Middle English Dictionary Entry
prǒud adj.
Entry Info
Forms | prǒud adj. Also prout, prouȝd, prouȝt, proued, (error) pront & prud, prudde, prut & prod & (in surnames only) purd(e, prodo, protte; comp. proud(d)er, prudder, prutter, prodder, prottor, prottour; sup. proudest, prud(d)est, pruttest, proddest, protest. |
Etymology | OE prūt, prūd, (infl.) prȳdan, prȳtan (from OF) & OF pro, prot, prod, pru, prut, prud, prou, prout, proud, preu, preut, etc., adj. & n. (from L prōdesse v.). ON prūðr, prȳði, etc., are borrowings from OE. The rare OE forms in -ȳ-, due to analogy with prȳte n. 'pride', had little or no effect on the development of the ME adj. ME comparatives with -dd-, -tt- are due to the same sort of gemination before -r- which produced LOE brā̆ddre, swē̆ttra, etc.; this gemination was often accompanied by shortening of the root vowel. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) Guilty of the sin of Pride; haughty, arrogant; also, obstinate, rebellious; (b) proudest of pride, supremely proud; ~ as lucifer; ~ herte, proud heart; -- also as surname or epithet; maken hit ~, to behave haughtily, be arrogant; waxen ~, become proud or obstinate; nere he no (never) so ~, no matter how haughty he may have been; ne ben thei never so ~, no matter how arrogant they may be; (c) of fate, destiny, the hand of Fortune: inexorable, implacable; (d) proud of one's appearance, vain; ~ as a po (po-cok); (e) of words, speech, manners, a boast, a desire: arrogant, presumptuous.
Associated quotations
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)5 : Ne beo þu, þereuore, prud ne wilde ne sterc ne wemod ne ouer modi.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)4403 : Þa iwarð þe king on mode prut [Otho: prout], ah ne draf he hine noht ane ut.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)5/14 : Ic habbe ȝeben prud and modi and michel ilaten of me seluen.
- c1225(?c1200) HMaid.(Bod 34)38/647 : Tah is betere a milde wif oðer a meoke widewe þen a prud meiden.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)153/21 : Þe deouel..is þinge prudest [Pep: pruddest], ant him is scheome laðest.
- a1275 Þene latemeste dai (Trin-C B.14.39)19 : Me nimit þe licam & prenit in on clut, þat was heir modi, stronc, & suyþe prut.
- a1300 I-hereþ nv one (Jes-O 29)75 : He vunde þer-ynne chepmen þet were mody; þeyh hi were prute, he heom vt drof.
- c1300 SLeg.Becket (LdMisc 108)980 : Wel ȝe mouwen i-seo Þat [he] is prouȝt and conteckor.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)19/9 : Of zuiche vices byeþ uolle þe greate proude men.
- c1350 Apoc.(1) in LuSE (Hrl 874)p.62 : By þe erþe..ben bitokned þe coueitouse Men; by þe trees, þe proude Men [F les orguillus].
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)2942 : Þe proddest of hem alle schul be buxum at ȝour wille.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)prol.712 : Gret werre tho began..Thurgh proud Envie, which hem ladde.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)2197 : Nembrot..wroght mikel waa, For he was fers, prud, and fell.
- (a1402) Trev.Dial.MC (Hrl 1900)13/10 : Ȝif eny man is prout & wole nouȝt be obedient to þe princes hestes..þanne bigynneþ ȝoure knowleche & ȝoure dome.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)5.3154 : Thelagonyus..Þe proude porter hent be þe berde.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)2.138 : Proudder womman is ther noon on lyve.
- a1425 Ben.Rule(1) (Lnsd 378)20/12 : Sain benet cumandis, yef priuresse be prudde, þat man sal do sua wid hir.
- a1425 Iesu þat wolde (LdMisc 463)p.187 : Þei a man haue nought, Ȝet he may beo proud in thouht, And wilne to winne þing amis To make him prodder þan he is.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)17b/a : Contumax: proud, wrong, froward.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)415 : Prowde: Superbus, elatus..Prowde in cuntenaunce and chere: Pomposus.
- a1450(1408) *Vegetius(1) (Dc 291)91b : Þe hyȝer and þe prudder þat here hertes beeþ aftir a ioyful iourney, þe more vnwiseliche þey gouerne hem selue in ordenaunce.
- ?a1450(?1350-75) Pass.Christi in Norris Anc.Corn.Drama (Bod 791)362 : May des ihesu, an guas prout.
- c1450(c1385) Chaucer Mars (Benson-Robinson)278 : The proudest [vr. pruddest] of yow may be mad ful tame.
- c1475 Body Pol.(Cmb Kk.1.5)79/11 : Upon a tyme he discomfited the Romayns, yet was he neuer the mor proude nor cruell agayn theim.
- a1500(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Add 10302)495 : Litille connyng makith men prowd & wild; Sufficient connyng makith men ful mylde.
- a1475 *Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)3356 : Þe aungels..Þat fellen out..weren vnbuxom and prout.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Kath.(1) (Roy 17.A.27)69/609 : Ȝef he com i place nere he neuer so prud..he ne talde him al tom er he turnde him from us.
- a1275 *Body & S.(4) (Trin-C B.14.39)141 : Alle þe sulen deyþen, ne be þe neuerre so prud.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)302 : Sho is waxen al to prud, For gode metes and noble shrud Þat hic haue youen hire to offte.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)1238 : Bringe he wolde al out, Him to noȝte & al is þing, nere he no so proute.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Deut.17.12 : Who..wexeþ prout, not wilnynge to obesche to þe maundement of þe prest..shal deiȝe.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)18a/a : He wax proude aȝenst his creatour & loste liȝt and clerenes.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)3.166 : I can nouȝt for to chide, Ne to depraue þi persone wiþ a proud herte.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)5.45 : Pernel proud herte plat hire to þe erþe.
- a1425 Dial.Reason & A.(Cmb Ii.6.39)15/24 : O, swete Iesu, þi most pore natiuite schul descounfed oure prouȝde hertes.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)4.pr.6.293 : God..remordith some folk by adversite, for thei ne scholden nat waxen proude by long welefulnesse.
- a1450 Parton.(1) (UC C.188)9740 : Be thow as prowde as Lucifere, I shall assay on the my spere.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)39/543 : To dede ar thai dyght, prowdist of pryde, Euer ich a wyght.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)375/262 : She can make it full prowde with iapes and with gynnes.
- a1500 Tundale (Adv 19.3.1)486 : This hogy best..His sette to swolo couetows men That in erthe makyght hit prowd and towghe.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)1.m.4.3 : Whoso..hath put under fote the proude weerdes [L Fatum..superbum; F orgueilleuse destinee] and loketh, upright, upon either fortune, he may holden his chere undesconfited.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)2.m.1.1 : Whan Fortune with a proud ryght hand hath turned hir chaungynge stowndes, sche fareth lyk the maneres of the boylynge Eurippe.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)272 : Ligber he sridde a dere srud, An he wurðe in him-seluen prud, An wid ðat pride him wex a nyð.
- a1350 Ne mai no lewed (Hrl 2253)87 : A pruest proud ase a po seþþe weddeþ vs bo.
- (c1375) Chaucer CT.Mk.(Manly-Rickert)B.3376 : Proud he was of herte and of array.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Rv.(Manly-Rickert)A.3926 : As any pecok he was proud and gay.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)1.210 : As proud a pekok kan he pulle.
- a1450(c1400) Wor.Serm.(Wor F.10)63/434 : Þe pekok, whan a lokeþ abowte on his fair vetherus, his vndirliche prowd & miche ioie makis of hem.
- c1475 Earth(3) (Brog 2.1)25/33 : How schulde erth vppon erth soe prode or gaye, Sen erth vnto erth schal pase in symple araye?
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)117/37 : Ther shall com a swane as prowde as a po.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)344/168 : If that I prowde as pacok go, my hart is full of care.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)3830 : Þis ihærden segge Iulius..þat heo speken of þrætte & of prute ibeote.
- c1230 Ancr.(Corp-C 402)102/8 : Her imong beoð..monie & prude wordes wið warinesses & bileasunges.
- (c1375) Chaucer CT.Mk.(Manly-Rickert)B.3770 : Rede the proude wordes that he seyde.
- c1390 St.Greg.(Vrn)1157 : Þe ffisschere was bold, of wordes proute.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.408 : He hath his herte and his entente in swich a proud desir to be magnyfied and honoured biforn the peple.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.7327 : Ther was..many a proud word spoke also.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)3017 : Þy prout wurdys make hym wroth.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)2269 : Þenne repreued he þe prynce with mony prowde wordez.
- c1400 PPl.C (Vsp B.16)14.230 : Proude [Hnt: Adam..was putte out of blisse; Ryght so ferde reson by þe for þi rude speche].
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)3.3919 : Þi proude wordis..a-gaste me riȝt nouȝt.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)52a/a : He þat is coler is of a litil fourme and..hise maners ben proude; he is liȝt & vnstidefast.
(a) Greatly pleased, gratified, elated; glad (to do sth.); ~ mid, greatly pleased with (sb.); ~ of, elated about (sth.); ~ ther-of (ther-for); (b) ~ of, proud of (sth.); (c) ~ for, proud on account of (sth.), proud of (sth.); ~ ther-for.
Associated quotations
- ?a1300 Jacob & J.(Bod 652)188 : Nou Putifar ssrudeþ Iosep mid dereworþe ssroud & ȝiueþ him Pharaon, þe king; mid him he is proud.
- c1300 SLeg.(LdMisc 108)81/122 : Þo þe guode Man aslawe was, þe schrewe was wel prout.
- (c1375) Chaucer CT.Mk.(Manly-Rickert)B.3931 : A sweuene vp on a nyght he mette, Of which he was so proud and eek so fayn That in vengeance he al his herte sette.
- a1400(?a1350) Siege Troy(1) (Eg 2862)135/1696 : He loued þe mayde trewlych; To wedde hur he was ful proude.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)7.184 : Pieris was proud þerof [vrr. prout þerfore; wel appaied] & putte hem in office.
- ?a1425 Glo.Chron.B (Dgb 205)4321 : Proude was þe kynge þan, & glad ynowȝ.
- ?a1450(?1350-75) Origo Mundi in Norris Anc.Corn.Drama (Bod 791)2596 : Gromersy, arloth, hep par; ny a yl lour bones prout.
- c1450 ?C.d'Orl.Poems (Hrl 682)78/2316 : For god, the which that made hir, lo y-wys, To make such oon me thynke a myght ben prowt.
- (1474) Paston1.591 : Mastresse Annes, I am prowd that ye can reed Inglyshe.
- c1450(a1400) Chev.Assigne (Clg A.2)115 : An hynde kome fro þe woode..The heremyte prowde was þerof and putte hem to sowke.
- c1300 SLeg.Cross (LdMisc 108)405 : Ane partie of þe swete croiz..he tok with him..Of þat treo he was wel prout.
- a1325(c1280) SLeg.Pass.(Pep 2344)593 : Hi hopede þat hare clene lif, of whan hi were so proute, Hadde liȝt þer bi-ffore god.
- ?c1335 Þe grace of godde (Hrl 913)28 : Þi fleisse nis naȝte bot worme is meisse; Of such a þing whi ert þou prute?
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)258/13 : O moche is he fol..þet of his ssredinge is proud.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Is.61.6 : Þe strengþe of jentilis ȝee shul eten & in þe glorie of hem ȝee shul ben proud [L superbietis].
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)187b/a : Þey were proude of þe welþe of here owne londe and of grete Ilondes þat þey hadde ywonne.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)1277 : I am proude of þe prys þat ȝe put on me.
- c1400 *Bk.Mother (Bod 416:Everett)189/2 : Tymothe..comaundede þat þey ben not proude of here richesse.
- ?c1430(c1383) Wycl.Leaven Pharisees (Corp-C 296)4 : Þei bynden hem self..to moste mekenesse after crist..and ȝit ben most proude of worldly goodes.
- a1450(a1425) Mirk IPP (Cld A.2)1029 : Hast þou ben prowde & glad in thoght Of any mysdede þat þou hast wroȝt?
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)262 : Pelleus of the proffer was proude at his hert.
- a1500(1422) Yonge SSecr.(Rwl B.490)154/36 : Haue knowynge of thy-Selfe, and be not Prute of so hey vyrchipp.
- a1325 SLeg.Brendan (Corp-C 145)193 : Ac sone as we were ymad, oure maister was to prout, Lucyfer, for is faire stude, þat he uel sone out.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)9539 : Roberd, erl of gloucestere..An alle halwe eue deide..King stefne was þe boldore & þe prottore [vr. prottour] uor þis cas.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)6.209 : Þe abbotes..for grete richesse beeþ proude, and bycomeþ tyrauntz.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)27571 : Oft bitides þat man es Bicummen prode for halines.
- (c1400) Higd.(1) (Hrl 1900)7.502 : King Egelredus wedded Emma..And was proude therfore..and het sle alle the Danes.
- a1450(a1425) Mirk IPP (Cld A.2)1017 : Hast þou any tyme þe prodder [vr. prowder] þe mad, For any ofyce þat þow hast had?
- a1500 Conq.Irel.(Rwl B.490)57/6 : For no good chaunce he was not the Pruttyr [Dub: prutter] ne the heyer.
(a) Brave, bold, valiant; of birds or animals: fierce; of blows: boldly struck, hard; (b) ~ in (on) presse, ~ in pleie (armes), ~ of werre, valiant in battle, war, or combat; ~ as a pie, quarrelsome as a magpie; picher ~, drunk and quarrelsome; (c) of a horse: spirited, fearless; ?also, proud; (d) ?virtuous; ?valiant.
Associated quotations
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)11520 : Cnihtes he hafede, prute and græte on heore mode.
- c1300 Body & S.(5) (LdMisc 108)p.25 : Þow þat were woned to ride Heyȝe on horse..As a lyun fers and proud, Ȝwere is al þi michele pride?
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)299b/a : The bole..is a prowde beste and heedstronge.
- ?a1400 Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Petyt 511)11255 : Grete presse was at þe procession, Ilkon proudere þan þe lion.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)1177 : He pursued into Palastyn wyth proude men mony.
- ?a1425(a1415) Wycl.Lantern (Hrl 2324)111/11 : Þise wole be..proude as lyouns.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)4.394 : Sarpedoun..I-fallyn is on Neptolonius, Þe proudest Greke & most surquedous, And most famus as of strengþe & myȝt.
- (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Bod 263)4.2527 : How boldeli..She descendid..Whan thei wer proudest tareste hir & manace.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)23.548 : Prowdere briddes ne Mown neuere be.
- ?a1450(?1350-75) Origo Mundi in Norris Anc.Corn.Drama (Bod 791)2669 : Out warnas a pur vyl scout, hep thout pestryores stout, kyn fy mar pront ty a'n pren.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)6719 : Telamon..Preset hym with payne & with proude strokes.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)2202 : Sa ȝape men as ȝe..me & þe pruddest of my princes proferne vs werre.
- c1450(?c1408) Lydg.RS (Frf 16)3714 : She had..y-taught him..Teschewe bestys that be proude, As boors, lippardys, and lyouns.
- c1460 Ipom.(3) (Lngl 257)347/11 : Then come Kaenius, as proude and as fers as a lion.
- 1543(1464) Hardyng Chron.B (Grafton)p.86 : Rodrike..by sea came fro Sythy, As proude and bryme as lyon Marmerike.
- c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch)57 : To marke þe king þai went Wiþ kniȝtes proude in pres.
- c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch)401 : Of a prince proude in play, Listneþ, lordinges dere.
- c1330 Horn Child (Auch)153 : Malkan king was on of þo, Proude in ich apres.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)5520 : In þe feld leye þay with wondes wyde, þat arst wer prout on pres.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Rv.(Manly-Rickert)A.3950 : She was proud and peert as is a pye.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)2104 : Þer passes non bi þat place so proude in his armes Þat he ne dynnez hym to deþe with dynt of his honde.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)3.5188 : Þer-vppon cam Thelamonivs, Proude in armys and euere surquedous.
- a1425(c1333-52) Minot Poems (Glb E.9)4/90 : In þat stowre þai left þaire liue Þat war bifore so proud in prese.
- a1425 Dial.Reason & A.(Cmb Ii.6.39)37/7 : When men ben pechir prouȝd, þanne risith bate lithly þenne bost kan not holden his pees.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)113 : This Pelleus pert, prudest in armys, Hade a broþer.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)2132 : It sittes vs..For to purvey a pepull pruddest of werre.
- c1450(?a1400) Siege Milan (Add 31042)1221 : He salle mete hym here tomorne With full prowde men in prese.
- a1500(?c1400) Song Roland (Lnsd 388)141 : Olyuer and Roger..be proud in pres & well preuyd knyghtis.
- a1500 Octav.(1) (Cmb Ff.2.38)162/1641 : Soone they were fro yrons nomyne, The pryncys prowde yn prees.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)283b/a : Þe mare is proude and haþ ioye of hire mane and is sory whan it is y-schore.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)2049 : Hym lyst prik for poynt, þat proude hors þenne.
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)1304 : Polymyte stert vp in a rage, Sodeynly awaked..with the nyinge of his proude stede.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)1.218 : Proude Bayard gynneth for to skippe Out of the weye.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)652 : Þen was him kend..to..preke on a proude stede, proudly enarmed.
- a1500(c1340) Rolle Psalter (UC 64)19.8 : We..dredis to sitt on proude horsis that will stumbill and gere vs breke oure neke.
- c1450(a1400) Libeaus (Clg A.2)1292 : Syr Lybeauus and Maugys, On stedes prowde of prys, Togedere ryde.
- a1500 Horse in MA 41 (Wood empt. 18)238 : xv propreties of a goode horse..Thre of a man, scilicet, bolde, proude & hardy.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)42b/a : Morosus: Slowe, prout, vertuos.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)100a : Prowde..vertuosus.
(a) Noble, excellent, splendid; (b) noble in bearing or appearance; ~ in presse, splendid in the throng; ~ of appareil, ~ in (of) pride, splendidly arrayed; ~ in pal, handsome in rich clothing; maken ~, to make (sb.) splendid, adorn (sb.); maken in ~, make (sb.) splendid in (a garment).
Associated quotations
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)10413 : Þenne beoð þer forcuðest deoren alre pruttest [Otho: protest].
- a1275(?c1150) Prov.Alf.(Trin-C B.14.39)70/5 : At siforde setin kinhis monie, fele biscopis & fele booc-lerede, herles prude & cnites egleche.
- c1300 Body & S.(5) (LdMisc 108)p.27 : Ȝwere ben þi wurdli wedes..Þi proude palefreys and þi stedes?
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)284 : Selde she spaak, and nouȝth loude, And so don wymmen þat ben proude.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)1300 : He..Presented him..swyþe rych maydenes, Þe pruddest of þe province.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)830 : Mony proud mon þer presed, þat prynce to honour.
- c1450(c1375) Chaucer Anel.(Benson-Robinson)144 : Arcite..saw another lady, proud and newe, And ryght anon he cladde him in her hewe.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)944 : Þan past vp þe proud [Dub: prouude] quene in-to preue chambre.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)4375 : Wee see..Þe playne purperyn see full of prode fischis.
- c1450(a1425) MOTest.(SeldSup 52)11114 : With kyng Acab wonnand was a prowd prince with armys clene, þat named was þen Elydeas.
- ?a1300 Maximian (Dgb 86)75 : Ich wes of speche bold..Proud in euchan pres, And wlonk in euchan res.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)1414 : Wið gold and siluer and wið srud Ðis sonde made ðe mayden prud.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)1966 : Ðo nomen he ðe childes srud, Ðe iacob hadde madim in prud.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2368 : Iosep gaf ilc here twinne srud; Beniamin most he made prud, Fif weden best bar beniamin.
- c1330(?c1300) Amis (Auch)120 : He wald..susten hem..As lordinges proude in [vr. prout of] pride.
- c1330 KTars (Auch)88 : Þai com in to þe halle Bi for þo princes prout [vr. proud] in pres.
- c1390 RSicily (Vrn)1 : Princes proude þat beþ in pres, I wol ou telle þing not lees.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)7.30 : Ich trowede me wiser..þan eny lered oþer lewede, Prout [vrr. proud, prute] of aparail in porte amonge þe puple.
- a1450-1509 Rich.(Brunner)3452 : Kyng Richard was set on des Wiþ dukes and eerles, prowde in pres.
- c1475(?c1425) Avow.Arth.(Tay 9:French&Hale)742 : Þenne he wente to þe dece Before þe pruddust in prece.
- c1450(a1400) Libeaus (Clg A.2)389 : Knyȝtes proud yn palle He mette þat selue day.
- c1450(a1400) Libeaus (Clg A.2)869 : After hym com ryde A lady proud yn pryde.
- a1500(?a1400) Morte Arth.(2) (Hrl 2252)2351 : Launcelot shall come..Withe the lady proude in pres.
(a) Of cities, buildings, walls, etc.: stately, majestic, beautiful; of a country: rich; ~ in pride, magnificent in decoration; (b) of clothing, jewelry, trappings, etc.: sumptuous, splendid, beautiful; on ~ wise, splendidly; (c) of chariots: great; of gold: fine, pure; of gifts, feasts: rich, splendid; of beds, gravestones: handsome, ornate; of a horse's breast: broad, stout; proudest in presse; of plants: finest among the mass; (d) of honors: exciting pride or vanity; privilege ~, an imposing license or commission; (e) ~ fal, the front part of a woman's hair.
Associated quotations
- ?a1300 Jacob & J.(Bod 652)146 : Þe burȝ..riche was & strong; Castles heie & proute, stretes wide & long.
- c1300 SLeg.Mich.(LdMisc 108)41 : A noble churche huy founden þare with walles faire and proute.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2802 : Ge sulen cumen wið feteles & srud, And reuen egipte ðat is nu prud.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)4212 : Norham was..A prout cite and strong and kene.
- c1330 Orfeo (Auch)376 : No man may telle..Þe riche werk þat þer was wrouȝt; Bi al þing him þink þat it is Þe proude court of Paradis.
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)4558 : Theseus..or he fro Thebes wente..Maad her wallys and her towrys proude, Rounde aboute, euene vpon a rowe.
- a1450 Yk.Pl.(Add 35290)226/155 : Do open, porter, þe porte of þis prowde place.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)3661 : Þe secund day..a cite he takis, Þe proddest ane at Porrus possessour was euire.
- c1450 Mandev.(4) (CovCRO Acc.325/1)391 : Hit was wondirful..With hie wallis in eueri side, Proude pynnacles and coruen toures.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)190/21 : I woll..myne doune the wallys of Myllayne the proude.
- c1450(a1400) Libeaus (Clg A.2)1234 : Lybeauus..saw a greet cyte Wyth palys prowd yn pryde.
- a1300 Leuedi sainte (Add 27909)42 : Inne mete & inne drinke ic habbe ibeo ouerdede, & inne wel sittende schon in pruttere iwede.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)226/31 : To þo stat belongeþ ase loȝe cloþinge, naȝt proud ne bisiuol.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)3249 : Ring and broche war selli prude.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)168 : Þe pendauntes of his payttrure, þe proude cropure, His molaynes & alle þe metail anamayld was þenne.
- c1400 *Bk.Mother (Bod 416:Everett)93/6 : Þes passen her maister, þe deuel, in orrible oþis, in proude apareile, and in costlewe delices.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)435 : Wemen haue wille in þere wilde youthe To fret hom with fyn perle..With pelur and pall & mony proude rynges.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)13712 : In aparell of prise, on a proud wyse, He dight hym to delphon.
- c1450 Dives & P.(Lchf 35)1.44 : Ayen prowde sylueryn and golden harneys of preestes.
- c1450(a1400) Libeaus (Clg A.2)285 : He bare a scheld of grene Wyth þre lyouns of gold schene, Well prowde and precyous.
- c1330(?c1300) Bevis (Auch)193/4069 : Fro whanne komeþ þis fair deistrer? Hit haueþ brestes þikke and proute [vr. prowde].
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Par.20.3 : Þe puple..þat was in it he ladde out, & made vp on hem pestelis & sledes & prowde irene charis to gon ouer, so þat þei weren alto-kut.
- c1390 St.Greg.(Vrn)385 : Markes foure of gold proute Vndur his hed heo hit kest.
- c1390 Susan.(Vrn)117 : Þer was..Peletre and Plauntoyne, Prodest [vr. Pruddest] in Pres.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)8780 : Lordes are besy aboute to haue Proude stones lyggyng an hye on here graue.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)480 : Þis dere kyng..Had parreld him a proude feste of princes & dukis.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)1660 : Þan partis he to þa prelatis many proude giftis.
- a1500(?c1378) Wycl.OPastor.(Ryl Eng 86)434 : Þe same synne is in aparel of chaumbre, as in proud beddis, testeris, and curteyns.
- a1350 Ne mai no lewed (Hrl 2253)47 : Nou wol vch fol clerc..come to countene court, couren in a cope, ant suggen he haþ priuilegie proud of þe pope.
- a1500(c1340) Rolle Psalter (UC 64)19.8 : Thai ere on heghe, and has thaire delite in proude honurs and vayn.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)3025 : The shede þurghe the shyre here shone as þe lilly, Streght as a strike, straght þurgh the myddes, Depertid the proudfall pertly in two, Atiret in tressis trusset full faire.
Med. & surg. ~ flesh, flesh puffed up by excessive granulation, proud flesh; also fig.
Associated quotations
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)78/20 : Þer ben vj maner of þis vlcus..An hori elde wounde þat haþ summe greete crustis, or ellis a wroting, sum gret proud fleisch to hiȝe.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.3124 : We most, as techeth sorgerye, With scharp yrens sechyn remedye, To kut awey, by þe rote rounde, Þe prowde flesche þat growith in þe grounde.
- a1450 Chauliac(4) (Cai 336/725)26/6 : Þe þridde trete..is of woundis..Of a wounde where it is proud fleisch [*Ch.(1): superflue flesch; Ch.(2): dede flesche; L caro superflua].
- a1450 Chauliac(4) (Cai 336/725)27/20 : Þe i chapitre schal be a sermoun vniuersal of vlceris..Of vlceris wiþ proud fleisch or fleisch superflue.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)62a/a : If þou se ony proud fleisch or deed fleisch to arise in þe wounde, þanne take þe poudre of alym brent..& cast þeron.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)106a/a : Summe vsen to putte þerto, if it nediþ..ȝelowe vitriol for to distrie þe proud fleisch.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)123b/b : Doctrina de carne mortua..deed fleisch ofte tymes..growiþ in a wounde..þis is proud fleisch and yuel & sumdel turnynge to white colour & comounly soft and spongious.
- a1500 Bod.EMisc.Lapid.(BodEMisc e.558)26/107 : And she [Topace] is moche worthe to a sekenesse þat is calleth Fy, þat is, whenne prowde Flessh growith lyke a werte.
In proverbs.
Associated quotations
- (?a1400) Prov.MS Graham in Whiting Prov.p.317 : Proutman goldles..Povereman loveles, hem were betere be lyfles.
- (1434) Misyn ML (Corp-O 236)110/26 : Qwhat is wars þen a poyr man prowed?
- (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Bod 263)4.3153 : Whan a wrech is set in hih estat, Or a begger brouht up to dignite, Ther is non so proud, pompous, nor elat.
- c1460(a1449) Lydg.Cock (Hrl 2255)105 : Is noon so proude, pompous in dignyte, As he that is so sodeynly preferryd To hih estaat, and out of poverte?
- c1460(a1449) Lydg.Look TM (Hrl 2255)98 : A poore man proud is nat comendable.
- c1475(a1449) Lydg.Rhyme WA (Hrl 2251)41 : A prowde hert in a beggers brest..It may wele ryme, but it accordith nought.
- c1475(c1450) Idley Instr.(Cmb Ee.4.37)1.1087 : Thre þyngis..be odible: A pouere man proude and hye of port, [etc.].
- a1500(c1340) Rolle Psalter (UC 64)33.5 : He that is proud shames ofte.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)374/236 : As prowde as pennyles, his slefe has no poket.
- a1500 Ther ben iij poyntis (Tan 407)5 : Ther ben iij poyntis of myscheff..Pore men proude þat lytyl han, [etc.].
In surnames.
Associated quotations
- (1199) Nickname in LuSE 55146 : Gill. Prudhume.
- (c1200) Doc.Ireland in RS 5343 : Robertus Prudfot.
- (1205) Close R.Tower 124b : Martinus Prudume.
- (1223) in Reaney Dict.Br.Surnames283 : Thomas Prudswain.
- (1232) Close R.Hen.III163 : Walterus le Prude.
- (1247-8) Cart.St.John in OHS 661.135 : Willelmus le Protte.
- (1265) Inquis.Miscel.(PRO)1.202 : Ellis le Proude.
- (1269) Assize R.Nhb.in Sur.Soc.88162 : Thomas Purdelok.
- (1269) Select Pleas Forest in Seld.Soc.1344 : Roberto Prutfoot.
- (1275) Hundred R.Tower 186 : Johannes Prodhome.
- (1300) Nickname in LuSE 55146 : Thom.Purdome.
- (1303) Pat.R.Edw.I168 : Hamo Prudglove.
- (1313) Sub.R.Glo.(1) in BGAS 19223 : Walterus Prute.
- (1313) Sub.R.Glo.(1) in BGAS 19252 : Hugo le Proute.
- (1316) Nickname in LuSE 55146 : Joh.Prudhom.
- (1324) Nickname in LuSE 55146 : Rob.Purdhome.
- (1327) in Reaney Dict.Br.Surnames283 : William Proudman. Olive Prodemay.
- (1327) Nickname in LuSE 55146 : Sim.Prodomay.
- (1327) Sub.R.Som.in Som.RS 3216 : Cristina le Prout.
- (1342) Nickname in LuSE 55146 : Rob.Prodhomme.
- (1346) Reg.Edw.Blk.Pr.1.36 : Robert Proudglove.
- (1374) in Rymer's Foedera (1816-69)3.1014 : Thomas Proudefot.
- (1379) Nickname in LuSE 55145 : Rog.Proudeffelawe.
- (1379) Nickname in LuSE 55146 : Thom.Proudfoster.
- (1438-9) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.9973 : Thome Proudlok et Johanni Proudlok, carnificibus.
- (c1451) Doc.in Welch Hist.Pewterers Lond.14 : William prowde.