The English register of Oseney abbey / by Oxford, written about 1460. Ed., with an introduction and indexes, by Andrew Clark.

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The English register of Oseney abbey / by Oxford, written about 1460. Ed., with an introduction and indexes, by Andrew Clark.
London :: Pub. for the Early English text society, by K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., ltd.,

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"The English register of Oseney abbey / by Oxford, written about 1460. Ed., with an introduction and indexes, by Andrew Clark." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


[XXXI. Of Dunstew]


Reference to no. 21.

THABBOT of Oseney hath In Dunstywe, of þe ȝifte of Robert Doylly, and confirmacions of Kynges of Inglonde, and confirmacion and graunte of Bisshopes and of [folio 43a] þe chapiter of lincoln, ij. parties of tithes of scheves of þe Demayne of Hugh of Tywe, as hit is i-schewed In þe grete charter of þe feffyng of þe same þe which is Above In þe title 'Howe þe church of Saynte George whas i-ȝefe to the chanons of Oseney.'


About 1200. Agreement between Oseney and Merton priory, about tithes of a yard|land in Great Tew, Oseney re|linquishing all claim on condi|tion of Mer|ton priory paying a yearly quit|rent of 1s.

BE hit i-knowe to all cristen menne to þe which þese present letters schall come, that, where A question whas i-maade, Bitwene Hugh [Hugh of Buckingham, abbot 1184-1205.] , Abbot of Oseneye, and þe Couent

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of þe same place of þe oon partie, and Water [Walter, prior 1198.] prior of Merton of þe oþer partie, vppon the tithis of A ȝerde of londe In þe towne of tywe, of þe which tithis chanons of Oseney ij. scheves to þem and iij. scheves [In Latin also 'tres garbas,' but pro|bably in error for 'the third sheaf,' accord|ing to the division in no. 21.] to þe chanons of Merton saide to per|tayne, þe which ȝerde was of Raph ffiȝt lambert, þe [The Cotton MS. has 'which at the time of the controversy Richard son of Alured held.'] which he helde In þe tyme of þe controuersie of Aurede ffiȝt Richard: at þe laste, parties i-called to-gedur, at Wodestoke, afore wor|schipfull men Robert Abbot of Enysham and Geffrey Abbot of Bruern and Aliȝaundur prior of Esseby, þenne Jugges, In that cause, of þe pope, delegate, such Bitwene theme come ['Come bitwene' is a literal rendering of a Latin compound verb: 'talis inter eos intercessit compositio.'] bitwene the composicion, þat is to say, that þe chanons of Oseney all ryȝght þat in þe saide tithis þaye saide hem-selfe to haue, and thoo tithis, to þe chanons of Merton holy for Euer to be had, þay relesed, for þe goodenesse of pece, and quite-claymed, and that here-after, vppon ['super hoc, questionem eis non move|bunt.'] þat, question or playnte schall not meve, noþer greuaunce doo; And þe chanons of Merton to þe chanons of Oseney xij. d. euery ȝere schall paye, In þe ffest of Seynte Miȝghhell to be paide at Oseneye. And that this composicion, In tyme to Be, be sure and vnbroke, to þe oone halfe of þe charter þe which hauen the chanons of Oseneye was i-putte the seele of þe Couent of merton, and to þe other halfe þe which hauen þe chanons of Merton whas i-put þe Seele of þe Couent of Oseneye: Þese witnesses.


1225. Sale to Oseney, by Ralph of Melkys|ham, of a yard|land in Dunstew, with its messuage, and its privileges, to be held by yearly payment of a half|penny pair of gloves to the chief lord: purchase|money, £5.

KNOWE þey that Be nowe and to Be that I, Raph of Melkysham, for myne helth and of myne, ȝafe, grauntid, and with my present charter confermed I haue, to god and to þe church of Seynte marye of Oseney and to þe chanons þere seruyng god, j. ȝerde of londe In Dunstywe þe which was of þe Demayne of stephyn Runcyn, with a mese nexte to þe howse of Wymunde of Dunstywe, and with all oþer pertinences, þat is to say, þe ȝerde of londe the which Petur ['Petrus filius Stephani sacerdotis de Orton.'] , ffiȝt Stephyn (preste of Orton), for homage and my seruice, ȝafe to me and to my

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heyres or to whoome I wolde assyne, the which also londe with þe pertinences I Raph dischargid by assyse afore Sir Martyn Patessehull and oþer Justices of our lorde þe Kynge at oxon|forde agaynste þe foresaide petur soone of þe preste, Roger Runcyn, and Henry Ruffun, clerke: to be holde and to Be had, to the saide chanons for Euer, in-to ffree and perpetuell almes, well and In peece, worschipfully and holy, with the mese afore|saide, and all pertinences, In medes, pastures, weyes & patthis, with all fredoms, and fre customs, and all other thynges and places to þe foresaide londe [pertaining], & what-soo-Euer þyng of Ryȝght In þe same londe with the pertinences I had or myȝght [folio 43b] haue, withoute oonye withholdyng, paying ȝerely to þe fore|saide petur, and too his heyres, j. peyre of gloves of j. ob. at Estur, for all seculer seruice, exaccion, and Demaunde, sauyng foreyne ['salvo forinseco servicio.'] seruice. Vppon þe ȝeldyng of þe foresaide gloves the foresaide chanons I haue attorned to þe foresaide petur and to his heyres, and I and myne heyres þe saide londe with all thynges aforenamyd to þe saide chanons for Euer schall waran|tiȝe agaynste all pepull. And for þis ȝifte graunte confermyng and warantiȝyng þe forsaide chanons ȝafe to me, of þe charite of þere howse, a C. s. of sterlynges. And that þis my ȝifte [The first witness is Walter Foliott, sheriff of Oxfordshire (1225).] , et cetera.


1225. Confirma|tion to Oseney, by Peter of Shipton, as feudal superior, of no. 199, subject to the gloves quit-rent.

KNOWE þoo that Be present and to be þat I, petur of Shipton, þe soone ['filius Stephani sacerdotis de Orton.'] of stephyn preste of Orton, for myne helth and of myne, Sure and well had grauntid, & with my present charter confermed for Euer, to god and to þe church of Seynte marie of Oseney and to þe chanous þere seruyng god, þe ȝifte That to them made Raph of Melkysham of j. ȝerde of londe In Dunstywe, þe which was of þe Demayne of Stephyn Runcyn, with the mese mooste Nyȝeste to the howse of Wymunde of Dunstywe, and with all oþer pertinences, þe which londe with þe pertinences þe same Raph discharged by assise afore Martyn of Pateshull and oþer Justices of our lorde þe Kynge at oxon|forde agaynste me and Roger Runcyn ande Henry Reede clerke: to be holde and to be had, to þe same chanons for Euer, of me and of myne heyres, well and In pece, holy and worschipfully, with all the pertinences, In all thynges and places to þe same

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londe perteynyng, ȝeldyng þereof ȝerely to me and to myne heyres j. payre of gloves of j. ob. at Estur for alle seruice, exaccion, and Demaunde, sauyng foreyne seruice. Vppon þe ȝerely ȝeldyng of þe which gloves þe same Raph þe same chanons to me and to myne heyres attorned, as þe charter of þe same Raph þe which vppon that they hauen witnesseth. In-to witnesse [Among them: 'Simone Schorchebef, Iohanne filio sacerdotis de Hantona.'] , et cetera.


About 1230. Confirma|tion to Oseney, by Roger Runcyn, as feudal superior, of no. 199, and of Peter of Shipton's quit-claim of the gloves (named in 200), reserving to his manor only 'foreign service' (i.e. to the king).

KNOWE þoo that Be present and to be þat I, Roger Runcyn þe soone of Stephyne Runcyn, for myne helth of [Read 'and of.'] and myne, grauntid, and with this present charter confermed, to god and to þe church of Seynte marie of Oseney and to þe chanons þere seruyng god, þe ȝifte that to þem made Raph of Melkysham of j. ȝerde of londe In Dunstywe, the which whas of þe Demayne of þe same Sthephyn my fadur, with the mese nexte to þe howse of Wymunde of Dunstywe, and with all þe pertinences, whereof þay have a charter of þe foresaide Raph. I grauntid also, & with this present charter confermed, to þe foresaide chanons, þat relese and quite-clayme þe which made to þem petur of Shipton, þe soone of Sthephyn preste of Orton, of a ȝerely rente of a payre of Gloves of j. ob. at Estur þe which to hym to doo þey were i-woned ȝerely for the same ȝerde of londe, whereof they hauen a charter of þe same [folio 44a] Petur. I wille also and graunte, for me and for myne heyres for Euer, that þe foresaide chanons haue and holde þe foresaide ȝerde of londe, with all þe pertinences, & all liberteis and Esementes In the foresaide charter of þe foresaide Raph i-conteyned, In-to ffre and perpetuell almes, welle and In pece, ffrely and worschip|fully, with the foresaide relese and quite-clayme of þe foresaide petur, and quite fro all seculer seruice exaccion and Demaunde, sauyng foreyne seruice. And that this graunte, et cetera.


About 1260. Sale to Oseney, by Hugh of Tew, of his right in the site of a house, and ac|knowledge|ment of a right of way, as marked out by an inquisition of the hundred: Oseney paying 13s. 4d.

TO all men to þe which this presente writyng schall come, Hugh of Tywe helth. To ȝour all knowleche I wille hit come [me], for me and myne heyres for Euer, to haue i-relesed and quite-claymed, to þabbot and Couent of Oseney, all þe ryȝght and clayme that I had, or myȝght haue, In parte of an howse of Roger of Dunstywe, tenaunte of them, vppon my

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londe leuyd, and I wille and graunte for me and myne heyres that þe waye Bitwene þe londe of þe same Roger and my londe by ['iuxta.'] þe curtilage or gardeyne of hym be in þe same state in þe which it whas i-purueyed ['provisa fuit.'] by þe siȝght of lawfull men of þe hundrede In the tyme of theobalde of Bray, sum-tyme my keper ['quondam custodis mei.'] , when the hundrede whas þere i-callid to-gedur in the tyme of John of Worton ['de Wottona.'] baylyff of þe same hundrede, And þat, as ['sicut tunc limitacio facta fuit.'] þenne markyng whas i-sette by boundes i-sett by the foresaide lawfull men by [Read 'between': 'inter.'] the londe of þe same Roger and my londe by þe dwellyng of hym, Surely and vnmevabely [hit] be keped. And, for this relese and quite-clayme, ȝafe to me þe saide Abbot j. marke of siluer. And þat þat sure and vnbroke hit Abide, et cetera.


1442/3, Jan. 27. Grant by Oseney, to Merton priory, of a per|petual lease of Oseney rights in the tithe of the de|mesne|lands of Dunstew, at a quit-rent of £1 6s. 8d., Merton to discharge all burdens due by the tithe, with penalty of 13s. 4d. on each occasion of the quit|rent being in arrear.

TO all cristen men to þe which these presente letters Endentid schall come, Thomas, Abbot of Oseney of lincoln diocise, and John, prior of þe priory of Merton of Wynchester diocise, and of the same places couentes, helth In the Sauiour of all men and vndowtefull feith to þese presente writynges to ȝeve. Where, bitwene vs þe saide Abbot and Couent of Oseneye of þe oone partie, and þe foresaide prior and Couent of Merton proprietaries and persons of þe parisch church of Dunstywe of þe saide lincoln diocise to vs and to our priorye vnyed ['unite.'] and annexid and Incorporate of þe oone [Read 'other': 'ex parte altera.'] partie, by occasion and sake of a porcion of tithis of þe lordeschip and of þe Demayne londes of þe lordeschip of Dunstywe allias ['alias.'] tywe (withinne þe saide parisch of Dunstywe i-sette) comyng forth, grete dis|sencions and discordes were i-sprunge, we þe saide Abbot and Couente of Oseney affermyng ij. parties of þe tithis of þe fore|saide lordeschip to vs and to our monastery, bothe by þe strenght of an oolde ȝifte and graunte of þe foresaide tithis to vs and to our monastery aforesaide In þe fundacion of oolde tyme to be maade, and also of oolde & laudabile and lawfully prescripte custome, to haue i-conteyned [Read 'i-perteyned': 'pertinuisse.'] , to perteyne, and ['et pertinere debere in futurum.'] to perteyne

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to be dewe In tyme to Be; and to vs [For 'to us,' read 'we.' An ablative absolute is translated as if it had been dative.] aforesaide prior and couent of þe priory of Merton proprietaries and persons the foresaide In contrarie affirmyng þe porcion of þe foresaide tithis and þoo tithis to vs and to our priorye aforesaide by ryȝght and name of our parisch church aforesaide of Dunstywe to perteyne: At þe laste, we, þe foresaide [abbot] & prior [folio 44b] and Couentes aforesaide, stryves controuersies and discordes (as hit is i-put afore) bytwene vs i-sprunge and [i.e. and those which.] þe which (by þe occasion of þe fore-put þynges) myȝght fall or happe In tyme to be likely [Goes with 'myght': 'verisimiliter pos|sent euenire.'] to put awey willyng, after diuerse tretynges In þis parte i-had, owr ffrendes comyng Bitwene, couetyng to avoyde þe hurtes of stryves, of þe consent and wille of Reuerende ffadur In criste and of lorde Sir ['domini.'] william (chaddeworth [Omit 'Chnddeworth,' inserted in error and not in the Latin. William Alnwick, bishop 1436-49, is meant. John Ched|worth was bishop 1451-71.] ) by þe grace of god Bisshop of lincoln ordinarie of þe place, haue i-compownyd and haue i-acordid In-to this maner: þat is to saye, that we þe fore|saide Abbot and couent of þe foresaide monastery of Oseney, for vs and owr successours, all þe foresaide tithis in þe saide parisch of Dunstywe (how-so-Euer we haue i-had, haue, or scholde ofte to haue), and [i.e. and in consideration of those things which: 'et pro hiis qu[a]e.'] for them þe which to vs of þe foresaide prior and couent vndur been i-grauntid, to þe same prior and Couent and to þere successoures we ȝeve, relese, and (to [Omit 'to.'] ) þe same tithis to þe same prior and Couent & þere successours we graunte for Euer and conferme. And we, þe foresaide prior and Couent of þe priory of Merton, for þe porcion of þe tithis above-saide, ȝeve and graunte to þe foresaide Abbot and Couent of þe monas|tery of Oseney of [Read 'and.'] þere successours for Euer, a perpetuell rente or cense or ȝerely ['prestacionem annuam.'] graunte [of] xxvj.s, viij. d.: to be had and to be take of vs and of our successours (of þe saide church of Dunstywe, proprietarijs and persons), at Oseney aforesaide, In the ffest of all Seyntes Euery ȝere tyme ['in futurum.'] to be, And also all charges to þe saide tithis longyng we (prior and Couent afore|saide of Merton and our successours) schalle bere and schall vndergoo for Euer. And ouer, we graunte, for vs and our

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successours, that if hit happe þe foresaide rente, moneye, or preste ['prestacionem.'] after oony terme [when] (as hit is i-saide afore) hit ofte to be payde, withinne [i.e. by the space of: 'per.'] vj. monethis (and [Omit the bracketed words, inserted in error.] if hit) Be by-hynde vnpaied, or [we] þe forsaide charges and Eueriche to þe saide tithis longyng not to bere or to paye, þat þenne we (þe foresaide prior and Couent of Merton be i-holde to þe foresaide Abbot and couent of þe monastery of Oseney and to þere successours for euery lacke or Defawte of this maner of payment xiij. s. and iiij. d. for Euer. In-to witnesse, et cetera. The date xxvij. daye of þe moneth of Jenyvere ['Iunii,' in the Latin.] In the ȝere of our lorde MlCCCCmoxliijo, And In the ȝere of þe Reyne of Kyng Henry þe vj. after the conqueste xxjo.

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