Middle English Dictionary Entry
souden v.(1)
Entry Info
Forms | souden v.(1) Also soud(e, soudi, soued(en, solden; p.ppl. souded(e, etc. & isouded(e, soudit, i)sauded, saudet, seuded, seuted & soude, soued, souwed. |
Etymology | OF souder, solder, sauder to unite, combine; cp. AL soldāre, soudāre, vars. of L solidāre. Some forms, esp. in p.ppl, show confusion with MEseuen v.(2). |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) To fix (sth.) in place by soldering or welding; join (sth. together, sth. to sth. else) by soldering; also, mend (broken metal) by soldering; also, unite things with solder [last quot.]; (b) to join (sth. to sth. else); also fig.; (c) ~ of, to set (sth.) with (jewels).
Associated quotations
- ?a1425(?c1350) NHom.(3) Pass.(RwlPoet 175)2301 : For it wex swa, Dauid made A sercle all of syluer brade, And bad þat it suld sowded [Hrl: sawded] be All o-bout þe haly tre.
- (c1392) ?Westwyk EPlanets (Peterh 75)24/19-20 : A barre of metal..shal be sowded to the closere of the signes in direct of aries in this epicicle, & þt other ende shal be sowded to the closere of the signes in direct of libra.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)206a/b : Leede may nouȝt be soone y-sowded to leed nouþer to bras noþer to Iren wiþoute tynne.
- a1450 7 Sages(3) (Cmb Dd.1.17)2023 : The piler stode in bras..with sowdyng sowdyt faste.
- c1450 Jacob's W.(Sal 103)186/33 : Whann sche was deed, here frendys..closyd here in a stonyn coofere boundyn aboutyn wyth iij yren cheynes, & þe lyd abouyn schett & sowdyd wyth leed & yren.
- a1475(a1456) Shirley Death Jas.(Add 5467)16 : The farrements of the chaumbur wyndos..wer so sqware, and strongli sowdid yn the stonys with moltyne lede, that thay myght not be brostyne for hym.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)1027/18 : Sir Bors sette his honde thereto to say if he myght have sowded hit agayne, but hit wolde nat be.
- a1475 Limn.Bks.(Brog 2.1)82 : To sowde: take boras, and sethe hit in water, and wete thy thynge therewith.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pri.(Manly-Rickert)B.1769 : O martir, souded [vrr. seuded, seuted, soudit, soudede] to virginitee, Now maystow syngen folwyng euere in oon The white lamb celestial.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)211b/b : Þe ouer party of þat humour is smal and þynne whan it comeþ vpward..and may..sowde þe graffe to þe neþer stok.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)1535 : Now passis furth þis prelate with prestis of þe temple..in riche wedis..þat was garnest full gay..Saudid [Dub: Sawdett] full of safirs & oþire sere gemmes And poudird with perry.
(a) To heal (a wound, fracture, part of the body, an ulcer) by promoting cicatrization or knitting; ~ togeder, ~ up; ~ to (with), cause (a severed part) to knit to (another) [quots. a1400 Lanfranc 49/8 & ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95114a/a]; (b) of a medicinal agent, diet, etc.: to promote healing or knitting; promote the healing or knitting of (a wound, broken bones, etc.); ppl. soudinge, encouraging healing or cicatrization; (c) of a wound, its parts, a part of the body: to knit together, grow healthy tissue.
Associated quotations
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)87b/b : Þe bocche of þe longen may nouȝt be clensid bot with þe kouȝe, & þe kouȝe suffreþ nouȝt þe wounde to be I-closid & I-sawdid.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)32/13 : Al þe intencioun of helynge of woundis is for to sowden or to helen & to restoren þat þat is departid.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)33/7 : We seie þat þei moun be restorid wiþ veri consolidacioun..whanne þat þe senewis þat ben newe kutt & [read: ben] soude [L suuntur] aȝen.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)46/1 : If þat a senewe were woundid in lenkþe, he mai wel & liȝtliche be sowdid [vr. y-soudyde] togidere wiþ ioynynge of lippis & wiþ þe sowynge & wiþ þe kepinge of þe lyme þat he swelle nouȝt.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)49/8 : Sowde þilke pece wiþ þe hool boon wiþ þe poudre þat I shal telle aftirward.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)186/4 : Þanne hele his heed wiþ leuys of bletarum til al þe skyn bicome moist & neische & wiþoute brennyng, & þanne drie it vp & soude it wiþ þingis þat ben aforseid.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)Deeds 3.7 : He took hym bi the riȝt hoond and heuede hym vp; and anoon hise leggis and hise feet weren sowdid togidere [WB(1): saddid to gidere; L consolidatæ].
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)122a/b : It is demed þat depilyng..accidentale, of a cause soldyng and cicatrizing [Ch.(2): þat makeþ þikke and sowdeth] þe skyn.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)138a/a : Be þer put a lichine by som daies wiþ vitriole þat it be not solded agayne.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)108b/a : Wesche it euerye daie wiþ hote wyne of þe decoccioun of fraunke encense & soude it vppe.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)114a/a : Nature departeþ a litil follikel þer fro aforne þat þe fleische mowe be faste knitte oþer souded to þe bone.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)185/36 : Þe cause why þat a bone is nouȝt sowded after þe firste intencioun is hardenesse þerof.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)279/24 : Furþermore euery vlcer..after þat it is fulfilled with flesche and schulde be sowded, it is in þe way of comynge to festre.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)65a/b : If þe sewynge..be to feble, þe parties of þe wounde ne myȝte not wel be soudid togidere.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)120a/b : Membris woundid musten haue reste or ellis þei moun neuere be soudid.
- a1500(1439) Lydg.Sts.AA (Lnsd 699)3695 : Bi the prayer of Amphibalus Off ded bodyes with ther woundis greene..Ther woundis hol that no carect was seene, Ioyned togidre & sowdid eke so cleene.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)19b/20 : For why othir lymes and bonys and synnes, grestelis and webbis of ffell ne bethe not souwed by verrey restreynyng.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)19b/26-7 : Thay [sinews, veins, arteries] bene nought sowed sotillyche whan her keruyng is gret; And þei be sowyd sotyllyche whan here keruyng is littill.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)20a/2 : A wound made in flesshe algat by þin entencion to sovdy.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)21b/23 : This restoryng of boon shall be made or þe wounde be sowedid in the flesshe.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)24b/3 : Fill it than with mundyficatife afore said leyd vpon þe wounde..after that sowed it.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)25a/2 : After foure days sowd, the wounde and hele all thynges after thi wit.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)87b/b : Siche on schal be I-fedde wiþ diet þat keleþ, sowdiþ, & restoriþ with meneliche coolde medicines.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)93b/a : Herto wiþinne and wiþoute socoureþ and helpiþ medicyne þat meneliche keleþ, & swaginge bicause of þe feuere, ripinge & clansinge bicause of hete, and helinge & sowdinge bycause of þe posteme & of þe bocche þat comeþ aftir.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)215a/a : Garleke..swageþ swellyng and clensiþ and heliþ grete & bloody foule woundes and sowdiþ [L conglutinat et sanat] hem if poudre of garlek y-brende is y-leyde þerto.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)348/6 : Wiþ þe half of þe oþere medicyns medle þis medicyn; þis is good for to regendre & soude togidere.
- c1465(?1373) *Lelamour Macer (Sln 5)28a : Þe juis dronke with vineger soudith brokyn bonys and þe dropsye.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)210/9 : A medecyne consolidatif, i. sowdynge, or conglutynatif, þat is þe same, schal be of more drynesse þan a medecyne incarnatyf.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)505/18 : Euery day by þe morne ȝeue hym his sowdynge or helynge drynk wiþ grete wyne.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)600/17 : Incarnatyfes neden dryenesse in þe secounde degree and regeneratifs in þe firste degree, and sowdyng medecynes [*Ch.(1): Cicatrizatiuez; L cicatrizatiue] to the þridde degree.
- c1440 Thrn.Med.Bk.(Thrn)68/9 : This emplaster clenses wondis and sowdis þam to-gedir.
- c1450 Med.Bk.(1) (Med-L 136)40/85 : Litarge strawed on bocches and on byles wastith the whitor and sowdith the bocche togedyr.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)66b/b : Caste vpon þe sewynge þe reed soudynge poudre þat y-spak of in þe firste doctrine of sewynge.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)33a/18 : The confeccion of colery of lede..clensithe and sowedith þe bylys of þe eyen.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)344/30 : The j [medicine]..is seid conglutinatif, þat makiþ þe lippis of a wounde soude togidere.
- c1425 Arderne Fistula (Sln 6)46/14 : I putte-to vnguentum viride vpon stupes, And þe fynger bigan for to soude.
Associated quotations
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)132b/b : By his scharpnesse cool sowdiþ [vrr. seeseþ, soundeþ; L coquit] Iren and resoluyth and slakeþ þe parties þerof and makeþ it neissche.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- c1475 *Bk.Marchalsi (Trin-C R.14.51)61b : Lord …as verrayly as þou were ded on the verrey cros, and as verrayly as it was of three trees, and as verrayly as thyne ennemyes dyd yt counterfete and on iij stedes seuteden, as verrayly, Lord…Ihesu Crist departe thys malady fro thys hors.
Note: This quot. precedes "Make 1 cross of the root of red dock and of red nettle, 1 cross of lead, and a 3rd cross of leather. Lay on top of another. Wind with a thread. Hold in hand and say [etc.]"--per MJW
Note: Can't find any legend that sheds light on what the "on iij stedes seuteden" might mean. If vb. does mean 'join', soudenv.(1) is a better guess than suten.--per MJW, 7/91
Note: Possibly belongs to sense 1.(b) with modified gloss.
- c1500(1446) Morstede Surgery (Hrl 1736)117 : Than clens the place…and after sowd up the wound.
- c1500(1446) Morstede Surgery (Hrl 1736)119 : Yf yt happon that senew be kute…boyle…smale angyll swyches in oyle of Rossys…and lay yt hot oun the place with lynet wher a senew ys kutte and yt schall sowd yt in schort tyme.
Note: New spelling
Note: Is sowd actually a NF? It is already in form section: (Also soud(e..)--per MLL
Note: The Morstede slips could be used as AQs. Morstede 117 seems to belong to sense 2.(a), Morstede 119 to sense 2.(b).--per MLL
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- c1475 Yale-BA.Artist.Recipes (Yale-BA R486.M43 1450) 96/5 : To soude [Sln 2584: sowder], take boras and sethe hit in water and wete þy thynge therwith.
Note: Additional quot., sense 1.(a). New spelling (inf.) = sowder.