The Obiections which the Arminians borrow from the Pe∣lagians and Papists, are answered. Whether an vnre∣generate man doth necessarily sinne; and whether ne∣cessitie excuseth the sinner: Also whether God doth command those things which cannot be performed by man.
I. THese thornes and difficulties being taken away, wee are to come to the Arguments, or rather Declamations, with which they would odiously bur∣den our cause. They say, that by our doctrine, an vnregenerate man doth necessarily sinne, and nothing but sinne: That it is not sinne which is committed necessarily, and cannot be auoided. Armi∣nius against Perkins, pag. 106. The necessity and immuta∣bility of sinning, doth excuse the sinne, and doth free from punishment the committing of that act. And Arnoldus, pag. 188. Necessity doth excuse the sinne. It is in vaine commanded, if it be impossible to be obayed. God,