The reformed school by John Dury.

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The reformed school by John Dury.
Dury, John, 1596-1680.
London :: Printed by R.D. for Richard Wodnothe ...,

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Education -- Early works to 1800.
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"The reformed school by John Dury." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


Concerning the Means and Instruments w are to be had in a readinesse, and ordered for use, that these Tasks may thus be prosecuted on all hands.

THe things necessary to be made use of 〈◊〉〈◊〉 bringing all this to passe, are 1. a conient House fitted with rooms, wherein 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Scholars may be at their exercises. 2. the sclasticall Furniture, & dressing of those roo 3. the Books and other Implements, wh the Ushers and Scholars must have at ha.

The House, where this course of educ should be intended, must not be within 〈◊〉〈◊〉 City, but should be near unto it, in a g air, large and spacious; and as it were in 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Countrey, with large gardens and orch

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ear the places of tillage and of pasturage, hat the Countrey may afford unto the Scho∣rs the aspect and observation of all Natu∣all things, wherein they are to be taught, and be City may afford them the sight of all rtificiall things; of all Trades and Manu∣ctures, wherewith they are to be made ac∣uainted.

The Rooms wherein the Scholars should be 〈◊〉〈◊〉 their exercises, should be foure: Three lesser nes, for each Usher and his peculiar Scholars ne, and one large one; or father a Gallery hich should be for common Use unto all.

The Scholasticall furniture and dressing f these rooms ought to be this.

The large common room ought to be fur∣••••shed with all manner of Mathematicall, Na∣rall, Philosophicall, Historicall, Medicinall, ieroglyphicall and other sort of pictures, aps, globes, instruments, models, engines, nd whatsoever is an object of sense in refe∣nce to any Art or Science, these things e to be set in their order, according as ey are subordinate unto severall Sciences; ••••at at the times appointed, the Ushers may ade their Scholars into it; to receive the les∣ns which they shall give them▪ upon the cular inspection of the Things, which shall e shewed unto them.

The lesser rooms each ought to be furnish∣ed

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with a high seat for the Usher; that he m overlook all his Scholars, and with twen distinct places, so ordered for the Schol to sit or stand in; that their fac•••• may e 〈◊〉〈◊〉 towards him: and each in his place may ha his own deck, to keep all his papers and oth•••• things to be used in good order. In each those rooms there should be an iron forna or stove to keep it warm in the winter.

The Books which the Scholars shall have 〈◊〉〈◊〉 the School shall be none but such as th•••••• Usher shall put in their hands. In the seco•••• Period of Institution, they shall have a books but their Latine, Greek and H••••brew Janua's, and the Bible of the Old 〈◊〉〈◊〉 New Testament in these Tongues, and i their Mother-tongue. In the third Perio besides these books, they shall have fr•••• time to time, such as their Usher by the G••••vernours direction shall furnish them with and none other; nor any longer then thinks fit.

The Instruments besides pen, ink and ••••••per, shall be a pen or stick with black lead▪ pen-knife, a pair of compasses, a ruler, sate; and some other implements which f•••••• time to time shall be put in their hands, a•••• taught to make use of according to the ••••••grees of their proficiency.

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