The art of cookery refin'd and augmented containing an abstract of some rare and rich unpublished receipts of cookery / collected from the practise of that incomparable master of these arts, Mr. Jos. Cooper, chiefe cook to the late king ; with severall other practises by the author ; with an addition of preserves, conserves, &c., offering an infallible delight to all judicious readers.

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The art of cookery refin'd and augmented containing an abstract of some rare and rich unpublished receipts of cookery / collected from the practise of that incomparable master of these arts, Mr. Jos. Cooper, chiefe cook to the late king ; with severall other practises by the author ; with an addition of preserves, conserves, &c., offering an infallible delight to all judicious readers.
Cooper, Joseph, chiefe cook to the late king.
London :: Printed by J.G. for R. Lowndes ...,

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Cookery -- Early works to 1800.
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"The art of cookery refin'd and augmented containing an abstract of some rare and rich unpublished receipts of cookery / collected from the practise of that incomparable master of these arts, Mr. Jos. Cooper, chiefe cook to the late king ; with severall other practises by the author ; with an addition of preserves, conserves, &c., offering an infallible delight to all judicious readers." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


How to boyle a Chicken.

SCald the Chickens and trusse them, boyling them in water as white as you can: For the Sauce (if it be in winter) take a pinte of white-Wine, Verjuice, five or six Dates, a little handful of Pine-kernels, five or six blades of large Mace, a faggot of sweet Herbs; all these boyle together till halfe consumed, beat it up thick with Butter, and pour it on the Chickens (being dished) with two or three white-bread tostes dipped slightly in a little Musca∣dine, and lay on the Chickens yolks of Eggs cut into quarters, puffe-Paste, Lozanges, Sheeps tongues fryed in greene Butter; being boyl'd and blanch'd, pickl'd

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Barberies, three or foure pieces of Marrow (being boyled) and serve it up hot.

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