Middle English Dictionary Entry

treble adj.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Threefold; composed of three like elements or parts; also, having three aspects, tripartite; (b) multiplied or increased thrice; of actions: performed three times; (c) ~ in philosophie, 'knowledgeable in three branches of philosophy, ' the sobriquet of Hermes 'Trismegistus'; also, in misinterpretation of the sobriquet: ?knowledgeable about triune nature; (d) mus. pertaining to the highest voice or line in three-part contrapuntal music; (e) as adv.: in three rows, triply.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)165 b/b : Operacions of cirurgiacal þingez bene distingued after þe vertuez þat bene in þam, And þai haue for to done þam in mannez bodie þe which bene noumbred trible [Ch.(2): þrefolde; L. triplices] or .3. manerez of G.
  • Note: ?As adv.--per REL