Middle English Dictionary Entry

ǒutremōst(e n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) The farthest point, end, extremity; pl. extremities, farthest reaches; (b) the surface; ~ of the erthe, the face of the earth; (c) the greatest extent, the highest degree; the highest price; the utmost; the lowest person [quot.: (a1382)]; the ~ of..stomak, the extent of (one's) feelings; don the ~ to, to kill (sb.).

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)83a/b : It is nede for to shaue & for materize in comyng to þe vttermost or last of þe corrupsioun of it þat þe barke or rynde falle by hem selfe or wiþ helpez of medicenez.
  • Note: ?sense
  • a1425(c1400) 5 Wits (Hrl 2398)2/16 : And for cause þat al þe bewte of bodyly þyng ys demed by þe eyesyȝt, after byholdyng of þe vttermoste and nouȝt of wiþinne, þerfore þat þe eyȝe seyþ, þe herte coueteþ.
  • Note: New sense
  • ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)116a/b : Gignastices, i. Wristelers, þat ar at height of euexie [L euexe], i. gode habite..if þai be in þe vttermoste ar deceyuable.
  • Note: ?New sense.
    Note: This quot. has been taken back to books.--per MLL