Middle English Dictionary Entry
sacren v.
Entry Info
Forms | sacren v. Also sacre, sacri(en, sakir(e; p.sg. sacred(e, sakeret & (error) sacreded; pl. sacred(e(n, sacret; ppl. i)sacred(e, i)sacrid, i)sacret, sakred, sā̆kerd, sā̆kird(e & (error) satred. |
Etymology | OF sacrer & L sacrāre. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Eccl. & theol.: (a) To consecrate the body and blood of Christ in the Mass, celebrate the Eucharist; (b) to consecrate (bread and wine, the body and blood of Christ, the Host) in the Mass; celebrate (the Eucharist, Mass); of Christ: offer (his body and blood) as sacrifice; ppl. sacred, consecrated.
Associated quotations
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)21/18 : Efter þe measse cos, hwen þe preost sacreð, þer for ȝeoteð al þe world.
- a1250 Ancr.(Nero A.14)119/35 : Al þe deofles strencðe melteð þuruh ðe grace of þe holi sacrament..þet ȝe iseoð as ofte ase ðe preost messeð & sacreð.
- c1300 SLeg.Fran.(1) (LdMisc 108)324 : Þat schep..ȝwane ani preost sacrede, kneoli..wolde þar-to.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)343/36 : Sche cam þidir late, þat is, to þe tyme of concecracioun, whanne þe preest sacride.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)30 : It semiþ hem to preche; it is profit to bles; it is congrew to sacre.
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)363 : Ser Isoder shall nott know of thys case, For he hath oftyn sacred as yt ys skyll.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)51 : Claðes þet weren isende..bitacnet..þe halie sacramens þe me sacreð in alesnesse of alla sunfulle.
- a1250 Lofsong Lefdi (Nero A.14)207 : Ich halsi þe þet ðu bi-seche him..bi þe holi sacrement of his flech and of his blod þet ðe preost sacreð.
- a1250 Lofsong Louerde (Nero A.14)209 : Ich bidde and bi-seche þe..þurh þine eadi flesche and þine iblescede blode i-sacred oðe weouede.
- a1325(c1280) SLeg.Pass.(Pep 2344)1694 : Oure lordes fflesch..Shal beo ysacred..& in pur lynnene cloþ y-do.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)7209 : Prustes mid vnclene honden..sacrieþ [vr. sacreþ; B vr. sacren] godes fless & is blod.
- c1350(a1333) Shoreham Poems (Add 17376)52/1445 : He takþ þe chalys wyþ þe wyne, And brede of þe pateyne; He heþ power to sacry hyt.
- c1350(a1333) Shoreham Poems (Add 17376)52/1452 : Cryst kedde þat he hys a prest..þo he sacreded [read: sacred] hys body, Þer he set atte sopere.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)225/8 : He zeneȝeþ uor þe scele of þe stede þet godes uless and his blod byeþ y-sacred inne.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)8.9 : His breþeren..brouȝt hym an obley þat was nouȝt i-sacred [Higd.(2): consecrate; L consecratam]; he knewe it in his spirit..Anon þey brouȝte an obley þat was i-sacred [Higd.(2): the verey body of Criste].
- 1389 Nrf.Gild Ret.14 : Þe to torchis..schullen ben light and brennynge at þe heye messe..from þe leuacioun of cristis body sacrid in til þat þe preest haue vsed.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)9949 : Þe bred þat sacred ys [F est..sacre] At þe auter, ys Goddys flessh.
- a1425 Wycl.Serm.(Bod 788)1.213 : Men axen what is þat þat þe prest sacriþ, and aftur brekiþ, and þat men worshipen as Goddis bodi.
- ?a1425(?a1350) Castleford Chron.(Göt Hist 740)21301 : Þe messe to sacre he tok þe cure In presens of þe kyng arthure.
- ?c1430(?1383) Wycl.Curse (Corp-C 296)288 : God..ȝaf þou [priests] power to sacre his owene preciouse body and blood of breed and wyn.
- (a1438) MKempe A (Add 61823)72/17 : Owyr mercyful Lord Crist Ihesu..sacryd hys precyows body in þe forme of bred & ȝaf it to hys discipulys.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)15.346 : He sente to his dissiples..His holy gost..& told hem..how that they scholde His bodi sacren [F sacrer] to ȝong and Olde.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)263/20 : Þis hand..oft sithes sacred & offerd þe flessh & þe blude of þi son.
- ?c1450 St.Cuth.(Eg 3309)7071 : Þe blode he durst noȝt oute ȝett, Be cause þat it was sakird.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)107a : To Sakyr [Monson: Sakyre]: Conficere.
- a1500(c1380) Wycl.Papa (Ryl Eng 86)465 : Nou in þe reume of englond stryuen manye of þe sacrid oost, summe seyen þat þis oost fro þe tyme þat it be sacrid is verily goddis body & þer-wiþ breed, whit & round.
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)379 : Here ys þe Host, sacred newe.
(a) To consecrate (sb. or sth.), make holy, sanctify; ppl. sacred, consecrated, set apart for religious purposes; holy, sacred, deserving of religious veneration; of an oath: inviolable; of tears: devout; (b) to slaughter (an animal) in sacrifice; also, sacrifice (a human being) to a pagan deity; (c) ~ to (in, in-to, unto), to dedicate (sb. or sth., the soul) to (a deity, divine power), offer up; devote (labor) to (God); -- also refl.; ben sacred of a vou to, be bound by a sacred vow to (the Lord); ppl. sacred, dedicated to Christ or a deity; (d) to worship (a deity), do homage to.
Associated quotations
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ex.28.41 : Of hem all þou schalt sacre [L consecrabis] here hondis & þou schalt halow hem.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Lev.8.13 : He anoyntede hym & sacrede [WB(2): halewide; L consecravit], & his sonys offred he sacrede & cloþede wiþ lynnyn cootes.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)3 Esd.2.10 : King cirus broȝte forþ þe sacride [L sacra] vesselis of þe lord þat nabugodonosor translatide fro ierusalem & sacride hem in his mawmete.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.1921 : First in the temple of Venus maystow se Wroght on the wal ful pitous to biholde The broken slepes and the sykes colde, The sacred [vrr. sacrede, satred; secret] teerys..That loues seruantz in this lyf enduren.
- c1400 *Aelred Inst.(1) (Vrn)931 : Let vs now gon hennys..to Bethanye..wher blessyde bondes of Loue & frendschipe be þe auctorite of crist were ysacryd.
- c1400 *Aelred Inst.(1) (Vrn)1228 : Behald..how swetly & diligently þilke holy man Nichodeme tretiþ wit his gentil Fyngres þe sacrede menbres of crist.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.3822 : Þei token al þat cam to her honde..Gold & siluer..Reliques sacrid, þe holy eke vessels.
- ?a1425 Mandev.(2) (Eg 1982)1/3 : Þe Haly Land..es blissed and sacred [F seintefie] and halowed of þe preciouse blude of oure Lorde Ihesu Criste.
- c1425(c1400) Ld.Troy (LdMisc 595)869 : Sche..toke out an ymage..Ther [read: That] sacrid was In Iouis name.
- c1450(c1430) Brut-1430 (Glb E.8:Kingsf.)308 : He was sworn on goddis body sacrid to ben good and trewe togederis.
- c1475 Mankind (Folg V.a.354)390 : By cokkys body sakyrde, I haue such a peyn in my arme.
- a1500(c1380) Wycl.Papa (Ryl Eng 86)480 : Alle þes pontificals ben byneþe hooly writ..for ellis ȝif freris founden wordis to sacre þe armes of a prest, & þe pope ȝaue hym meede to fiȝte wiþ oþere cristenmen, he were out of bileue þat trowede not to al þis.
- a1500(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Add 10302)220 : He shalle..Receyve it with moste sacred dredfulle othe.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)50/13 : I haue merveile hough the sacrid [vr. sacry] hondis may obbeye to a wicked herte for to execute so grevous a misdede.
- a1500 15c.Serm.Cycle(Hrl 2247:Powell)95/103 : Ye shall be bought ageyn withoute golde or syluer, þat is to seye, with þe blessid, sacred blode of God.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)626 : He made an aucter on godes name, And sacrede he ðor-on..Ilc seuende der of clene kin.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)4 Kings 23.10 : He defowlede topheth..þat no man schulde sacryn [WB(2): schulde halewe; L consecraret] his sone or his doȝter þurȝ fijr to Moloch.
- c1390 Disp.Virg.& Cross (Vrn)155 : A whit lomb..Schulde be sacred vr saueour And be mete of mihtes meste.
- a1450 Disp.Virg.& Cross (Roy 18.A.10)163 : A whyte lambe, and noon oþer beest He sacred.
- a1500(?a1400) SLChrist (Hrl 3909)4234 : After the lombe sacret was, the lawe to Moyses..was ȝiuen.
- a1500(?a1400) SLChrist (Hrl 3909)4718 : Thay..eten erbes..That thay might clene and worthi be to sacre that lombe after hor lawe.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Num.6.2 : Þei wolyn þem self sacre [WB(2): halewe; L consecrare] to þe lord.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Num.6.4 : Newe grapees & dryȝed þei sholyn not etyn alle þe dayȝes in þe which of auow to þe lord þei been sacred.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Num.8.15 : Þou shalt purifie & sacre hem into þe offrynge of þe lord.
- (a1382) WBible(1) Prol.Prov.(Bod 959)13 : Þe werk of þre daiys to ȝoure name I sacride.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)7.29 : He took a mayde þat was i-sacred [L dedicatam] to God out of an abbay, and lay by here.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.801 : Espirituel thefte is sacrilege, that is to seyn, hurtynge of holy thynges or of thynges sacred to Crist.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)1139 : When a sawele is saȝtled and sakred to Dryȝtyn, He holly haldes hit his.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.2586 : Þe pecok to þis fresche quene [Juno] I-sacrid is.
- a1425 KAlex.(LinI 150)5501 : Eyþir trouȝh is an hundrod feet hyȝh..Þat on to þe sonne sikirlye, Þat oþir..Js sakred [Ld: sacrified] in þe mone vertue.
- a1456(c1425) Lydg.Eagle (Trin-C R.3.20)15 : Þis foole is sacred vnto Iubyter.
- c1450(?c1408) Lydg.RS (Frf 16)4408 : He took hys counsayle Of two tren..The ton y-sacryd to the mone, The tother halwed to Phebus.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)49/7 : He hathe grauntyd..to the seyd Mynchyns with hys two dowhters there I-sacryd to god, v acrys of medewe.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)50/11 : Ye take fro God, that all commith fro, the thing that He hath withholde and sacred to Himself for His parte.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)7.4510 : Hire god Moloch..with encense He sacreth, and doth reverence In such a wise as sche him bad.
(a) To consecrate (sb., a king, bishop, etc.) to office; ~ bishop (king, etc.), consecrate (sb.) bishop (king, etc.); ben sacred a prophete, be divinely appointed a prophet; also, ppl. sacred, consecrated; (b) ~ to bishop (king, pope), ~ in-to prest (arche-bishop), ~ in arche-bishop (pope), to consecrate (sb.) as bishop, priest, archbishop, etc.
Associated quotations
- c1300 SLeg.Becket (LdMisc 108)301 : Þat dai of þe Trinite bischop i-sacret he was.
- a1325 SLeg.(Corp-C 145)74/102 : Þo he was alyt of Euerwik, to Rome sone he com To beo ysacred of þe pope.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)10719 : Maister Richard þe grant in is [archbishop's] stede was ido, & wende uorþ to rome to sacri him þer to.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ecclus.49.9 : Euele þei treteden hym þat fro þe wombe of þe moder is sakrid [WB(2): was halewid; L consecratus est] a prophete.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)5.449 : Whan Iustus þe archebisshop was deed, Paulinus sacred Honorius archebisshop of Dorobernia, þat is, Caunterbury.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)6.111 : Kyng Oswynus took Cedda, abbot of Lastyngay, and made him archebisshop of Ȝork..and sente hym into Kent for to be sacred [Higd.(2): for his confirmacion; L confirmaretur] bisshop.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)7.445 : But Anselyn fonge þe investiture, and was y-sacrede.
- c1390(?c1350) Jos.Arim.(Vrn)302 : In vche Cite þere he come, sacren on he scholde wiþ þe selue oygnemens þat he to him wrouȝte.
- a1400(a1325) Glo.Chron.B (Trin-C R.4.26)868/458 : Thomas was isacred þe kinges chanceler.
- ?a1425(?a1350) Castleford Chron.(Göt Hist 740)26131 : Saint berin þar was sacred prelate, Of þam to haf spiritual state.
- (1425) Paston1.3 : Þe seyd John Wortes is..sacred a bysshop of Irland.
- a1450(c1433) Lydg.St.Edm.(Hrl 2278)386/524 : Offa took a ryng..With which he was afforn I-sacrid kyng By an holy bisshop.
- (1445) in Rymer's Foedera (1709-10)11.76 : Oure Trusty..Squire..hath..delivered theese Jowelles..A Ryng of Gold..with the which we were Sacred in the Day of our Coronation.
- a1450(1408) *Vegetius(1) (Dc 291)94b : Sacred [L consecrati] princes in olde tyme þoght no þing more worschipful..þan to buylde newe citees.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)53.169 : There A kyng I-sacred [F sacres] was Galaaȝ, Of his Owne brothir Iosephes in that plas.
- a1450 St.Editha (Fst B.3)1586 : Þe kynge, here fader, graunded also þerto To sacre hurre abbas of þe abbay of Wynchestre.
- (a1464) Capgr.Chron.(Cmb Gg.4.12)252 : In this tyme the disciples of Wiclef grew in so grete erroure that her prestis took upon hem for to sacre prestis.
- a1475 Rev.St.Bridget (Gar 145)78/29 : He was anounted with holy oyle and sacrede with holy wordes and crowned with kynges crowne.
- a1500(?a1400) SLChrist (Hrl 3909)8261 : The peple..beren him to the chirche..Sacret him, sette him in see, and pope of Rome thai him made.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)12/23 : He..ladde hym to þes oþer byschoppys and..sakeret hym byschoppe.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)26 : Vortiger was chosen to be kynge, and he was sacred.
- a1500 Rule Minoresses (Bod 585)90/16 : To whom is grauntid..for to entre wiþ inne þe Abbey for to blesse þe Abbesse or for to sacre a sustre.
- c1600(?c1395) PPl.Creed (Trin-C R.3.15)186 : Tombes opon tabernacles..harde set abouten Of armede alabaustre..All it semed seyntes y-sacred opon erþe, And louely ladies y-wrouȝt leyen by her sydes.
- c1300 SLeg.Nich.(Hrl 2277)82 : Hi nome & ladde him heȝliche to þe churche of Mirre & sacrede [Ld: sacreden] him to bischop sone & sette him on his ce.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)6762 : Þe heiemen..crouned him to king; Isacred he was þo to king of erchebissopes tuo.
- c1390(?c1350) Jos.Arim.(Vrn)300 : Ihesu..sacrede him to Bisschop wiþ boto his hondes.
- c1390 St.Greg.(Vrn)188/1426 : Heo brouhten him to þe Moodur chirche Þat was hed of cristendom..And sacrede him to pope a non.
- ?a1425(?a1350) Castleford Chron.(Göt Hist 740)20645 : He dide sacre in worschip of criste In archebischope piram, his priste.
- ?a1425(?a1350) Castleford Chron.(Göt Hist 740)24555 : In pape was sacrede, lo, saint gregor.
- ?a1425(?a1350) Castleford Chron.(Göt Hist 740)24662 : Augustine was sacrede ful yiare In archebischope, to haf þe state Ouer aenglis folk to be primate.
- c1450(?c1400) 3 KCol.(1) (Cmb Ee.4.32)110/17 : Seynt Thomas..sacrid hem and ordeyned [vr. ordeyned and sacrid] þes iij kyngis in to preestys, and aftirward in to Erchebisshoppes.
(a) To unite (persons) in the sacrament of marriage, marry (sb. to sb. else); solemnize (a marriage); (b) to swear an oath, make a vow; ppl. sacred, ratified; (c) to conjure (sth.), perform a magic rite over.
Associated quotations
- c1450(c1425) Brut-1419 (Cmb Kk.1.12)365/7 : The bischop..wedded & sacred ham to-gedir.
- c1450(c1425) Brut-1419 (Cmb Kk.1.12)368/3 : Þere was this lady weddid and sacryd to þe King of Denmark with moche solempnite.
- c1450 Jacob's W.(Sal 103)53/7 : In alle þise degrees..contract of matrymonye is forfendyd. And ȝif it be sacryd, þer owyth be lawe to be made a deuorce.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)1405 : 'Þat wil y noȝt,' quaþ sche þo; 'til þou me han sakred tille.'
- c1475(?c1451) Worcester Bk.Noblesse (Roy 18.B.22)5 : Oure auncien adversaries halding uppon the Frenshe partie..undre the umbre and coloure of trewis and abstinence of werre late hadde and sacred at the cite of Tairs..have..wonne uppon us..the said Reaume and duchees.
- a1500 BodAdd.A.106 Lapid.(BodAdd A.106)p.55 : Elyscrope is a precyous ston..&..if he be set to ye erbe yt is of his awn name, if yt erbe be well sakerd & coniured, yer sal no man sen hym yt beres yt erbe.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- a1500 Wycl.Tithes (Trin-C O.1.29)271/130 : Iudas..sulde Criste Ihesu when þat he was dedely and nouȝt knawen fore verray God; bot if þat ȝee sell his body sacried in þe messe, þan ȝee sell hym glorifyede and knawen for God.
Note: New form (p.ppl. sacried). Sense 1.(a).