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This volume was originally published in print. Thanks to the generous support of the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, we have been able to make content from these volumes available online. Please note that we are only able to post full versions of articles by authors who have given their explicit permission for their work to be posted online. In other cases, we reproduce only the opening paragraph in lieu of an abstract. Authors who wish to give permission for their work to be posted online are requested to contact the editor ( We thank Michigan Publishing for their support in the digitization process.

Title Author(s) Downloads
On Manchu Medical Manuscripts and Blockprints: An Essay and Bibliographic Survey Hanson, Marta E. PDF (2.5mb)
A Trilingual Edict of 1643 Toh, Hoong Teik
On the Cultural Aspects in the Studies and Teaching of Manchu Language Aping, Zhao; Mengxiu, Guo
Review of Manchu, A Descriptive Grammar, by Lidia Gorelova Schwarz, Kenji
Giovanni Stary, Manchu Studies, An International Bibliography Wadley, Stephen
Irina Nikolaeva, Elena Perekhvalskaya and Maria Tolskaya, Udeghe (Udihe) Folk Tales Wadley, Stephen