Middle English Dictionary Entry
taille n.
Entry Info
Forms | taille n. Also tail(e, taiel, taȝile, tayille, teil(e, tale. |
Etymology | OF taill & taille, taile, talle, pl. tales; also cp. AL tailla, tal(l)a, vars. of ML tallia. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. entaille n.(1), (2), (3), tali(e n.
(a) A slash, cut; (b) a style, fashion, manner in which cloth is cut; (c) physical appearance, shape; (d) coll. slips of wood, cuttings; also [1st quot.], ?a thicket; ?undergrowth [this word and the following ac have been construed as a single word, from teien v. & -lāc suf., with the meaning 'entanglement, ' but this seems less likely than the present explanation]; (e) cook. taille(s, the name of a dish made with cut-up fruit.
Associated quotations
- ?a1475 Noble Bk.Cook.(Hlk 674)72 : To dight codlinge, hak, or haddok..cut þem ouertwhart..and the hadok be large, cut of the hed and mak a large taile.
- a1325 SLeg.Patr.(Corp-C 145)551 : Eche werede cloþes of þe taille þat hi werede an eorþe here.
- c1330 Why werre (Auch)282 : A newe taille of squierie is nu in everi toun; The raye is turned overthuert that sholde stonde adoun.
- c1475 Mankind (Folg V.a.354)697 : Nowadays..'Þat jakett xall not be worth a ferthynge'..New Gyse..'Lo, here ys a feet tayll, lyght to leppe abowte!' Nought: 'Yt ys not schapyn worth a morsell of brede; Ther ys to moche cloth.'
- c1330 St.Greg.(Auch)109/573 : Gregori was feir of teyle, Strong and stef in eueri liþ.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)11855 : Yee se he has na mans taill [Frf: tale], Þar-for yee sai me your consaill.
- c1230 Ancr.(Corp-C 402)130/6 : Ȝef ei is imong ow þe geað i singularite & ne folheð nawt þe cuuent, ah went ut of þe floc..as a teowi schep & meapeð hire ane in to breres teilac [read: teil ac] in to wulues muð toward te þrote of helle..godd turne hire in to floc, wende hire in to cuuent.
- (1463-4) Acc.St.Michael Bath in SANHS 2561 : Pro iiij busshel tayl, iiij.
- a1450 Hrl.Cook.Bk.(1) (Hrl 279)27 : Taylez: Take a chargeaunt Mylke of Almaundys..take Fygys & Roysonys..grynde hem as small as þou myȝt, temper hem vppe with þin Mylke..take Datys y-taylid a-long & do þer-to.
- c1450 Yale 163 Cook.Recipes (Yale 163)p.57 : Tayle: Take a lytyll milke of almondes drawyn up with wyn..do therto figez, reysens, & datys cut, and sygure..Boyle hit up; colour hit with safron & messe hit forth.
A tax; tribute [cp. taillage n.].
Associated quotations
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)4036 : Ich hopie we ssolleþ þe lasse recche of þe romaynes tayle, Vor me þincheþ mid vnriȝt hii escheþ vs truage.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)38/27 : Þe þridde boȝ of auarice is roberye..by he knyȝt oþer oþer þet be-ulaȝeþ þe poure men þet hi ssolden loki be tayles, be tornees..oþer be oþre wones.
- (1434) Proc.Privy C.4.215 : Þe poeple of þis same land shal mow be discharged of eny taille or talliage for many yeres.
- ?c1450 Knt.Tour-L.(Hrl 1764)89/32 : That quene..dede mani aduersiteez to the pepill, by tailez and subsidiez.
- (a1475) Fortescue Gov.E.(LdMisc 593)109 : The first kynge mey rule his peple bi suche lawes as he makyth hym self, And therfore he mey sett vppon thaim tayles and other imposicions such as he wol hym self, with owt thair assent.
- (a1475) Fortescue Gov.E.(LdMisc 593)113 : Seynt Lowes..sette neuer tayles or oþer imposicion vppon the peple of þat lande with owt the assent of þe iij estates.
- (a1475) Fortescue Gov.E.(LdMisc 593)114 : For gret necessite wich the French kynge hade of goode for the defence of þat lande, he toke vpon hym to sett tayles and oþer imposicions vpon the commons.
- c1475(?c1451) Worcester Bk.Noblesse (Roy 18.B.22)30 : Cheveteins take more kepe to good than to..using justice..as welle as in defaute of largesse to youre obeissauntes..suffring them to be oppressid..as well by over gret taskis and tailis rered uppon them.
- c1475 Body Pol.(Cmb Kk.1.5)63/11 : It is a strawnge custome now a dayes that is vsed in this realme in the feete of taillys [F tailles] or imposicions whiche be sette.
- c1475 Body Pol.(Cmb Kk.1.5)169/35 : For by cause that som people myght murmur of the trowages and tailles [F redevances] whiche they ought to paye to prynces, it is to vndirstonde that it is a thyng ordened and excepted of God.
(a) A scored wooden stick used for financial recordkeeping, tally stick; ?~ stiche; contre ~, q.v.; (b) a tally stick used as a receipt for sums collected on behalf of the Crown; (c) a tally stick recording revenue owed the Exchequer and used by it to disburse sums owed by the Crown, with the responsibility for collecting the debt transferred to the holder of the tally stick; (d) a tally stick in general use as an instrument of credit; taken bi ~, to receive (sth.) on credit; also, make a purchase on credit [1st quot.]; (e) the record kept by scoring a tally stick; also, a contract recorded on tally sticks; bi taille(s, according to the tallied record; also, by contract; (f) ?a written loan contract; blaunk ~, a form contract or document having blank spaces to be filled in by an agent specifying the details of the transaction; (g) ~ yerdes, ?yards measured by a scored stick.
Associated quotations
- (1252-61) Cust.Glastonbury in Som.RS 5217 : In autumpno habebit garbam per corigiam, sicut haywardus, j porcellum et taylstich [?read: taylstick].
- 1389 Nrf.Gild Ret.83 : And ye skyueyns schal be deliuered ye catel, wit tayle and boruh; and yat yai schulle bringe ye Catel at ye general mornwespeche and leyn vpon ye cheker bifor ye aldirman, or here boruwes for hem.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.1923 : Thoffice of the Chancellerie Or of the kinges Tresorie Ne for the writ ne for the taille To warant mai noght thanne availe.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)4.45 : He..beriþ awey my whete And takiþ me but a taile [vr. tale], for ten quarteris of otis.
- (1423-4) Let.Bk.Lond.I (Gldh LetBk I)292 : It is conteyned..in Statute in parlement that tailes anon be made in presens of constables and prisers bitwene the purveours and hem of whom the gode shal be take..and that the same tailles be sealed with seles of the takers of thinges so taken, by which tailes paiement be made to hem of whom thinges be so taken.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)1b/b : Acopa: a taile of [read: or] a script.
- (c1426) Paston2.2 : My lordes dette..drawith vij li. and j pype wyn, of þe wich I hadde neuere knowlech..be writyng, be taylle, ne be record.
- c1430 Usages Win.(Win-HRO W/A3/2)p.93 : Ȝyf þat þe askere bringeþ score oþer writ..no day of answere by graunteþ by þe cort wyþ-oute grauntynge of þe askere, but ȝyf þe defendaunt..bere tayle oþer scryt to preue hit vp-on here nature.
- (1442-3) Visit.Alnwick131b : We enioyne yow..that of euery purveyaunce that ye make..ye do make tayles or som remembraunce writene be twix yow and the sellers, so that when thai come for payement thai take no more of yow than is conteynede in the tayles or indentures.
- (1443) Proc.Privy C.5.416 : Þe Kyng sendeth nowe..unto hem at þis tyme with blank tailles certaine his lettres undre his saide seal exhortatives to put to þeire gode handes & help in þees necessitees.
- 1790(1471-1472) Ordin.Househ.Edw.IV(2) (Topham)56 : When hym pleaseth to have more large in any thinge, then his chamberlayn to recorde alle that he hathe by a tayle or bylle in the countyng-house, daily when it requiryth.
- a1500(?a1400) KEdw.& S.(Cmb Ff.5.48)779 : Foure pounde ȝe owe to me..Hit is skorid here on a tayle.
- a1325 *Rwl.Statutes [OD col.] (Rwl B.520)lf.36b (tr.Estatuz del Eschekere) : Ant ȝif ani bringe taille ase of paie imad ate chekere, cesse þe destresse.
- a1325 *Rwl.Statutes [OD col.] (Rwl B.520)lf.30b-31 (tr.Stat.de Finibus) : Wite hoem wel þe schirreues þat euerich of hoem fram nou forthward makie Taȝile of panes..Thilke baron and thilke Clerk sullen seon þulke tailles, ant abreuen and terminen þe plaintes ofe þe schirreuene ant hoere Baillifs aȝen hoem þat comez aȝenes hoem.
- (1433) RParl.4.445a : The Kyng wyll..that alle ye saide assignementz be Taill, or be Lettres Patentz, made to the seide Seneschall, be as effectuell..in the Port of Pole, as they shuld have bee in the seide Port of Melcombe.
- (1440) Paston2.22 : My lord Tresorer grauntyd the seide vij c marc to my lord of Norffolk..and, acordyng to this assignement forseide, taylles delyuered.
- (1443) Let.in Ellis Orig.Let.ser.3.181 : We write vn to you..lating you wite that at the tyme of the deliverance therof ther shall be made..sufficient assignement for your repaiement therof by tailles to be rered at the said Eschequier.
- (1447) RParl.5.139a : Pray the Kyng..to graunte..that the Tresorier of Englonde..receyve of the Quene..the saide Tailles, them to chaunche, and..do make newe assignations in tailles to hem..uppon the Collectours in Portes.
- (1449) RParl.5.158a : Savynge always to the seid Besechers all manere profitz, issues, and revenuz..to be assigned to them by Tailes by the seid Tresorer and by the Chamburleyns of the resceyt of the Kynges Escheker.
- (1456) Paston2.135 : I..lyke yow to wete that y have a taylle..of vc marc and more for to be chaunged vppon such places as a man myght have moste spedye payment.
- (1464) Acc.Howard in RC 57186 : The Kenge howethe me xxx li. for mony leyd dowen fore the kervel of Donwesche, and he howethe me L li. that I have onpayd of a tayel.
- (1473) RParl.6.76b : Provided..that neither this Acte, nor any other Acte..be prejudiciall to a Taill reryd the xth daie of March, the vith yere of oure reigne, uppon the Custumers of the Port of Sandewych..but that the seid Taill stond goode and effectuell to the seid Lord Duddeley..for to demaund the duetie of the seid Taill.
- (1474-5) Proc.Chanc.in Cal.PCEliz.1.p.xcvii : The xiiijth yere of the reigne of the Kyng..at the recept of his eschequier a taill was stryken for Thomas Grafton of the some of c li., wherin the Kyng was indetted to him.
- a1525(?1444) Cov.Leet Bk.214 : For suertie of the said c li. & repayment to be had, the said maiour, Ric. Braitofte, hath..gooten a patent of our souereign lord, þe kyng, and a Taile..The which patent with the taile remanyth in the comen Coofur in saynt Mary Hall.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.570 : A gentil maunciple was ther..wheither that he payde or took by taille, Algate he wayted so in his achaat That he was ay biforn and in good staat.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)5.252 : With lumbardes lettres I ladde golde to Rome And toke it by taille here and tolde hem þere lasse.
- ?a1425(a1400) Brut-1377 (Corp-C 174)309/7 : Þe King of Fraunce..sayd þat he saw neuere ne herd such solempne festes ne ryalties holden ne done with taylles, wiþoute paying of gold or siluer.
- (c1463-5) Paston (EETS)1.119 : Robert Wylluby..hat recouered and opteyned the seyde c s. rent..be þe vertue of a tayle of olde tyme therof made.
- c1475(c1450) Idley Instr.(Cmb Ee.4.37)2.A.2955 : Lete a knyght pay for his vetailles..And put awaye al..symple tailles, And then all vetaille shal com to his gate.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)15.103 : Be kynde..and curteise of crystes goodes, Trewe of ȝowre tonge and of ȝowre taille bothe..and nouȝt to vnderfonge Tythes of vntrewe þinge ytilied or chaffared.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)11.80 : Who-so his trywe of ys tonge and of hus to handes..And þer-to trywe of hus tail..dowel hym folweþ.
- c1436 Ipswich Domesday(2) (Add 25011)127 : Ȝif dette be axed betwixte merchaunt and merchaunt..after the lawe merchaunt be tayle with oute seel, namely, of a certeyn contract of merchaundise maad betwixte the same personys, and the merchaunt defendaunt wyl denye the tayle be his lawe, therto be he nott receyved..and whanne the preff of the tayle shulde be receyved in court, be yt receyved by two men at leste of good fame, sworen and severally examyned, who were present att the place wher the tayle was maad.
- (1454) RParl.5.258b : It shall be lefull to the same John..and his sucessours..in alle the seid Tenementes entre and by alle Godes and Catelles ther founde distreyne..unto tyme that the seid John..of alle the seid yerely rente..be duely satisfied..savyng alway to the Tenaunte or Tenauntes of the seid Tenementys charged, their avauntage..and exceptions in dischargyng of the seid Tenementes be eny tayille, matier or case resonable, comensed before the seid Legate.
- (1464) Acc.Howard in RC 57160 : Item, my mastyre payd to Geffrey Gythynys men, as it peryth be his taylis, xxiij s.
- c1475 Mankind (Folg V.a.354)462 : Kepe yowr tayll..Gyf ws rede reyallys yf ȝe wyll se hys abhomynabull presens.
- c1450(?a1400) Chestre Launfal (Clg A.2)419 : All þat Launfal hadde borwyþ before, Gyfre, be tayle and be score, Ȝald hyt well and fyne.
- a1525(?1421) Cov.Leet Bk.24 : Tauerners haue sold wyne to certen men of hur alye, be Tailes maid bytwen them.
- (1442) Proc.Privy C.5.189 : The King wol also that thay directe the lettres with blanque tailles to suche persones as thay shal seme gode and expedient.
- a1500(1444) Let.Curteys in RS 96.3 (Add 7096)267 : Þe kyng..sendeth nowe unto hem..with blanke tailles, certaine his lettres..and prayeth..þat þey wol directe þe saide lettres and late write in þe tailles of hem þe names of such prelatz, townes, and oþer persones..as hem shal seme goode, þat in þis his necessitee þey helpe him.
- (1393) Doc.Thaxted in Ess.ROP 3333 : [It is declared that the perch by which now &c. contains in length five] Taille Yerdes [and five inches].
Law The arrangement under which inheritance of an estate is restricted to an heir or a class of heirs stipulated in a will or deed of gift, an entailment; also, a document establishing an entail; in (the) ~, according to the terms of the entail; in the line of succession designated by the terms of the entail.
Associated quotations
- (1429) Doc.in Flasdieck Origurk.75 : As touchyng þe landez þat bene entailet to þe foresaid William..he permittith and shall discontinue..þe foresaid taile or tailez as lafully and in as strangge wyse as þe councell of þe foresaid Richart can best deuyse..except þat he shall not be desiret to make his doughtre a woman of religion.
- ?1435 Lond.Chron.Jul.(Jul B.2)51 : Yiff ther were eny Rasyng vpon the Rolles, ffynes, or Taylles touching the fforseyd londes, that thanne they myht ben amended.
- (1439) EEWills125/10 : He will that his executours shall..delyuery the same londes..vnto the same Henry..And if he die withouten heire..to Iohn his brother and his issue in the taile.
- (1445) Will York in Sur.Soc.30156 : I beseche my..feffes that all other maners..may be evenly departed, and estate severally to be made to the said Elizabeth and Margarete in tayle.
- (1447) Doc.in Morsbach Origurk.40 : Þe sayd Sampsone has mared Thomas, his son, to Elizabeth, doghtur of the sayd Nicholas, a-pon the condicions vnder-wryton, that is to wyt that..Sampson schall make or do to be made a state of the maner of ffroddeswall..in tayll to the forsayd Thomas and Elizabeth.
- (a1450) Paston2.32 : He seith to me he is þe last in þe tayle of his lyflode, þe qweche is cccl marke and better.
- (1453) RParl.5.265b : Provided..that the heirs of the seid William, enclaymyng by force of any taill commenced and takyng effecte byfore eny Treson supposid by hym to be doon..be not after the deth of the seid William hurt or prejudiced.
- (1455) Lin.DDoc.82/28, 83/2 : If the same william..suffre any thing to be doo by the whiche the said taile shuld be discontynued..lenger or otherwise than for terme of the liff of the same william..thanne all the said maners..specified in the said tayle Remayne vnto the right heires.
- (1460-66) Paston2.267 : Edmund Rows claymyt the seyd maner of Estlexham be the verteu of a tayle..bothe the forseyd manerys were ontayled, and at the tyme of the exchaunge made the tayles and evydens of bothe for-seyd manerys were delyuered vn-to the partyes indeferently.
- (1466-7) Paston (EETS)2.351 : I delyuered my cosyn..certeyn evidences longyng to þe seide maner, and j dede of a tayle of Reynthorp.
- (a1475) Fortescue Gov.E.(LdMisc 593)136 : To some parte þeroff the eyres off thaim þat some tyme owed it be restored, some bi reason off tayles, some bi reason off oþer titles, wich the kyng hath considered and thought hem good and resonable.
- a1500 Add.37075 Gloss (Add 37075)4/13a : Dica: tayle.
- ?a1500 Purchasers Land (Lamb 306)44 : Se that the seller be of age And whethir it be in any morgage; Looke if ther-of a tayle be fownde, And whethir it stonde in any statute bownde.
(a) A number; everi tailes, every one; ilke (a) ~, each one; (b) in ~, by count, in number; setten in ~, to count (persons) [cp. tale n. 7.(h)].
Associated quotations
- c1330 SMChron.(Auch)1953 : A storm of weder rise sone & drof so in her sayles þat þai drenched eueri tayles.
- ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.214 : Þe barons..said þe kyng did ille, Aliens to auaunce..þei held a parlement; Of þe aliens ilk taile þe lond voided clere.
- ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.276 : For þis mannes sawe, þe route of rascaile Tille armes gan drawe & dight þam to bataile; Richard þat first gaf rede to þat consaile; He sauh þam rif & raf, comand ilka taile.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)15363 : Þe kyng Elfryk wan þe toun; Monk & heremite, ilk a tail Þat hadde þer hope on Brochiuail, Alle were þey don to swerd.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)896 : Seuen þousand now we are Of knyghtes..Wyþoute seriauntz & oþer pytaille Þat ar nought for to sette in taille.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)1316 : Þre hundred schipes þer was in taille, & foure mo, þe story seys.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)23564 : For-þi godd has ai wroght al, Of his werkes es noght vnhale, Bot al in weght and mette and tale.
Note: New phrase
Note: This phrase not found among the glosses in either met n. nor weght n., although there are quots in each using this expression.--per MLL