Middle English Dictionary Entry

soverainlī adv.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) To a great extent, very much, highly, extremely; supremely, in the highest degree, above all; very well, excellently; (b) translating L super-: surpassingly, transcendently; (c) fully, completely; entirely; absolutely.
As intensive: especially, particularly, most importantly; sup. sovereinlokest, most of all.
(a) In the manner of a sovereign, lord, religious superior, etc., in lordly fashion; in the manner of a conqueror [2nd quot.]; also, as befits a ruler; ~ guerdonen, to reward (sb.) richly, reward splendidly; (b) in the manner due a sovereign, God, etc.; reverently, devoutly, with devotion; (c) with reduced force, as rime-word:?rightfully, properly.