Middle English Dictionary Entry

warant n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. garant n.(1).
(a) One who guards or defends, a protector;—also used of God; also, a champion; drauen to ~, to resort to or betake oneself (to sb. or Christ) as a protector or for protection;—also refl.; (b) something that guards or shields; something that guarantees protection; also, defense, security, protection; also, a place of refuge [quot. a1500(?c1450)]; of god ~, well defended; ~ of lif, safeguarding of life, assurance of survival.
(a) One who provides authorization, permission, etc.; one who supplies confirmation, proof, etc., a witness;—sometimes used of God; also, one held hostage to ensure that the terms of an agreement will be carried out, a guarantor [quot. a1400-a1500]; drauen to ~, to cite (sb.) as an authority; also, invoke (Love personified) as a witness on one’s behalf [quot. ?a1350]; (b) something that provides authorization, validation, etc.; something that serves as testimony, evidence, or proof; also, the validation or authorization of one’s claim on God’s mercy (provided by Christ’s passion); also, an assurance, a guarantee [quot. c1475]; drauen to ~, to adduce (sth.) as (one’s) pledge of good faith; also, cite (a fact) as testimony in one’s defense [3rd quot.]; (c) law a guarantee of title or right to possession and use of property; entren in-to ~, to serve as a guarantor of title; vouchen to ~, summon (sb.) before the court to give guarantee of title.
Authority, justification, approval; official license, power, permission, etc.; ~ of bille, bille (lettre) of ~, a written authorization; lettre of ~ dormaunt, a writ of unspecified application, a blanket authorization; ~ of laue, legal justification or sanction [sometimes difficult to distinguish from sense 4.(a), to which some quots. here may belong].
(a) A document authorizing or commanding some action or conferring some authority, esp. a writ or other legal instrument directing an officer of the law to carry out some specified order; ~ of attourne, a document conveying power of attorney; (b) a document requesting or authorizing the release of funds for payment of debts, fees, stipends, etc., a voucher; ~ of paiement; (c) a document authorizing release from liability, debt, charges, or other obligation, prob. also containing some statement of fees already paid, debts made good, etc.; ~ of (in) discharge.
A milldam [cp. MnE dial. warren, warrend].