be destried.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)1 Kings 2.14 : He hadde a fleischhook…and he sente it in to the grete vessel of stoon.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)106a/a : Sette þat glasse in water in anoþer vessel & make þe water for to boile.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)167b/b : Þis is þe makinge of mel rosate: Take vj li. of honye & a li. of rosen & boile hem in a doubel vesselle to þat þe honye be þicke.
- (1444) Will York in Sur.Soc.30112 : I wil yt…my sone have…ij ledis in ye newe bakhous, wt alle brewing vessell.
- ?a1450 Macer (Stockh Med.10.91)164 : Take þe iuus of þis herbe…and sethe it in a brasse vessell with hony.
- a1475 Bk.Quint.(Sln 73)13/16 : Brynge…euerych into 5 beynge wiþ þe vessel of circulacioun…or ellis rectifie, makynge oon ascende.
- a1500 Diseases Women(3) (Yale-M 47)59/546 : Þen make a plastre of crassed, bayes, comyn and gynger; hete hem in a vessell ouer þe fyre.
- a1475 *Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)3715 : Right as oon shulde seeth his mete, Foure þinges bihoueþ him þerto gete: Fire and water, eir and vessel, Elles beþ þei not sothen wel.
- a1550(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Sln 1873)2781,2783,2785 : As euery Chapiter hath dyuerse ententis, So hath thei dyuerse Instrumentis…vessels brode for humectacion, And somdell brode for Circulacion…longe vessellis to precipitacion…shorte & longe serue sublimacion…narow vessels…Serve Correccion.
- a1325(c1280) SLeg.Pass.(Pep 2344)365 : Þe kyngdom of heuene ylich is to a gret net Þat…gadereþ…gret met Of eche manere ffisch…And, whanne hit was ffol, me drow hit vp…And chose out and caste in hare vesseles alle þat were goede, And þe ffisch þat luþer was caste out in-to þe fflode.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Is.10.28 : Anentis Magmas it shal comenden his vesselis.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Jer.46.19 : Vesselis of transmygracioun mac to þee…for memphis…shal…be forsaken.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)2.3445 : The vessel…ther…stod, With clene water of the welle…he let do felle, And sette Constantin therinne Al naked up unto the chinne.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)1376/17 : A tonne is an holowȝ vessel…ymade of many bordes.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)13395 : Iesus badd þam…Fil þair gret wessels o stan O water clere.
- a1425(c1384) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Ezek.12.3 : Mak to thee vessels of transmygracioun or passyng ouer and thou shalt passe ouer bifore hem bi dai.
- (1432) RParl.4.405b : Suche Vesselx as thei be putte ynne…be not filled be viii or ix ynches, so yat the saide wynes may not have theire naturell bulyng.
- (1444) RParl.5.114a : Wher as of old tyme every Tonne, Pipe, and other Vessell of tho Contrees heeld the full gauge after the gauge of Englond, now in these dayes ye Tonnes, Pipes, and oyer Vessels made in tho parties, ben made lasse then the gauge of Englond in grete quantite.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)36.298 : A strong vessel he fastenid therto, and sette hym self there with-Inne.
- c1450(a1425) MOTest.(SeldSup 52)13049 : Grett vessels [vr. vesells]…with wyn and oyle full styll þei stod.
- a1475(?a1430) Lydg.Pilgr.(Vit C.13)15933 : A voyde vessel…or tonne, Whan the lycour ys out Ronne, Who smyt ther-on…Yt maketh…a gret soun.
- (a1475) Fortescue Gov.E.(LdMisc 593)132 : He takith…imposicions…vppon euery oxe, euery shepe…and also vppon euery vesaill off wyne, euery barrell off bere, and oþer vitalles solde.
- c1475 Body Pol.(Cmb Kk.1.5)164/15 : He did take cofers and certayn vesselles and…fylled theim…full of lede as thoughe it had be his tresour.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)37/14 : All hor blod schuld haue be done yn a vessell and þe Emperour be bathyd þeryn.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)41.254 : The holy vessel…they Cleped seint Graal.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)45.48 : I wolde gladliche knowe…whethir here lord hem feden scholde Oþer the vessel that they so holy it holde.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)824/23,26 : They bare hym…where was the holy vessell of the Sankgreall…and by vertu of that holy vessell sir Launcelot was heled.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))2 Tim.2.20 : In the greet hows ben not oonli goldyn vessels.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.WB.(Manly-Rickert)D.100 : A lord in his houshold Ne hath nat euery vessel [vr. vessele] al of gold.
- a1425(a1400) Paul.Epist.(Corp-C 32)2 Tim.2.20 : In a gret hous not only are goldene vesselys…but treene vessellis and maad of erþe.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)64/8 : The mouth, the which hath no keping of discrecion, farith as a cite that is withoute a wall, as a vessell that hath no bothom, as an horse that hath no bridell and as a schippe that hath no rothir.
- c1450(c1400) Vices & V.(2) (Hnt HM 147)225/17 : Þer may no þing come out of a vessel but suche as is þer-ynne.
- c1475 Long wilbe (Hrl 2251)2 : Long wilbe, water in a welle to keche, A vessell made of yerdis that wil nat holde.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.128 : Sueche as þe sherd…or þe vessel takyȝt qhanne it is newe, sueche it sauouryȝt qhanne it is eld.
(a) A person, regarded as the recipient, bearer, or agent of some abstract quality, the object of some divine action, etc.;
(b) the body, sometimes regarded as the receptacle of the soul;
(c) used of the blood, regarded as the receptacle of the soul;
(d) used of the heart, regarded as the seat of contemplation and emotion;
(e) the womb, regarded as a receptacle;
(f) used of hell, regarded as a container of souls.
Associated quotations
- 1372 Sey þu vessel (Adv 18.7.21)p.25 : Sey, þu vessel of wrechidnesse, Wat profitet þe werdis richesse?
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Gen.49.5 : Symyon & Leuy breþeren, þe vessels [WB(2): vessils] of schrewdnes…slewn a man.
- (a1382) WBible(1) Pref.Jer.(Bod 959)4.21 : Why is paul seyd þe vessell of eleccioun?…for þe vessell of þe lawe & of holy scripturez he was þe almery.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))2 Tim.2.21 : If ony man schal clense him silf fro these, he schal be a vessel halwid into honour.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)19674 : O mi chesing he es wessele [Göt: vessele].
- a1425 Be glad of al (Hnt HM 127)13 : Be glad, of vertues vessel clene.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)183/13 : It…likide me…for to take up and rauesche sich a chosun vessel.
- c1425 Bible SNT(1) (Cmb Dd.12.39)Deeds 9.15 : He es maked vnto me a vessel of choos forto bere my name.
- a1450 St.Kath.(3) (Richardson 44)14 : She is a specialle chosen vessel of grace before alle erthly wymmen.
- (1451) Capgr.St.Gilb.(Add 36704)115/17 : Þe…ministres came on-to þe graue wher þe holy membres of Gilbertes body was hid, and…lifte up þat holy uessel of God þat…he myte with lesse tariing be laid in his schrine.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)372/483 : Arys…my dowe…tabernacle of Joye, vessel of lyf.
- c1475 St.Anne(2) (Trin-C R.3.21)533 : She was the vessell of eleccion, Chosyn by the deyte…To bere hym.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))1 Thes.4.4 : This is the wille of God…That ech of ȝou kunne welde his vessel [vr. vessel, that is, his bodye, the whiche is vessel of the soule] in…hoolynesse.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Roy 1.B.6)1 Pet.3.7 : As Sare obeschide to Abraham…Also men…up science…ȝeuynge honour to the wommans vessel [L vasculo], or body, as to the more sijk.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (Bod 416)181/17 : Þis is…þe wil of God…þat ȝe absteine ȝou fro fornicacioun, þat eueriche of ȝou konne haue his uessel in holinesse…not in passioun of desires.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)27/20 : Man…thinkith…in how freel a vessell the lijf is inne al nakid.
- c1475 Body Pol.(Cmb Kk.1.5)53/24 : The body of a man is but a litle vessell.
- a1475 *Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)2715 : In þe body…Woneþ the soule, if blood be thore; Blood is vessel of þe soule.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (Bod 416)138/12 : Þei ben in þe uessel of þe herte…igrounde wyþ a pestel of ofte þenkinge on hem.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)127/20 : Þe herte is a vessel þat may in no wyse stonde voyde.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)200/27 : Alle maner teeris comen out of the herte. Out of þat vessel comeþ oute euery teer.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)105/4 : Opyn the vessel of þin hert discretly.
- a1475 *Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)9608 : A mannes wexing Is after þe time of his bering, And somtime is a man no more or mynne Þan þe vessel þat he lay ynne.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Glo 42)723/12 : Be þe wyche blode Þe vessell of helle wa[s bro]kyn.
Anat. & physiol.
(a) A vein or an artery, a blood vessel;—also coll.; vesseles of the sperme, spermatike vessel(es, testicular or ovarian veins;
(b) a duct;—also coll.; vesseles of (the) sperme, spermatike vessel(es, the epididymis, the deferent duct (L vas deferens) and the ejaculatory duct, regarded as a single structure; also, the uterine (Fallopian) tubes;
(c) used of the intestines;—also coll.;
(d) the vulva; ?also, the vagina;
(e) any hollow organ or bodily concavity, such as the bronchi, lungs, thorax, etc.
Associated quotations
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)151/18 : Þe veines beþ þe vesselle of blood.
- a1425 Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Wel 225)340/5037-38 : Lepre is a corrupcion of all þe membris & þe humors begynnynge in þe vessels & endynge in þe grondys of þe vescels.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(1) (NY 12:Wallner)1.114/7 : Aboue þe…hert weyves þe pulmon…with-in which ar insered, i. implanted…vesselez s. þe braunche of þe vene arterialis…And þe braunche of arterie uenalis.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(1) (NY 12:Wallner)1.136/5 : Spermatic vesselez bene…veynez which springeþ biside þe reynes…beryng blode to þe testiclez als wele of man as of womman.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)64/31 : Neiȝe to hem growen þe spermatike vessel.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)73/6 : As touching þe vesselles of þe sperme, þer ben summe veines þat growen oute beside þe reynes fro þe veines…cleped Kylis and aborthi…berynge blood to þe ballockes as wele off þe man as off þe woman.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)219/29 : Blode is ȝette out when þe cote of þe vesselles, i. veynes, is twynned.
- c1500(1446) Morstede Surgery (Hrl 1736)112 : Thes ij wesselles of arteries & waynes…have ther sprynges…fro the harte to the lyver.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)174/28,29,175/1 : Þer ben maad fast wiþ þe ballokis ij vessels…brode vpon þe ballokis & narowe toward þe ȝerde, & ben clepid þe vessels of sperme…of þese vessels comeþ sperme into þe ȝerde.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)175/12-13 : Þe maris haþ ij brode ballokis in þe necke & wiþ þe ilke ij ballokis ben maad fast ij vessels of sperme & ben more schort þan a mannes vessels of sperme.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)71/11 : Þe parties…conteined ben þes: þe bledder, þe vesselles þat holden þe sperme.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)78/8 : Þe sperme miȝte þe sunnere passen oute off þe ballockes and þe spermatike vesselle.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)78/16 : Þe vtilite off þe…purse off þe ballockes is…þat bi cause of þicknesse and herynesse þei schulde mowe conforte…þe ballocke stones and þe vesselles off þe sperme.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)42a/a : In þe sidis…of vttere mouþ of þe matrice ben two testiculis…and also two vessels of sperme þe whiche ben…schortere þan a mannys vessellis.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)45b/b : Ther beþ two spermatik vessellis…and þei ben sett bitwene þe ballokis & þe ȝerde.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(3) (Htrn 95)57/34 : Þe guttes ben vesselle [Ch.(1): vesselez] made off two tunikels, made forto parfourme þe firste digestioun.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)41b/a : In a womman beþ þre generatif membris…þe maris, þe vessel, and þe stonys.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)41b/b : By it goiþ out þe vrine lest it were ysched & schent al þe vessel of vuluam.
- ?a1425 Chauliac(1) (NY 12:Wallner)1.114/7 : Aboue þe…hert weyves þe pulmon…with-in which ar insered…3 kyndes of vesselez…þe braunchez of trachea arteria, bringing…aier for þe hert.
- a1475 Gilb.Angl.(Wel 537)105/22 : Hosnes comeþ…of humours…in þe vessellis þat ben cause of þe voice, þat is to sey, in þe liȝte, or in þe breest, or in þe þrote-bolle.
A ship or other large watercraft, a cargo vessel, passenger vessel, or warship; also, a boat or other small craft;—also coll.; vesseles of avauntage, ?superior or more heavily armed ships; ?faster ships; hed ~, coll. warships of the largest size or of first quality, capital ships.
Associated quotations
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)2.1133 : Hire Schip goth in among hem…And hath the vessell undergete, Which Maister was of al the Flete.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)1662 : I wil þat þou a wessel mak…A schippe be-houes þe to dight.
- (1405) Doc.in Flasdieck Origurk.34 : Thei shul bene quyte of al maner of Custumez…in beying and sellyng of here owen wesseles.
- (1415) Doc.Conspir.Hen.V in D.K.R.43591 : Yif he went by se with weselz of awauntage, he schulde be takin & undon.
- a1425 PPl.C (Cmb Ff 5.35)11.34 : Vessel [Hnt HM 137: The wynde and þe…waggynge of þe bote Makeþ þe man…to stomble yf he stande].
- c1430(c1386) Chaucer LGW (Benson-Robinson)2308 : The ores pullen forth the vessel faste.
- (c1438) MKempe B (Add 61823)242/11 : Sche…left al hir thyng in þe vessel þat sche was in & went to þe schip þer þei weryn.
- (1442) RParl.5.55b : Marchauntes…and Owners of Shippes and other Vesselles…often tymes been…constreyned to answere.
- (1443) Proc.Privy C.5.415 : A knyght…come…for to appointe and ordeyne an armee…to be put into Caleys, and other velselx [read: vesselx] to be armed…ayeinst þe Kynges citee of Bourdeaulx.
- a1450(1408) Vegetius(1) (Dc 291)184/22,27 : Marchaundise…may be caried in grete vesselles imade for þe nones, as carrekes, dromoundes, heuy hulkes, greet cogges, & schippes of tour…a werriour…mote lede an oost by watere in smale & light vesselles as galeies, barges, fluynus, & balyngeres, þe whiche most haue wynde mesurable & esy see.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)34.33 : Taketh on of ȝowre Fesselis…And thedir Inne lete ȝe the Child go.
- a1450-a1500(1436) Libel EP (Warner)63 : The havene of Sluse…is cleped the Swyne…Where many wessell…arne abydynge.
- (a1453) Doc.Trade in BRS 793 : Patrik Martyn…and Partrik Galway…with many other personez…manned diversez vesselx of the same towne of Kensale and apon the saide see fell apon the saide Maister fysshers and mariners and slewe iij men.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)380/29 : He commaunded Governayle to go to his vessayle.
- (a1475) Fortescue Gov.E.(LdMisc 593)123 : It shalbe nescessarie þat the kynge haue alway some ffloute apon the see, ffor the repressynge off rovers…For thanne it shall be to late to do make such vessailles.
- 1486 ?Berners Bk.St.Albans (Blades 1881)leaf f v/b : Ther be iiii thynges full harde for to knaw Wyche way that thay will drawe…The secunde: the cours of a vessayll in the see.
- (a1500) LRed Bk.Bristol1.154 : Item, of every ffessell comyng with salt or whete fro by yende the see, j mesure.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)13996 : Whan Eneas was exiled, euyn were his shippes Two hundreth full hole, all of hede vessell.
Chiefly Bibl., usu. translating L vas: an instrument, implement, or a device of some sort; an artifact, article of some material, a thing of some kind; an object or instrument by means of which a specified action is performed or carried out; also fig.; also, a ship’s gear [quot. c1425]; ~ of ded (sleinge), an instrument of death, a weapon; ~ of song, a musical instrument; ~ of tentes, ?an array of hosts.
Associated quotations
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ecclus.43.2 : Þe sunne in þe siȝte shewing out…a merueilous vessell [L vas] þe werk of þe heȝe.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ecclus.43.9 : Þe moneþ…in to þe ful ending, a vessel of tentis [L Vas castrorum] in heiȝtis in þe firmament of heuene shynynge.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Is.13.5 : Þe lord of hostis comaundide to þe knythod…to þe men comyng fro þe lond aferr…& þe vesselis of his wrathe.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Amos 6.5 : Thei gessiden hem for to haue vessels of song.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Zech.11.15 : Take to thee vessels of a foltishe sheperd.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))1 Mac.14.10 : To the citees he ȝaue foodis and ordeynyde hem that thei weren vessels of strengthing.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Deeds 10.11 : He syȝ heuene openyd and sum vessel comynge doun, as a greet scheete with foure cordis.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Roy 1.B.6)Apoc.18.12 : No man shal bye…the marchaundise…of gold…and alle vessels of yuer and alle vessels of precious stoon and of…yren and marble.
- a1425(c1384) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Ezek.9.1 : Eche man hath a vessel [WB(2): instrument; L vas] of sleynge in his hoond.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)Is.32.7 : The vessels of a gileful man ben worste; for he schal make redi thouȝtis to leese mylde men.
- c1425 Bible SNT(1) (Cmb Dd.12.39)Deeds 27.17 : Þei vsed helpinge, byndande þo schippe, dredande þat ne þei schulde falle into sande place, ande so þei wore borne, while þe vessel [L vase] was keste downe.
- (1444) RParl.5.114a : Al manere of Wynes…made in the seid parties of Gascoyn and Guyen…were…used to passe thurgh a Vessell or Instrument…cleped a Canner.
- a1500(c1340) Rolle Psalter (UC 64)7.14 : He has redid uessels of ded, that is, goed wordis, the whilk slas men fra synne.
In surname.
Associated quotations
- (c1210) Cart.Oseney in OHS 97176 : Iohannes de la Uesselle.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- a1525 BodEMus.52 Artist.Recipes (BodEMus 52) 189/31 : Take sal armoniake and make pouder þerof; þen take a lytell þerof and pute it in a vessele of lede and do þerto water, and boyll yt to it be molte, and þen put þerto a lytell water of boras and medele þam togeder.
Note: Need date, if sense 1.(a). Clarke glosses ~ of led(e here as 'glazed (ceramic) vessel'. ?New cpd.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. vessel.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
Note: Med., etc. (sense 1.(b)), see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. earthen vessel.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
Note: Med., etc. (sense 1.(b)), see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. pewter vessel.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
Note: Med., etc. (sense 3.(a) & (b)), see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. spermatic vessel.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
Note: Med., etc. (sense 3.(a) & (b)), see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. vessel of sperm.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
Note: Med., etc. (sense 3.(a) & (b)), see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. vessel of the sperm.