The reformed school by John Dury.

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The reformed school by John Dury.
Dury, John, 1596-1680.
London :: Printed by R.D. for Richard Wodnothe ...,

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Education -- Early works to 1800.
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"The reformed school by John Dury." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


The Rules of Education.

The Chief Rule of the whole Work is, tha nothing may be made tedious and grievous t the Children: but all the toilsomeness of the business the Governour and Ushers are t take upon themselves; that by diligence an industry, all things may be so prepared, metho∣dized and ordered for their apprehension; th their work may unto them be as a delightfu recreation by the variety and easiness thereo

The things to be lookt unto in the care o their education, are 1. Their Advanceme in Piety. 2. The Preservation of their Healt 3. The Forming of their Manners. 4. The Proficiency in Learning.

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