The reasons of the Arminians are examined, by which they maintaine free-will in an vnregenerate man, con∣cerning things that are spirituall, and belonging to sal∣uation.
I. AGainst the doctrine of the Ortho∣doxe Church, which doth put away from man all free-will in the worke of saluation, being vpholden by the word of God, and proued by sence it selfe, and experience, the Arminians doe oppose themselues with great diligence, and doe patronize free-will in those that are vnregenerate.
II. They doe euery where obiect and reckon vp that of Saint Paul, Rom. 2.14. The Gentiles which haue not the Law, doe by nature those things contained in the Law. I answere, that by the Law it is comman∣ded to loue God with all the heart, with all the strength, which cannot be done vnlesse you direct all your actions to his glory, and vnlesse you be indued with faith, because whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne: Whosoeuer shalexamine the vertues of heathen men, by the line of these rules, shall finde that in their most honest deedes, there were many things wanting, and much sinne in them: Hence it appeareth that the Gentiles indeede, in an externall worke, doe those