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1. scar n.

3 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
Contempt, scorn; to scar, to the shame (of sb.); don to scar, to heap scorn on (sb.).

2. scā̆rsetẹ̄ n.

49 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Insufficiency, want; dearth, lack; scarcity of food; (b) scarsete of, insufficiency of (sth.); a dearth of (sth., people); (c) smallness of amount, fewness of number; rarity; sparseness of hair…

3. scō̆rn n.

126 quotations in 4 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A feeling or attitude of contempt, scorn; in (o, with) scorn, disdainfully; haven scorn, to scorn (to do sth.); haven scorn of, feel contempt for (sb. or sth.); leten (tellen) scorn of, regard…

4. scō̆rnen v.

108 quotations in 6 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To be contemptuous; hold (sb. or sth.) in disdain, despise; ppl. scorninge as adj.: ?disdainful, scornful; (b) to bring (sth.) into contempt.

5. seuen v.(1)

436 quotations in 13 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To follow after; follow (sb., a group), walk behind; also fig.; be guided by (a star, a blind person); seuen after, come behind; also, follow (sb.); seuen bestes, drive (a team); seuinge hire fet

6. skeu n.(2)

15 quotations in 1 sense
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Arch. (a) Beveled stone used to form the slope of a gable coping, the offset of a buttress, etc.; a piece of such stone, a skew; skeu scapeled; (b) in cpds. & combs.: skeu assheler, squared, hewed…

7. snak n.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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A ship of some kind, esp. a light, fast ship.

8. spūchǒur n.

6 quotations in 1 sense
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Naut. A wooden vessel for carrying or bailing water, a bailer.

9. strācūr n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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?A hunting or tracking dog.

10. sūen v.

6 quotations in 1 sense
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Of a hawk: to wipe (the beak) clean of food.

11. surcō̆t(e n.

Additional spellings: surcote
30 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) An outer coat or overgarment of varying style, freq. of rich material, worn by men, an overtunic; also fig. [quot. a1475]; -- also coll. [quot. a1387]; nethere surcot, a tunic worn under the…

12. surquidrī(e n.

Additional spellings: surquidrie
23 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Arrogance, pride; presumptuousness; also person.; also, conceit; (b) theol. as a branch of the deadly sin of pride: presumption, arrogance, self-importance; (c) intellectual presumption; (d)…

13. sursengle n.

8 quotations in 1 sense
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A girth for a horse, perh. one that passes over the blanket, the saddle, a pack, etc., surcingle.

14. toilen v.

31 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) To pull at (sb., a soul), tug; also fig.; (b) to do battle, fight, struggle; also, attack (sb.); toilen up, destroy (a town); ben toiled, of Jesus: be assailed (by torments); (c) to struggle with…

15. vultū̆r(e n.

Additional spellings: vulture
17 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A bird of prey of the family Accipitridae, an Old World vulture; (b) ?as surname.

16. wāǧe n.

61 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) A pledge, guarantee, surety; winter wage, a foretaste of winter, the promise of winter’s approach; holden in wage, to hold (sth.) hostage; (b) a promise or pledge to meet in battle.

17. wāǧǒur n.

14 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Something pledged or sworn to, a promise, vow (b) an agreement whereby something is pledged on the outcome of a future event, a bet, wager; also, the sum or object held as a surety pending the…

18. waid(e n.

Additional spellings: waide
9 quotations in 1 sense
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The dyestuff made from the plant Isatis tinctoria, woad; also in designations for woad of specific geographical origin.

19. waider n.

8 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A dyer with or purveyor of woad; (b) as surname.

20. waimenten v.

17 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) To cry out in sorrow, wail, lament;—also refl.; also, have or feel sorrow, be sorrowful; waimenten after, cry for (sth.), ?long in sorrow for; (b) to bewail (sth.), lament.