[Certen] instruct[ions, obseruati]ons and orders militarie, requisit for all chieftaines, captaines [and?] higher and lower men of charge, [and officers] to vnderstand, [knowe and obserue] / Composed by Sir Iohn Smythe, knight, 1591. And now first imprinted. 1594.
- Title
- [Certen] instruct[ions, obseruati]ons and orders militarie, requisit for all chieftaines, captaines [and?] higher and lower men of charge, [and officers] to vnderstand, [knowe and obserue] / Composed by Sir Iohn Smythe, knight, 1591. And now first imprinted. 1594.
- Author
- Smythe, John, Sir, ca. 1534-1607.
- Publication
- Imprinted at London, :: by Richard Johnes; dwelling at the signe of [-] and Crowne neer to Sai[nt] [Andr]ewes church in Holborne,
- 1594.
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- Subject terms
- Military art and science -- Early works to 1800.
- Arms and armor -- Early works to 1800.
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"[Certen] instruct[ions, obseruati]ons and orders militarie, requisit for all chieftaines, captaines [and?] higher and lower men of charge, [and officers] to vnderstand, [knowe and obserue] / Composed by Sir Iohn Smythe, knight, 1591. And now first imprinted. 1594." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A12568.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 8, 2024.
- title page
To the Knights, Esquiers,
nd Gentle∣men of the English Nation, that are honourably delighted in the Art and Science Militarie. - The Table of the chiefe matters that are conteined in this Booke.
- Faults happened in the printing of this Booke, by reason, that for Iohn Smythe was absent from London at the time of the imprinting thereof, And they are tobe cor∣rected and read, as followeth.
Certen Instructions, obseruations and
orders military, requisit for al Chieftains, Captains,
and higher and lower men of charge, & officers
to vnderstand, know and obserue. Composed
by sir Iohn Smythe, knight, 1591.
That great bands of 500. vnder an Ensigne are mor
connenient for al seruices in the field, then smal bands of 150. - Concerning Ensignes and Ensignebearers of priuate bandes of footmen, as also concerning the Standard, and Standard bearer of an Emperour, or of a King.
Certen orders, directions and briefe speeches to be vsed vnto
ziers, Piquers, and battleaxes, when they are in skirmish with their enemies in the field. - Briefe speeches to be vsed by Captaines or leaders, of Harque∣buziers when they would reduce them into a broad square with distances oblique.
- Speaches to be vsed to a broad square, or to any ordered troupe of harquebuziers being in a straight or ground of aduantage, where horsmen cannot charge them.
- Briefe speaches to be vsed to Mosquetiers beeing in a broad square.
- Certen Orders, directions, and briefe speeches to be obserued by a Sergeant Maior, and Captaines, and leaders of Ar∣chers in the field.
- Certen Instructions and obseruations concerning the orde∣ring and exercising of men at Armes, of dimilances, & al so of light horsmen, stradiots incorporated with Archers and crosbowers on horsebacke, for diuers purposes & seruices.
The great effects that Stradiots, Archers on horsbacke,
and Crosbowers on horsback, are to performe in the field,
both against horsmen and footmen, with also, the great ad∣
antage that they haue against Carabins, and against Reistres, and all other weapons of fire on horsebacke, in seruices of the field.
That great bands of 500. vnder an Ensigne are mor
- Certen proceedinges and obseruations that I would wish to be obserued in the first election, enrolling, arming, and weaponing of Souldiors, for any employment; but chieflie for the ordinarie bandes and companies of horsemen and footmen that are to be chosen in the Shieres of England, for the defence of the Realme, or for forren Inuasion; as also for taking of reuewes of musters againe from time to time, with diuers other particularities.