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913101. Wanne þe tuelue dayȝes ben do..Þre kingges me sul seke þo.

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twelve num.

913102. Be leding of a stere Þre kingges me sul seke þo.

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Associated headword
leding, ledinge ger.(1)

913103. To caluari þei kechin him þo.

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913104. To caluari þei kechin him þo.

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Associated headword
cacchen v.

913105. Marie wente ouer a feld lay leyȝe To Caluari, þer Crist sulde deyȝe, And waited þer hire childe.

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Associated headword
waiten v.

913106. If i koude, fawen wold i To don al at þi pay.

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fain adv.

913107. No wonder was þou hire was wo.

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Associated headword
though conj.

913108. Þe fourti day, to fille þe lawe, We solen to temple ifere.

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Associated headword
fillen v.

913109. Þe fourti day, to fille þe lawe, We solen to temple ifere.

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Associated headword
fourti num.

913110. Sche sau hire ferli fode..Wol reuli rent on þe rode.

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Associated headword
fode n.(2)

913111. Sche sau hire ferli fode, His blisful bodi..Wol reuli rent on þe rode.

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Associated headword
reuli adv.

913112. Sche sau..His blisful bodi..Wol reuli rent on þe rode.

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Associated headword
renden v.(2)

913113. Wan i am tuelue ȝer of elde.

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Associated headword
elde n.

913114. For feynting fel þat faire fod..He swounede [vr. suonnyd].

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Associated headword
swounen v.

913115. Al beronnen with red blod, Among þe Iewes wilde and wod, He swounede sikirly.

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Associated headword
sikerli adv.

913116. Prei we alle þat precious þing, Of þraldom þat mad us fre—Wif, mayden, & moder so ying, Was neuer non but sche.

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913117. I sal neuere fro þe sterue, But ay, moder, ben at þin heste.

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Associated headword
sterven v.

913118. God Lord, gret was þi pine..Naked on rod..Þeron he teiȝeden þe longe leygne, And naileden fot and honde.

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Associated headword
teien v.

913119. I mot be-ginne to fille Wer-fore i am hidre sent.

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913120. His bodi heng þer al on blode, As beret withnesse Sen Ion.

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913121. Ion baptist of merite most Sal baptize me be name.

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913122. My fader & þe holi gost Solen witnessen wat i ame [rime: name].

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Associated headword
ben v.

913123. Ihesu..gret was þi pine; Fot and hond, for soth to seyne, Slit ben in þat tide.

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slitten v.

913124. Sche sau his wondis wyde.

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wid, wide adj.

913125. I sal be tempted of satan…Þe same wise þat was Adam, but i sal betre with-stonde.

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913126. As in romaunce [Lamb: the Frensshe tale] it is tolde.

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913127. Disciples i sal gadere.

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Associated headword
gaderen v.

913128. Disciples i sal gadere & senden hem for to preche, Þe lawes of my fader In al þis werld to teche.

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Associated headword
laue n.

913129. Artibilis: stryvabyl [Hrl 1738: Artabilis: streynabyl; Add 33534: constreynable].

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Associated headword
strivable adj.

913130. Chasdei [read: Chaldei]: cruel or wrethed.

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Associated headword
wrethen v.(1)

913131. Carram: Wreth [Cnt: interpretatur ira, lira, furor, foramina].

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913132. Cimbula: a tomerel [Pep: Cimbala: a Cimball; Hrl 1738: Cimbalum: est instrumentum musicum; Stnh: Cimba: þe botme of a bote..Cumba: þe botme of a ship].

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Associated headword
tumbrel n.(1)

913133. Chamus: A bernag for a hors.

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Associated headword
bernak n.

913134. Confidencia: a trostyng.

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913135. Clinicus: A bedlawere.

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913136. Faba fresa: Groundyn benys.

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Associated headword
ben, bene n.(1)

913137. Dieretus: the woke day [Hrl 2257: dierectus: a woke day; Stnh: dierectus: wyckyd day; Cnt: Dierectus: dies malus, dysemale].

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913138. Prodicio: a trayment.

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913139. Fossorium: A byl or a pykeys.

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pikeis n.

913140. Emolimentum: tol or wynnyng or vauntage.

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913141. Lippitudo: Blerynes off the eye.

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913142. Atramentarium: an ynkhorne or a blekpot.

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Associated headword
blek n.

913143. Arieto: To blesmyn.

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Associated headword
blesmen v.

913144. Euiscero: To bowellyn..Exentero: To bowaylyn.

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Associated headword
bouelen v.

913145. Eximprouiso: to Vnpurveyin [Hrl 1738: to on purvayin].

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913146. Filix: A brak.

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913147. Bracco: To brekyn.

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Associated headword
brechen v.

913148. Carduus: A brymbyl.

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Associated headword
brembel n.

913149. Subo: To brymmen, as a boore.

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Associated headword
brimmen v.

913150. Inauris: þe Aryng in the ere.

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Associated headword
ere n.(1)

913151. Lumbifractus: Brokyn in the [l]endys.

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Associated headword
breken v.

913152. Hernia: Bolnyng of the bowaylles.

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Associated headword
bolning ger.

913153. Haustra: a wheel þt drawyth water.

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Associated headword
whel, whele n.(1)

913154. Guua: a ventouris [Stnh: ventoyse; Hrl 1738: ventous] box.

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913155. Bulla: A burbyl.

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Associated headword
burble n.

913156. Scateo: To brekyn vp or burbelyn.

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Associated headword
burblen v.

913157. Lappetum: A burry place.

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Associated headword
burri adj.

913158. Gramino: To spryngyn or bergyn.

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Associated headword
burgen v.

913159. Germen: A bergyng.

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Associated headword
burging ger.

913160. Hviusmodi: swech maner.

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Associated headword
swich adj.

913161. Carabus: A boot made of wekerys.

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Associated headword
bot n.(1)

913162. Inconditus: vnsaueryd [Hrl 2270: vnsauered; Stnh: vnsauerynge; Hrl 1738: not saverend].

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Associated headword
unsavoured ppl.

913163. Infelicito, as: to myshappyn.

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913164. Inopinabilis: on wenyng.

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Associated headword
unwening ppl.

913165. Cardiaca, quidam morbus: A cardyake.

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Associated headword
cardiake n.(1)

913166. Interscalaris: betwyn styles [Cnt: styes of ladders; Hrl 1738: styltis].

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Associated headword
stile n.(1)

913167. Irreuerens: Vnwurchypful.

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913168. Kalendemones [Hrl 1738: Kaledemones]: wysdom.

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Associated headword
wisdom n.

913169. Suburbanus: a suburban [Stnh: subarbe; Hrl 2257: qui manet sub vrbe; Add 33534: manens sub vrbe].

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913170. Subiectus: Vndercast [Pep: vndyr castyn; Add 33534: ondercast; Hrl 2257: vndre cast] or subiecte.

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913171. Succidus [read: succisus]: Vnder cut [Hrl 2257: vndre cutte].

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913172. Suffibulatorium: Vnderbindelys [Stnh: vnder byndynge; Hrl 2257: vndrefastyng].

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913173. Larva: a vesere or a skerell or a deuyl.

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913174. Arcophilaxe: The carle wensterre. Arturus: quoddam signum celeste, anglice A carwaynesterre.

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913175. Tornus: a throwyng off Iryn or tornour.

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Associated headword
turnour n.(1)

913176. Clitella: a clyket.

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Associated headword
cliket n.(1)

913177. Tibiale: strapelyng [Hrl 2270: a straple] off brech.

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913178. Osillum: genus ludi, a totyre [Hrl 2270: totour].

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Associated headword
totir n.

913179. Paranimpha: a baud strok.

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913180. Petus: A lokare west.

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Associated headword
west adv.

913181. Spytful [Hnt: God bad..þ þe peple schulde stonyn hym to dede..And..he was..spytfully slayn].

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Associated headword
spitful adj.

913182. Batillum: A cresaunt, or a senser.

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913183. Smulderyng [Htrn: Sodeynly þey wern togedere in a..dep pyt ful of feer smoþerynge medelyd with pyc and brenstone].

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Associated headword

913184. Stubbly [Htrn: It is non good fyȝtynge in myrys ne amongis corn ne in sledyr ground ne in pytty ne in stubby ground].

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Associated headword
stubbli adj.

913185. Prostituo: to statutyn [Stnh: to store couenant; Hrl 2270: to make afore couenaunt; Hrl 2257: proponere, statuere; Hrl 1738: to comawndyn a forn].

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913186. Pronuba: a baud stryff [Stnh: a baudestrot; Hrl 1838: a baudestrok].

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913187. Fulle sore hym tened at hymself than.

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Associated headword
tenen v.

913188. Raca: tut [Stnh: Racha: trupt] or ffy.

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Associated headword
tut interj.

913189. Ramnus: a whyte thorn or a thepe bussh [Stnh: a þefþorne].

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Associated headword
theve n.(2)

913190. Sartitector: a thakkare [Cnt: tacher; Pep: dechere].

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913191. Carmen: A dete.

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Associated headword
dite n.

913192. A comon grond yat lyges..betux ye comon gresefont and ye comon pynfold.

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Associated headword
gras n.

913193. The reduce the parties to that that reson and equite wollen, and generaly what particion of lande that by this tretie happe to be made betwix the kyng and his adversarie, be yt by wey of a longe trewe or of a pees final.

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treu, treue n.(1)

913194. That no maner man goe for no forage but it be with a stale.

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913195. ii magne pecie argenti, vocate Bikers, emellate in fundo, cum cooperculis cum batellis, et ex una parte deauratis.

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Associated headword
biker n.(1)

913196. A peirer [Roy: enuyouse mennus teeth..seyn that Y am an apeirer of hooli scripturis; WB(1): a falsere, and a distroȝere, or apeirere].

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Associated headword
peirer n.

913197. Cowle pro aqua benedicta.

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Associated headword
covel n.

913198. xxix Andreus iij s. vj d., sum : vj li. x s. vj d. Fl.

Associated headword

913199. xxix Andreus iiij s. vj d., sum vj li. x s. vj d. Fl. ; xxx Rynyshe iiij s. iiij d., sum vj li. x s. Fl. ; xij Huitryshe iiij s., sum xlviiij s. ; an lewe, vj s. viiij d. ; v postlatys ij s. vj d., sum xij s. vj d.

Associated headword

913200. An Gyldars rydar, iij s. vj d.

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