Middle English Dictionary Entry

quā̆litẹ̄ n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Character, nature, state, or condition; an inherent attribute; innere ~, ?inner state; [quot.: Barth., last, may belong with sense 3.(a)]; outre ~, outer state; ~ of the colour, the character of the color; ~ of colour, ?color as a characteristic; (b) the capacity of a medicine or a gem to produce a certain effect; (c) phil. quality in the abstract, the category of quality; (d) a nonessential attribute, an accident; (e) a temporary condition; (f) of astrology: inherent principles; (g) in proverb.
(a) Temperament or character of a person or an animal; disposition or constitution of the spirit; aggregate of characteristics of an ideal man or a member of a profession; (b) a trait of character or personal behavior, personal characteristic; moral trait; an attitude; emotion [last quot.]; also, a distinctive characteristic or customary action of a member of a profession.
Phys., physiol., med., alch., astron., etc.: (a) One of the four primary qualities: heat, coldness, wetness, and dryness, inherent in all things; first (primarie, prime, principal) ~, element ~ [see also element n. 1a.(c)], ~ element; actif ~, a quality capable of acting on something; heat, coldness; passif ~, a quality capable of being acted upon; wetness, dryness; (b) a dominant quality or the dominant qualities of something; regning ~, a dominant quality; (c) ?the make-up or balance of qualities in the complexion of something; (d) alch. a secondary quality arising from manipulation of primary qualities; secondarie ~.
Kind, sort, type; for ~ of mesure, in accord with the size.
(a) Social rank; position with respect to authority or esteem; (b) the mode of relationship between two people.
Degree of goodness, love; phil. ?the quality of speed [1st quot.]; withouten ~, immeasurably, infinitely.
Gram. Of a noun or pronoun: the property of being specific or general in reference.
(a) Error for equalite n. 1.; (b) confused with quantite n.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1450 Peniarth Accedence(2) (Pen 356B) : What ys a qualite accidentall in a noun? A qualyte accidentall in a noun ys a propurte to acorde to on þyng kyndely all only, an so hyt is a propur qualite as Petrus, Willelmus, Iohannes, or to many and þen hit is a comyn qualite as homo.
  • Note: Additional quote(s) for sense 6.
  • a1475 Peniarth Comparacio(1) (Pen 356B)65/5 : Nownes adiectiues betokenyng qualite or quantite that may be made more or lasse wyt a good sentens, as 'wyse', 'whyte', 'longe', 'chorte'. Qwhat is a qualite in a comparison?
  • Note: Postdates sense 6.