Middle English Dictionary Entry

estāt n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

State or condition.
(a) State or condition; (b) stature, build, bodily form; (c) of God, the soul, immortal life, etc.: nature, essential character.
Condition with reference to a norm, (good or bad) condition: (a) with reference to physical health; (b) with reference to welfare or prosperity; (c) of anything made or constructed.
Good condition: (a) good or normal physical or emotional condition; in e)stat, in god point and e)stat, into e)stat, out of e)stat; (b) welfare, wellbeing, prosperity; (c) in other contexts.
(a) Stage or period of life; mannes e)stat, manhood; (b) state (of virginity, matrimony, widowhood).
(a) One of a series of related or successive stages or phases; (b) a period or phase of man's existence, divided with reference to the Fall of Man and the Coming of Christ; e)stat of innocence, e)stat of deviation (misgoing), e)stat of reconciliation (grace and merci); (c) a period or stage of life, as divided into life before and after death.
A particular condition or phase: (a) the state of being conscious; bringen in stat, to restore to consciousness, bring to; (b) of heavenly bodies: the phase of full illumination; (c) of disease: the crisis.
haven stat, to be in existence; to occur.
Astrol. Of heavenly bodies: aspect.
Social, political or religious status; rank, high rank, sovereignty.
Social or religious status or standing: (a) with reference to the acceptance or observance of Christianity (in general or through some special religious exercise or regimen); stat of cristendom, the state of being a Christian; (b) with reference to being in monastic orders; stat of religioun, the status or position of a member of a monastic order; also, the form of life adhered to within monastic orders; (c) with reference to being in or out of clerical orders; e)stat of prest (presthode), ~ of clerkes; lai e)stat, e)stat of a lewid man, secular e)stat, the condition or status of being a layman; (d) with reference to wealth: financial condition or status; (e) breken, tinen stroien stat, reduce, spend, or waste one's possessions; saven e)stat, preserve or safeguard one's possessions or standing.
A person's position in society, one's station; rank or degree in the social, political, or ecclesiastical hierarchy; social class.
Office, esp. public or ecclesiastical office; also, term of office; e)stat of office.
holden stat through (a person), derive the title to one's rank, office, etc., from (a superior), hold one's rank from (someone); benimen, reven stat, deprive (a person) of his rank, office, position; putten out of stat; bringen to stat, bring (a person) to his former position or rank; recoveren stat, regain one's former rank or position; holden, haven e)stat, be of (a certain) rank, hold (one's rightful) rank, behave or be treated according to (one's) rank.
Rank or position in the universal Church, as that of apostle, prophet, martyr, etc.
Rank or position in the theological hierarchy of created beings.
Relative condition, position, or rank; gret, high e)state; pover, lou ~.
High rank or office, exalted position; man of e)stat, lord of ~, ladi of ~; man of ani e)stat, man of any consequence in rank or wealth; beren (gret) e)stat, holden ~, hold high office or be of high rank; bringen in (gret) stat, bring to a position of importance, put in high position; comen to e)stat, attain honor or high position.
in hol e)stat, in full power or authority; in e)stat abated, in diminished or limited power or authority.
kinges e)stat, e)stat roial, royal rank or authority, sovereignty; stat of sovereignte, sovereignty.
The office or authority of a sovereign, sovereignty; haven e)stat, have dominion over, have the rule of (a country); beren stat in, have supremacy of (the sea).
A class, or a member of a class; a person of high rank.
A class of persons, esp. a social or political class or group; also, a member of a particular class or rank.
One of the major classes constituting the body politic and as such participating in the government; also, a member of such a class, a peer of the realm; the thre e)states, the e)states of the reaum, the e)states of the parlement, the e)states of this land, the three estates, i.e. the clergy, the nobility, and the commons; e)stat temporal, e)stat spiritual; e)stat of the (kinges) hous, a peer who is a member of the royal household.
Any of the three (or four) estates constituting the medieval church, spoken of sometimes as classes of persons, sometimes as forms of living or status.
Any person of high rank or official status; also, a local official or dignitary; estat of degre, a person of high rank or degree.
A title of honor used in addressing a person of high rank or office.
Splendor, ceremonial pomp.
The splendor of array, retinue, ceremony, etc., appropriate to high rank or office; the formal pomp appropriate to occasions of state; in estat, in a manner appropriate to high rank on occasions of state.
(a) kepen estat, observe full formality of ceremony, hold court; (b) holden stat of, observe (a holy day).
(a) of estat, reserved for persons of high rank, esp. on state occasions; bed of estat, cap of ~, chamber of ~, chair of ~, cloth of ~, hat of ~, robe of ~, sadel of ~; (b) a seat or chair of state, a throne; a canopied seat at a state banquet; (c) a ceremonial fold in the table cloth or napkin at either side of the place of honor; maken (laien) estat; (d) the place of honor at table; also, the person occupying the place of honor at table.
Legal right to property; possession; property.
Legal right or title to property; maken e)stat of (property) to (someone), give (someone) legal right or title (to property); maken e)stat ayayn of (property) to (someone), ?grant a reversionary title; haven e)stat in, of (property).
With various qualifying words and phrases: (a) e)stat making, e)stat ayain giving; (b) e)stat of enheritaunce, title to inheritance, right of inheritance; (c) e)stat in fee, a heritable estate in land subject to feudal obligations; (d) estat in fee simple, an estate belonging to the owner and his heirs forever without limitation to any particular class of heirs; (e) e)stat in (fee) taille, an e)stat in fee entailled or limited to some particular class of heirs; (f) estat (for) terme of lif, an estate which terminates with the life of the holder, a life interest or estate; (g) men e)stat =?mesne estate, a title to property held indirectly.
Legal possession (of property).
Property; esp. inherited property, possessions, fortune.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?a1500(?a1425) Boeth.Bk.Comfort (BodAuct F.3.5)227/23 : Thus kyngis and lordes to magnefie thare astate apropirs to hem in here stile dyuers names.
Note: Additional quot., sense 11a.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: The quots. containing forms beginning with s- need to be removed from estāt n. and placed in stāt n., if they are needed there for form, date, or meaning. (Some of the senses in either or both words may need revision if additions and / or subtractions are made. The etymon for each entry may need revision as well.)--per MLL

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. estate.