Middle English Dictionary Entry

fistūle, -ula n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A reed instrument, shepherd's pipe; (b) the drug cassia fistula.
Med. A deep-seated ulcer or infection with one or several pipe-like outlets; fistule goutte (cp. fistulat gout under gout).

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)SSol.4.14 : A closed gardyn..þyn owt sendingis..narde & safrun, fystula, & canel.
  • Note: Antedates word

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. fistula.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. fistule.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc. (sense 2.), see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. fistule gout.