The English register of Oseney abbey / by Oxford, written about 1460. Ed., with an introduction and indexes, by Andrew Clark.

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The English register of Oseney abbey / by Oxford, written about 1460. Ed., with an introduction and indexes, by Andrew Clark.
London :: Pub. for the Early English text society, by K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., ltd.,

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"The English register of Oseney abbey / by Oxford, written about 1460. Ed., with an introduction and indexes, by Andrew Clark." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


[XXIX. Of Little Tew]


About 1200? Grant to Oseney, by Robert (of Nevile) son of Jeffrey, of a messu|age, half his demesne|land, and half a hide and 3 yard|lands of land held in villeinage, back. with all privileges.

KNOWE all men Both present and to Be that I, Robart ffiȝt Geffrey, ȝafe & grauntid, and with my present

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charter confermed, to god and to þe church of Saynte marie of Oseney and to þe chanons þere seruyng god, half of my Demayne In litull Tywe, with all þe mese of my Demayne, and of v. ȝerdes of londe of vilenage (or of bonde-holde [Alternative rendering: 'terre de vile|nagio.'] ), þat is to say, dj. an hide the which Godwyn helde, and j. ȝerde þe which is i-callid the ȝerde of Salomon, and the ȝerde þe which William of Tackeley helde, & j. ȝerde þe which Richard of Saunforde helde: these londis I ȝafe and grauntid to the foresaide church, with my body that ['quod illuc devovi.'] thedur I wo[w]id, In-to free pure and perpetuell almes, with all thynges þe which to þe foresaide lon [folio 39b] dys per|teynen, bothe In mesis, and in Medes and ffedynges, In weyes and patthis, and In waters, and in all other thynges & places: to Be i-holde, of me and of myne heyres, ffrely & quietely fro all seruyce, Sauyng þe Kynges seruice: þese witnessis, et cetera.


About 1250? Confirma|tion to Oseney, by Alan son of Matthew of Rumeley, as feudal superior, of nos. 181 and 183, with re|nunciation of feudal rights (ex|cept scut|age), Oseney pay|ing him £3 6s. 8d.

KNOWE þey that ben now and to Be that I, Aleyne of Eston, þe soone of mathew of Rumeley, for my helth & of myne, haue i-grauntid and with this my present charter haue i-confermed, for me and my heyres for Euer, to god and to þe church of Saynte mary of Oseneye and to þe chanons þere seruyng god, þe ȝifte that Robert ffiȝt Gaufride maade to þem of all his londe [MS. has 'bonde,' by a slip.] In litull tywe, with all his pertinences, Bothe of þe Demayne & of þe villenage (or bondage), In-to ffre and per|petuell almes, sauyng þe Kynges seruice, as the charter of þe foresaide Robert þe which þe same chanons haue witnesseth. I haue i-grauntid also for me and myne heyres for Euer to þe foresaide church & chanons þat [they] the same londe, with all his pertinences, haue and holde, well and in pece, hooly & ffrely, quite of Relefs and all exaccions and Demaundes, Sutes, & all thynges þe which may be axid of þe londe, Sauyng þe Kynges seruice. And I Aleyne and my heyres þe forsaide londe, with all his pertinences, and with all þe foresaide thynges, to þe myndyd church and chanons for Euer schall warantiȝe agaynste all pepull: and for this graunte confirmacion and warantiȝyng þe saide chanons ȝafe to me vque. marke [i.e. 'quinque marke': cp. 148/21.] of Siluer. In-to witnesse of þe which, et cetera.

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About 1200? Grant to Oseney, by Robert (of Nevile) son of Jeffrey, of land bought for £26 13s. 4d. viz. three hides and feudal superiority over half a hide, with all privileges, to be held by service of one knight.

BE hit i-knowe both to þem þat Be nowe and to Be that I, Robert ffiȝt Gaufride, ȝafe and grauntid, and with my present charter confermed, to god and to þe church of Saynte marie of Oseneye & to þe chanons þere seruyng god, In-to pure and perpetuell almes, all my londe in litull Tywe, þe which londe I Bowȝght of Aleyn ffiȝt Gaufride my Broþer for xl. marke of siluer, that is to say, thre hides (with ['cum toto dominio;' meaning that the three hides were in hand (as demesne|land), and not leased out as freehold or otherwise.] all þe lordeschip), and seruice ['servicium,' in accusative, going back to 'hydas.'] of dj. an hide the which Raph ffiȝt Henry helde with his pertinences (that is to say, vj. d. and foreyne ['forense servitium.'] seruice). This londe, with his pertinences, I ȝafe and grauntid, for my helth and of myne & for the sowles of my ffadur and modur and of Aleyne my Broþer and of alle my kynnesfolkes, to þe foresaide church & to þe foresaide chanons, as ['sicuti empcionem meam.'] my Bying: to be holde, ffrely, quietely, hooly, and worschipfully, with medes and pas|tures, In weyes and patthis, with all ffredoms and ffree Customs to þe same londe perteynyng By seruice of j. knyȝght to Be doo to Mathewe ffiȝt Aleyne my Broþer & to his Eyres. Þese witnesse, et cetera.


About 1200? Confirma|tion to Oseney, by Matthew of Rumeley, as feudal superior, of nos. 181 and 183.

KNOWE all men Bothe present and to Be that I, Mathew of Rumeley, þe soone of Adam of Eston, grauntid, and with my present charter confermyd, to god and to þe church of Saynte marie of Oseney and to þe chanons þere seruyng god, for my helth and of myne & for the sowles of all my aunceturs, þat ȝifte þe which Robert þe soone of Geffrey my heine ['patruus meus.'] maade to þem of all his londe In litull tywe, with all his pertinences, Bothe of þe Demayne and of þe vilenage, In-to perpetuell almes, sauyng þe seruice of owr lorde Kyng, as þe charter of þe foresaide Robert witnessith.

[185.] A charter of þe Kyng of þe same londe and of other in the same towne [folio 40a] Bitwene vs and Gilberte of Hide.

1211, Oct. Confirma|tion to Oseney, by Gilbert of Hide, nephew of Robert of Nevile the donor, of no. 181, and of no. 183, Oseney paying him £6 13s. 4d.

ÞIS is A finall acorde In the Courte of owre lorde þe Kyng at Westmynster, fro þe Daye of Saynte Miȝghell In-to xv. daies,

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of þe Rayne of Kyng John þe xiijo, afore þe Kyng hym-selfe, Symon of pateshull, Jamys of poterne, Henry of pounte alde|mare, Robert of Aumare, Roger Huscarle, Justices, and oþer true men of owre lorde þe Kynge þenne þere present; Bitwene Gilbert of Hide, axer, and clement, Abbot of Oseneye, holder, By Roger, chanon, i-sett in his stede to wynne or to lese: of vj. ȝerdes of londe, and j. mese, with þe pertinences, In litull tywe: whereof hit was i-pletid Bitwene them, In the same Courte: that is to say, þe same aforesaide Gilbert relesid and quite-claymed, of hym-selfe and of his heyres, to þe forsaide Abbot and to his successours & to þe church of seynt Marie of Oseney, all þe Ryȝght and clayme that he had In the forsaide vj. ȝerdes, and the foresaide mese, with þe pertinences, for Euer. And ffurþermore the same Gilberte relesid and quite-claymed, of hym-selfe and of his Eyres, to þe same Abbot and to his suc|cessours, all þe right and clayme þat he had or myȝght haue In viij. ȝerdes [of land], with þe pertinences, the which Robert of Neuile, þe huncle of the same Gilberte, ȝafe to þe church of Saynte marie of Oseney In-to pure and perpetuell almes. And for this relese, and quite-clayme, fyne, and acorde, þe forsaide Abbot ȝafe to þe same Gilberte xcem marke [i.e. 'decem,' retaining the Latin.] of Siluer, et cetera.


1217. Decision of a suit be|tween Ose|ney and the rector of Great Tew, by papal commis|sioners, appointed 1216, Aug. 3, about pay|ment of small tithes at Little Tew, from which Oseney claimed exemption, and obtained it, on condi|tion of pay|ing 4s. yearly to Great Tew church.

TO all soones of owr holy modur the Church to þe which this present writyng schall come, Hugh ['H.' incorrectly EXPANed by the trans|lator. Henry Blount, abbot of Gloucester, 1212-24.] , By the grace of god Abbas of glowcetur [In MS. 'writynge shall come' follows, by dittography.] , G. prior of lantone; and M. [Maurice of Arundel, 1210-45.] Archedecun of Glowcetur, Euerlastyng helth In owr lorde. To all ȝowr knowlege we wulle hit come, we the maundement of owr lorde þe pope Honorye the iij. to haue i-take, In-to these wordes:—

Honorye, bisshop, seruaunte of seruauntes of god, to ȝowr [Read 'owr.'] i-loved soones thabbot of Glowcetur & prior of lantone and Arche|decun of glowcetur, of þe Diocise of Wircetur, helth & thaposteles blessyng. Owr Beloued Soones thabbot and Couent of Oseneye have Greuously i-playned to vs that owr worschipfull Broþer þe Bisshop of Couentre and summe prelates of churchis and mony oþer clerkes and lay-men of lincoln and Wircetur Diocise,

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vppon these thynges they [Read 'that': 'qu[a]e.'] been i-ȝeve to þere monasterie By the weye of charite, þem and the same monasterie (agaynste þe priueleges of þe pope, and pardons, and ffredoms i-ȝeve of goode Deuocion of cristen men) grevyn mony-foldely and trowblyn. Whereof þay prayd vs mekely, þat to þem In such maner þynges we prouidyng, wolde whochesafe to þe same monasterie, vppon þes thynges þe which of þere goodes Ben alienyd vnlawfully and Distracte, by þe Benefete of Reuokyng to succurre. Wherefore to ȝowr Discrecion, By thaposteles writyng, [we] charge þat ȝe, not suffryng the Abbot and Couent aforesaide to Be greued agaynste þe tenour of þe pardouns and oþer fredoms of þem, þoo thynges, þe which of þe goodys of þe monasterie ȝe fynde i-alienyd In-to there hurt, or with-Drawe, ȝe labour [The English is dark because verbally following the Latin: 'studeatis ad ius et proprietatem ipsius [monasterii] legitime revocare.'] to ryȝght, and propurte of þem lawfully to reuoke, grevowres and vndewe aȝene-saiers by streitnesse which is con|uenient ȝe compellyng (Appellyng i-put A-Backe). And ȝif ȝe all may not Be at þese thynges [folio 40b] to Be Executid, tweyne of ȝow naþelesse execute þem. Þe date at peruse þe iijo non. of Auguste, In þe ffirst ȝere of oure Bisshophoode.

Þerefore, By the auctorite of this maundement, þabbot and Couent standyng In owre presence By þere procuratour of þe oone partie, and W. person of þe church of More tywe (Also By A procuratour) of þe oþer, In whos procusies ['in quorum procuratoriis.'] whas i-con|teyned that þabbot and Couent of Oseney and þe foresaide person where to haue rate and sure what-so-Euer thyng þere procuratours wholde doo afore vs, or ['siue confitendo, siue cedendo, siue liti|gando, siue componendo.'] In knowlegyng, or In ȝevyngvppe, or In stryuyng, or In compownyng; þe procuratour of thabbot and Couent of Oseney purposid ['proposuit.'] agaynste þe pro|curatour of þe foresaide W. þat þe same W. whas ['nitebatur extorquere.'] Abowte to take Aweye fro þem vnryȝghtfully the smale tithis [of ['de nutrimentis animalium suorum.'] the nourishing] of þere Bestes at litull Tywe Abidyng, Where that ['where that' = whereas, when: 'cum.'] (By þe auctorite of here priuileges of the pope i-ȝeye to þem) fro þe ȝevyng of small tithis þey ofte to Be not partyng ['not partyng' is intended to render 'immunes.'] . This [Read 'The.']

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which priuileges i-schewed afore vs, and of þe procuratour of þe saide W. i-say ['inspectis et intellectis.'] and vndurstande, þe same procuratour afore vs knowlegid hym-selfe noþyng to ['scire vel posse, de iure.'] knowe or to mowe of ryȝght to þe saide priueleges to Obiecte, or oony þyng to purpose, But þat thabbot and Couent aforesaide, after þe tenour of þe fore|saide priuileges, fro þe ȝevyng of þe smale tithis ofte to Be Dischargid or immune. Þerfore whe, with þe consaile of wise men sittyng with vs, syth to ryȝht disposicions noþyng of tarying ofte to Be browȝght, what ['cum.'] of þe Intencion of thabbot and of þe Couent of Oseney, what ['tum.'] By confession of þe pro|curatour of þe saide W., what ['tum.'] By the seyng of þe same priuileges, hit was i-schewid Euidently, þabbot and Couent aforesaide fro þe Axyng of þe saide W. vppon þe ȝevyng of þe smale [tithes] we wille þem to Be assoyled, puttyng silence to þe same W., sentencially Decreyng thabbot and Couent afore|saide to Be immune (or partles [Alternative rendering of 'immune.'] ) fro þe ȝeuyng of þe foresaidesmale tithis. And þe mynded Abbot and Couent, with goode-wille and of grace, to þe church of more Tywe, as longe as litull Tywe þay In þere hande helde, iiij. s. ȝerely, In the ffest of pentecost Euery ȝere at þe foresaide church to be i-payde, þey grauntid. And (at [Omit 'at.' 'Laste' = lest: 'ne. . .'] ) laste By lengh of tyme, or By malice of men, to be denyed or to be broke or also ['etiam.'] in Dowte hit may be callid, þoo þynges, þe which in owre presence Be doo by the auctorite of owr holy ffadur and lorde pope, In-to perpetuell memorye in|to this present writyng we haue i-turned, and the same with þe puttyng to of owr seelys we haue i-strenghtidh. Thes wit|nessis, et cetera.


About 1260. Grant to Oseney, by Robert Brock of a messu|age and curtilage, subject to 4d. quit|rent, and of 3½ acres in North field, and 3½ in South field, with rights of pasture.

KNOWE þoo that Be present and to be þat I, Robert Brock, ȝafe, grauntid, and with my present charter confermed, to god and to þe church of Seynte Marye of Oseney and to Richard [Richard of Apletre, abbot 1254-68.] Abbot and to þe chanons þere seruyng god, A mese with þe Curtilage In litull Tywe, with all his pertinences, þat is Vndur my gardyn of þe Northe parte: to be holde and to Be had, to þe saide church and chanons and to here successours, in|to

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free and perpetuell almes, ȝeldyng þerof ȝerely to me & to my heyres iiij. d. at Estur for all thynges þe which of þe londe or for þe londe may or schall mowe to be axid for Euer. Also I have i-ȝevyd to þe saide church and chanons & to þere succes|sours, In-to pure and perpetuell almes, seven acris of my Arable londe In þe feldes of litull Tywe, with ffre Commune, and ffre Entryng & goyng owt, þorowgh [folio 41a] all my londes of litull Tywe: of þe which j. acre lieth In the Northefelde At White Otehulle by þe londe þe which was of William Tackle, And j. acre lieth At depecathalle [Depe Kathole.] By the londe of þe prior of Cogges, And j. lieth At litull slade, And j. dj.-acre lieth at Ha[n]gyndelonde by þe londe of þe prior of Coges; And In þe sowthfelde, j. acre lieth In Brode slade by þe londe of þabbot of Oseney, And j. acre lieth In Coppede More By the londe of Roger Belamy, And j. acre lieth at Shendegifte stamdelf [Shendegiste Stanidelf.] , & dj. acre lieth in shorte londe.

And I, Robert, and my heyres or myne assynes, þe saide mese, with þe Curtilage, and with all liberteis and ffree customs, by the foresaide seruice of iiij. d. ȝerely, & [Omit '&.' It occurs also in the Latin.] þe foresaide vij. acris, with þere pertinences, and ffre commune and ffre Entre and goyng-owte, as hit is i-saide afore, to þe foresaide church & chanons and to þere successours, agaynste all cristen men and Juys schall warantiȝe, and of all maner Sutes of Courte, helpis, tallages, scutages, exaccions, & demaundys, schall Aquite and Defende for Euer. And þat this my ȝifte, graunte, and con|firmacion, et cetera.


1268, June 11. Agreement (cp. no. 193) between Oseney, with other freeholders of Little Tew, and the lord of Great Tew manor (who had, (a) contrary to manorial rotation, put lands into inhook and cropped them, and (b) excluded Oseney and the others from com|mon pas|ture on cer|tain fallow lands), that Oseney and the others shall have their pas|ture-rights undis|turbed, they allow|ing him to gather most of this year's crop from the lands in question.

IN þe ȝere of our lorde Kyng Henry þe sone of Kyng John lijo, In the daye of Saynte Barnabe thapostle, was þis couenaunt i-made, Bitwene ffrere William Abbot of Oseney and þe prior of Coges and Dame Katerine louell and Robert Broc lordes of þe towne of litull Tywe and oþer ffre tenauntes of þe same towne of þe oone party, and John of pratell lorde of more tywe of þe oþer, þat is to say, whenne þe saide John had i-sowe and In-hokam [i.e. fenced it with hurdles to protect the crop: 'inhokam fecisset de quadam cultura.'] had i-doo of his telth þe which Is i-callid Costowe agaynste þe will of þe saide Abbot and of oþer afore|namyd,

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and ['et insuper in defensum posuisset.'] ouermore In-to forbedyng had i-put þe commune pasture of all [the] warecte or leylonde Bitwene þe wey þe which Is i-callid Wodewey and litull Tywe, þe which commune þe aide Abbot, and þe fornamyd, claymed of olde to Be his ryȝght for certeyne seruice þat to þe same John and to oþer certeyne lordys of þe same towne By [Read 'by their custumaries yearly they do': 'annuatim per custumarios suos faciunt.'] þe custumarijs doon: At þe last, it was A-cordid bitwene [them] in this forme, þat þe saide John grauntid, for hym-selfe and his heyres, þat the saide Abbot and oþer lordis aforenamyd haue commune pasture In þe forsaide places & telthes, as þey were i-woned and ['et debent.'] often. And he agayne [Renders 'recognovit.'] knowlechid hit ['illam,' i.e. common pasture in the stubble and fallow.] to be þe Abbotes ryȝght and of oþer lordes aforenamed & of þer men, al so ofte a[s] fro þe saide telthis corn is i-Borne awey and þe londe Be not i-sowe. And he Bunde hym-selfe and his heyres for Euer, By his ffeitht and þis present writyng, þat he neuer of þe saide pasture schall sowe no-þyng, noþer In-hokam schall doo, In|to preiudice of þe saide Abbot and of oþer lordis afore-named, But of þe consent of þe parties, or By Juggement of þe Kynges Courte. And, for þe [Read 'þis.'] recognicion and graunte, (of [Omit 'of.'] ) þe saide Abbot and oþer lordes aforenamed; after a parte of þe saide telth i-sowe By þere Beestes [they] haue ['paverunt.'] i-fedde, of þere grace haue i-suffrid þat þe saide John the vestiture (or grasse ['vestituram eiusdem culture qu[a]e remansit:' i.e. the standing crop.] ) of þe same telthe þe which Abode, withoute þere lette, In this ȝere alone may gadur & haue, so naþelese that þis grace to þe same here-after Be not i-turned In-to preiudice & greuaunce. And that this conuencion, recognicion, and graunte, Be sure & stabull for Euer, And [Read 'the.'] partijs to this writyng In-to the maner of A Charter i-maade to Euerich wordes [Read 'other.'] þay haue i-put to þere seales: Þese witnessis, et cetera.


About 1270. Grant to Oseney, by Kathe|rine Lovell, of a yard|land, with its messu|age and meadow, paying quit-rent of 5d. to the chief lords.

KNOWE þoo that Been nowe present and to Be þat I, Katerine Lovuell, for þe helth of my sowle and of my aunceturs, In free widewhoode and my lavfull power, ȝafe, and

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grauntid, ande [folio 41b] with þis my charter confermed, to god and to þe church of seynte marie of Oseney and to William [William of Sutton, abbot 1268-84.] , Abbot, and to þe chanons þere seruyng god, j. ȝerde of londe with A mese, with medes, & with his oþer pertinences, In litull Tywe þe which I had of Robert ffiȝt Robert of Brocke and of Richard of Sandeforde: to be holde and to Be had, of me and of my heyres, In-to pure and perpetuell almes, al so muche as longeth to me and to myne heyres, ȝeldyng þerof ȝerely to Robert of Brock and to his heyres v. d. at cristmasse for all thynges þe which of þe londe or for þe londe maye or schall mowe to Be axid for Euer. And I Katerine and my heyres þe saide ȝerde|londe, with þe mese and oþer pertinences, to þe forsaide Abbot and chanons, as pure and owr perpetuell almes, agaynste all pepull schalle warantiȝe aquite and Defende. And that this my ȝifte, et cetera.


About 1270. Confirma|tion to Oseney, by Robert of Brock, as feudal superior, of no. 189, subject to 5d. quit|rent to his manor.

KNOWE all men that I, Robert fiȝt Robert of Brock, grauntid, and with this present charter confermed, to god and to þe church of Seynte Marie of Oseney and to þe chanons þere seruyng god, j. ȝerde of londe, with A mese, medes, and oþer pertinences, þe which þey have of þe ȝifte of Dame Katerine louelle In litull Tywe: to Be had ande to Be holde, of me and of my heyres, to þe saide chanons for Euer, ȝeldyng þerof ȝerely to me and to my heyres v. d. at cristmasse for all thynges þe which, of þe londe, or for þe londe, maye or schall mowe to Be axid ffor Euer. And I Robert and my heyres þe saide ȝerde of londe, þe which Richard of Sanforde sumtyme helde, with mese, medys, and oþer pertinences, to þe forsaide chanons, agaynste all cristen men and Juys, By þe foresaide seruice, schall warantiȝe aquite and Defende for Euer, et cetera.


About 1275. Grant to Oseney, by Robert of Brock, of the quit|rent reserved in 189, 190.

KNOWE ȝe that Be present and to Be þat I, Robert of Brocke, ȝafe, grauntid, and with my present charter con|fermyd, to god and to þe church of seynte marie of Oseney and to þe chanons þere seruyng god, v. d. of ȝerely rent, þe which to me þay were i-woned to ȝelde for þat ȝerde of londe, the which Richard of Sanford sumtyme helde In þe towne of litull Tywe: to be had and to Be holde, to þe saide church and

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chanons, In-to pure and perpetuell almes. And I Robert and myne heyres or assynes þe saide ȝerely v. d. to þe foresaide church and chanons agaynste all cristen men and Juys schall warantiȝe aquite & defende for Euer as our perpetuell almys, et cetera.


About 1275. Grant to Oseney, by Robert of Brock, of a messu|age and croft, and a yard|land with its meadow, along with its bond|widow tenant and her children.

KNOWE þoo that Be present and to Be that I, Robert sone and heyre of Robert Brocke [Roberti de Broke.] , ȝafe, grauntid, and with this my present charter confermed, to god and to þe church of Saynte marie of Oseney and to William, Abbot, and to þe chanons þere seruyng god, that mese, with þe Crofte and oþer pertinences, that Alice relicte of William pateshull sumtyme of me helde In litull Tywe, And j. ȝerde of londe Euery ȝere to Be sowe, with medys, and oþer pertinences, þe which þe saide Alice of me helde In the feldys of litull Tywe, And to þe þynges ['Ad h[a]ec.'] , I ȝafe and haue i-grauntid to þe forsaide Abbot and Couent þe saide Aliȝ sumtyme my Natife, And Roger and Robert and Aliȝ childron of þe saide Aliȝ, with catall and sequelis of þem, and all thyng that In þe foresaide tenementes, natyfs, sequelis, or þere catall, I had or myȝght haue, withoute oony withhol [folio 42a] dyng agayne to me or to myne heyres or assynes: to Be holde and to be had, to þe foresaide church and to þe chanons, of me and of myne heyres or myne assynes, In-to pure and perpetuell almes. And I Robert and myne heyres or Assynes all Above-saide thynges to þe foresaide church and chanons agaynste all cristen men and Juys schall warantiȝe aquite & Defende as owr pure & perpetuell almes. And that this my ȝifte, et cetera.


1288, June 5. Agreement (cp. no. 188) between Oseney, with other freeholders of Little Tew, and the lord of Great Tew manor and the rector of Great Tew (who had unright|fully put certain lands into inhook, and had ex|cluded Oseney, &c. from pas|ture-rights on certain fallow), that, im|mediately after the corn is re|moved, Ose|ney and the others may pasture in the stubble till the winter|sowing, or till the spring-sow|ing, as the case may be; and that Oseney (with the others) shall be un|disturbed in their pasture|rights under penalty of £10; and that Oseney, &c. may pas|ture this year on the enclosed land; and that Great Tew manor pay £6 13s. 4d. as fine for unlawful enclosure, Oseney (after put|ting in cattle to vindicate their right to pasture the whole) allowing the crop to be gathered.

IN the ȝere of þe Reyne of Kyng Edwarde þe sone of Kyng Henry þe xvj., daye of þe Saturday nexte afore þe feste of saynte Barnabe thapostle, was i-made þis couenaunt, Bitwene ffrere Roger, Abbot of Oseney, and þe prior of Coges and John Broke, lordes of þe towne of litull Tywe, and oþer ffree-holders of þe same towne, of þe oone parte, and John of pratell (& [Omit '&.'] ) lorde of þe more tywe and Stephan of pratell and John þenne seruaunte of þe person of þe same of þe oþer [parte], that is to say, whenne þe saide John, stephen, and John, had i-sowe and In-hoke had i-doo of a telthe the which Is i-called Costowe agaynste þe wille

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of þe saide Abbot and of oþer lordes aforenamed; & furþermore, In-to fforbedyng had put þe commune of all þe (pasture [Omit 'pasture.'] ) warecte or leylonde Bitwene [MS. repeats 'bitwene.'] þe waye þe which Is i-callid Wodewey and litull Tywe, the [which] commune þe saide Abbot and þe fornamed claymed of olde to Be þe[re] right: At þe last, hit whas acordid Bitwene them in this forme, þat þe saide John and oþer grauntid, for þem and þere heyres and assynes, þat þe saide Abbot and oþer lordes aforenamyd haue comune pasture In þe forsaide places and telth as þey were i-wonyd to haue,

[that [Added from the Latin.] is to say] that oone ȝere þey Be sowe, and after þe corne In the saide telthis i-gederyd to-gedur ['post bladum . . .adunatum.'] , In the same ȝere þey Entre with all þere Bestes, to fede vn-to þe tyme of wyntur seede (and [Omit 'and.'] ) in oþer ȝere [The pasture, in one case, would be from Michaelmas to October next; in the other, from Michaelmas to March.] folowyng, if with lente [Read 'winter': 'si semine hiemali debeant seminari.'] seede hit ofte to Be sowed; or vn-to þe tyme ['tempus seminis quadragesimalis.' In Essex, the terms 'Lent seed,' 'Lent sow|ing,' though still remembered by country people, are no longer in actual use.] of lente sede of þe seyde ȝere folowyng, if with lente sede þey ofte to Be sowe: so, þat is to say, that By [Read 'after': 'post seminationem.'] the sowyng, mowyng of corne, gadryng or heepyng to-gedur of þe same noo gile Be doo, so [i.e. to prevent the commoners from having: 'quin . . . habeant.'] þat foresaide comuners haue þere forsaide commune In conueniente tyme: and hit [is] to Be knowe, þat þe saide telthes In oone ȝere schall Be sowe and In A-noþer ȝere lye leye.

And they maade a knowlege (þat is to say, þe forsaide John, Stephen, and John) þe foresaide commune to Be ryȝght of þe saide Abbot and of oþer lordes aforenamyd and of þere men whenne-so-Euer In the saide telthis þe corne Be i-gaderyd In the forme aforesaide, And they haue i-Bownde þem-selfe and þere heyres and assynes, By goode ffeith & By this present writyng, þat neuer of þe saide pasture they schall [Omit 'schall.'] oony thyng schall sowe, noþer in-hoke schall Doo, agaynste þe forme afore|saide; & if þay doo, þey graunte, for þem-selfe, and for here heyres and assynes, that þey schall pay to þe saide Abbot and to oþer lordes Above-saide of litull Tywe x. li. of sterlynges for

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þe transgression or lette ['seu impedimento.'] of þe commune aforesaide; And ouermore, hit schall Be lawfull to þe saide Abbot, and to oþer lordes of litull Tywe, and to þere men, þe saide pasture or In-hoke, In the ȝere of þe makyng of this presente writyng, with all þere Bestes to Entre and pesibly to fede; And, for In|hokam in the ȝere of þe makyng of this present writyng vn|ryȝghtfully i-doo, þe saide John [folio 42b] of pratell for hym-selfe, frely [Read 'his free tenants': 'libere tenen|tibus.'] , and his custumarijs, he pleggid ['vadiavit.'] to þe saide Abbot x. marke of sterlynges, puttyng hym-selfe þere-of In the Abbotes grace, and to Be payde at litull Tywe at þe nexte Estur aftyr þe makyng of this writyng, and þere-of he ffounde plegge, þat is to say, Robert le Eyre thenne Baylyff of Wodestoke, Edmunde of þe parke of þe same, Robert of Tackle; and for þe recognicion and graunte, þe saide Abbot and oþer of litull tywe aforenamed, after a parte of þe saide pasture, or In-hoke vnryȝghtfully i-doo, by here Bestes were i-fedde, of the[ir] grace suffrid, þat þe saide John of pratell, and his aforesaide, þe vestiture of þe saide In|hoke the which abode, withoute lette, allonly In the ȝere of þe makyng of this writyng myȝght gedur and Bere awey, so naþeles þat þat grace to þe saide Abbot and to oþere i-named after [Read 'afore': 'prenominatis.'] Be not i-turned In-to preiudice and greffe. In-to witnysse of this thyng, parties to þis writyng In-to þe maner of A charter i-made to euerich oþere here seeles haue i-putt: These witnesses Sir John fiȝt Nygell þe ȝunger, John Gyffarde þe ȝunger, Knyȝghtes, Robert le Eyre þenne Baylyffe of Wodestoke, William of Seynt Ewenne, Walter of Tackle, Edmunde of þe parke of Wodestoke, John leye, and oþer.


About 1280. Confirma|tion to Oseney, by John of Brock, of his father's grants (as in nos. 187, 190-2), to be held by quit|rent of 4d., which he will pay back as rent for the site of a dove-house.

TO all cristen men to þe which this present writyng schall come, John of Broc, of litull Tywe, helth in owr lorde. Knowe ȝe all me to haue i-grauntid and with myne present charter confermed [Omit 'confermed.'] to haue i-confermed, for me and my heyres for Euer, to god and to þe church of Seynte marie of Oseney and to þe chanons þere seruyng god, þe ȝiftes and grauntes þe which to þem made By his charters Robert Broc my ffadur and all my predecessoures, of londes and rentes, with here per|tinences,

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þe which þey holden of my ffee In litull Tywe, þat þey holde ande haue þem, quietly holy ffrely and pesibly, paying ȝerely to me and to my Eyres or to myne assynes iiij. d. at Estur for all thynges þe which, for þe lond, or of þe londe, may Be axid or schall mowe to Be axid for Euer, þe which iiij. d. I schall aȝene paye In the same daye and terme for A place vppon þe which A Culuerhowse is i-fundid [in [Added from the Latin.] my court]. And I John of Broc and my heyres or myne assines þe forsaide londes and rentes, with all þere pertinences, agaynste all cristen men and Jues schall warantiȝe Aquite and Defende and that this graunte et cetera.

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