Middle English Dictionary Entry

sikerlī adv.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) With certainty, without mistake, definitely, assuredly; really, actually, in fact; (b) without fail, on a guaranteed basis; (c) as a parenthetical asseverative, emphasizing the truthfulness of the statement: indeed, truly; (d) truthfully, truly, in a truthful statement.
(a) Fully, thoroughly, perfectly, well and truly, well; (b) boldly, confidently, with assurance, in an unworried manner; also, presumptuously.
(a) In safety, in security, safely, securely; (b) secretly.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?a1450 Poem Hawking (Yale 163)367 : Vse here on the wyse þat Y for sayde. It woll be cause sekerly Þat may foule to dethe shall be layde.
  • Note: Additional quote(s)

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1500 Tan.407 Artist.Recipes (Tan 407) 313/26 : And þan it is good inke, sekerly.
  • a1525 BodEMus.52 Artist.Recipes (BodEMus 52) 189/13 : Wryte þerwith in yryne or stell or what metall þat þu wylte, and yt schall schowe wonder fayre and yt wyll not awaye, sekyrlyche.
  • Note: Additional quots., ?prob. sense 1.(c). New spellings (sekerli & sekirliche).