Middle English Dictionary Entry

cuppe n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A drinking vessel; a bowl, goblet, cup, etc.; also, a receptacle for fruit or confections; (b) stonding ~, a cup with a foot or base; trussing ~, ?a cup or chalice for traveling; (c) a drinking vessel with its contents; the liquor contained in a cup; liquor, drink; serven of ~, to serve out the drink; serve (sb.) his drink; bi (in, with) ~, while drinking, in drink; (d) fig. something to be partaken of, that which falls to one's lot to endure or enjoy.
(a) Eccl. A chalice-shaped receptacle for the reserved Host, ciborium, pyx; ~ of the Lord, sacrament of the wine; serven of ~, to administer the sacrament of the wine; (b) med. a cupping glass; (c) the cup of an acorn.
(a) ~ bond, a metal band around a cup; ~ botme; ~ hek, ?a cup rack; ~ hous, a storeroom for cups, etc.; also, a trunk for carrying cups and other plate on a journey [quots. 1391]; ~ cloth, a cloth for covering cups or a sideboard; (b) ~ berer, cup-bearer; ~ holder; ~ maker, cup-maker; ~ throuer, a cup-turner; (c) ~ ful, a cupful; (d) ~ shoten, full of drink, drunk; ?also, addicted to drink; (e) ~ mel, a cupful at a time.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1475 Gawain & CC (Brog 2.1)281-86 : He bad brynge wyn in gold so der, Anon hit cam in coppus cler..IIII gallons held a cop and more; He bad brynge forthe a grettor, ‘What schall þis lyttyl cope doun? This to lyttyl a cope for me.’
  • Note: Needed for form: pl. cuppes, etc. & coppus.
    Note: New sense?
    Note: This is a giant's drinking vessel or goblet (which holds four gallons). Belongs to sense 1.(a).
Note: In sense 1.(b), the gloss for the combination trussing ~ is defined "?a cup or chalice for traveling" (see quot. (1393) Will York in Sur.Soc.4) should be modified. The "ciphum duplum" ("double cup") referred to here was not necessarily meant (just) for travelling, it seems, but according to W.C. Cripps in Old English Plate (1881), describes "the large double cups made to shut upon the rims of each other..These too are mentioned occasionally in English inventories, and are called 'double' or 'trussing' cups." He cites the reference in this quot. as an example. (An illustration of such a cup is found on p. 167.)
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section may be incomplete and / or may need revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED. Revised form section: Also cǒup(p)e, cup(e, cope, (early) cuppan; pl. cuppes, etc. & coupes, coppus, (early) coupen, coppene, (Orm.) cuppess.--notes per MLL

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. cup.