Middle English Dictionary Entry
hāre n.
Entry Info
Forms | hāre n. Also har, harre, hair(e, are, here, ere & (early gen. sg.) hara, haran. |
Etymology | OE hara; forms here, ere perh. influenced by ON; cp. OI heri. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) The common European hare (Lepus timidus); (b) any of the various species of the genus Lepus or related genera; Irish ~, the mountain hare (Lepus variabilis); (c) hare's meat used for food; (d) a timid person; (e) the fur or pelt of a hare; ~ werk, dressed hare skins; (f) in proverbs and proverbial expressions.
Associated quotations
- ?a1200(OE) Hrl.MQuad.(Hrl 6258B)12/2 : Wið eaȝena sare hara lungane on ȝesetted.
- ?a1200(OE) Hrl.MQuad.(Hrl 6258B)12/7 : Þan wyfam þe hym hyra beorðor losie haran heortan adriȝe & wyrc to duste.
- ?a1200(OE) Hrl.MQuad.(Hrl 6258B)12/13 : Wið eaȝena dimnesse hara ȝeallen wið huni ȝemenged & mid ȝesmired.
- ?a1200(OE) Hrl.MQuad.(Hrl 6258B)14/4 : Wið eaȝene sare haran lifer ȝesoden ys god on wine to drincanne.
- c1175 Stw.57 Gloss.(Stw 57)411 : Lepus, hare, i. leure.
- c1275(?c1250) Owl & N.(Clg A.9)383 : Ich mai ison so wel so on hare.
- ?a1300 Names Hare (Dgb 86)11 : Þe hare, þe scotart, Þe bigge, þe bouchart, [etc.].
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)7715 : Heyemen ne dorste bi is day wilde best nime noȝt, Hare [B: Here] ne wilde swin.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)51/3 : Þe cherche nys non hare, hy abyt me wel.
- 1381 Pegge Cook.Recipes (Dc 257)110 : Tak hoggys fet other pyggys, other erys, other partrichys, other chiconys, and do hem togedere.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Lev.11.6 : An hare [vr. haar]..choweþ code, but þe clee he deuydeþ nouȝt.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)prol.1061 : The Hare in pees stod with the Hound.
- (c1410) York MGame (Vsp B.12)103 : Þe hare is oþer while male and oþerwhile female.
- a1450 Terms Assoc.(1) (Rwl D.328)603 : A trypp of hares.
- c1450 Med.Bk.(1) (Med-L 136)254/819 : For the stone. Take a march hare and put hym in a pott [etc.].
- c1450 Terms Assoc.(2) (Cmb Ll.1.18)232 : A huske or a denne of harez.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)40/148 : Ȝitt schet I nevyr at hert, are, nere hynde, but yf þat he deyd.
- a1475 Terms Assoc.(1) (Brog 2.1)60 : A trype of harrys. A trase of harrys.
- a1475 in Hodgkin Proper Terms56 : A huske or A downe of harys.
- c1475 in Hodgkin Proper Terms52 : A Droue or A Huske of Harrys.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)60b : A hayr: lepus, lepusculus.
- a1500 Terms Assoc.(3) (Lamb 306)233 : An hare is fourmed shuldryng or lenynge..A herde of harys..A huske or a dove of haris.
- ?a1500 Henslow Recipes (Henslow)42/8 : For to breke þe ston þat ys in a man. Take a quike hare in marche and sle hym [etc.].
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)291b/b : Plinius..seiþ þat many kyndes ben of hares..conynges ben y-cleped parui lepores, smale hares.
- a1450-a1500(1436) Libel EP (Warner)662 : Skynnes of oter, squerel, and Irysh hare [vr. Iryshare, Iresshare].
- (a1399) Form Cury (Add 5016)p.21 : Hares in Talbotes. Take Hares and hewe hem to gobettes.
- a1450 Hrl.Cook.Bk.(1) (Hrl 279)18 : Harys in Cyueye. Take Harys, & Fle hem.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)290/23 : He wolde ete..a hale hare.
- a1475 Liber Cocorum (Sln 1986)p.21 : Perboyle þe hare and larde hit wele.
- ?a1475 Noble Bk.Cook.(Hlk 674)113 : Hayres in sewe. To mak hayres in sewe, tak a raw haire and chop hir in small gobettes.
- c1330 Why werre (Auch)252 : Nu ben theih liouns in halle and hares in the feld.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Add 9066)373 : It happenyth some tyme in a grete Couente that there are many bestes..lyouns be pride, Foxes be fraude and wiles..hares be drede, for they tremyll in drede where was no drede.
- (1365) Doc.in Riley Mem.Lond.331 : [For the thousand of] herewerke [6 s. 8 d.].
- (1385) Plea & Mem.R.Lond.Gildh.91 : [22] tymber [of] herwerk [at 8 s. 4 d. the] tymber.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)11197 : Oþer pelure ynowe þer were, Þe names of þem y ne wot what are, Lomb or boge, conyng or hare.
- a1300 Hayl mari hic (Dgb 2)46 : To drupe and dar we athe wel mare, also for þe hondis doyt þe har.
- c1300 SLeg.Mich.(LdMisc 108)722 : Al round it [the foetus] lith in þe wombe, and i-bouwed ase an hare.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)1994 : He folwede hem so hund dos hare.
- a1350 Flem.Insur.(Hrl 2253)81 : Þis frenshe come to flaundres so liht so þe hare.
- a1350 When man as mad (Hrl 2253)13 : When a scot ne may hym hude ase hare in forme þat þe englysshe ne shal hym fynde.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)9384 : Is mouþ is as a leon, is herte arn as an hare.
- c1330(?c1300) Reinbrun (Auch)p.662 : Ase fresch a was to fiȝt Ase grehonde to hare.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)3859 : Þe Messager..renneþ swyfter þan þe hare.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.684 : Swiche glarynge eyen hadde he as an hare.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)4.2720 : Awey he skulketh as an hare.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)7.3776 : Thei fledde as doth the wylde Hare.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Fri.(Manly-Rickert)D.1327 : Theigh this somnour wood were as an hare.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.3602 : Þou wentist out as hare among houndis.
- c1450(a1449) Lydg.Endure(2) (Add 36983)33 : He that holdeth bothe with hounde & hare..may no while endure.
- a1450 Parton.(1) (UC C.188)7935 : There he rennyth wode as ony hare.
- c1450 Jacob's W.(Sal 103)263/20 : Þou hast a crokyd tunge, heldyng wyth hownd and wyth hare.
- c1450 Lydg.SSecr.Ctn.(Sln 2464)2297 : Man..is hardy as leown, dreedful as the hare.
- (1473) Paston5.179 : Raff Blaundrehasset wer a name to styrte an hare.
- c1475(c1399) Mum & S.(1) (Cmb Ll.4.14)1.58 : Men myȝtten as well haue hun[t]yd an hare with a tabre As aske ony mendis for þat þei mysdede.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)162 : He is so gode a knyght that alle other be but as hares as in comparison to hym.
(a) A picture or representation of a hare; (b) astron. the southern constellation Lepus.
Associated quotations
- (1442) Invent.Gild in PSAL ser.2.5122 : A pece of sylver covered like a Kardynall hatte and a hare in the prynte.
- (1449) Metham AC (Gar 141)578 : And southe in the spere toward the octyan, The Qwalle was, hornyd Padus, the Hare, and Oryon.
(a) In cpds. and combs.: ~ baiting, ~ blod; ~ fang, catching hares; hare(s grese, fat of a hare; hare(s her, hare's hair; ~ pipe, a trap for hares; ~ serd, the copulating hare; ~ skin, ~ tail; (b) in names of plants: ~ belle, the wood hyacinth or bluebell Scilla nonscripta; ?also (probably erroneously), the shepherd's-purse Capsella bursa-pastoris and mullein Verbascum thapsus [in error for 'Hare's beard']; also, a representation of such a plant or its flower; ~ ere, hares ere(s, ?the common avens Geum urbanum; ~ flex, hound's-tongue Cynoglossum officinale; ~ fot, q.v.; ~ minte, some kind of plant; ?a mint; haran-speccel [OE haran-sprecel], viper's bugloss Echium vulgare; hares thistel, some plant of the genus Sonchus; prob. the spiny sow thistle Sonchus asper; ~ wort, prob. the garden cress Lepidium sativum; (c) se ~, ~ of the se, water ~, a mollusk of the genus Tethys, a sea hare; (d) ~ sherd, a harelip.
Associated quotations
- (1209) Pipe R.Winch60/44 : In Harefango, xv d. ob.
- ?a1300 Names Hare (Dgb 86)34 : Þe hare-serd, þe hegroukere.
- ?a1350 Recipe Painting(1) in Archaeol.J.1 (Hrl 2253)65 : Stike wel the betere, ant wit an hare tayl thac hit to.
- (1389-90) Statutes Realm2.65 : Nene use..haies, rees, harepipes, ne cordes, ne nulles autres engynnes pur prendre ou destruire savagine leveres ne conilles.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)280b/a : Þe hertes blood and hare blod congeleþ neuere.
- a1400 Recipe MS Hal.in Rel.Ant.1 (Hal 335)55 : For hym that es gorwoundede: tak a har of a hare skyn, and wynde hit rownde als a appel.
- (c1410) York MGame (Vsp B.12)14 : Men sle hares..with smale nettis, wiþ hare pipes, and with long nettis.
- c1440 Thrn.Med.Bk.(Thrn)44/14 : Tak a hare skyn & bryn it to powdir in a new pott.
- c1450 Burg.Practica (Rwl D.251)253/7 : For to stanche blode in all partis of þe body. Take..harre ere ychyppyd small.
- c1450 Med.Bk.(2) (Add 33996)197 : Ad restringendum sanguinem..Tak..an vnce of hare her of þe wombe, & schrede hyt as smal as eny man can.
- c1450 Med.Bk.(2) (Add 33996)214 : Pro emeroydis..tak pouder of hare her, ant strawe aboue, & hyt schal stanche bledynge.
- c1450 Med.Bk.(2) (Add 33996)215 : Pro fractura ossium..tempre heres heer wyþ hony..& hyt schal close.
- ?c1450 Stockh.PRecipes (Stockh 10.90)64/6 : For to make dialtia, þat is good tyll all manere of goutys. Take brok-grece, hare-grece, cattysgrece, [etc.].
- a1475 Mourn.Hare (Brog 2.1)47 : I have an hare-pype in my purce; hit schal be set al for þi sauke!
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)77b/a : Þanne bete alle þese togideris in a morter wiþ haris grese and leye it þerto at euen.
- -?-(?a1500) Hunt.Hare (Adv 19.3.1)268 : Here endis the hare beytyng.
- ?c1125(?OE) Dur-C.Gloss.(Dur-C Hunter 100)125(d) : Carocasia: hareminte..Ecios: haransveccel [read: haranspeccel].
- ?a1300 Wor.F.157.Gloss.(Wor F.157)183 : Hare ere, quod crescit in modum talis auricule, et uult habere florem rubeum.
- (?a1300) MS Ld.567 in Cockayne Leechdoms3.330 : Harmint: colosia.
- 1387-8 Compotus of Mary C'tess of Derby 2 [OD col.] : P'armilaus domine et capucio broid' cum harebells.
- a1400 Alphita (SeldArch B.35)104 : Lingua canis:..houndestonge, uel hareflex, cinoglossa idem.
- c1465(?1373) *Lelamour Macer (Sln 5)30a : Hereworte or chauwede oþer weyhor growith in hard land and berith no floure, but at the top he berith his sede.
- a1425 MS Roy.12.E.1 in Hunt Plant Names (Roy 12.E.1)230 : [Satirion minor:] crowlekus, harebell.
- ?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh 10.90)173/23 : Lactuca leporica is an herbe þat men clepe harys thystle. Þis herbe haȝt lewys lyk to þe sowysthystle..quanne an hare is wood in somer he wel etyn of þis herbe and þanne schal he ben hol.
- ?a1450 Macer (Stockh Med.10.91)195 : Benet is clepid hares ere [vrr. haris heere, hares eres, harys eere].
- a1500 MS Cmb.Dd.11.45(1) in Hunt Plant Names (Cmb Dd.11.45)158 : [Leporina:] harebell, croweleke.
- a1500 Agnus Castus (LdMisc 553)202/17 : Saturion minor is an herbe þat me clepuþ crowlek or harebelle. Þis herbe hath leues lich to ȝekes..and he haþ a blew flour y-shape os þei hit were a belle.
- a1500 Macer (Hat 29)197 : [Þis herbe þat is clepid auricula leporina] þat is hare eere.
- a1500 Mayer Nominale (Mayer)713/9 : Hec bursa pastaris: harebelle.
- a1500 MS StJ-C E.6 in Hunt Plant Names (StJ-C E.6)234 : [Scordion]: harbell.
- a1500 MS Ashm.1389 in Hunt Plant Names (Ashm 1389)46 : [Barbara leporis]: harebell [?read: hareberd].
- a1500 MS Cmb.Dd.11.45(1) in Hunt Plant Names (Cmb Dd.11.45)228 : [Sanguinaria:] bloodwort, sheperdispurs, croweleke, harebell.
- ?a1500 Henslow Recipes (Henslow)55/11 : Endyue, hertis-tong, sorel, herwort, floures of wodebynde.
- 1523 MS Add.27582 in Hunt Plant Names (Add 27582)137 : [Herba militaris:] anglice wolvyskul or wolvysballock or harebelles.
- (?a1390) Daniel *Herbal (Add 27329)f.206va : Water hare emplastred al as it is distroyeth heer, rostid gendreth heer; in lepre it is good with beres gres; & emplastred clereth sigth. Þe blood mundefieth þe web & þe morphe & it is venym & hurteth and maketh þe lunge soor.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)124a/b : The forsaid farmaciez ar made..bi leporem marinum, i. hare of þe see, or bi ranez.
- ?c1425 *Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)129a/a : The forsaide medecynes..ben made..by the see hare and by frogges.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)66a/a : In þe 5 doctrine & þe laste of sewynge tretiþ of þese þre poyntis, þat is to seien, of þe hare scherd and of þe incisioun of siphak and also of þe wounde in þe bowellis..þou schalt take a rasour or sum oþir scharp instrument wiþ which þou schalt kutte awey of þilke hare scherd boþe þe brerdis & also þou muste slitten it abouen a litil forþermore to make it þe more schaploker.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)66a/b : Thanne take sich a nedele & sich a þreed as y spak of aforn and first make oon semely sticche euene in þe myddil of þilke same hare scherd so þat it be euene in þe ynnere side of the lippe next þe gomes.
(a) In place names [see Smith PNElem. 1.234]; (b) in surnames [see also ~ fot].
Associated quotations
- (a1154) EPNSoc.16 (Wil.)195 : Haredena.
- (1185) in Ekwall Dict.EPN209 : Harop.
- (1234) in Löfvenberg ME Local Surnames246 : Joh. in Thearepatha.
- (1236) in Ekwall Dict.EPN209 : Harop.
- (1242) in Ekwall Dict.EPN209 : Harhop.
- (1276) EPNSoc.21 (Cum.)457 : Harescogbek.
- (1303) Abbrev.Plac.Edw.I246 : Terra..vocata la Hare.
- (1333) in Löfvenberg ME Local Surnames92 : Joh. in the Harpath'.
- a1500(c1250) Reg.St.Bees in Sur.Soc.126 (Hrl 434)294 : Willelmo Haretaill.
- (1276) Pat.R.Edw.I179 : Gilbert Litelhare.
- (1284) Assize R.Lan.in LCRS 49183 : Henry Harescherd.
- (1284-5) Feudal Aids 4277 : Ricardus le Hare.
- (1290) Close R.Edw.I91 : Robert Harebayn.
- (1297) Sub.R.Yks.in YASRS 16129 : Joh. Hare.
- (1327) Sub.R.Som.in Som.RS 3225 : Robertus le Haare.
- (1327) Sub.R.Stf.in WSAS 7254 : Margeria le Hare.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)170/10 : Triste is þer me sit mid te greahunz forte kepe þe heare.
Note: New spelling
Supplemental Materials (draft)
Note: Med., etc. (sense 2.(d)), see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. hare shard.