Middle English Dictionary Entry

setlen v.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) To seat (sb.), place in a seat; ben setled, be seated, be placed; (b) ben setled, to be situated, be located.
(a) To sink down, descend; of ground: give way, sink, cave in; ben setled, of the sun: set; of the firmament: descend, lower; ~ doun, ben setled doun; (b) ben setled, of a ship: to be grounded (in a muddy bottom); (c) of flood waters: to subside, go down; of the parted waters of the Red Sea: flow back.
(a) Of a bird, a dragon: to alight from the air; (b) of wildfire: to come to rest (upon sth.), land (on sth.).
(a) To come, direct one's course; (b) fig. of sorrow, God's word, prayer, etc.: to descend; come (upon sb.), settle (in the heart, soul, etc.).
(a) To become lower in estate, come down in the world; (b) to cause (sorrow) to diminish or subside.
(a) Of a liquid: to become still so that suspended particles or impurities are separated as scum or sediment; (b) of suspended particles in a liquid: to collect and sink as sediment.
(a) In phrase: ben setled, to become stable, be stabilized; (b) to fix (the mind or soul in love or devotion).
Misc. senses: (a) to affect (the heart), afflict; (b) ~ on, to befall (sb.); ben setled on, be brought on (sb., one's people), befall; (c) = saughtelen v.(a).