Middle English Dictionary Entry

souden v.(1)
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) To fix (sth.) in place by soldering or welding; join (sth. together, sth. to sth. else) by soldering; also, mend (broken metal) by soldering; also, unite things with solder [last quot.]; (b) to join (sth. to sth. else); also fig.; (c) ~ of, to set (sth.) with (jewels).
(a) To heal (a wound, fracture, part of the body, an ulcer) by promoting cicatrization or knitting; ~ togeder, ~ up; ~ to (with), cause (a severed part) to knit to (another) [quots. a1400 Lanfranc 49/8 & ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95114a/a]; (b) of a medicinal agent, diet, etc.: to promote healing or knitting; promote the healing or knitting of (a wound, broken bones, etc.); ppl. soudinge, encouraging healing or cicatrization; (c) of a wound, its parts, a part of the body: to knit together, grow healthy tissue.
?Error for sethen v.(1) [cp. sounden v.(2) 2.(b)].

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1475 *Bk.Marchalsi (Trin-C R.14.51)61b : Lord …as verrayly as þou were ded on the verrey cros, and as verrayly as it was of three trees, and as verrayly as thyne ennemyes dyd yt counterfete and on iij stedes seuteden, as verrayly, Lord…Ihesu Crist departe thys malady fro thys hors.
  • Note: This quot. precedes "Make 1 cross of the root of red dock and of red nettle, 1 cross of lead, and a 3rd cross of leather. Lay on top of another. Wind with a thread. Hold in hand and say [etc.]"--per MJW
    Note: Can't find any legend that sheds light on what the "on iij stedes seuteden" might mean. If vb. does mean 'join', soudenv.(1) is a better guess than suten.--per MJW, 7/91
    Note: Possibly belongs to sense 1.(b) with modified gloss.
  • c1500(1446) Morstede Surgery (Hrl 1736)117 : Than clens the place…and after sowd up the wound.
  • c1500(1446) Morstede Surgery (Hrl 1736)119 : Yf yt happon that senew be kute…boyle…smale angyll swyches in oyle of Rossys…and lay yt hot oun the place with lynet wher a senew ys kutte and yt schall sowd yt in schort tyme.
  • Note: New spelling
    Note: Is sowd actually a NF? It is already in form section: (Also soud(e..)--per MLL
    Note: The Morstede slips could be used as AQs. Morstede 117 seems to belong to sense 2.(a), Morstede 119 to sense 2.(b).--per MLL

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1475 Yale-BA.Artist.Recipes (Yale-BA R486.M43 1450) 96/5 : To soude [Sln 2584: sowder], take boras and sethe hit in water and wete þy thynge therwith.
  • Note: Additional quot., sense 1.(a). New spelling (inf.) = sowder.