Middle English Dictionary Entry

dēf adj. (& n.)
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Unable to hear; of a person, an ear, hearing: deaf; blind and ~, ~ and blind, ~ and doumb, doumb and ~; (b) as noun: deaf person(s, the deaf; (c) ~ boren, born deaf.
(a) Of inanimate things: without a sense of hearing, deaf; (b) unwilling to hear; ~ ere, a deaf ear, an ear that will not hear; don that ~ ere, leien ~ ere to, maken ~ ere to, to refuse to listen to (sb.).
(a) Empty; ~ netle, a stingless nettle; ?Lamium album [cp. dede netle]; ~ note, a nut without a kernel, something worthless; (b) dull, stupid; as noun: a fool.
(a) Anat. Of hemorrhoids, veins: not running or flowing, closed, stopped; (b) surg. of an instrument: dull, flat, blunt.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1400 Treat.Penit.Job (Pep 2125)183/87 : Þe kyng putteþ hym a deef eere and wul nat hure hym.
Note: Variation on phrase in sense 2.(b), putten a ~ ere refuse to hear (sb.); -- with dative object.