A caueat o[r warening, for [?]] common cursetor[s vulgarely called [?]] vagabones, set forth by Tho[mas Harman, Esquier, for the [?]] vtilitie and profit of his natur[all countrey. Newly augmented and [?] en]larged by the first author [...] the tale of the second ta[...] crank, with the true [...]or, and also his puni[...] dissembling, most [...] hearer or reader [...]
- Title
- A caueat o[r warening, for [?]] common cursetor[s vulgarely called [?]] vagabones, set forth by Tho[mas Harman, Esquier, for the [?]] vtilitie and profit of his natur[all countrey. Newly augmented and [?] en]larged by the first author [...] the tale of the second ta[...] crank, with the true [...]or, and also his puni[...] dissembling, most [...] hearer or reader [...]
- Author
- Harman, Thomas, fl. 1567.
- Publication
- [London] :: Newly imprinted [by Henry Middleton],
- Anno 1573.
- Rights/Permissions
To the extent possible under law, the Text Creation Partnership has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above, according to the terms of the CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). This waiver does not extend to any page images or other supplementary files associated with this work, which may be protected by copyright or other license restrictions. Please go to http://www.textcreationpartnership.org/ for more information.
- Subject terms
- Rogues and vagabonds -- Early works to 1800.
- Link to this Item
- Cite this Item
"A caueat o[r warening, for [?]] common cursetor[s vulgarely called [?]] vagabones, set forth by Tho[mas Harman, Esquier, for the [?]] vtilitie and profit of his natur[all countrey. Newly augmented and [?] en]larged by the first author [...] the tale of the second ta[...] crank, with the true [...]or, and also his puni[...] dissembling, most [...] hearer or reader [...]." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A02657.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 8, 2024.
A Caueat o
Common Curseto - illustration
- dedication
- The Epistle to the Reader.
A Rufflar.
- ¶ A Upryght man, Cap. 2.
- ¶ A Hoker or Anglear. Cap. 3.
- ¶ A Roge. Cap. 4.
- ¶ A Wylde Roge. Cap. 5.
- A Prigger of Prauncers. Cap. 6.
- ¶ A Pallyard. Cap. 7.
- A Frater. Cap. 8.
- ¶ A Abraham man. Cap. 9.
¶ A freshe water Mariner or Whip∣
acke. Cap. 10. - A counterfet Cranke. Cap. 11.
- A Dommerar. Cap. 12.
- A Dronken Tinckar. Cap. 13.
- ¶ A Swadder or Pedler. Cap. 14.
- A Iarke man, and a Patrico. Cap. 15.
- A Demaunder for glymmar. Cap. 16.
- A Baudy Basket. Cap. 17.
- A Autem Morte. Cap. 18.
- ¶ A Walking Morte. Cap. 19.
- A Doxe. Cap. 20.
- A Dell. Cap. 21.
- A Kynching Morte. Cap. 22.
- A Kynchen Co. Cap. 23.
- Their vsage in the night. Cap. 24.
- The names of the vpright men, Roges, and Pallyards.
- ¶ The vpright Cofe cateth to the Roge, The vpright man speaketh to the roge.
- colophon