Middle English Dictionary Entry

sōr(e adj.(2)
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Characterized or attended by physical pain, painful; also, fig. of the wound of sin; of death: agonizing; peines ~, painful agonies or sufferings; (b) inflicting physical pain, causing pain; of a weapon: capable of causing pain.
(a) Of a person, an animal: suffering physical pain, sore, aching; also, wounded, lacerated; ~ bakked, having a sore back; ~ eied, having sore or inflamed eyes; (b) ~ and sik, in pain and sick; sik and ~, sick and in pain; also, as coll. noun: the sick and those in pain, those who suffer illness and pain; ~ or sik, fig. in pain from or sick in sin; neither ~ ne sik, sik nor ~; (c) of the body, a place on the body, a bodily member: sore, painful, aching; afflicted, hurt; also, lacerated [quot. c1400].
(a) Causing sorrow, grievous, bitter; also, characterized by sorrow, fraught with sadness, filled with grief, unhappy; also, in impers. constructions: hit) thinketh ~, it seems grievous or distressing; (b) afflicted with sorrow, grieved, saddened; also, remorseful, contrite; of one's state of mind: unhappy, sad; (c) expressive of sorrow, sorrowful.
(a) Wretched, miserable; (b) sinful, wicked, evil.
(a) Involving great effort or exertion; difficult to accomplish; of toil, labor: hard; (b) fierce, hard-fought; (c) difficult to endure, hard to bear; ~ to suffren, hard to endure; ~ thing to suffren, a hard thing to endure (sth.).
With intensive force: (a) of physical pain: intense, severe; of sickness: grave, serious [6.(a) often difficult to distinguish from 1.(a)]; of hunger: keen; (b) of emotional pain, sorrow, remorse, care, the pangs of lovesickness, etc.: sharp, bitter, keen; (c) of sin, a sin: grievous, grave; (d) sup. sorest, worst, most egregious; also, as noun: that which is worst.
In misc. senses: (a) ?sober, grave, discreet; (b) ?separated, parted; -- ?error for ser(e adj.(2); (c) contemptible, worthless.