Middle English Dictionary Entry
seint(e adj.
Entry Info
Forms | seint(e adj. Also sein(th, sient, (early) sceint, zeinte & saint(e, sain(e, (K) saind, zaint(e, zain, (early) sæint(e & sent, senct, sen(d & sanct, san(de, (K) zante, (chiefly early & N, NM) sant(e & sin(t(e & (before nasals) s(e)i, (?error before vowel) sei & (?errors) seit, seyte, sayt(e, zayte, (errors) seintre, semt, seimte, saynyte, sanynt(e, sanyt, sanyn; pl. seintes. |
Etymology | OF saint(e, seint(e, saent, saite, saincte, sanct; for forms senct, sanct also cp. L sanctus & OE sanct adj. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. sanctus adj.
(a) Holy, divinely inspired, worthy of worship; also in oaths; in personification: ~ treuth; (b) in phrases: for (par, etc.) ~ charite, for the sake of charity; -- common in entreaties and requests; also in malapropism [last quot.]; ~ gral, q.v.; ~ saveour, the Holy Savior, Christ; also in oath; ~ spirit (espirit), the Holy Ghost; ~ trinite, Holy Trinity, the three persons of the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost); also in oath.
Associated quotations
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)21465 : Bi sant drightin, Mi thinc þe wers part es mine.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)1.82 : Þanne I..criȝide hire [Holy Church] of grace..'How I may sauen my soule, þat seint art yhoten?'
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)5.41 : Ȝe þat seke..seintes at rome, Sekiþ at hom seint treuþe, for he may saue ȝou alle.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)12.204 : He seih in þe seynt euangelie Þat ich man maked was and my name yentrede In þe legende of lif longe er ich were.
- a1425 KAlex.(LinI 150)5487 : Þou schalt fynde trowes two -- Seyntes [Ld: Sounde] and holy [Ld: hole] þey buþ bo.
- a1425 PPl.A(1) (LinI 150)6.14 : Seynt sepulcre [vr. sepulcre of oure lord; Trin-C: Fro synay..& fro þe sepulcre. At bedlem, at babiloyne, I haue ben in boþe].
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)451 : Seynt, holy: Sanctus.
- a1450 3 KCol.(1) (Roy 18.A.10)91/8 : Oure lady was come in to þe temple..as seint scripture [vr. holy writ] telliþ.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)560/18 : By Seynte Crosse..he is a strong knyght.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)14739 : Anan he gon to wurche ane swiðe feire chirche a seinte Trinetðes [Otho: Seinte..nete his] nome.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)7371 : Sir, par seynt charite, Rewe on ous and haue pite.
- c1330(?c1300) Amis (Auch)459 : Madame, we schul þe sain Þat soþe bi Seyn Sauour.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.NP.(Manly-Rickert)B.4510 : Now syngeth, sire, for seinte charitee.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)4.964 : Forthi per seinte charite Tell me..what you semeth.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Sum.(Manly-Rickert)D.1824 : Now by youre leeue, o deere sire..Chideth hym wel, for seinte [vr. goddes] Trinitee.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Sum.(Manly-Rickert)D.2119 : Now Thomas, help, for seinte charitee.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)7171 : Seynt charyte ys gode and hende, lastyng with God with-outyn ende.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)12.104 : Al-þough men made bokes, god was þe maistre, And seynt spirit þe saumplarye, and seide what men sholde write.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)17.196 : I se an euydence Þat who so synneth in þe seynt [vr. holy] spirit assoilled worth he neure.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)12.154 : Austin..ous seide..That he seih the syre and þe sone and seynte spirit togederes.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)15.27 : God..sent forth seint espirit to don loue sprynge.
- a1425 God & sient (CmbAdd 5943)p.245 : God & sient trinite, as I by-lyue on the.
- (1440) Capgr.St.Norb.(Hnt HM 55)1043 : He prayed him þat he Wold onys se hire for seyn charyte.
- c1475 Mankind (Folg V.a.354)212 : I prey yow, for sent charyte, of yowr supportacyon.
- c1450(a1400) Libeaus (Clg A.2)1662 : Noble knyȝt of þe Table Rounde, J-blessed be Seynt Sauour!
- a1500(a1450) Gener.(2) (Trin-C O.5.2)4282 : To hir com he And Askyd Almes for seynt charite.
- a1500 MSerm.Mol.(Adv 19.3.1)83 : Y pray you everychone with all the hart in my hele, sey a pater noster and an ave for seyn cherytre.
Prefixed as a title to: (a) the names of Christian martyrs and confessors, canonized saints, the apostles, the evangelists, and archangels; (b) the names of certain OT patriarchs, prophets, etc.; (c) the names of Christian saints as used in exclamations, invocations, oaths, etc.; ~ jon to borgh [see borgh n.2b.(d)]; (d) the names of pagan deities and persons; -- used in oaths and entreaties; also, used jocularly [quot.: a1425(c1385)].
Associated quotations
- a1150(c1125) Vsp.D.Hom.Elucid.(Vsp D.14)144/17 : Seinte Marian Magdalene.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)10378,10383 : Sannt Johan cnew..full wel þe Laferrd Crist I Sannte Marȝess wambe.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)17 : Ure lefdi Zeinte Marie.
- a1225(?OE) Vsp.A.Hom.(Vsp A.22)237 : Sante Marie.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)6568 : Sæint Benediht.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)7390 : Sceint Romæin.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)11179,11180,11181 : Ich wulle nimen halidom of seint Columkille..& seint Brændenes hæfed..& seinte Bride riht fot.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)9/24 : Sæinte Marie.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)111/31 : Seintre [read: Seinte] Petre.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Juliana (Bod 34)35/370-71 : Ich [Belial] hit am þet makede sein iuhan þe baptiste beon heafdes bicoruen & seinte stephene isteanet.
- a1275 *St.Marg.(2) (Trin-C B.14.39)20 : Ho þoleden martirdom, sein laurence ant seinte steuene.
- c1275 Ken.Serm.(LdMisc 471)214/6 : Ure lauedi seinte Marie.
- a1300 Qvanne I zenke onne (Ashm 360)6 : Þi disciple sei [?read: sein] iohan.
- c1300(?c1225) Horn (Cmb Gg.4.27)39/665 : 'Crist,' quaþ horn, '& seint steuene Turne þine sweuene.'
- a1325 Man folwe Seint (Add 11579)1 : Folwe seintt Bernardes trace.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)12/23 : Zayn Iacob, sayn Ionnes broþer.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)14/30 : Sanyn [read: Sayn] Ion ine þe boc of his sseawyinges þet is y-cleped þe apocalipse.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)53/10 : Zaynte paul.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)88/13 : Saynd ion þe apostel.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)121/2 : Sanyt [read: Saynt] denys.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)123/22 : Saynyte [read: Saynte] Pol.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)126/19 : Sanynte [read: Saynte] paul.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)143/4 : Sayte [read: Saynte] paul.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)148/2 : Zante paul.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)148/28 : Zayte [read: Zaynte] paul.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)164/19 : Zaynt austin.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)190/7 : Sayt [read: Saynt] germayn.
- (a1382) WBible(1) Prol.Josh.(Bod 959)42 : Seynt paule, whos life is saumple of vertu.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.1036 : Seint [vr. sei] Mathew.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)235b/a : Þe auctor [L auctoritate] of seynt [L beati] austyn.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)469 : Sent micheal..Rais a-gain him for to fight.
- a1400 Cursor (Frf 14)12863 : Ihesus in-to þe flume ȝode & sande Iohn nerehand him stode.
- a1400 Cursor (Göt Theol 107)25632 : An angel com fra heue..sant gabriel.
- (1418) Will in Bk.Lond.E.218/7 : I be-quethe my saule to our lord Iesu Crist and to our lady seynte Marie and to alle alwes of heuene.
- ?a1425 Mandev.(2) (Eg 1982)48/19 : Þare nere es þe place whare oure Lady gafe sayn Thomas hir gyrdle after hir Assumpcioun.
- c1475(?c1425) Avow.Arth.(Tay 9:French&Hale)211 : He prays to Sayn Margarete Fro wathes him ware.
- c1450 Al holy (Eg 3307)p.62 : Seynt Thomas honour w[e], Thorgh whos blod Holy Chyrch ys made fre.
- c1475 Gregory's Chron.(Eg 1995)141 : The servyse of iij cours in the halle..A sotelte, a tygyr and Syntt Gorge ledyng hyt.
- c1475 Gregory's Chron.(Eg 1995)168 : Syr Phylyppe Dymmoke..rode in the halle i-armyde clene as Syn Jorge.
- a1500(c1400) St.Erk.(Hrl 2250)12 : Saynt Austyn into Sandewiche was sende fro þe pope.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.257 : Englychmen..keptyn it [kingdom] but two kyngys tymes, Sent Edwardys and Horoldys.
- a1500 SLeg.Pass.(Vsp A.3)10 : San symeon.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.223 : Seith Seint Iob atte laste that ther shal horrour and grisly drede dwelle with outen ende.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)7643 : Þus seyþ þe prophete seynt Danyel.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)11507 : Seynt Dauyd, þe holy prophete, Seyþ þese wurdes ful swete.
- a1425 Ben.Rule(1) (Lnsd 378)42/34 : Sho salle..temper þe werkis..thyngyng [read: thynkyng] a-pon þe discrecion of sainte Iacob sayng in þis wise: 'If I sulde make my herdis to labur to mikil in walkyng, þai sal alle die.'
- a1450 Treat.Horses (Sln 2584)99/192 : In þe worschip of..seynt Iobis fadur soule & for his modur soule & for al his antecers soulus, sey iij pater noster.
- a1450 Treat.Horses (Sln 2584)99/194 : A charme..Seynt Iob had ix wormes & o worme had non hed; Sey þus aboute þe hors.
- c1450(a1425) MOTest.(SeldSup 52)12805 : Þe prophett þen sant Elysew prayd to god graunt agayn þer syȝt.
- a1500(c1430) Kyryeleyson Cristeleyson (Lamb 344)38 : Pray for our kynge..Abraham, ysaak, and jacob, reynyng Peter, senyores o seynt moyse.
- a1500 Nicod.(4) (Hrl 149)80 : These wordes resemble to the prowde Golye, whych mys-tooke hym-self a-yenst God and Saynt Dauyd.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)8642 : Þe king..swor a Seint Brændan.
- a1225 Sainte Nicolaes godes druþ (Roy 5.F.7)p.5 : Sainte nicholaes, bring vs wel þare.
- a1250 Cristes milde moder (Nero A.14)1 : Cristes milde moder, seynte marie..To þe ich buwe & mine kneon ich beie.
- a1300 Leuedi sainte (Add 27909)1 : Leuedi sainte marie..þu wisie me nuþe for ich eom eirede.
- a1325 Heil beo þou Marie Mylde (StJ-C S.30)5 : Heil, seinte marie.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)1103 : Þe child swore bi seyn Symoun.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.120 : Hir gretteste ooth was but by Seint [vr. seyte] Loy.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Mil.(Manly-Rickert)A.3449 : Help vs, seinte Frideswyde.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Mch.(Manly-Rickert)E.1899 : Seynte Marie, how may this be.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)9641 : God and seynt Iame Ȝyue þe boþe sorow and shame.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)1644 : Bi saynt Gile, ȝe ar þe best.
- c1440(a1400) Eglam.(Thrn)602 : By Sayne Iame, Here þou sall be kynge.
- c1450(1369) Chaucer BD (Benson-Robinson)1319 : A long castel with walles white, Be seynt Johan, on a ryche hil, As me mette.
- a1456(?1417) Lydg.DTChaucer (Add 16165)68 : Saythe euery day deuotely þis memoyrre, Saint Iulyan, oure ioye and al oure gloyre, Come hoome ageyne.
- c1475 Mankind (Folg V.a.354)75 : I gyff no force, by Sent Tanne.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)120/118 : Crystys crosse me spede and sant nycholas!
- a1400 Cursor (Frf 14)7458 : I sulde him sla, be seint Mahoun.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)1.910 : Thow were wont to chace At Love in scorn, and for despit him calle 'Seynt Idyot, lord of thise foles alle.'
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)5953 : [By] my modir, seint venus.
- ?a1425 Chaucer TC (Hrl 3943)3.712 : Now, seynt venus, þis night þou me enspire.
- ?a1450 Chaucer TC (StJ-C L.1)3.705 : Now, seint venus, thow me grace sende.
In names of Christian feast days in one or more of the following formulaic phrases: (a) ~ andreu (peter, etc., nicholas the) dai, ~ andreues (austines, etc.) dai, ~ andreues feste, ~ antonines, ~ bartelmeus (martines, etc.) even, ~ donston (jon, etc.), ~ hugh (luke, etc.) his dai, ~ matheues (laurence, etc., jame his) tide, dai of ~ albon (george), feste of ~ agas (anneis, etc.): Agatha [Agas, see agas n.], February 5; Alban [Albon], June 22; Andrew [Andreu], November 30; Anne [Anneis], July 26; Antonine, September 2; Antony of Egypt [Antoun], January 17; Augustine of Canterbury [Austin], May 26; Barnabas [Barnabe], June 11; Bartholomew [Bartelmeu], August 24; Benedict [Benet], March 21; Catherine of Alexandria [Caterine], November 25; Cecilia [Cecile], November 22; Clare [Clere], August 12; Holy Cross day [Crois], September 14; Dunstan [Donston], May 19; Elizabeth of Hungary, November 19; Francis [Fraunceis], October 4; George, April 23; Gregory the Great [Gregori], March 12; Hilary of Poitiers [Hilari, see Hilari n.], January 13; Hugh, November 17; James the Great, of Compostella [Jame, see Jame n.(d)], July 25; Jerome, September 30; John the Baptist [Jon baptist], June 24; John the Evangelist [Jon evangelist], December 27; Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran [Laterine], November 9; Laurence, August 10; Louis of Toulouse, August 19; Louis, King of France, August 25; Margaret [Margerie], July 20; Mark, April 25; Martin of Tours [see also martin-messe n.], November 11; Matthias [Mathie], April 24 [April 25 in quot.: a1500(1452), a leap year]; Matthew [Matheu], September 21; Michael [Mighel, see also Mighel n.(b) & Mighel-messe n.], September 29; Nicholas [see also Nicholas n.(b)], December 6; Peter and Paul [Peter and Poule, see also Peter n.1.(b) & Poule n.1.(a)], June 29; Simon and Jude, October 28; Stephen, December 26; Thomas of Canterbury, December 29; Valentine, February 14; (b) ~ jones dai decollacioun, feste of) the decollacioun of ~ jon [see also decollacioun n.(b)], August 29; ~ marie dai, one of the feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary: ~ marie dai in marche (lenten), March 25 [Annunciation]; ~ marie dai biforen criste-masse, December 8 [Conception]; ~ marie dai in septembre, the latere ~ marie dai, September 8 [Nativity]; ~ marie even, March 24; ~ marie dai (the) maudelaine, July 22 [Mary Magdalene; see also Marie n.1.(d) & 2.(a) & Maudelaine n.1.(b)]; commemoracioun of ~ poule, June 30; conversioun of ~ poule, January 25; octave of ~ antoni, utas of ~ barnabe (clere, etc.), the seventh day after the feast specified; translacioun of ~ louis (thomas), ?August 25 [St. Louis], July 3 [St. Thomas of Canterbury].
Associated quotations
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)210/3 : Seint andrews [Pep: andrew] dei.
- a1325 Add.46919 Cook.Recipes (Add 46919)51.41/2 : Nym corn clene abouten Seint Iohn & do hit in clene vessel.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)5614 : At seint austines day it was as it valþ in may.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)7577 : A sein nicolas day he com.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)8423 : Þis bataile ido was A seinte peteres eue.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)9848 : Þe ȝonge king henri deide attelaste A sein barnabes day.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)11812 : Of þe clergie at londone at seint andrewes feste A conseil he made.
- 1389 Nrf.Gild Ret.54 : Ye sunday after ye Natiuite of sen Jon day, baptist.
- ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.250 : Saynt Steuenday [F Le jour saynt Estefne] it felle þat Jon mad his homage.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)1022 : Þe ioye of sayn Jonez day watz gentyle to here.
- a1422 Gild St.Geo.Nrw.(Rwl D.913)446 : It is ordeyned þat the alderman and maistres schul assigne a day for asemble beforn þe day of Seynt George.
- (1426-7) Rec.St.Mary at Hill64 : The day after seint donston, þe xix day of may, ij carpenters with hir nonsiens.
- (a1438) MKempe A (Add 61823)86/10 : Þis creatur was in þe Postelys Cherch at Rome on Seynt Laterynes Day.
- (1442) Grocer Lond.(Kingdon)268 : Payd for costes done on Seint Antonyns day..for washyng of our vestymentes at S. Antonyns.
- (1446) Acc.St.Mary Thame in BBOAJ 856 : For ij li. wex at Symathewystyde to the rodelyght.
- (1448) Doc.in Sundby Dial.Wor.(Eg Charter 608)254 : This endentur maid the Wenesday next after the Fest of Sent Barnabe apostoli.
- (1449) Acc.St.Mary Thame in BBOAJ 872 : At seynt jeme ystyde..for iiij besumys at seynt jeme ys tyde.
- (1449) Acc.St.Mary Thame in BBOAJ 875 : At seynt lawrensse tyde..at seynt bartylmowystyde..at seynt symunde ys day..at Seynt hew ys day.
- (1449) Acc.St.Mary Thame in BBOAJ 876 : A synekolas ye day.
- a1450 Lond.Chron.Hrl.3775 (Hrl 3775)294 : In the same tyme was Cleydon, Skynner, Brent in Smythfeld for an Erytyk, that is to wete, the xij day of August afore saide, and on Sent Bartilmews Euen was brent a noþer Erytyk in Smythfeld.
- a1450 Lond.Chron.Hrl.3775 (Hrl 3775)294 : On the morn after seint Larence day, þat is to wete, the xj day of August, the Sonnday.
- (1452) Doc.in Gilbert Cal.Dublin 1277 : The feste of Seynte Michell the Archangle.
- (c1461) Paston1.522 : Wretyn in hast on Seynt Martynys Evyn.
- (1462) Paston2.279 : A trews is take be-twyx thys and Seynt Bertylmew Day in Auguste.
- (1464) Paston2.295 : Wretyn at London the Thursday [January 26] in þe morwe after Seynt Poule.
- (?1473) Stonor1.132 : I-wrytyn in Exeter the Thursday next afore seynt Jorgeys day.
- (1474) Let.Cely (PRO S.C.1 53/2)p.3 (2/10) : I was at Geteryng feste on Sonday after Send Peter day [written July 5].
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.195 : In þe grete festis, as..Sent Ion Baptist..þey schuldyn gon to chirche.
- a1500(?1452) Lond.Chron.Arms (ArmsAr 19)297 : On seint Mathies day.
- a1500 Conq.Irel.(Rwl B.490)59/25 : The kynge..londyd at Watyrford on Seynte Luke-is day.
- a1500 Giff sanct (Dun)1 : Giff sanct Paullis day be fair and cleir.
- a1500 Rule Minoresses (Bod 585)104/7 : Þe time þat þey schul slepe bi day Fro Pasche vnto seint Croyse.
- a1500 Rule Minoresses (Bod 585)107/25,26,27,31, 32,33,34 : Þese been þe half dobel Festis. Seint Lucy, seint Nicholas, þe fest of..seint Thomas of Caunterbiri..of seint Anneys & of seint Agase..þe fest of seynt Margare..the fest of seint Martin..of seynt Elizabeþ..of seynt Cecile, & of seynt katerin.
- a1500 Rule Minoresses (Bod 585)108/29,31,32-33,34,109/1,5,6-7,9 : This been þe Festis doubles..Fest of seynt Stephen, seynt Iohn..þe fest of seynt antoun..þe Fest of seint Mathee, of seynt Gregori, of seynt Benet..þe Fest of seynt Marke..þe Fest of seint Fraunces..þe fest of seint lowis bisschop, of seint barth[olem]u..of seint Matheu, of seint Misshel, of seint Ierome, of seint luke, of seynt symon & seynt Iude..þe fest of..seynt andrew.
- a1500 3rd Fran.Rule (Seton)50/27 : Thei..labore for cause of ther werines frome estyr tyll seint Fraunceys.
- ?a1500(?1458) Off alle Werkys (Inscr)p.42 : Apon the day of seynt Albon they began this game.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)210/1 : Seinte Marie dei magdaleine [Pep: þe Maudeleyn].
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)10180 : Þe sonenday of þe passion..Þe morwe as þe monenday an seinte Marie eue.
- (1443) Acc.St.Mary Thame in BBOAJ 828 : The woke aftyr syntemaryday.
- (1446) Acc.St.Mary Thame in BBOAJ 856 : For a li. wex at synntemary day.
- a1450 Lond.Chron.Hrl.3775 (Hrl 3775)292 : The viij day of decembre, the seynt Mary day to fore Cristemasse.
- ?a1450 Add.Mir.Virg.(Add 39996)359/50 : Þe latter Saynt Marie day In holy chirche for certeyntee þai callen hit þe Natiuitee.
- (1463) Paston2.372 : Wretyn at Langle, on Soneday, at evyn late, next after Seynt Johns Daye Decollacion.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)410/25 : At seynt mary day in marche.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)556 : At the feste of seint Mary day in Septembre.
- a1500 Rule Minoresses (Bod 585)107/29,30,31 : Þese been þe half dobel Festis..þe octaues..of seint Antony & of seynt John Baptist, þe fest of seint Marie magdalene, þe translacioun of seynt thomas..þe vtas of seint laurence, & of seynt lowis & þe fest of þe decollacioun of seint Iohn.
- a1500 Rule Minoresses (Bod 585)108/30, 109/1,2-3,4,8 : This been þe Festis doubles..þe fest of conuersioun of seynt poule..þe vtas of seynt barnabe, & seynt Iohn Baptiste, of seint Petir & Paul, & þe commemoracioun of seynt paule, þe vtas of seynt Petir & seynt paule of seynt Iames..of seynt laurence, of seint Clare..þe translacioun of seynt lowis.
- a1500 Thos.Ercel.(Hat 56)121 : Bitwene two seint Mary dayes [?August 15 and September 8]..Men shul mete with speres long.
(a) Med. ~ antonis fir (ivel), fir of ~ antoni (martial), St. Anthony's fire, a disease of the skin, either erysipelas or ergotism [see also fir n.11.(b)]; (b) in plant names: ~ cuthberts col, the common mallow Malva silvestris; also, the marsh mallow Althaea officinalis; ~ jones (jon) wort, ~ jon herbe, herbe ~ jon, Hypericum perforatum [see also herbe-jon n.]; ~ marie flour (sele), Polygonatum multiflorum; ~ marie gar-lek, ?a variety of garlic [cp. gar-lek n.1.(a) & (b)]; ~ marie golde, the common marigold Calendula officinalis [cp. mari-golde n.]; ~ marie maithe, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum; ~ marie rode, pot marigold [cp. rode n.(2)]; ~ marie sed, Sonchus, the sow thistle; ~ osith wort, a plant of the genus Calamintha.
Associated quotations
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)208/17 : Anoþer maner passioun..haþ manie diuers names, for summen clepen it cancrum & summen lupum & men of fraunce clepen it malum nostre domine And lumbardis clepen it fier of seint antony & summen clepen it herisipulam.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)103b/a : Summe men clepen þis seknesse..þe fire of seint antonye & summen clepen it ane etinge herisipila.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)97/22 : Estiomenus is communely cleped þe fire of Seynt Antony or of Seynt Marcyal [L vulgariter dicitur ignis sancti Antonii aut sancti Martialis]; Estiomenus is cleped cancrena at þe Grekes.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)333/12 : Cancres..ben cleped lupus in þe thye..and..cancrenas whan þai ben in þe legges; Lanfrank forsoþe clepeþ ham estiomenus, i. seynt Antones euel.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)338/16 : Noþing is more the cause of the destroyenge of a membre þan akþe, þe whiche comeþ of ouer mykel streytenesse and vnwise settynge togidre..many membres ben broght into Seynt Antonyes euel and broken oute [*Ch.(1): for to be estiomened & corrupt].
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)607/13 : Diaponfoligos..is praysed of Thederyk and of alle his secte, for it heleth þe cancre and smale cancres, þe fire of Seynt Antonye [*Ch.(1): herisiple; L herisipilam], and brynnynge.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)114a/b : Þis waischinge is good and expert in ech cankre and festre and seint antonies fier.
- ?a1300 Wor.F.157.Gloss.(Wor F.157)185 : Ypericon: herbe st. iohn.
- ?a1350 *Sln.5 Herb.Gloss.[OD col.] (Sln 5)fol.9b/1 : Oculus Christi, calendula, solsequium..Seynte Marie rode.
- a1400 Alphita (SeldArch B.35)27/11 : Calamentum, folia habet ad modum origani sed albiora et florem album: gallice, calamente; anglice, semtositwurt [vr. seint ostchewrt].
- a1400 Alphita (SeldArch B.35)45/15 : Seynt [vr. seimte] Mary maythe.
- a1400 Alphita (SeldArch B.35)61/4 : Euiscus, altea idem: gallice et anglice, Seynt Cutbertscole.
- a1400 Alphita (SeldArch B.35)110/31 : Malua siluestris, malua iuscus, altea idem..merch malue, bismalua, caulis Sancti Cutberti..Seynt Cutbertscole.
- c1465(?1373) *Lelamour Macer (Sln 5)76a : Labium [read: Labrum] Veneris: Sowe þistill y-broke droppiþ mylke, he hathe a yelowe flour, and his sede ys callid seynte mary sede.
- c1465(?1373) *Lelamour Macer (Sln 5)79b : Sigillum Sainte Marie: Seynt mary seall oþer god his hond ys hote and drye.
- ?a1425 Alphita (Sln 284)177 : Scopa regia, ypericon, fuga demonum, herba perferata, herba Johannis idem: gallice, herbe Jon; anglice, seint Joneswert.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)178a/b : Ipericon is herba perforata..it is incarnatif, mundificatif, & consolidatif [marg.:] Seint Iohan herbe.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)506/8 : The drink of broken men is made of þe thre consowdes, of Seynt Marye flour [L sigilli sancte marie], of eyþer mattefeloun, [etc.].
- ?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh 10.90)171/9 : Labrum is an herbe men clepe sowesthystyl; þis herbe haȝt lewys as þe thystyl, but it is noȝt so scharp, and quanne it is brokyn, it droppyȝt mylk, and it beryth a ȝelwȝ flour, and þe seed is clepyd seynt marie seed.
- c1450 Burg.Practica (Rwl D.251)207/2 : For þe stomake encomered with flewme: Take rew, ysoppe, and seynt Jon worte, clote levys and boyle hem in good ale, [etc.].
- c1450 Burg.Practica (Rwl D.251)241/3 : For a man þat ys brokyn, a good medcyn: Take þe juce of knopwede and of daysy, of ouerferne..and of sent-jonnys-worte..and medyll all þes to-geder, [etc.].
- ?c1450 Stockh.PRecipes (Stockh 10.90)125/27 : For þe pestelence, a souereyne medicine: Take and medil pimpernoll, sawge, auence, seynt-marie-gooldis, tansye, sorell, and columbyn, and stampe hem, [etc.].
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)84b/b : Ypericon, þat ys, seynt Ionys wort, doiþ þe same [draws out the poison] if it be plastrid and leid on þe bitynge.
- a1500 Agnus Castus (LdMisc 553)202/21 : Seynt marie seal..haþ leues lich somdel to playntayn for hij buþ ful of synnwes, and he haþ a litel whit flour and a smal stalk, and he growith in wodes and in watery places.
- a1500 Sln.Herb List (Sln 1201)76 : Herbes fo[r] Savour and beaute: Gyllofr' gentyle, Mageron gentyle, Basyle..Seynt Mar' Garlek.
In other cpds. & combs.: ~ andrew cros, cros of ~ andrew, an oblique X-shaped cross [see also Andrewes crosse phrase]; ~ colmanes brid, the teal duck; ~ edmundes lode, plowing service owed to the lord of the manor [cp. lode n.1.]; ~ edwardes laue, a set of laws supposedly made in Edward the Confessor's time from three previous sets; ~ george (livere, ?cloth decorated with a red cross, the insignia of St. George [cp. livere n.(3) 4.(b)]; ~ gilicorn, a measure of oats, a customary grain rent on a manor [?cp. gile n.(2)]; ~ hilda fish, a fish found in the area around the Chapel of St. Hilda in the parish of Jarrow, County Durham; ~ jame pilgrim, a pilgrim to Jerusalem; also, a pilgrim to St. James of Compostella; ~ james ordre, ordre of ~ jame, a group of women who attempted to follow the precepts of the Epistle of James 1.27; ~ julian, fig. a very hospitable person [from St. Julian, the patron saint of hospitality]; ~ margaret (colas, jon baptistes) light, light of ~ marie, a light in a church kept burning in honor of a specific saint (Mary, etc.) [cp. ladie n.4.(f), light n.3.(b), and rode n.(2) 4.(e)]; prente of ~ venus sele, a birthmark attributed to Venus when she was the dominant star in a person's nativity; -- perh. located somewhere in the loins.
Associated quotations
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)9/2 : Ȝef ei unweote easkeð ow of hwet ordre ȝe beon..ondswerieð of sein Iames þe wes godes apostel..þe leatere dale of his sahe limpeð to ower religiun..þe witeð ow from þe worlt ouer oþre religiuse cleane & unwemmet.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)10/4,15 : Pawel þe earste ancre, antonie & arsenie, Makarie & te oþre-neren ha religiuse & of sein iames ordre..O þis wise ondswerieð to þe easkeres of ower ordre hweðer hwite oðer blake: seggeð ȝe beoð ba twa þurh þe grace of godd & of sein iames ordre þet he wrat leatere: Inmaculatum se custodire ab hoc seculo.
- (1308-9) Doc.Manor in MP 3445 : De Roberto Capellano qui fecit defaltum de arrura que vocatur Saint Edmundislode.
- (1375) Halmote R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.82129 : Pro una thrava avenæ vocata Saintgilicorn detenta..12 d.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)1.369 : In Lagenia is a ponde þere is Seynt Colman his briddes [L aves Sancti Colemanni]; [they] beeþ i-cleped cercelles and comeþ homeliche to manis honde, but ȝif me dooþ hem harme, þey gooþ awey and comeþ nouȝt aȝen, but the water þere schal wexe bitter and stynke.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.340 : Seint Iulyan he [the Franklin] was in his contree; His breed, his ale was alweys after oon; A bettre envyned man was neuere noon.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.WB.(Manly-Rickert)D.604 : Gat tothed I was, and that bicam me weel; I hadde the preente of seynt Venus seel; As help me god I was a lusty oon.
- (1402) Doc.in Collect.Topogr.244 : Ut capellam nostram sancte Hilde tue custodie committamus..recepturus..denarios pro pane benedicto..offerendos cum piscibus vocatis saynthildeffish' ex deuocione parochianorum ibidem conferendis.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)32b/a : Hierosolumpata: Seyn Iames pilgrym.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)33a/a : Iacobipeta: Seyn Iames pilgrim.
- (1430) EEWills85/6 : Y be-queth to the hie Autour, xij d.; Al-so to our lady lyght, vj d.; Item, to the rede [?read: rode] lyght, vj d.; Item, to seint Mergret lyght, iiij d.; Item, to seint Colas lyght, iiij d., [etc.].
- (1442) Acc.St.Mary Thame in BBOAJ 7115 : The Wardens appointed of all the lights of the said Church of Thame..John Dorward & Henry dorel are wardens of St. John Baptists light in the said Chapel..John Cadel is warden of the lyght of Seynt Marie..These are the detts due to the lyght of Sint Marie aforesaid, [etc.].
- a1475(a1447) Bokenham MAngl.(Hrl 4011)21/28 : Of þese iii lawis [Mercian law, West Saxon law, Danelaw] seynte Edwarde, þe Danys expellyd & ouercomyn, made one comyne lawe, þe which yn to þis day is clepid Seynt Edwardes lawe.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)60b/b : Abouen þese plumaciolis þou schalt bynde þe wounde wiþ a boond þat goiþ þwert ouer of þe cros of seynt andrew, as þus: Take a boond..& make amarke in þe myddil of þe boond, to which mark þou schalt rolle eiþir ende of þe same boond, and þanne leye þe myddil of þe boond vpon þe myddil of þe same boond abouen þe plumaciolis; Siþen take þan oon ende of þe boond & bigynne to bynde fro þe middil of þe wounde vpward, and whanne þou comest to þe ende of þat side, fastne þat ende and þanne take þat oþir side of þe boond & bigynne to bynde fro þe myddil of þe wounde dounward.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)65b/a : Take a soft twyn þreed of silk & ouer caste boþe endis of ech nedele bi him silf wiþ þe þreed þre tymes or iiij aftir þe figure of seynt andrew cros.
- (1459) Invent.Fastolf(2) in Archaeol.21255,256 : Item, j pece of skarlot for trappars for horsys..ij stripis of the same trappuris..j pece of Seynt George leveray for j hode..ij Cote Armours of silke aftir his own armys..j Cote Armour of whyte silke of Seynt George, [etc.].
(a) In surnames; (b) in place names; ~ jame, St. James of Compostella [see Jame n.(b)]; ~ patrikes purgatorie, a cavern in Ireland said to be an entrance to Purgatory [see also purgatorie n.2.]; (c) in names of churches, abbeys, and other buildings; (d) in names of ships.
Associated quotations
- (1194) in Reaney Dict.Br.Surnames321 : Richard de Seincler.
- (1198) in Reaney Dict.Br.Surnames321 : Emma de Sancler.
- (1199) Fine R.King John10 : Johannes de Saint Andr.
- (1201) Fine R.King John160 : Philippus Seintden.
- (1327) in Reaney Dict.Br.Surnames321 : John de Sentcler.
- (1327-8) Freeman R.in KRec.18190 : Ricardus Sentdenys.
- (1377-8) Doc.Thaxted in Ess.ROP 3383 : Adam Seyntalbons.
- (1408) Reg.Mascall in Cant.Yk.S.2166 : Henricum Seintgeorge.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)6763,6781 : William seynt amour..Mi modir flemed him, Seynt Amour.
- -?-(1389) Reg.Freemen York in Sur.Soc.9687 : Johannes van Seint Truden, wever.
- (1229) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)347 : Seyntosid.
- (1254) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)224 : Seint Lorenz.
- c1300 SLeg.Cross (LdMisc 108)244 : Forto seint Daui þe kyng cam.
- (a1307) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)348 : Sent Osye.
- (1310) EPNSoc.3 (Bedf.& Hnt.)265 : Saint Nede.
- (1341) in Bannister PNHerf.167 : Seint Waynard.
- (1378) Inquis.Miscel.(PRO)4.32 : [The passage called] Seintolof Ferye..[the ferry called] Seynt Olofferye [in Herlyngflet].
- (1381) EPNSoc.3 (Bedf.& Hnt.)265 : Seinthede.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.826 : Forth we riden a litel moore than pas Vnto the wateryng of Seint Thomas.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Sh.(Manly-Rickert)B.1191 : A marchant whilom dwelled at Seint Denys.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)9233 : Brunyng, þe bysshope of seynt Tolous [read: Toul].
- a1425(c1333-52) Minot Poems (Glb E.9)5/7 : Skottes of Saint Iohnes toune.
- a1425(c1333-52) Minot Poems (Glb E.9)35/31 : Ȝe men of Saint Omers.
- c1450(?1436) Siege Calais (Rome 1306)135 : The Erle of Morteigne made afray At Saint Peters on the playn.
- (1447-8) Shillingford96 : The Bisshop of Excestre..was seised of the saide Chirch, Cimitery, palies, lands, and tenements..which..ben named and knowen by the name called the Bisshopes Fee, otherwyse called Saint Stephens Fee, distincte and separate fro the saide Citee and oute of the jurisdiccion of the same.
- c1450(?a1400) Parl.3 Ages (Add 31042)487 : Vppon Sayn Michaells Mounte meruaylles he [King Arthur] wroghte.
- c1450 Mandev.(4) (CovCRO Acc.325/1)19 : In Seinte Albones he was born.
- c1460 I warne you (Dub 432)p.293 : Betwyx Sandricche and Saynt Albons many man gan blede.
- (1474-5) Acc.Croscombe in Som.RS 43 : The goders of Synt Collas bryngs in of encrese for this year.
- c1475 St.Patr.Purg.(2) (Brm)p.85 : Ȝyt ys thys stede yn rememure Klepyd seynth Partrykys purcatore.
- a1500 Conq.Irel.(Rwl B.490)11/1 : Thay dyddyn ham to sayle at Seynt Dauyes.
- -?-(1425) Will in Som.RS 16113 : In the shire of Somersete, in the ile of seint Wilfryde.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)6316 : A þan daȝen þat Seit [read: Seint] Pauwel wes þe ærchebiscop stol.
- c1300 SLeg.Dunstan (LdMisc 108)59 : Þe Abbeie of seint Amaunt.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)1923,1925 : An churche of seint Ion þe baptist constantin let rere..Of seinte peter & seinte poul anoþer he rerde also.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)1/7 : Þis boc..is of þe boc-house of saynt Austines of Canterberi.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)262/21 : Ane broþer of þe cloystre of sanynt [read: saynt] austin of Canterberi.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1956 : Þe cherche of seynt petyr.
- (1381) Let.Ball in Robbins Hist.Poems (Roy 13.E.9)p.55 : Iohan schep, som-tyme seynte marie prest of ȝork.
- a1400 Cursor (Frf 14)21797 : At saint denis is his [Constantine's] croun.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)11.33 : Wolde neuere king, ne kniȝt, ne canoun of seint poulis Ȝiue hem to here ȝerisȝiue þe value of a grote.
- (1428) EEWills81/18 : To-fore oure ladi in Senct Marie Chapell in the seid chirche, þei ordeyne i Tapre of a pounde.
- (1429) Reg.Langley in Sur.Soc.169165 : To the Mesondieu of Sint Kateryns of my fundacion for thair enorments xxti li.
- (1431-2) EEWills91/3 : My body to be beryit in sent Austynyscherchhawe of Hakeney.
- (c1449) Paston1.54 : It is told me þat þe man at Sent Bridis is no klenly portrayer.
- ?a1450 MLChrist (Add 39996)244 : Vppon þe same place A chirche of oure Lady bild was..Men called hit Saynt Maries þe newe.
- c1450 Capgr.Rome (Bod 423)71 : We entre a hous cleped seynt gregoryes librarie.
- c1450 Capgr.Rome (Bod 423)76 : Now of þat place whech is cleped seynt cruce wil we speke.
- c1450 Capgr.St.Kath.(Arun 396)prol.227 : Arrek..was somtyme parson of seynt pancras In the Cyte of london.
- (1457) Doc.in Gilbert Cal.Dublin 1294 : Synt Jonys Howse, without the Newe Yet.
- a1500(c1400) St.Erk.(Hrl 2250)113 : He come to þe kyrke kydde of Saynt Paule.
- (1342-3) in Sandahl ME Sea Terms 3174 : Nauis Saint Marie Cogge.
- (1358-64) in Sandahl ME Sea Terms 3174 : Nauis la Nawe Sainte Marye.
- (1400) Comp.R.in Frost Hullapp.12 : Navis Johannis Moreby vocata Seintmarishipp de Hull.
- (1400) Comp.R.in Frost Hullapp.19 : Navis Williami Aby vocata Seynt Marishipp de Hull.
- (1400) Comp.R.in Frost Hullapp.20 : Navis Arnaldi Johnson vocata Seint Maribote de Canifer.
- (1400) Comp.R.in Frost Hullapp.25 : Navis Henrici Everardson vocata Seint Johnsknight de Weryng.
- (1438) Let.Bk.Lond.K (Gldh LetBk K)217 : [A ship called] Seint Spiright [of Bayonne].
Supplemental Materials (draft)
Note: Med., etc. (sense 4.(a)), see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. Saint Antony's evil.