Middle English Dictionary Entry
quā̆litẹ̄ n.
Entry Info
Forms | quā̆litẹ̄ n. Also qualitie. |
Etymology | OF calité, qualité & L quālitas. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) Character, nature, state, or condition; an inherent attribute; innere ~, ?inner state; [quot.: Barth., last, may belong with sense 3.(a)]; outre ~, outer state; ~ of the colour, the character of the color; ~ of colour, ?color as a characteristic; (b) the capacity of a medicine or a gem to produce a certain effect; (c) phil. quality in the abstract, the category of quality; (d) a nonessential attribute, an accident; (e) a temporary condition; (f) of astrology: inherent principles; (g) in proverb.
Associated quotations
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)prol.954 : Thus of his propre qualite, The man..Is as a world.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)18b/a : Siþ þey buþ..I-falle, þey buþ I-turned in to qualite of aere.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)304a/a : For light to schewe it self nedeth no colour, as colour nedeþ light þat schyneþ in dede to prente þerby þe qualite of þe colour in þe lyne [read: lime] of þe sight..ffor if light lakketh, þe qualite of colour is nouȝt y-seye.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)306a/b : Colour is a proprete oþer a qualite y-lefte in þe ottemest party of a clere body.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)307a/a : Also by þe otter colour, þe Innere qualitees of þinges beþ y-knowe..euerich medled body haþ somwhat of fuyre and might haþ by fuyre somwhat of light..but þat light..is so oonliche in might, as hete of brymstone..and þe potencial hete of hem passeþ nouȝt in to worching..but [by] an vtter qualite þat is liche to þe Inner qualite.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)5.pr.5.4 : Qualites of bodies that ben object fro withoute-forth moeven and entalenten the instrumentz of the wittes.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)5.pr.6.170 : Ryght so thanne the devyne lookynge, byholdynge alle thinges undir hym, ne trowbleth nat the qualite of thinges that ben certeinly present to hym-ward.
- ?a1425(c1400) Mandev.(1) (Tit C.16)80/22 : No man may ȝeuen couenable medicyne, but ȝif he knowe the qualitee [F qualitee] of the dede..& þerfore it behoveth him, þat he knowe the kynde of the dede.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)3b/a : Receyue he moderately his salariez..after þe qualite [Ch.(2): manere; L qualitatem] of þe ende & þe worthynes of it.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)21a/a : Som [morbid swellings] bene made of humours noȝt naturale..in þam yuel qualitee or yuel morigeracioun, i. maneryng, appereþ more þan bolnyng.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)81a/b : Sanie is a mene superfluite generate of mediocrite, i. menez, of humours bred in to seminale or white qualite.
- (1440) Visit.Alnwick186a : We charge yow..that ye..treet your susters moderly, the qualytee and the quantitee of the..defautes..euenly considerede.
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)4.709 : Bette is to take of contre then of straunge, Ther as with soil or ayeris qualite,They [oxen] be not temptid as to fynde hit chaunge.
- (1442) Let.Bekynton in RS 56.2189 : For as yet we can not conceive that we shall mowe, hanging this werre, wel passe any ferther, after the nature and qualite of our message.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)1556 : All þe cite..Quirris furth all in quite of qualite as aungels.
- c1450(1410) Walton Boeth.(Lin-C 103)p.83 : For who is þat þat lyueþ in dedlynesse, Þat in his welthes stant so ordynate, That he ne stryueþ alwey more or lesse Thus with þe qualite of hys estat?
- a1475 Rev.St.Bridget (Gar 145)15/35 : Who euer he be that thenkyth bysely the way vn-to deth and the qualite of the selfe deth and the dome after deth, he is wyse.
- c1475 Body Pol.(Cmb Kk.1.5)111/24 : To geue you a clere vndirstonding of the qualitees of theis twoo passions, he putteth a difference betwyn theim and seith that ire and hate resemble in as moche as they be bothe violent.
- c1475 Gregory's Chron.(Eg 1995)135 : Oure letters, by the whyche we shalle commaunde, carge, and defende aftyr the nature and qualyte of the nedys, in oure fadyrs be halfe ande of owrys as Regente of Fraunce.
- c1475 *Mondeville (Wel 564)168b/b : First a man muste knowe his qualite and þe cause of þe wounde, þat is to seie, wheþir it be of a swerd or of a scorpioun.
- c1484(a1475) Caritate SSecr.(Tak 38)121/21 : Þei ioynyd sqwyche spycys as were conuenyent to destroy þe qualiteis of þe poysonnys.
- c1484(a1475) Caritate SSecr.(Tak 38)172/31 : If þe mone be in þe sygne þat is coleryk, þu must make þat medicyne the more scharp..and if it be in a flewmatyk sygne, but esy and soft, aftyr þe qwalyte of þe sygne.
- a1500 Mirror Salv.(Beeleigh)p.36 : Of cristis birth nowe herde the swete utilitee, Here we yrof forwardis the manere and qualitee.
- a1475 *Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)4762 : A man is made..Of foure þinges in þis midlerde: Of fire and water, erthe and ayr..and þese foure echone be Contrarie to oþer in qualite.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)201a/a : It is y-seide þat it [jet] conforteþ þe lyuere..by pryue vertu and qualite.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)168b/a : Þer is anoþer maner kinde of attractiuez, as þo þat draweþ out materiez of þair substancial qualite, as bene laxatiuez.
- c1400 Wycl.Blasph.(Bod 647)405 : As philosoferes seyn, hardenesse and sofftenesse, freelnesse and towghnesse..may nowþer qualite ne quantite sogetten.
- a1425(?a1400) Dionysius HDivinity (Hrl 674)9/14 : We remowe fro hym..alle þoo þinges þat fallyn to..bodely þinges, as is schap, fourme, qualitee.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)325b/b : Oon, by somwhat þat longeþ þerto, is y-saide in many maner wise, as..oon in accident and qualite, as snowe and cerusa and oþer white þinges.
- c1400 Wycl.Blasph.(Bod 647)405 : Hardenesse and sofftenesse, freelnesse and towghnesse..soche qualytees.
- ?c1400 Wycl.CGosp.Matthew (Add 41175:Hudson)65/199-200 : Take awey þo bodies fro qualitees þat ben accidentus, no place schal be where þe qualities of bodies schullen be and þerfore it is need þat þei be not.
- (c1434) Drury Wks.(CmbAdd 2830)79/5 : Qwhat is a qualite in a comparison? A thyng þat comyth to þe bodi & passyth a wey from þe bodi, & þe body is noþer more nor lesse, as: ffayr, ffowl, qwyth, blak, lewde, louyng, & so of alle oþere.
- c1450 Battlefield Gram.(Trin-C O.5.4)102 : How knowest the posytyf degre? A noun adiectyf that by tokenyth qualite or quantite wyth oute eny echyng, as good, ffayre, whyte, black.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)133a/b, b/a : Eyr..may be I-turned in to contrarye qualitees..ȝif smoke..is of good sauour..by incorporacioun..wiþ swich a swete smoke, þe eyr..takiþ a qualite þat is frendlyche to kynde.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)105a/b : Enpostumes of coler cummeþ selden to quiture, but ȝif þe mater be corupte bi enye straunge qualite, & þen it brekeþ anone.
- c1425 Arderne Fistula (Sln 6)59/17 : Also it is made for yuel qualite of blode, as for it is ouer scharp or subtile or watry.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)101b/b : So þanne it [blood] takiþ an yuele qualite or beynge þat comeþ effectuelly of vnkyndly hete.
- a1500(?a1425) Lambeth SSecr.(Lamb 501)111/40 : But all þy werkys be þai, in opyn & pryuee, yn þe manere afore sayd, And after þe qualyte or þe ordinance of Astronomy, as y haue afore leryd þe.
- a1500(a1450) Ashmole SSecr.(Ashm 396)88/27 : Let þi werkes be after þe promyses and after the qualitees or disposicion of þe science of astronomye.
- 1532-1897(c1385) Usk TL (Thynne:Skeat)62/39 : So wene they thilke riches be better than the person; Commenly, suche asken rather after the quantite than after the qualite.
(a) Temperament or character of a person or an animal; disposition or constitution of the spirit; aggregate of characteristics of an ideal man or a member of a profession; (b) a trait of character or personal behavior, personal characteristic; moral trait; an attitude; emotion [last quot.]; also, a distinctive characteristic or customary action of a member of a profession.
Associated quotations
- c1300 SLeg.Mich.(LdMisc 108)433-5 : For þe planetes.. ȝiuen him al-so qualite to don so and so, Ake nouȝt-for-þan after is inwit ech wys man may do, for swuch qualite no man ne hath to beon lechor oþur schrewe, þat he þare-with ne may him wite.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)279a/a : Þough þey [hunting hounds] be malencoly bestes of qualite & of complexioun, ȝit þay..beþ glade..by cause of here age.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)1/7 : Cap.ij is of þe qualite [L De qualitate], foorme, & maners of a surgien.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.4520 : Dares..nat for-gat color nor qualite, Condiciouns, nor also her stature.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)4.pr.6.291 : God yeveth and departeth to other folk prosperites and adversites, imedled to hepe aftir the qualite of hir corages.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)1703 : He..Askis þam of sir Alexander..Bathe of his statoure & his strenth..His qualite, his quantite he quirys all-to-gedire.
- c1450(1410) Walton Boeth.(Lin-C 103)p.237 : Thise folk þat lyuen viciously..Þogh mannes schap þei hauen, noght-forþy, It may be seide..As in þaire inward gostly qualite, To verray bestes þat þey chaunged be.
- a1500(a1450) Ashmole SSecr.(Ashm 396)26/9 : Of the qualite and stature of man.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)8/5 : Þe secunde chapitle of þe firste tretis is of þe qualitees, maners, and kunnynge of a surgian..A surgian muste haue handis weel schape..Be he no glotoun ne noon enuyous.
- c1450 Lydg.SSecr.Ctn.(Sln 2464)2472 : I wyl thou knowe..phisonomye..The qualitees to enserge..lokyng in facys, lerne this of mee.
- c1450 Royal SSecr.(Roy 18.A.7)7/26 : Than it nedith wisely to enquere of vertues and of vicis..It is clere thing that þe qualitees arne forto be reprovid whan they aliene them from ther meene.
- (c1454) Pecock Fol.(Roy 17.D.9)79/18 : Aftir þat he haþ hauntid..suche werkis of meeknes, þer schal be gendrid in his wil a disposicioun and a qualite which schal inclyne and dispose..þe wil forto contynue his now seid haunt of meke werkis.
- ?a1475(?a1425) Higd.(2) (Hrl 2261)1.267 : For the coloures of faces, quantites of bodies, qualites of sawles haue theire existence in man after the diuer site of heuyn; Þerefore Rome gendrethe hevy men, Grece lyȝhte men, and Fraunce wytty men.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)56b/a : J thinke in þis chapitre wiþ þe grace of god to touche þe qualitees, fourmes, & maners of a surgian.
- a1500(?a1425) Lambeth SSecr.(Lamb 501)113/18 : 'Shewe vs þe qualitez of his complexion'..byholdyng þe composicion..of þe ffygure..he..saide, 'þis man ys lycherous, deceyuant, and loufand lecherye.'
- a1500 Peterb.Lapid.(Peterb 33)p.96 : Þis ston haþe a syngler vertu, for it ȝefeþ gladnes & is contrary to malyncole qualite.
Phys., physiol., med., alch., astron., etc.: (a) One of the four primary qualities: heat, coldness, wetness, and dryness, inherent in all things; first (primarie, prime, principal) ~, element ~ [see also element n. 1a.(c)], ~ element; actif ~, a quality capable of acting on something; heat, coldness; passif ~, a quality capable of being acted upon; wetness, dryness; (b) a dominant quality or the dominant qualities of something; regning ~, a dominant quality; (c) ?the make-up or balance of qualities in the complexion of something; (d) alch. a secondary quality arising from manipulation of primary qualities; secondarie ~.
Associated quotations
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)153/11 : To þe bodye of man comeþ alle eueles uor þe destempringe of þise uour qualites oþer of þise uour humours.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)28b/b : Foure þer beþ I-clepid þe firste and principal qualite [read: qualites] þat is to wite, hete, coolde, drye, and wetenesse.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)29b/b : Coldenesse is a worchinge propirte of an element qualite [L elementaris qualitas].
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)305a/b : Iff hete worcheþ meneliche with oþre qualitees in druye matiere, þanne is nedeliche mene colour y-gendred.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)10/3,14 : Alle bodies..ben engendrid of..fier & watir, erþe & eir..whanne her qualitees, þat is to seie, maner of beynge, comen into medlynge..medlynge brekiþ her contrariouste..it is vnpossible to departe þo qualitees from bodies þat ben foure: hoot, coold, moist, & drie.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)2.m.8.3 : The contrarious qualites of elementz holden among hemself allyaunce perdurable.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)165b/b : Som [medicines] ..ar seid complexionalez & qualitatyuez, for þai depende, i. hingeþ, of þe qualiteez of elementez.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)176a/b : Þe tyme of cure of passiue qualiteez is mych more folde þan of actiuez.
- c1450 Lydg.SSecr.Ctn.(Sln 2464)1675 : Yif Superfluyte..Of qualitees gendre by in-proporcyoun In the hed, be signes..knowe thou shalt the indisposicioun be this doctryne.
- a1475 Bk.Quint.(Sln 73)2/7 : Quinta essencia superior inferior..is incorruptible in reward of þe 4 qualitees of mannys body.
- c1475 Body Pol.(Cmb Kk.1.5)96/12 : In some thyngis man is subgect by his byrthe in diuerse accions of the hevyns above, as in the iiij firste qualytes, that is to knowe, in heete, in colde, in drynesse, and in moistur.
- c1484(a1475) Caritate SSecr.(Tak 38)160/28 : The natural cause comyth of repugnaunz and contradyccion of contraryus qualyteis, þat is to sey, qwan drynes hath lordchyp in þe bodi, þan must it nedys fayle.
- a1500(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Add 10302)1454 : Ye most for youre socowre Know theffectis of þe qualitees fowre, Callid hete, colde, moisture, & drynys, Of which iiij al thinge compownyde is.
- a1500(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Add 10302)1474-6 : Firste to geve you a shorte doctryne Of the forsaid iiij qualitees pryme: Hete and colde be qualitees actyve, Moistour and drynys be qualitees passyve; For thei suffren the actyuys evirmore, As stonys to be lyme, & water to be frore.
- a1500(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Add 10302)1759-61 : The principalle agent of the qualitees fowre hath power Royalle, as lord of moste honour, The remenant qualitees to conuerte to his kynde.
- a1550 *Ripley CAlch.(BodeMus 63)59a : Do so with thy perfit bodies in eche degree, That is to saye, fyrst thow them putrefye, her primarye quallytes destroiyng vtterlye.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)74b/b : Qualite of mete is I-knowe be þe most remissioun..of þe qualites of elementis..by ful litil coold, hete, & drines oþir moisture. And so mete is coolde oþir hoote in þe forþe [read: ferste] degre, Oþir be þe moiste hugenes of þe same qualitees..& so mete is coold, hote, drie, oþir moist in þe furþe degre, Oþir be þe mene..& so mete is in þe þridde degre oþir in þe secounde.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)102b/a : It nediþ to knowe þe qualitees of herbes & of oþir medicinal þinges & diuersite of degrees.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)102b/a, b/b : Þerfore him nediþ to knowe þe..quantite & qualite of þe pacient..aȝeynes an hote cause nediþ colde medicine..aȝeines medlid cause nediþ medlid medicynes..a leche..tempreþ þe qualitee as þe quantite & qualite of euel axeþ.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)232a/b : Þe tame letuse is cold and moyste but so tempereþ þat it passeþ nought mesure in noþer qualite.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)202/10 : Þes iiij humouris, Sanguis, Colera, fleumtica, & Malancolia, & euery of hem haþ diuers qualitees, for blood is hoot & moist, ffleume coold & moost, Colre hoot & drie, Malancoli coold & drie.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)157b/a : Also þe fleische of þe wounde is sumtyme chaunged after þe qualite al onelye..ȝif þe member..be to hote, destroye þe hete..ȝif þe fleishe be hote, make it colde.
- c1460(a1449) Lydg.Mutability MN (Hrl 2255)42 : With Ver he hath drynesse and moisture..Autumpne to Ver foundyn is contrary, Galien seith, in al ther qualitees.
- a1450(1391) Chaucer Astr.(Benson-Robinson)1.21.78 : Understond also that, whan an hot planete cometh into an hot signe, than encrescith his hete..And by thys conclusioun maist thou take ensample in alle the signes, be thei moist or drie, or moeble or fixe, reknyng the qualite of the planete, as I first seide.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)50b/b : It is necessarie a syrurgian to knowe þe iiij complexiouns of man wiþ her qualitees.
- c1475(?a1449) ?Lydg.Pag.Knowl.(Trin-C R.3.21)111 : Esculapius taught þe doctrine To know þe qualytees of iiij compleccions.
- a1500(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Add 10302)2341 : Then with liquours, ye may a-bate The principal agent from his estate..As if the Regnyng qualite be drynes, ye may a-mende it with humour of moystnes.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)10/18 : Complexioun is no þing ellis but a maner qualite medlid in worchinge & suffrynge of contrarious qualitees þat ben founden in elementis.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)8a/b : Þof alle þe forsaid organic membrez be componed of many bicause of accioun & passioun of þam with dewe qualitee & quantitee in al þe plasmacioun, Neþerlez one symple..is bigynnyng of alle þe acte.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)144b/a : Þe fourte reule is þat þe qualite of þe humours and þe quantite schal be made attempere wiþ blodelesse and laxatiue medicynes.
- c1450 Royal SSecr.(Roy 18.A.7)27/3 : Here mayst thou see the foure tymes of the yere, and her foure qualitees..veer is hoot and moyste.
- a1550 *Ripley CAlch.(BodeMus 63)61a : Thow maist se ffro one extreame how to an other thow may not go but by a meane sith they in qualite contrarious be..As heate into cold with other contraries mo without her meanes, as moiste to heate and cold.
- a1500(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Add 10302)1574 : Of Alchymy þe trewe fundacion Is in composicion bi wise graduacion Of hete and colde, of moyste and drye, Knowing othir qualitees engendride therbye, As harde and softe, hevye and lyght, Rough and smoth.
- a1550 *Ripley CAlch.(BodeMus 63)63b : Therfore if thow lyst thy selve by this crafte to availe, The altitude of this bodies hid & shew out her profundite..And secondarie qualites more glorious repaire in them Anone.
Kind, sort, type; for ~ of mesure, in accord with the size.
Associated quotations
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Par.28.17 : To goldene litle leouns, for þe qualite [WB(2): maner; L qualitate] of mesure, weiȝte he delede in to litil leoun & litil leoun & lijc maner, in to þe siluerene leouns dyuers weiȝte of siluer he seuerede.
- (c1443) Pecock Rule (Mrg M 519)335 : Forto make lawis taxing þe qualite and quantite of peynes which owen to be leid vpon trespacers.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)100/1 : Þan þe besshop askid hym whatt at he had etyn þat day, and he ansswerd agayn & said, 'enogh'; And þe bisshopp sayd he askid hym not of quantitie bod of qualitie.
- (1456) GRed Bk.Bristolpt.2.p.54 : Hit ys ordeingned..that thei swere apon a boke of the qualite and quantite of the merchauntdise.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)133/8 : Sobernes stondith in þre þinges, þat is, in qualite, quantite, and maner; In qualite, þat þou desire no delicacies, no precious metis and drinkes.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)45/15 : A man may folewe þe doom of resoun in seching aftir, in getyng,having, and holding mete and drynk in quantite and qualite of hem.
(a) Social rank; position with respect to authority or esteem; (b) the mode of relationship between two people.
Associated quotations
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.2198 : For eche trespas mote consydered be Iustly mesurid after þe qualite Of hym þat is offendid..any wrong vniustly to endure..Is more offence..To hem þat ben..Renomed & born of gentyl blood Þan to..a wreche.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)3303 : Lo! so þe quele of qwistsumnes my qualite has changid, I, þat was ȝustirday so ȝape..To day am dreuyn all to dust.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)4660 : For so þe qwele of qwistounes ȝoure qualite encreses, Þat noþir gesse ȝe gouernour no god bot ȝour-selfe.
- a1500(?a1425) Lambeth SSecr.(Lamb 501)59/1 : For þare hymself awe of dette, if any doo wronge, to do ponysshe hym after þe qualyte of his persoun.
- 1532-1897(c1385) Usk TL (Thynne:Skeat)41/92 : For consent of two hertes alone maketh the fasteninge of the knotte; neither lawe of kynde ne mannes lawe determineth, neither the age ne the qualite of persones, but only accord bitwene thilke twaye.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)26682 : If he lai a woman bi, Man agh to telle hir qualite, Sib or freind or quat sco be; To tell þe nam o þat person Es naman halden wit resun.
Degree of goodness, love; phil. ?the quality of speed [1st quot.]; withouten ~, immeasurably, infinitely.
Associated quotations
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)79a/a : In traueile me schal take hede of qualite [L qualitas]..in qualite, to slowe oþir to swift.
- ?a1425(c1400) Mandev.(1) (Tit C.16)211/13 : I beseche almyghty god..þat is, withouten qualitee [F qualite], good, withouten quantytee, gret.
- a1450(a1396) Hilton CPerf.(Paris angl.41)22 : Þanne is þe soule tauȝt for to loue creaturis, moore or lasse aftir þe mesure and þe qualyte of Cristis loue to hem and of her loue in-to him.
- a1500(?c1425) Spec.Sacer.(Add 36791)60/22,26 : There is thre-fold auctorite of fastynge..the secunde is of qualite of place..of qualite of place, for it was ordeyned in Paradise.
- a1550(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Sln 1873)2540 : Our stone will augment & encrese In quantite & in qualite & therof nevyre cese.
Gram. Of a noun or pronoun: the property of being specific or general in reference.
Associated quotations
- c1450 Battlefield Gram.(Trin-C O.5.4)102 : How knowyste a noun substantyf? A party of reson that bytokenyth substaunce wyth qualite and is declined wyth case and article.
- c1450 Battlefield Gram.(Trin-C O.5.4)102 : How knowest a qualite in noun? A manere of knowyng by the whych me knowyth whether a noun be propure or appellatyf, id est comyn, propure ut Roma, comyn as silua.
- c1450 Battlefield Gram.(Trin-C O.5.4)108 : Whyche be the qualitees in pronoun? A certeyn qualite and an vncerteyn. How knowest a certeyn qualite? A party by the wheche me knowyth whenne a pronoun is certeyn person, as ego. How the vncerteyn? A proprete by that me knowyth whenne a pronoun is of vncerteyn person, as jlle.
Associated quotations
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)80a/b : It may haf composicioun of disposicionz propre to it..as gretnez and litelnez..qualite [Ch.(2): euenesse; L equalitatem] & inequalite.
- a1550 *Norton OAlch.(BodeMus 63)2751 : Qualite [Add: Iff youre matier be of quantite resonable, Then viij such servantis be convenable].
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- c1450 Peniarth Accedence(2) (Pen 356B) : What ys a qualite accidentall in a noun? A qualyte accidentall in a noun ys a propurte to acorde to on þyng kyndely all only, an so hyt is a propur qualite as Petrus, Willelmus, Iohannes, or to many and þen hit is a comyn qualite as homo.
Note: Additional quote(s) for sense 6.
- a1475 Peniarth Comparacio(1) (Pen 356B)65/5 : Nownes adiectiues betokenyng qualite or quantite that may be made more or lasse wyt a good sentens, as 'wyse', 'whyte', 'longe', 'chorte'. Qwhat is a qualite in a comparison?
Note: Postdates sense 6.