Middle English Dictionary Entry
warant n.
Entry Info
Forms | warant n. Also warante, warrant, war(r)aunt(e, warent(e, warond(e, (chiefly N) warand(e, warrand & (?errors) warannte, warawunt. |
Etymology | Chiefly AF/ONF war(r)ant, vars. of OF garant, garand; also cp. AL war(r)antum, warandum, warentum. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. garant n.(1).
(a) One who guards or defends, a protector;—also used of God; also, a champion; drauen to ~, to resort to or betake oneself (to sb. or Christ) as a protector or for protection;—also refl.;
(b) something that guards or shields; something that guarantees protection; also, defense, security, protection; also, a place of refuge [quot. a1500(?c1450)]; of god ~, well defended; ~ of lif, safeguarding of life, assurance of survival.
Associated quotations
- c1225(?c1200) St.Marg.(1) (Bod 34)18/30 : Drihtin…Þu art…widewene warant & meidenes mede.
- a1250 Lofsong Louerde (Nero A.14)211 : Beo mi scheld and mi warant…aȝein þes feondes flon.
- a1275 *St.Marg.(2) (Trin-C B.14.39)72 : Ho leued on ihesu crist; to waraunt ho him drawet.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)2067 : Now wile y youre warant be.
- c1330 KTars (Auch)476 : Þi fader y schal…slon…& bi Mahoun…þer schal no man ben his waraunt.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)2952 : Y wille ȝour warant be, þe whyle my swerd wil leste.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)14651 : Mi fader es he…Him drau i me to mi warand [Trin-C: warande].
- c1400 Brut-1333 (Rwl B.171)124/4 : Y praye þat he be my waraunt.
- a1425 Arth.& M.(LinI 150)799 : Bid him þat he warant beo Aȝeyn þeo Feond.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)1472 : Coryneus…was…als a Geaunt; Tyl hym þey drowe alle to waraunt.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)44.455 : Iesus…Oure warawunt and Oure Governour…vs wele Save.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)562/22 : I promysed her to be her waraunte.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)972/25 : None of you shall be othirs warraunte, but ye shall dye both of my honde!
- a1500(?a1400) Firumb.(2) (Fil)50 : Charlys come hem to helpe…To ben her warant and bryng hom socour.
- a1300 A Mayde Cristes (Jes-O 29)27 : Ne may hit neuer his waraunt beo, gold ne seoluer.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)4210 : Þai com to Norhant, A fair cite of gode waraunt…A prout cite and strong and kene.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.1924 : Thoffice of the Chancellerie…Ne for the writ ne for the taille To warant mai noght thanne availe.
- c1400 Brut-1333 (Rwl B.171)79/30 : Arthure…cleuede [his] heuede…his helme myȝt nouȝt bene his warant.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)12.301 : From deth thi waraunt this [cross] schal be.
- a1450-1509 Rich.(Brunner)5791 : Whom þat he ouertoke þat tyde, Off lyff ne was there waraunt [vr. warande] non.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)41 : I ne trowe not that this toure shal be thy warante, but that thow shalt dye.
- a1500 Partenay (Trin-C R.3.17)4195 : Off deth no warant neuer shalt thou haue.
- a1500 Partenay (Trin-C R.3.17)4201 : Dy shalt thou by me…The unto warant, certes, thou ne may.
(a) One who provides authorization, permission, etc.; one who supplies confirmation, proof, etc., a witness;—sometimes used of God; also, one held hostage to ensure that the terms of an agreement will be carried out, a guarantor [quot. a1400-a1500]; drauen to ~, to cite (sb.) as an authority; also, invoke (Love personified) as a witness on one’s behalf [quot. ?a1350];
(b) something that provides authorization, validation, etc.; something that serves as testimony, evidence, or proof; also, the validation or authorization of one’s claim on God’s mercy (provided by Christ’s passion); also, an assurance, a guarantee [quot. c1475]; drauen to ~, to adduce (sth.) as (one’s) pledge of good faith; also, cite (a fact) as testimony in one’s defense [3rd quot.];
(c) law a guarantee of title or right to possession and use of property; entren in-to ~, to serve as a guarantor of title; vouchen to ~, summon (sb.) before the court to give guarantee of title.
Associated quotations
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)2658 : Our Lord y take to waraunt, Þi child worþ þe noblest man Of al þis world.
- ?a1350 Guy(3) (Wales 572)280 : Luf tu warand shal I dragh; He gert me cum…Tat I ne miht wytht-dragh ert ne cors.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)14968 : If animan Lais apon yow hand To lette yow, ye sai yee haf þe lauerd to your warand.
- a1400-a1500 Rich.(b-version:Brunner)260/2 : Who shal be borgh other waraunt Of the tresour?
- a1425(?a1350) Nicod.(1) (Glb E.9)666 : I cum…als witnes and warand of Ihesus ded þat ȝe se blede.
- 1532(?a1400) RRose (Thynne)6 : Men may some sweuen sene Whiche hardely that false ne bene But afterwarde ben apparaunt; This may I drawe to warraunt An authour that hight Macrobes.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)5228 : Grete hepes him lay about Of mani paiem…Þe Brut þerof is mi waraunt.
- c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch)1539 : Ȝif he durst fiȝt…He wold proue it anouȝ…To his waraunt he drouȝ His schippe and al his pride.
- c1330(?c1300) Guy(1) (Auch)547 : Þei ich hir loue, blame me noman; To warant ichil drawe…Þat loue doþ me þider come.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)2.1237 : Thei…have him thilke lettre rad, Which he hem sende for warant.
- c1400 Apoc.(2) (Hrl 1203)108/19 : Warant [Hrl 171: Þat he þat was not founden writun in þe book of lijf was sent into þe pool of fier is þat alle schulen be dampned into helle at þe iugement þat han not þe warantise of Cristis passioun].
- a1440 Apoc.(1) in LuSE (Hrl 3913)p.177 : Warraunt [Hrl 874: Alle shullen ben dampned…þat ne han no warantise of þe passioun of Iesu crist].
- c1475 O lord omnipotent (Trin-C R.3.21)98 : Thy waraunt of proteccioun Ys sure saufcondute from all oure gostly foon.
- a1500(?a1400) Morte Arth.(2) (Hrl 2252)1142 : Dede is that white as swanne; thys lettere there-of warannte [?read waraunt] wolle be.
- a1325 *Rwl.Statutes [OD col.] (Rwl B.520)lf.47 : Ȝif þilke þat is i voched to warant be in present ant mid wille wolle waranti þe tenaunt.
- (1448) Doc.in Sundby Dial.Wor.(Eg Charter 608)255 : Thomas and Johane…by adede sufficient in lawe wythe warante shul enfeffe theroffe Thomas Conyngesby.
- (1460) RParl.5.381b : Provided also that this Ordenaunce…extende not nor in any wise be Prejudiciall to any…Ratification, Confirmation, or Warante had or made by oure Fader of blessed memorie, to the Abesse and Convent.
- (1485) RParl.6.324b : And…caused theym and others supposed Tenaunts named in the same Writte to vouche by covyn to warrant one John Smyth whiche also by covyn entred into Warrant.
Authority, justification, approval; official license, power, permission, etc.; ~ of bille, bille (lettre) of ~, a written authorization; lettre of ~ dormaunt, a writ of unspecified application, a blanket authorization; ~ of laue, legal justification or sanction [sometimes difficult to distinguish from sense 4.(a), to which some quots. here may belong].
Associated quotations
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)8.135 : Stevene, procuratour of Angeoy…bygan rabbisliche to passe his waraunt in absens of þe kyng.
- (c1396) Doc.in Bk.Lond.E.234/27 : Richard langeford…with other mo…with-owt warant of lawe out putte William Auerey out of a chaumbre.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)18426 : If þe yate-ward þe witstand, Sa him þou has ful gode warand [Trin-C: waronde; Ld: warond].
- (?c1410) Hoccl.Chancellor (Hnt HM 111)7 : My lord the Chanceller…your staf your warant wole expresse.
- (1423) Proc.Privy C.3.85 : That it like to ȝoure grace to graunt letters of warant dormaunt…to the seyd Tresorer commaundyng hym to pay to the seyd Thomas the seyd somme fro tyme to tyme.
- a1425 Ben.Rule(1) (Lnsd 378)5/11 : Þe abot…ah na þing at cumande bot þat he may haue warant at god.
- c1436 Ipswich Domesday(2) (Add 25011)97 : Be he punysshed…for the leve that he ȝaff with oute warant.
- (1439) LRed Bk.Bristol2.152 : Thei have not the ordinaunces aforsaide vnder the commune seal for the more warant.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)1505 : By whas leue & whas warant Are ȝe here alle chasand?
- a1450 Yk.Pl.(Add 35290)128/67 : For haue we his wille and his warande, Þan may we wende with-outen drede.
- (1453) RParl.5.268b : That noo Letters Patentes…be made…but by Warrant of bill, enselid by the Tresorer of Englond.
- 1790(1471-1472) Ordin.Househ.Edw.IV(2) (Topham)53 : Clerke of Crowne of the King’s chauncery, receveth the old commissions made for the purveyaunces of the King’s houshold…as the Thesaurer…dothe endorse the sayd commissions, or elles by other newe billes of warrauntes under this seale.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)53/22 : He ȝeode to hom þat haden þe lawe of Iewes to kepe, and gete hym lettyrs of warant, forto take and bryng all crysten men and woymen…bonden ynto Ierusalem forto take hor deth þer.
(a) A document authorizing or commanding some action or conferring some authority, esp. a writ or other legal instrument directing an officer of the law to carry out some specified order; ~ of attourne, a document conveying power of attorney;
(b) a document requesting or authorizing the release of funds for payment of debts, fees, stipends, etc., a voucher; ~ of paiement;
(c) a document authorizing release from liability, debt, charges, or other obligation, prob. also containing some statement of fees already paid, debts made good, etc.; ~ of (in) discharge.
Associated quotations
- (1435) *Anc.Pet.(PRO)130.6460 : And thervpon made a warante direct vnto on Watkyn Baker as baillif…him comaundyng to do come before the said comissarie xxiiij maryners…The which warant to gedur wt your writte of attendaunce the seid comissarye in propre person vnto þe seid baillyf delyueret to execute.
- (1439) RParl.5.18a : Ȝif bi force of the same Lettres of Pryvee Seel, other bi Writte, oyer bi oyer Warrant, ye same Phelip be taken and brought bifore oure Sovereyne Lord…yenne ye seide execution be don uppon hym.
- (1447-8) Paston2.330 : I wold have a warent for sewyrte of pes and wryth of trespas.
- c1450(a1425) MOTest.(SeldSup 52)16669 : He askyd leue…All jews to draw and hyng…Aman gart wrytt þis ylke warrand.
- (1464) Acc.Howard in RC 57185 : John Boteler…was arested…be Pertones warente.
- (1469) Paston (EETS)1.411 : Sir John hath made…a warrant of attourney in þe same dede to make and deliuere an estate and season of and in the same manoirs…to…Roger.
- (1472) RParl.6.64b : Please hit youre noble grace…to ordeyn…that your…Commissions be directed into…your Shires…to suche persones as shall mowe plese youre Highnes to make youre Commissioners, yevynge them full auctorite and power by the same, to commaunde the Coroners of every of the said Shirez…by youre severall Warantez to be delyvered, commaundynge thaym to make proclamacion xx dayes before the returne of the said Warantes…that every person having Enheritance or Freehold by Patent…appere before the said Commissioners…att the day and place in the seid Warantes specified.
- (1433) RParl.4.439a : Nowe daily many Warantis come to me of paiementz…of much more than all youre revenuz wold come to…the which Warantes yf I shuld paye hem youre Household…and…Werkes shuld be unservid.
- (c1470) Stonor1.115 : He had it [money] in grete for that his labour, and a warrant made to Harre Dogett to pay yt.
- 1790(1471-1472) Ordin.Househ.Edw.IV(2) (Topham)37 : Warderoberer…taketh all his receytes of the Thesaurere…by himself, and yieldeth his accompt in the chekker by warraunts of the King’s chaumberlayn.
- 1790(1471-1472) Ordin.Househ.Edw.IV(2) (Topham)44 : All other finding for theyre beddes, they take of the King’s warderober, by sewte of the maister of henxmen made to the King’s chamberlayn for warrauntes.
- (1423) Pet.Sutton in Fenland NQ 7308 : Thai be not of power to…paie there rent…with oute youre…succoure…and there opon to graunte…unto youre seid povere tenaunts…a warraunt of discharge to youre auditours and to youre resceyvors.
- (1432) *Anc.Pet.(PRO)110.5472 : Countrollers in your portez wryte no waraunt in discharge of your seid marchauntz of dyuers maner of marchaundisez.
- (1433) RParl.4.455a : Youre Custumers and Countrollers in youre Portes writen no Warants in discharge of youre said Merchantz, of divers manere of Merchandises by hem…duely ycustumed…the wiche causeth oft tymes by youre said Custumers and Countrollers, enbeselyng of youre said Custume…by cause that the said Warants myght declare…her due custumyng.
- (1433) RParl.4.455a : Please unto youre Rial Majeste…to ordeigne…that your said Custumers and Countrollers write and deliver sufficiantz Warants…unto youre said Marchantz…every tyme by hem unto youre said Custumers and Countrollers deuly yshewed…said Merchantz…nothyng paying for the said Warants, butt only her due Custume.
A milldam [cp. MnE dial. warren, warrend].
Associated quotations
- (1406-7) Doc.Finchale in Sur.Soc.6p.cxxxvii : Item, in expensis pro le warand pro defensione molendini et fleme, vij l. iiij s. vj d.
- (1457-8) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.103637 : Et sol. eisdem operantibus apud le Warraunte Molendini Abbathie.
- (1477-8) Doc.Finchale in Sur.Soc.6p.cccxli : Johanni Milner pro emendacione le warand molendini vj s. viij d.
As surname.
Associated quotations
- (1276-7) Pipe R.Chs.in LCRS 92126 : Griffino le Warent.