The reformed school by John Dury.

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The reformed school by John Dury.
Dury, John, 1596-1680.
London :: Printed by R.D. for Richard Wodnothe ...,

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"The reformed school by John Dury." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed August 31, 2024.


Concerning the way of proposing all the parts of Learning unto the Scholars, and of their entertaining the same, to fixe their mindes thereon.

The way of proposing matters of learning is as considerable as any thing else in the work of Institution; and next unto that is the way of entertaining that which is proposed: the first of these is the proper work and industry, of the Governour and Ushers; the second, of the Scholars themselves, although the Ushers also may and ought to have some hand therin.

For the proposall of every thing, the Gover∣nour shall prepare the particular matters of every thing which shall be taught for every houre of the day, throughout the whole course; and deliver the same in writing Quar∣terly, or Monthly (at least) beforehand unto the Ushers; that they may be in full readiness and perfectly exercise themselves in every thing which they shall deliver to their Scholars

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••••d the Matters should be thus long predeter∣ined before hand, and given to the Ushers, at if upon good grounds they shall suggest y thing to the Governour for an alteration •••• that, which he shall have prescribed; it may •••• in time considered between them, and or∣dered as need shall require, or found most xpedient.

The Matters to be proposed being thus repared, when the time comes to offer them the Scholars; the Governour shall for every ifferent kind of exercise and Institution give Directions unto the Ushers, how to behave hemselves towards the Scholars, to make hem affectionat towards the taske which is o be offered unto them, that is, attentive and reedy to receive it: and to make them more erfect in following the Directions and Rules which in this nature shall be given: he shall imself give them an example of the Practise f it towards the children; shewing them, at very change of exercise and different way of Institution, how they should go about their work: he shall therefore teach the first lesson of every kind himself in the presence of his Ushers, that they may observe his way: and at the second lesson, when they shall beginne heir work; he shall be present at it, to ob∣serve them how they performe it, and tell them of their faults if any be committed.

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Two things are fundamentally to be hee in the Manner of proposing every thing: Fir that the Schollars before the thing be prop••••sed be made sensible of the End, wherefore it taught them, and they ought to learne it, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 what the necessity, use, excellency and pe••••fection thereof is in the life of Man &c. S••••condly, that the way of offering it unto th be the same at once to all, by all alike percepble, common, plain, distinct and orderly every part. And to these two fundamental whereof the first relates unto the Will, t second, unto the Understanding; a third 〈◊〉〈◊〉 be added relating to the Memory, which 〈◊〉〈◊〉 that in the Method of proposing every thing this Rule be observed.

Let the Generall notion of every Object or the shape of the whole; be first offered 〈◊〉〈◊〉 the Imagination, and then the parts which a contained under it, to be represented unto t thought by way of Division. and this bein done; Let the mind afterward be led retro∣grade to review the parts as they look to o another; and make up the whole by way 〈◊〉〈◊〉 collection.

And at the conclusion of every lesson, brief and summary Recapitulation of tha which hath been offered unto them is to be proposed; and the Question should be aske whether any hath a doubt of any thing? or

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ould have so•••••• king repeated; or further ex∣ained? that they should speak.

The way of enterteining that which shall e thus proposed is partly in the Scholars by ••••emselves, partly in them together with their shers.

By themselves they shall entertain the things hich have been taught them, by the exerci∣••••s of writing, of painting, or drawing figures, f compendiating, and of methodizing, as hey shall from time to time he directed; for e fixing of their thoughts upon that which hey shall have received; and by the reading, nd understanding, and translating of their anua's, or of their Authours from one Tongue to another, according to the way which shall be shewed them.

Now, as the proposall of a lesson shall not st above half an houre at the most; so the ••••ertaining of that which hath been offered, all follow immediately thereupon, for▪ the ae of another half houre, so that to ee∣ lesson, a full houre, and no more shall e allotted; whereof the first part shall be spent 〈◊〉〈◊〉 receiving, the second, in entertaining the houghts thereof.

The entertainment of things received toge∣ther with the Ushers, shall be two wayes. . By shewing the exercises wherewith they ertained their thoughts by themselves.

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2. By a constant course of Repetitions to b observed daily, weekly, monethly, quarter and yearly; whereof particular Directio are to be given in due time: but the gener Rule of proportion in all Repetitions to 〈◊〉〈◊〉 observed is this; that the third or fourth lson, or period of lessons, is alwayes to be R••••petitorie in some degree or other; more lesse, as the matter is more or lesse dicult, and generally rather the third is to 〈◊〉〈◊〉 made Repetitorie of two, then the fourth 〈◊〉〈◊〉 three: but experience will best determ what is most expedient to be done in t

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